Smoked Snack Sticks Recipe

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welcome to mid-south flavor I'm J today we're gonna make some homemade snack sticks if you enjoy cooking grilling or pretty much anything food-related then start off by hitting that subscribe button when you do tap the little bell icon next to it that way you won't miss anything today I'm going to use my pellet smoker to make some smoked snack sticks at least that's what I call them some people call them jerky sticks but we're gonna make some homemade snack sticks today let's start off inside and I'll show you how we mix these up what we use to start off I'm using seven pounds of 80/20 ground beef I'm just breaking it up trying to mix it up pretty good also using the Austral brand jerky seasoning use any brains you'd like just make sure and read the instructions that way you know you're using the right amount I'm also using some brown sugar for this I use about half of the amount of brown sugar as they use seasoning so you have a cup of seasoning use a half a cup of brown sugar and I like to mix it all together very well before I mix it in with the meat now I take my seasoning brown sugar mix pour a little bit of it in and then get my hands in there and try to get it mixed up as well as I can just kind of coat it around then I take a little bit more seasoning I'll pour a little more seasoning in there and go back to mixing again I'll do this a little bit at a time and it seems to blend better for me once you have it all mixed well you'll see the color changes quite a bit and then you're pretty much ready from here to make jerky out of this stuff or if you do this late you can do like I did and load it up into a ziploc bag put it in the refrigerator overnight and then make the turkey the next day it doesn't hurt leaving it in the frigerator actually just kind of maybe adds a little bit more flavor to it I'm also using a LEM jerky cannon highly recommend this thing of course I'll leave a link to the products down into the and below but you just unscrew this and then you just fill the tube with the ground beef that you're using and do a better job than I did make sure and kind of poke it down in there as far as you can to get the air out of it screw it back in and then you just use the handle squeeze some air out of it this thing works pretty much just like a caulking gun so it's really easy to use take your jerky racks and start squeezing this ground beef mixture out it does have different tips for this jerky cannon but this is the little tube tip that I like to usually snack sticks these are great jerky racks by the way once you have them all loaded up you're pretty much ready to go to the smoker with it today I'm using a Camp Chef woodwind pellet grill I just stack all the trays up put them over onto my smoker and then I'll kind of push them back a little bit make sure I have clamps for the door to shut and these will be great I'm sifting my pellets to keep from some of this little pellet dust from clogging up my machine I'm also using a cherry and pecan blend of pellets for this I'm smoking it on the low smoke setting kind of keeps the temperature somewhere around 150 260 degrees and it gives a lot of smoke as you can see here in this picture this is after about a couple hours of smoking speaking of a couple hours every couple hours I take the trace off of the smoker and I rotate them a little bit I usually take the top tray off put it on the bottom of smoker take the rest of the trays stack them up and I do this about every couple hours close the lid and we're ready to smoke some more [Music] okay now it's time to pull these off of the smoker I'll shut the smoker off and I'll let them cool on the smoker so we're gonna pull the racks now off of the smoker and I'll show you what we ended up with and here we have it we have our trays of our snack sticks they look good they smell good so so yeah these look pretty good as you can see these are pretty long normally what we do is we cut these in half and then we put them in a vacuum sealer if you haven't seen the video you can click this link up here and show you the vacuum sealer that I use but a side note you want to cut the ends off first because these ends are kind of sharp when they dry they get kind of sharp so I cut off the ends and then cut them in half and then put them in the vacuum sealer you don't cut off the sharp ends the vacuum sealer just get a hole punched in the bag and it'll lose the seal but instead of selling this one up I'm gonna taste this I'll let you don't want to think about it I love the taste of these has just enough for that brown sugar to give us some sweetness I didn't put any extra pepper you can spice these up if you want to putting some black pepper some cayenne pepper or crushed red pepper on these but these are done just with the mix the way it was it still has just a little bit of spice mainly just a flavor to it and then the the wood pellets that I used done great as always so yeah these are delicious so I say these are when I let these drop for seven hours depending on your smoker or your dehydrator at the time they vary so be sure and watch it especially the first time that you make these you want to make sure that you don't go to dry if you wanted them a little bit more dried and of course you could let it go longer but I would say these turned out pretty good the more that they set they will dry up a little bit more but yeah I think these turned out really well at seven hours remember to check the description below this video I'll list all of the items that I can that I used the jerky gun these racks I'll try to list all of those in the description so if you're interested you can check them out yourself leave me a comment down below let me know have you ever made your own jerky or do you make these snack sticks like this thanks for liking commenting and subscribing and remember on the grill or in the kitchen here in the mid-south we do flavor
Channel: Mid-South Flavor
Views: 278,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoked snack sticks recipe, smoked snack sticks, snack sticks recipe, how to make smoked snack sticks, snack sticks, snack sticks in smoker, snack sticks on pellet grill, snack sticks with a jerky gun, how to make snack sticks, how to smoke snack sticks, jerky cannon snack sticks, jerky stick recipe, jerky sticks, jay malone, jerky cannon, jerky rack, jerky rack for pellet grill, jerky racks for pellet grill, lem jerky cannon, lem jerky cannon recipes, midsouth flavor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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