How To Make BBQ Grilled Chicken - Grilled Roadside Chicken Recipe - Weber Grill

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hey everybody and welcome to the wolf pit hey today we're going to make some roadside chicken uh this is a recipe I got from an old friend on a barbecue Forum Brian Stevens and um it's it's the chicken you smell when you're going down the highway and you see the roadside chicken stands and the chicken just smells fantastic as you're driving by and this very aromatic and this the marinade is what makes it um so we're going to go ahead and start off with our marinade and we have two cups of apple cider vinegar the original recipe calls for white vinegar I don't care for white vinegar I like the apple cider vinegar the flavor of it better so we have two cups of apple cider vinegar we have one cup of vegetable oil about 3/4 cups of wer sauce 2 tablespoons of sea salt 2 tblspoon of sugar a tablespoon of granulated onion tablespoon of granulated garlic a tablespoon of black pepper and a tablespoon of celery seed now the original recipe on this one also calls for celery salt and it calls for white pepper uh this is just what I had on hand so that's what I use put the lid on our neutr bullet here all right so we're going to go ahead and give this a whiz all right after whizzing our marinade and our little neutr bullet going to go ahead and get this ready for chicken all right we have 4 lbs of chicken we have four chicken thighs and five chicken legs we're going to go ahead and put these into a plas container all right we have all our chicken in there so now we're going to go ahead and pour in our marinade and we're going to give this a good mix here real quick so we're going to let this marinate for a couple hours and we're going to shake it about every 15 minutes or so all right our chicken's been soaking for about two two and a half hours now we're going to go ahead and start grilling this we're going to start it over direct coals and this is one of those this is one of those dishes you're going to have flareups on but don't worry about that's whole that's the whole part of this dish so we're going to go ahead and put we're going to start this off skinside down real quick you see all that steam coming off there that's what's giving the chicken all its flavor once we put the lid on it's going to steam all that flavor inside the chicken [Music] all right here's where we start adding the layers and layers of flavor on this chicken and we're going to ahead and start basing this directly over the coals this is going to produce a lot of steam and a lot of smoke from the oil and vinegar dripping over the chicken and right onto the coals the more you do this the more flavor you're going to have in your chicken all right we're back at the chicken we're going to go ahead and base it one more time before we flip it over yes this process gets a little redundant on this but it's well well worth it [Music] go ahead and give our chicken a flip [Music] here that's exactly what you're looking for you want a little Char on it you don't want to burn it you just want a little Char on the chicken move this over here since that's our that's our hot spot put the big boy right here that get a little color on it put the LD back on [Music] here beautiful Perfect all right that's about all the basing that's needed so we're going to go ahead and put the lid on here and finish this indirect uh the chicken's probably got about another five 6 7 minutes to go until it's thoroughly cooked it'll be time to eat all right there we go our roadside chicken is done let's go ahead and get this plattered up and we'll be right back all right there we go our roadside chicken is done let's go ahead and give this a bite and see how it turned out here look get this big leg over here nice and crusty oh man take me down to flavor town that is good m very moist look at that dripping very moist very tender very flavorful give one more bite here excuse me for talking with my mouth full thank you guys for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: TheWolfePit
Views: 540,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barbecue Chicken (Dish), Grilled Chicken, Barbecue Chicken Recipe, Grilled Chicken Recipe, How To Grill Chicken, How To Barbecue Chicken, Barbecue (Cuisine), Grilling (Culinary Technique), Barbecue Grill (Culinary Tool), Barbecue Sauce (Food), Charcoal Grill, Weber Grill, The Wolfe Pit, Chicken Recipe, Weber-Stephen Products (Business Operation), Recipe (Website Category)
Id: 5MkHNihySAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2013
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