Simple BBQ Chicken On The Weber Kettle

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today is nothing fancy I've got the weber kettle set up for indirect I'm not using any slow answer no charcoal baskets no vortex because we don't need anything fancy to make some simple and delicious barbecue chicken [Music] yep just straight-up barbecue chicken no accessories out on the charcoal grill I will be using the little flip up grate so that I can add charcoal but none of the other things that I've used over the years no vortex no briquette baskets no slow and seer this is the way that I used to make chicken before all this stuff was you know invented you would pile charcoal on one side of the grill for indirect and that's how you'd cook and that's the key when I'm making grilled chicken you cook it indirect you can always finish it a little bit directly over the coals but many times I've never had to put it directly over the coals we'll see how it goes today what I'm starting with here today is about a 5 pound chicken that's been cut in half and to this you can add your favorite rub I'm gonna be using Desert Gold today so make sure you get your wings lifted up so you get good coating underneath turn it over get the underside all right that looks good let's get it out to the grill [Music] alright the kettle is up to temp is running about 350 time to get this chicken off [Music] all right we're gonna get a temperature probe in here to the crest all right so the internal temperature is the chicken right now is 42 degrees in the breast that's perfect it was out for a little bit while we were rubbing it time to get this covered up and let it cook so I'm going to be taking the chicken to the normal 165 degrees internal the kettle is probably gonna settle in somewhere around 350 if it goes higher I'm fine with that in about 30 minutes you're gonna be glazing it with some sweet Memphis barbecue sauce so I'll bring you back when we're ready to put that sauce on alright it's been about 30 minutes time to get some barbecue sauce on well they smell good nice little glaze of sauce here again this is a sweet Memphis sauce that I got from my friend Scott over at the real show BBQ channel it's just really good stuff again he's not paying me to say this or use this I bought this from him it is good stuff nice coating all around here try and get up under the wings all right we are looking good time to get the lid back on let this finish we've got an internal temperature of about 120 degrees so we got about 45 degrees to go all right we're right at about a hundred and sixty-four degrees so I want to start checking this now with the instant-read thermometer some good-looking birds there let's check this one in the breast here yeah that's what we're reading like 140 something so I must have missed a little bit with the positioning and check this breast over here Oh 155 so yeah we're about 10 degrees off so I missed in position so what I'm gonna do here is I'm actually gonna turn these birds so that the thigh end is closer to the coals I'm using a big spatula because I don't want these to separate if I can help it I don't want the leg quarters to become detached which when they're getting tender that can happen actually I think I am gonna remove the internal probe here and just go off the instant-read we'll check these again in about 15 minutes all right it's been a about 10 minutes so I'm just gonna give this a final check but I'm pretty sure we're done now we've got such good color on these that I don't feel any need to do a direct grilling to do anything to the skin I just want to make sure this is cooked right 165 we are good there let's check a thigh 165 we are good 165 point 4 and going up all right let's get these off all right here is the simple barbecued chicken I ended up not doing any direct grilling of it it's very pleased with the color we ended up getting now this is not necessarily crispy skin chicken if you're going for crispy skin chicken you're gonna want very very high heat in the kettle this is more of a normal grilled barbecued chicken if I was going for the crispy heat here I would have used the vortex accessory but for this one I wanted to use no accessories at all just piling the coals against the side and getting a true simple indirect method of cooking which is my favorite way to grill chicken so let's cut into one of these and see what we have all right so I moved one of the chicken halves off so we can just focus on one here I'm gonna turn it and we're gonna cut into the breasts oh very nice nice even get a good slice out of this the hair we go look at that juice very moist lay that down there beautiful I'm gonna cut this one up for some tasting in just a minute as you can see the skin is not crispy skin but it's not rubbery inedible skin so there's two different sort of stages when you're cooking chicken like this if you want that crispy skin you're gonna need high high heat for fifty five hundred degrees the risk with that is that you're going to get the skin outside extremely crispy and the chicken inside is going to be raw so you really have to balance it on starting it a little bit of a lower temperature and then ramping up the heat unless you're doing chicken pieces then something like using the vortex accessory you can put chicken legs around it and just get high heat throughout the cook but when you're doing a whole chicken or a half chicken like this you're gonna have to be a little more mindful of the temperature so that you don't just end up with burned chicken skin and raw chicken inside but this looks great let's cut another slice here you have that beautiful glaze of that barbecue sauce on the outside turned out just the way I like it and it's time to taste all right here's some of that nice breast meat I'll cut into the thigh in just a minute want to get a taste of this right away with that skin on there barbecue chicken that's exactly what you have here that great flavor of barbecue sauce on the outside sort of the quintessential American barbecue chicken but by doing it indirect and not burning that skin directly over coals or overcooking the rest of the chicken you end up with this this super moist meat right beneath that sweet barbecue sauce you have that great desert gold rub now here I have a nice piece of the thigh meat nice fatty dark meat great skin on there let's go for it oh I just love thigh meat the breast meat is so juicy and moist tender but the thigh meat because that extra fat there there is so much flavor in it and when that flavorful fat inside is paired with that barbecue sauce glaze on the outside it is terrific oh and again it's not crispy skin it's really really good edible skin not rubbery at all the indirect cooking method allows it to dry out a bit so you don't end up with that rubberiness of that fat underneath it allows some of that fat to dissolve to render and it is just so so delicious so this is my simple barbecued chicken nothing fancy out there on the grill just charcoal a good bird some seasoning some barbecue sauce and some thyme this is what you get [Music]
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 265,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, bbq, barbecue, bbq chicken, charcoal grill, how to grill chicken, how to bbq chicken, indirect cooking, indirect grilling
Id: 4mS3GErIWWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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