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hello and welcome amigos today we're gonna be making something called fastest fastest pastries very similar this delicious pastry is filled with a ground beef and potato and it's nice and juicy and once we bake them you get that perfect crisp on the outside that just flakes off their original to dazzling thehd article which this recipe was originally made to help the miners eat quickly and get to work but for us we're gonna make it super easy and you know bring those helping hands because the kids love to make empanadas style fastest I have my all-purpose flour I'm gonna add my salt and my pinch of sugar we need to incorporate the fat into our flour so we're gonna add it gradually okay so I'm gonna start off with my butter that I've already chopped up into little cubes I love to see butter cube like that because I know it's a good polymer a good pastry do you know it this is this is one of those pastries that are so versatile once you learn how to make it but I definitely think you guys should try the recipe as it is you know it's paint an homage or respect to throw on thin you know we got to be grateful for these little delicious treats that come our way I'm gonna begin with the butter and then I'm slowly gonna start adding our lard and both of them are cold okay make sure that they're cold friends at this point make sure that you're preheating your oven to 425 degrees now use skipper's make sure to look in the description box so you know the bake times bake time in temperatures I'm gonna remove my whisk and this should take you about three to four minutes to do my the fastest speed I went on was four because we don't want to melt the butter or the lard we just want to incorporate everything together now those of you that don't want to use the lard try to use a vegetable shortening palm oil those work it's definitely a different flavor than what we traditionally get but it still works so it's just like a fine soft it's almost like coconut flour the consistency that you get because we are dealing with a pastry we're gonna be adding our cold water and it's really cold I even put an ice cube to kind of melt in there and keep it cold we're gonna be adding it a little at a time I'm gonna recommend 3/4 but depending on your region you might need a little bit more a little bit less so I'll add it gradually until it soaks up into your dough I'm gonna add my water gently and I'm not gonna go over a four for this particular step I don't want to melt the butter in there I just want to incorporate and hydrate everything so speed on for it umm.yeah b-max yeah I'll let you guys are done and I am gonna say this every time you add water give it about 30 seconds to make sure that you're not overdoing it [Music] [Music] I'm gonna make sure to come in here and scrape the bowl to make sure that we don't have any flour that hasn't been touched at that little bottom part if you're using your mixer and if you're doing this by hand it's super super easy to break your butter and your lard into your flour you have to use the same steps or similar steps as a tortilla for that matter and the rest you can just you know add your water slowly and continue but since I'm getting a break here let's keep at it [Music] [Music] okay that took us about four minutes to do i was very gentle it's nice and hydrated as you guys can see so we need to let this rest so I'm gonna go ahead and place it in my refrigerator for about twenty to thirty minutes you guys can cover it or put it in the container that works best for you and I'll see you shortly I have my pan set on a medium heat I have my desired amount of oil now let's start sauteing our onions I have a combo of white and green onions but make it comfortable for your home we're gonna cook our onions our onions again as for onions so we're just gonna cook our onions until they're softened for about three minutes okay it's been four minutes and our onions are nice translucent they're ready for our next step so let's go ahead and add our ground beef thanks for the tip friends is that usable well love takes time come once you break down your beef you're gonna go ahead and add your seasoning so we're gonna go with some salt and pepper here we're gonna mix it up and we're gonna continue to cook until about the redness goes away so should take about six to eight minutes but remember to season your salt and pepper to taste it's been six minutes now I'm gonna go ahead and add my Anaheim roasted pepper I chopped it up nice and fine don't shy away from the recipe because you don't see UCB for a chili you don't have you can make this with ground turkey ground chicken which is how I made it for my mom and she loves it with the high crumbles in there we're just with potato you can do that I chopped my potatoes about this thin and I have them in a cup and a half of water we're gonna add it all in we're gonna make the potatoes in here and we're gonna let this cook for about 12 minutes or so okay we just wanted to make sure that we cook the potatoes enough when we place it in our filling I'm gonna continue to cook this on a medium heat hang tight okay friends our potatoes are nice and soft now we're just gonna go ahead and add our seed lunch at all this is traditionally made with parsley but for me and my family and I think it works best with cilantro but you guys can make it comfortable for your home so now that we have this set we're gonna go fill our fussy I let my dough rest for 20 minutes now we're ready to roll that's some flour to your area and if you have a smaller working space just cut your dough in half and start that way I'm just gonna roll this out to about here and then we're gonna begin making their little circles can you show us where you're up to where you hop out here I'm just gonna thin it out when I see a good thin piece then I'm gonna start cutting because you usually draw on the sand for us until this weird oh I'm sorry friend gonna be about over here thanks mom I am one of those moms are like you spoiled your kids too much what what are you supposed what else are you supposed to do when you have kids right you gotta make them happy well because you adjust to their taste buds yeah very sweet of you well I have to I mean how else would I have gotten my son which is on the spectrum to enjoy so many varieties of flavors textures you know a national dishes and if you notice I like to lift it and move it around because sometimes it's such a soft dough that'll get stuck to whatever you're rolling it with that way you can get more of a stretch out okay we're coming at about half a centimeter for those of you that need to know how thick these are let's begin cutting this is the kids favorite part if you don't have a cookie cutter you can use a cup use a bowl cut around it you can still get it done the rest of this dough we're going to throw in the tram just kidding we're just gonna make it into a nice little ball squeeze squeeze and while you're preparing these put it in the refrigerator so it stays cold and we're gonna continue to make our empanadas okay to keep our workspace functional I'm gonna add some flour here I'm gonna start moving them to the side you don't want them to stick so dip them in a little flour continue add a little bit of flour bring your little disc and this is not gonna be like the look Thea's half way press up or halfway press down you're gonna be gentle you're gonna hold it from the sides and we're just gonna roll it back and forth just like this and I'm pressing down gently I'm not being aggressive at all just gently give it a slight turn and continue we're looking for it to be about six inches so but you're gonna make them at home you know make them comfortable for your home you don't have to be perfect especially if the kids are making them you know I'd love to see you kids make their own because you know the kitchen really helps children that's why babies I think that's one of the big reasons why they're so happy you know yep we're about six inches I'm using a small ice cream little scooper I don't know who eats that small of a scoop of ice cream but I mean it's a little cookie scooper where the cookie we're not so go ahead and place it in there and you want to make them you want to fill them nice okay you want to fill your family up just about three of those guys you think yeah about three ends up being about two and a half to three tablespoons press it down if you need to bring it over just like that don't be scared help yourself with your fingers here and yes friends you have noticed I am double jointed and pretty much all my joints I should have been in the circus girl so now we're gonna do the same style that we did with our our empanadas so two four six seven and we're gonna begin to fold I like to take this corner and press it in take a little piece and press it in to the little hole so where you made the indention fold it over mm-hmm nice thanks for the translation cloud you're so great with your with your linguistic skills girl would you stop it this is how I learn so come in here and press it to make sure that it doesn't open up on you and we're set we're gonna continue making all of our busses so enjoy the ride friends [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna take one egg you're gonna beat it and we're gonna brush our Busta's and brush them good because I'll tell you get that glossy little crackling look that we all love and if you've never loved it you're gonna love it after this perfect now we're gonna go ahead and bake these in the oven for 10 minutes at 425 degrees but hang tight because we're gonna have to adjust that temperature [Music] this is what they look like after ten minutes and I already switched my time to 350 degrees and we're gonna keep an eye on them it's gonna be anywhere between 25 to 35 minutes depending on your oven but I set my timer to 30 [Music] [Music] views club and bells thank you so much for joining me for this recipe I'm wishing you the best as always and if you haven't taken the time to set your notifications and subscribe I would dearly appreciate that along with your thumbs up in your comments and on that one I'll see you guys tomorrow bye videos I really love how the dome comes through and you can see a little pocket and that helps you fill it up with your chilies and escabeche which is what you have this with they are so flaky and perfect
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 68,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Empanadas, empanada recipe, how to make empanadas, pastes rellenos, ground beef empanadas, empanada (dish), views on the road ground beef, mexican empanadas, views on the road, views on the road empanadas, empanada recipe mexican, como hacer pastes estilo hidalgo, flaky empanada dough, flaky empanada, baked empanadas, empanadas mexicanas, empanadas de carne, mexican food recipes, homemade empanadas, how to make empanadas from scratch, how to make empanadas dough
Id: pkj5-B24nCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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