Creating a Simple Animated GIF with GIMP

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hi everyone in this kind of little tutorial and I teach you how to create an animated gif like you're supposed to do for your assignment with as you recall if you don't have Photoshop you're not going to eat and you're not on main campus I want you to use as your image manipulation software okay so go ahead and open up and from there we will go to new and we'll give this thing some dimensions 600 by 150 is it was the size I use for those animated gifs and for the ones I want you to use so 600 by width by 150 height select okay and here we go now it's cheating a little bit because it already has the background color set but you can but once it's created we're going to create three more layers and then we're going to delete this background layer so don't worry about whatever color your background there is okay this will like on at the bottom let's down a little bit this icon right here says creates a new layer and add it to the image so we're gonna create a new layer and just go ahead and select okay right now and let's do two more of these create a new layer okay create a new layer okay so now we have one two three and then this fourth layer is the background layer go ahead and select that and I'm going to ctrl click it you can right click it if you're using a mouse and let's delete that layer just to get rid of it okay so delete layer so now we have three layers layer 1 layer 2 and layer 3 now the way an animated gif works as I as I mentioned in the intro is that what it's doing is it's essentially showing you different layers of an image so this layer on top this layer number two is the very top one and then in the was layer 1 and later this just I guess we can call it layer 0 if we want to is the one at the very very bottom okay so we have all of our layers set and and what an animated gif does is it shows you each of these layers in a row according to whatever time you have it set to so we can have the this layer right here show for one second and then the second layer show for two seconds and the third layer show for three seconds or whatever and so it's just going to run through and loop all those together so now we need to create the layers now the first thing we need to do is give them colors I think I used red blue and yellow for my layers so what we want to do is the first thing we want to do is change our let's change our background color and let's turn it into red ok and you just pick it if you if you just push this all the way to the top it's gonna click as red as it can you can get select ok and then go to edit fill with BG color and that's going to fill it with that red that we just picked so now we have a red box if you notice what you hear this layer it's filled in red and the other two are still transparent that's what those little kind of boxes mean now if we select this little eye icon right next to versus layer 2 it turns the visibility of that layer off so now it's invisible so let's go ahead and turn that off and we're going to select the second layer like so and we're gonna do the same thing we need to change the color of this background - let's change it to blue and just put our arrow in the color picker just select a blue right here and select ok and go up to edit and fill with BG color now we have a blue one and we're going to turn the invisibility or the visibility off on that one so we can hit our last layer let's highlight our last layer let's change to yellow select ok so now our background color is yellow edit fill with BG color so now we have a yellow wrecked a blue rectangle and a red rectangle the next thing we need to do is create the text the eat at Joe's text that I have in my example so what we're going to do is we're gonna start this very first layer up here layer to select that layer and then select on the left hand side it's the text tool it's the the letter A so select that you'll want to make sure that the color is set to white okay so set the color to white and just select all the way up here and that's as why does it get select okay make sure your color is white make sure the font is what you want it to be in this case it's just sans-serif the size 4 on my machine is 120 you might want to set it to that as well take the cursor put the cursor about right there and then just start typing eat Oh notice in my case my my letters are pretty far below the below that so I'm going to get the move tool out and move this up where it needs to be right there okay so I have my first layer of text now what I want to do is I want to combine this text this layer right here to eat with layer 2 which is the red so I'm going to ctrl click on it or right-click on it if you have a mouse and I am going to select merge down what this will do is it'll take that that text layer and merge it down with the red layer so merge down so now red and the text layer are on the same layer okay I do the exact same thing with the blue so I'm going to select the blue oops let me turn there sorry let me turn the red layer off so selected the blue as you can see I'm gonna select the text tool again let's see if I can actually put it in the boxes time at almost and hit the move tool so that I can move it back to where it needs to be okay that looks about right so now eat at now I want to merge at down so again control click and I'm going to select merge down so now I have eat at and then this last one will be Joe's so I've selected the lair once more select the type tool guess I'll put it up here at this time and then haha it's almost where I want it to be move it to where I wanted to be this time okay eat at Joe's so now I've got my three layers made up I almost forgot let me go ahead and merge Joe's down merge down so now I have my three layers where I want them to be the next thing to do is to actually animate it what would this look like animated to look and to see what it looks like animated we're going to preview it as an animated gif so we're going to select filters select animation and then select playback and that gives us this box right here so if I select play obviously it goes way too fast doesn't it something else I want you to to see is that the one at the very bottom here the layer in the very bottom is where it's starting from so I need to rearrange these I'm gonna move layer I'm going to move this up to do that you just select it click on it and then drag it up to the top so I'm gonna do the same thing with at so now to rearrange the layer the layers and it should start animation and playback yeah so now it starts where we're going to start it starts with the bottom layer you can see it's still much too fast so how do we slow this down with what we do is we actually named the the layer we place the speed in the name that makes sense so rather the length of time we want that thing to stay there so let's double click this layer this brings up the layer attributes interface and within layer number two I'm going to go parenthesis and I'm going to say let's see 500 M s so 500 milliseconds that's how long I want the eat part to be there select okay and do the same thing with the other two so layer one now this is the the at layer say 500 M s remember to put the parentheses around it and remember put the M s in there so 500 M s parentheses around it select okay now this last layer I'm going to leave there a little bit longer maybe Oh two seconds so for that I will do let's see - one two three M s should be two seconds select okay now let's see what it looks like again okay go up to filters go to animation go to playback and select play eat at Joe's so yeah maybe it could it could stand to be a little bit shorter but that'll work for for for our purposes okay so now I've got the animation main but the layer is set all we have to do is now is save and export it to do that go to file export as and I want you to select call it whatever you want I'm call it example and then dot gif make sure that you type in dot gif as the extension type okay because without it you can't make an animated gif so dot gif is your extension type right here I'm gonna place it in documents and I'm going to select export and then you'll get a dialog box as export image as gif okay make sure that as animation is checked otherwise it just saves it as a static image so as animations is checked loop forever is checked if loop forever is not checked then what it'll do is it'll play through once and then stop so make sure the loop forever is checked and it will just keep playing and then I select export and and it's done now I'm gonna go down to my finder go to documents where I saved it date modified and example now in order to test this and make sure that it worked you have to actually view it in a browser so if you just open the gift by itself it's not going to work so you have to open it with Firefox or with Chrome or Safari or whatever so I'm gonna open it with Firefox and there you go okay it's working just beautifully that's it so what you'll do is you'll upload this to canvas and I'll be able to download it and look at it and see that you you did it you don't have to put eat at Joe's maybe you can put your name or something like that but that's how you make an animated gif for this assignment with okay if you have any questions feel free to let me know I'd be happy to help you alright have a great day everyone
Channel: Clinton Lanier
Views: 7,895
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: UGljvuoBl88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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