GIMP Tutorial: Glitch Text Effect

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this glitched text effect using and if you'd like to know how you can update with these custom icons I'll have a link to that information in the description of the video and if you'd like to use the exact font I'm using for this tutorial that's called lead gothic it's a free font I'll have that linked in the description as well so I'm going to create a new document I'll go file new and I want an image size that has 1280 by 720 pixels and again we want to set pixels as the measure of the unit of measurement go ahead and click OK and I'm going to go to edit fill with foreground color so we have the back a black background there when you open up by default there should be the foreground set to black in the background set to white if not just go ahead and put that in there manually and go ahead and fill this in sweep a black background so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to create some text what I'll do first is I'll flip around the foreground in the background so if you now have white and as the foreground and black in the background so that when we create our text it shows up in white grab the text tool click on the canvas and for this tutorial I'm trying to write in all caps and I already have these presets set from when I was previously making this thumbnail before but the presets you'll want for the font you want to come up here and choose the lead gothic fonts or like I said whatever font you'd like usually a good Santa spawn should work just as well the sides go ahead and change the size as needed up and down I think make that a little bigger that's pretty good and the color set that to white and the spacing between the letters I have mine set at 7 we're going to want since we're going to watch some breathing room between these letters or else the effect is not really going to work so you don't want them too close together I found that 7 for this font is a good distance right here and once we have that set we can go to the move tool actually note we go to the alignment tool and then click on the text with the alignment tool and where it says relative - we want to change that to image and just Center it up on the center in the middle with these two buttons right there get it on the center of the page and once we've done that I'm going to right click that text layer and go to alpha to selection and to create a selection going around the text and I'm going to create a new layer right here with this button that says create a new layer we're going to want transparency set go ahead and click OK and what I'm going to do now is going to take the foreground color and change it to a shade of blue a light blue something like this if you'd like to use the same exact shade but hTML notation is 0 0 F F F F C we'll go ahead and click OK and once we have that set we'll go to edit fill with foreground color and then we can go to select none so we now have blue text there so what I'm going to do now is I'll grab the move tool and I'm going to zoom in on this text so I get a closer look at it I'm going to hold ctrl and roll up the mouse wheel and with the move tool I'm going to click and drag this text to the right and then I'm going to hold ctrl so it locks it onto the horizontal axis like that and then I want to take this layer and click and drag it beneath the text layer so we have it underneath there like that and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to repeat those same steps only using a different color this time so I'm going to click on the text right click that and go to output a selection click this button right here that says create a new layer and add it to the image again transparency go ahead and click OK and I'll change this blue shade to a pink shade now something like that the exact shade I'm using here is F 6 0 0 F F go ahead and click OK and then again go to edit fill with foreground color and then we're going to select none I'm going to zoom back in over this by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel I'm going to take this text and move it to the left I'm going to hold ctrl and lock it onto the horizontal axis and moving to the left a little bit then I'll just take this layer and bring it beneath both text layers right about there and I'm going to hold ctrl in the world after the roll down the mouse wheel a little bit to zoom out and as you can see we have everything set there as far as the colors go so the next step would be I'm going to turn off the visibility of the background layer here with this little eye button and then from this top layer I'm going to right click and go to new from visible and it's going to create a new layer from everything visible and after I've done that I'm going to go turn off the visibility of everything else and then turn on the visibility of the background and we're going to want to duplicate visible copy because we're going to edit this further and in case we want to go back and change this we have these original layers right here to go back and work with work with so once we've done that with this new visible layer selected I'm going to grab the shear tool which is over here and I'm just going to click and drag this text to the right a little bit just to shear that just a tiny bit maybe about that much maybe degree of negative 70 go ahead and click shear just to give our text a little bit of a slant like that and once we've done that if you notice here some of the layers sticking out from the image so I'm going to go to layer and the load to choose layer to image size and that's going to fit everything back inside of the layer there and so inside of the the canvases boundaries there and now that I've done that the next step would be to create these little lines of motion that you see here and to do that let me zoom in on this again I'm going to grab the rectangle select tool and I'm going to click and drag and create a rectangle going over the like a small little sliver of a rectangle going over top portion of this text here and once I've done that I'll right-click on that selection and go to select float and once we've floated that selection I'm going to grab the move tool and just click and drag this to the left a little bit I'm going to hold ctrl to lock it onto the horizontal axis I'll move it over a little bit like that and once we've done that we could finalize it by clicking this anchor key right here this anchor anchor at the floating layer and there we go we had that set and we're going to want to go and repeat this process a few more times as you see here I have done this a few times for this thumbnail go back to the rectangle select tool I'm going to come down here I'm gonna grab a bigger chunk this time you don't want everything go you don't want it to look like a pattern so you want to use like different sizes and different going in different directions and everything so once I've done that right click it select go to float go back to the move tool and this one I'll move to the right a little bit I'm going to hold ctrl or lock it onto the vertical axis go ahead and click the anchor button to finalize that and I'm just going to repeat this process a few more times I'll grab the rectangle select tool I'm going to create a bigger section right here something like that and again right click select float grab the move tool bring this one to the right I'm going to hold ctrl to lock it onto the horizontal axis maybe slightly like that and go ahead and click the anchor button grab the rectangle select tool I'm going to put one more big one down here maybe right there and again we're just going to repeat these same steps over and over again I'm going to move this one slightly like that and now what I'll do is I'll anchor that what I'll do now is I'll create a bunch of tiny of like a tiny little sliver selection like you see at the top here grab the rectangle tool and create one down here right click select float go back to the move tool I'm going to move this one far out to the right something like that anchor that down and I'll just go back and create another one I'm over here right click select float go back to the you might want to use the keyboard shortcut I'm going to use end for the move tool move this one out like that anchor it and again I'm using them I'm just gonna use the keyboard shortcut so I'll have to keep going over here R on the keyboard is the keyboard shortcut for the rectangle tool so I'll press R and I'll create another selection down here and do the same thing float the selection press M to get back to the move tool move that one over a little bit anchor it down and at some point you're going to want to zoom out and look at it to see how it looks you don't want to go - you know what I get to carry away with it I think right there that's pretty good that's a pretty good amount of selections to create right there so I'm going to leave that as it is and what I'll do now is I want to import the image of static in here to put it beneath the text so to do that I'm just going to grab the static image I'll have this linked into the in the description section of the video click and drag that into the image static has an embedded code yeah just go ahead and click convert and you know once I've done that I'm going to take this static layer and bring it down to the second from the bottom so it's just above the background player and I'll right click on that layer and go to add layer mask we want to use white full opacity and go ahead and click add and then I want to take this foreground color and change this to white 6x if you'd like to use that shade this flat white and what I'll do now is I'll go to the blend tool and I'm going to change the gradient over here we're going to walk foreground to background and from the shape we want radial and once I've done that I'm going to bring the cursor towards the center of that static image and I'm going to click and drag a line going out to the lesson I'm going to hold ctrl on the keyboard to lock it onto the horizontal axis and I'm going to bring that line to just before the inside edge of the static image and then let go of everything and I should create a sort of like a faded out selection going towards the edges of the photo and once we've done that we can take the opacity of that and bring that down a little bit just to make it look nice whatever you could just eyeball it and see what your looking at look looks nice for you to me I think 57 looks good based on my monitor and what I'm using here and one final step I guess would be to discolor this a little bit so what we could do is just turn off the visibility of the background layers and well you know what we don't need to do that let's turn that back on I was still thinking like we were working off of these layers we'll take the visible layer here we'll go to colors hue/saturation and I'll bring up the saturation a little bit and I'll take the lightness and bring that down a little bit just so it's a little off-white we don't want it to be like completely white just a little off-white like that you can even play around this little bit see what looks best you might want to even bring the saturation down a little bit maybe something like that and I think it looks good right about there I'm going to lighten this down and you can just toggle the preview off and on to see what looks and that's what I was going for right there just for something a little off white and I'll go ahead and click OK maybe I'll just a little less go ahead and click OK you could adjust it to your own liking and with that said that's pretty much it for this tutorial that's how you can create that glitch text effect using so if you have any questions let me know what it is always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 129,519
Rating: 4.9609818 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp text tutorial, gimp text, glitch text effect, gimp glitch, nick saporito, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: 0Ld22XQDiUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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