HOW TO MAKE APPLE FRITTERS at Home | Donut Shop Apple Fritters Recipe

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the apple fritter is its own weird thing it's a doughnut but not a doughnut it's a crispy craggy Apple II monster [Music] the way I judge a great donut shop is by its apple fritter to me it shows what kind of attention to detail we're dealing with from the very beginning we're looking for a best-case scenario a truly great apple fritter is a crispy craggy outside chunks of yeasty doughnut dough that are kind of smashed together with cinnamon II apples there's kind of like an aromatic darkness from that cinnamon it's not too sweet and there's a little bit of acid from the apples as well it's a super balanced incredibly interesting textural thing to enjoy so the question for me is can we make an apple fritter at home that's worth it and I say definitely yes I've been working on this fritter all week and I'm really happy with the product I've gotten to the good news is we don't need any special gear but we are gonna be learning some new moves along the way we're gonna be deep fried I'm gonna walk you through it it's not that scary and it's definitely gonna be worth it I'm stoked let's get started the batch size for this recipe is six monster fritters you're gonna need 275 grams or 1 and 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of yeast 70 grams or 1/2 cup warmed milk 1 egg 5 grams or 1/2 teaspoon salt 35 grams or 2 teaspoons sugar and 60 grams or 5 tablespoons of butter into our medium bowl we're gonna add our flour sugar salt and then East so now we're gonna add our butter I'm breaking it up with my hands so it incorporates a little bit easier into our dough when I mix everything else and then I'm adding warm milk I want my milk to about a 120 degrees because let's be honest your egg and your butter are probably coming right out of the refrigerator ideally they would be tempered so that it doesn't slow down the yeast in our dough but I don't do that 0 out of 10 times do I do that so I want the milk to counteract that warm up my dough a little bit so that it ferments a little bit faster using a spoon stir to combine once the dough has become more cohesive we're gonna flip out onto our table and we're gonna start to knead by hand using the palm of your hand work the dough to build a little strength and further incorporate the mixture we're gonna knead the dough by hand for four to five minutes or until the dough is well combined the butter is no longer visible and it has a nice shine to it we're then gonna place it in a covered container and let it ferment for two hours in a nice warm place while our dough is fermenting it's time for us to sort out our apples we're gonna need 250 grams or 2 to 3 apples 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar 2 teaspoons of cinnamon 1/2 lemon juice 2 tablespoons sugar and 3 tablespoons let's talk about fritter apples Granny Smith honey crisps both work really well but one thing I want to talk about is the cider vinegar and lemon juice if you're using Granny Smiths you don't need an additional acid they're super tart they're a great baking apple and they hold onto their texture really well once they're cooked but they can be a little bit sharp for me I like the Honey Crisp personally having done it multiple times with each Apple the Honey Crisp is what I prefer you see me cutting Granny Smiths here and they totally work I don't recommend using anything sweeter than a Honey Crisp it's a pretty tart apple but it does need a little bit of additional acid and that's where the cider vinegar and lemon juice is gonna play this is a crucial step on our path towards a perfect apple fritter the apples need to be a treat to bite into they need to have the right texture that's why we're gonna Park hook them and they need to have a siddha tea hence the vinegar or the super tart Granny Smith once we repealed we're gonna cut slabs off the center and discard the core we're then gonna medium dice our apples most of the wedges can be sliced in half and then into strips and then we dice um we're not putting these in any acid water anything because they're going right into a saute pan speaking of that heat up a large nonstick saute over high heat and then add in your two tablespoons of butter we're gonna let that foam up and start browning as soon as we're foaming we're gonna add in our apples and get a hot saute on the outside once we're all coated in butter we're gonna add in the sugar and cinnamon and continue to pan roast for about 90 seconds longer we're looking to take the raw edge off the apples in to season them well when we fry them that's when they're gonna get nice and tender once your apples are looking like this and the sugar is getting a little bit Brown we're gonna deglaze with our apple cider vinegar if we're using it and a little bit of lemon juice we're gonna cook on high for an additional 10 to 15 seconds just to reduce this liquid the mixture should be sticky brown and taste really good I've added a small pinch of salt here too not listed in the previous ingredients list but I do salt my apples in this situation because there's a noticeable difference something I've learned from my pastry chef bud Sarah Osborne is that you salt deserts most every component of every dish that she put on the menu at the restaurant we work together had some sort of salt in it and her set up it was low-key things did not taste salty it just kind of a pro-level move for a pastry chef to make sure everything is delicious as it can be once those are seasoned up we're gonna set those aside to cool and we're gonna check on our dough it's been 2 hours and there's some clear activity here when we press in with our fingers we can see some clear gas and in pation does that have butter and eggs in him like this don't usually grow like some of the more yeasted breads that we've worked with so far so don't worry if it hasn't grown by double that's not what we're looking for so next we're gonna flip out our dough into a lightly floured work surface and hit with a little bit of flour we're gonna grab our rolling pin and to start rolling it out we're looking for about a half inch thick rectangle here once I've rolled it out I like to flip the dough over and turn it 90 degrees to prevent sticking and to make sure I'm getting an even roll out repeat this until you've reached our desired rectangle size and grab your Apple Cinnamon mixture spread this stuff all over the dough it doesn't have to be perfect and you'll see why in a second then we're gonna dust this with flour this helps absorb some of the moisture and helps keep the fritter together when we go to fry what apples are not the best glue for dough so this flour is gonna be crucial in making sure that this thing stays together in the fryer once the apples are spread out we're gonna roll this thing into sort of a cinnamon roll type situation make sure it's not stuck to the counter at this point it's where we really fritter this thing take a plastic dough scraper or a dull knife and cut this fritter on a bias at about one inch spacing all the way across we're gonna repeat this cutting crossways on the other bias running our card through one more time after for good measure to really chop this thing up as you're scouring the Internet to try and find info and how the best donut shop fritters are made I stumbled upon this video from like the late 1990s of a solitary Baker working in a shop describing to somebody else how to make apple fritters this is the method to use I was totally sold from the second I saw the fritters I made before I saw this video we're not even close to perfect I was still definitely figuring it out so rest assured this is the pro level bad-boy donut shop guru move that's gonna put us in the end zone after we've got it cut we're gonna lightly flour the outside to keep this from sticking to our table the move here is to really press this thing back together after several attempts of this recipe I can say that this part is very important do not be shy don't worry about degassing really press it together into a nice loaf we need the apples and the dough to bond back together so that our fritter does not fall apart in the fryer this is where the flour we put on the apples before will help us out a little bit once we have our apple low formed grab your dough scraper and cut these into disks about 1 inch thick we're then gonna stretch them and lightly flour them to be about a half inch thick anything thicker than this will have a hard time getting all the way in the fryer this recipe makes six I'm gonna take four of these to throw in the fryer and then I'm gonna bake off two I kind of want to show you guys what these look like in the oven so you can make up your mind whether or not you want to fry these are gonna get covered with another sheet tray and set aside to gently proof while the heater oil for 20 minutes total okay so let's talk deep frying this is not a zero risk situation I am NOT gonna lie but it's also not that dangerous we just have to pay attention and we also have to make sure that we have all the tools we need ready to go we're dealing with something that holds heat extremely well and it is two times the temperature of boiling water so if you have any kids underfoot lock them in another room put on some Rugrats and pay attention let's suck fry oil real quick as well I'm using coconut oil and avocado oil you want it to be about three inches deep in your pot you can use whatever you've got that isn't olive oil to do this frying safely we're gonna make sure we have all of our stuff ready to go before we drop our first fritter that means a slotted spoon our thermometer a wire rack and a sheet tray to put our hot fritters on we're gonna make sure our oil is 360 degrees and then we're gently gonna lay down our fritters one at a time again we need about three inches total in our fryer or about one quart or four cups we're gonna fry these for about two minutes per side I'm gonna flip them gently using my slotted spoon we don't want to be rough on them they could fall apart and honestly don't sweat that too much because they're almost better if they're small I don't know maybe you make baby fritters next time you feel a little crazy and you need that next thrill okay so it's been two more minutes that's four minutes total and we have our fried apple fritter now we're gonna glaze earlier I mixed up a batch of simple glaze that's one cup powdered sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt and about three to four tablespoons of milk we're gonna whisk that to combine and then set it aside for later use I've glazed these hot and cool and I think they're crispy er if you left the donut cool all the way then glaze if you want something a little bit sweeter and a little bit more saturated with glaze go for it warm I personally like my fritters crispy as possible so let these cool for about 15 minutes before glazing the glacier be fairly thick as well it's a matter of personal taste here you can add more sugar if you like a thicker glaze you can add more milk if you like it thinner some people like it almost like frosting I'm somewhere in the middle as you can see here it's kind of between saucy and spreadable either way we definitely want to make sure we get a liberal amount on the top of the fritter nice heavy clays just like you see here we're gonna let that glaze set up and we're gonna brew ourselves a nice pot of super dark coffee the type your grandpa still drinks like Bulger's or Maxwell House super dark roast coffee once you got that it's time for us to bite this fritter the floor if I eat this that'll be two full ones craggy crispy so the acidity of the apples is absolutely perfect I haven't eaten this much sugar in like six months I'm gonna be in a weird spot after I eat this second one okay I'm done a proper handmade yeast fermented apple fritter is among the best things a human can put in their mouth period if you're willing to embrace the dark arts of deep-frying at home it can be yours I encourage you to give it a try as always guys if you got value out of this content please hit subscribe tell a friend the recipe is gonna be listed down below and we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 214,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Fritters, apple fritters recipe, how to make apple fritters, homemade apple fritters, fried apple fritters, baked apple fritters, glazed apple fritters, homemade donut, apple fritter, apple donuts, best apple fritters recipe, fritter recipe, homemade apple fritters recipe from scratch, homemade apple fritters recipe, weeds and sardines, brian lagerstrom, professional chef, homemade food, recipes, cooking, food
Id: ofzFLwpc7ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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