How to make Jamaican Hominy Corn Porridge! (With a SURPRISE GUEST!)

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all right we are back in betty's kitchen and today we have a guest hi mommy hi hi guys how are you doing today i am awesome oh i'm so glad you're awesome so you guys today we decided that daddy was gonna bring his sweet little thing with him because she is the one who's actually way better at cooking porridge than him okay so a lot of uh people have been asking for cormier porridge a lot of people have been asking for harmony corn and so my mother is the queen of porridge so she is on the set today how you feeling about me i am doing well yeah are you excited yes i'm excited okay yeah to make corn harmony today okay perfect all right so where are we going to start so we're going to start over the stove here where the corn is okay we have the corn i have been soaking it overnight for about eight hours i soaked it okay so i actually have the fire now on high and i'm gonna be adding some salt and some sugar the reason the reason for that is that although it's a sweet porridge we need the the salt gives it some flavor and some taste okay so i'm going to be adding some salt into into the corn okay all depends on how much you're cooking so maybe for me i'm gonna be adding maybe a teaspoon of salt okay okay and i'm i have a special salt here it's sea salt okay so sea salt that i use okay okay okay all right and i'm gonna be putting in some sugar i actually have organic sugar okay that i'm gonna be adding to this mixture okay okay so my mom is the reason why a lot of us why daddy doesn't really cook with much salt right she's very you know health conscious when it comes to her stuff so yes the organic sugar so you guys can use regular sugar if you want um but mommy's gonna be using that organic okay okay so i have the i have the stove on high for now and i'm gonna be just mixing in the sugar and the salt and that will become bring up we'll bring this to a boil okay um our her our objective is is to get the coconut milk okay so my husband is gonna break the coconut for you and we're gonna juice it we're gonna blend it and we're gonna juice it and then we're gonna add it to this mixture so that it will cook um thoroughly right and when it's finished cooking then we'll be able to add everything else okay okay i'm actually gonna be putting some cinnamon leaf some cinnamon leaf this is cinnamon leaves here this is from jamaica cinnamon leaves okay wait you got them actually from i actually got them from jamaica when i went on holidays at the market so if they don't have one from jamaica they can just use what yeah you can either use the ground cinnamon the ground cinnamon here okay or sometimes the west indian store stores have the the the um the leaves also okay so you can actually get that so i'm going to be putting that into the mixture here okay a few leaves so you don't have to wait for it to come together no no so because our our plan is is that they will boil into into the mixture that we are having here so that you will have um you want to have a a good taste okay a good taste i'm also going to be putting some some grated some nutmeg okay into into the mixture for now plus we'll all we will put some more nutmeg at the end also but i want it to cook with some nutmeg in it okay okay so i'm gonna be great great grading some nutmeg into this mixture okay just a couple of grates just great because nutmeg really brings out the flavor in anything that you do okay all right so we'll leave this on now so that you can boil and um daddy is gonna get put the coconut together show you the coconut he's gonna break it so yeah and um blend it and juice it so that we can add it to this mixture all right daddy here's my coconut okay okay so not everybody is able to just bust open a coconut so can they use coconut milk coconut okay mommy coconut mommy's going to show you guys an alternative okay that's my drink we're gonna try coconut mm-hmm careful daddy guys don't do this at home or do it if you're strong enough oh thank you now i'm gonna have my coconut okay careful you use your knife okay so you have to like pull it apart from that skin all for some porridge man you see what i'm talking about you guys all love it really has to be loved because i mean if you if you're not doing it with love like why are you going to spend your time doing all this i know i don't feel like people cook like this anymore like people just want fast fast fast fast but if you want something that tastes delicious that'll take your time that's what i've learned people want fast food fast food all right so mommy has brought out these substitutes that you can use if you're not using the the dried coconut the real coconut so mommy which one do you like the most well i'm a kind of an organic person okay so i do get these in the health food store healthy planet and this is the brand um cha okay brand which is organic okay and then they have this in the um unsweetened the one that you can the hard one okay okay and then this is a duns river brand from jamaica okay all right okay but there are other brands also so you whatever whatever your favorite brand is don't be afraid to use it okay and for this part that i'm making i would have used a whole can okay all right okay and because you're making porridge for a family for a family of six yeah yeah okay all right you guys you see it here all right so now it's time to cut these up into little pieces huh okay to blend my coconut i have to cut it up all right you just do that with all your coconut before you put it inside the blender right yes okay okay so um for my corn harmony i generally put some vanilla i also um put some supple gen in it i can i put some carnation milk which is evaporated milk and i do sweeten to taste with um the eagle brand um condensed milk okay i prefer to use the eagle brown condensed milk because it gives you a better taste and a better flavor okay okay so these are what's going in her corn harmony guys yeah all right so this is our first check so it's boiling up yeah this is the corn boiling with the with the cinnamon leaves and getting that flavor into the corn we're just waiting for the the coconut milk to be poured in it so i uh you occasionally go and you stir it you stir stir it and i keep it on medium to high heat okay medium to high heat so is that literal corn mummy like actual corn um corn how many is a corn that they too that is really really dry really really dry so yeah so um what what what we're actually doing now is um almost like um re-saturating the corn okay yeah re-saturating the corn because it's a very very dry corn okay so when it's done like you will be able to squeeze it with your finger and it splits apart okay all right so that's how you'll know yeah so for all of you guys who love harmony corn you're learning how to make it for those of you guys who have never heard of it this is your first time this is a porridge jamaicans love their porridge and this is like a breakfast porridge you know what i mean yeah a breakfast porridge people have it with hard oil bread you know um it's very filling it's a very very delicious though people really really people who likes corn and stuff like that they really enjoy corn humming and i feel like even people who don't really like corn because for me i'm not a corn on the cob type of person at all um but corn harmony porridge or maybe my mom's core nominee is absolutely outstanding and people constantly will ask her for it she has to package it up and send it off to people so you guys are getting the real scoop the real deal okay i put my coconut in the blender okay and what's going inside there so just above yeah [Music] okay i think they like your discourse you guys you guys can talk like you don't have to they're like whispering you guys can talk like okay okay so this is where you squeeze out all of the coconut out of it so guys make sure your hand isn't clean because nobody wants you squeezing up squeezing up squeezing up their milk with your nutty fingernails okay so yes this is how you get the milk out old school yes daddy this is old school because it's gone already [Music] nothing beat this i agree people weren't so lazy and when i say people i mean me all right mommy we're doing another check no just just stirring okay make sure it doesn't stick in the bottom of the pot okay yeah it just keeps stirring occasionally yeah just to make sure it doesn't burn or anything like that okay yeah so we're just waiting on daddy to give us the coconut milk coconut milk is needed oh look at our coconut milk you guys look at that look at that what's that coconut milk i love coconut natural mystic natural mistake okay so you're putting it in again and then what redoing it again blend it one more time don't waste nothing [Applause] hmm second batch is going in for a strain who taught you these things my grandparents grandparents watch them that's why i can't help myself boy how things have changed all right you guys look at that like the labor i remember when you did the coconut rice people were like oh god ain't nobody got time to break a coconut but then there were some people who were like oh my god i love this this is this is real like this is real cooking like this is what i want to see so i i feel like you know our meals can be appreciated so much more when you really see the labor that goes into it okay so you keep some of that because you want some of that okay you're going to put some of that in the floor yeah i'm going to be putting some of the actual um coconut grates into the porridge yeah so you will you will actually get the the real flavor of the coconut in the porridge okay yeah thank you so much so i will be pouring this i'll be pouring this into into the porridge okay and while i'm pouring it in i will mix it in so this coconut milk will now cook totally into the corn okay okay okay that's just a little dark part of the coconut i don't want it in there and i will put some of the um the actual well they call it the coconut trash okay so yeah so i'll put some of the trash into the actual um pour into the corn the mixture so when you're eating it you probably will um buckle pan some coconut the real coconut tea all right okay mommy throw in one liner you're going up on it yeah but nice of course and you stir and you keep stirring you keep stirring and keep it for now we'll keep it on like a medium heat okay so that the corn can properly cook okay okay all right yes boss ladies there are some people who actually put um flour into into the mix to thicken it but i'm gonna show you a really good way of keep getting it keeping it thick without having to add flour to your mixture okay okay yeah so because i'm not crazy over flour okay okay yeah so i'll just show you with the um blender how i will get the porridge really thickened okay okay i've seen that the i soaked it overnight the porridge and the corn should cook within maybe half an hour to 45 minutes okay on at least medium to high heat okay so your pots on medium right now yes and you're just going to leave it for yes let it boil and let it boil so that we'll get the corn really um soft enough so that we it's palatable for us to eat all right we're back again for another check okay yeah how long has it been do you think yes it's been at least um maybe 25 minutes or so 20 25 minutes okay yeah it's a little bit yeah sticking up at the bottom so i'm just stirring it stirring it because you don't want it i don't want it to burn or anything i'm just gonna add a little bit of water in there yeah and i just stir it to make sure the the corn is coming it's it's cooking yeah and you can see the corn you can see the coconut in it yeah and it smells delicious amazing holy mackerel yeah is that the there's some nutmeg that i grated um initially in it and then i like the smell that i smelled or is it the leaves i smell i smell the cinnamon and i smell the um nutmeg everything but more so the coconut you can smell the coconut yeah so we're just gonna make it cook for a little bit more generally if when i test the corn oh it's really hot um it should be like soft right through it needs a little bit more yeah because i can feel it a little bit harder so yeah so i'll just let it cook for a little bit more i'll pour some more water because i don't want it to stick and you just keep stirring yeah and keep stirring it and let it stay there and cook on the on the um medium medium to high heat okay yeah see you in a little bit again okay so the corn is cooked now okay it's cooked and approximately how long has it been in here um says we we could say maybe about 45 minutes okay or so okay yeah and you've been stirring yeah i've been stirring it to make sure it doesn't stick in the bottom of the pot okay okay so it's cooked now so now i am gonna blend up some of it i'm gonna blend some of it with the supple gen the supply gen that i have here i'm gonna blend some of it in the blender okay okay so some of the porridge that you have a little porridge i'm gonna be putting in the blender interesting the blender that you pass the blender to mommy okay okay so it's a bit hot so this is what i this is how i do it which i'm gonna take out some of it some of it put it in the blender and blend it with the the supple gen so that i don't have to put flour in it okay okay and then i i will pour it back into the pot into the pot okay interesting so i'll do that maybe about twice okay all right so i'll bring this over to the blender [Music] bring it over to the blender okay i forgot to wash these the tops of these wash the top of your hands you guys wash them i'm just gonna clean that off now i'm gonna open my supple gen let me do it for you okay open this up again so this is the supplement that we have okay some people use nutriment um but i use supple gen so i'm going to pour the supplement in with the corn and then i'm going to blend it for a short while is that a full can i didn't pour the whole can there's some left okay okay so i'm gonna just um liquefy this no just blend it sorry blend it [Music] okay and i'm gonna pour this back into the the pot with the um with everything that we have here i'm gonna pour it back into the pot you notice it's getting nice and thick starting to look like the stuff i love yeah and i'm gonna take some more out some more of the corn the heart the corn part again and just do one more blend okay with the remainder of the supplement or the second yeah i i will put probably put a little bit more of this second kind of supplement in it i didn't realize that all of this went into your corn harmony mommy yeah it's really good just so used to smelling the aromas up in my room and then coming down to eat it yeah it's really good really really good lots of work i did not realize how many you guys just come and eat come on you guys just come and eat that's all i need to do why do you guys do me like that like that okay so here i'm putting some more supple jet in it okay second batch and then i'm gonna blend it okay and then i'm gonna pour it into the pot again oh my god i wish you guys knew how good this was if you don't know if you've never had corn harmony before whoo child you are missing out man you are missing out so that's where that's how you get the thickness without without adding any flour brilliant yeah where did you learn how to make this oh geez i i actually taught myself this because i didn't have much people um making um corn harmony for me but i i really found out that i really liked it so i just um started doing little things different things um and see and and try trial and error and yeah and it started coming up really good okay so that's that's that's now with the coconut milk the nutriment okay and the blended corn okay so see it has such a nice body yeah and we still have the cinnamon i still kept the cinnamon leaves in it so what i'm going to be doing now [Music] yeah i'm going to be sweetening i'm going to be sweetening it i'll be putting in some um yes i'll put some vanilla in it so this is vanilla benjamin's vanilla okay okay i think we grew up with this in jamaica this vanilla okay so i just put some maybe about a a tablespoon or so of it in there you don't want to overdo it okay okay and i'll put some more some more um nutmeg not too crazy um about the the the packaged cinnamon because seeing that i have the cinnamon already the real leaves so i won't put the packaged cinnamon in it okay i'll grate some more nutmeg in it nutmeg really gives it a nice flavor okay so this is real nutmeg you grate it taste make it taste really really good okay okay so that's nutmeg all right i have condensed milk and i have evaporated carnation milk i'm just gonna wash the tops of them i don't like to um this is the good one mommy's washing the tops again always wash your tops you guys because they travel and you don't know what they travel traveling with so i'll put a little carnation milk in [Music] it was a half a can um i think it's a quarter can quarter 10 yeah according to the amount that you're making because if you're making a small amount you don't need all that but we're making a big pot as you can see okay all right and i turn it see it's beautiful yeah all the good stuff are in it like you know what it kind of reminds me of like you know the conce it's not the same consistency as tapioca but you know how you you look for that that nice taste in tapioca that like texture that's how i feel about uh harmony corn it's like the corn is such a nice texture like you just um you want it all right now i'll be putting some eagle brand condensed milk in it okay so this is sweet milk guys yeah this is sweet so be careful if you don't want it too sweet so i'm gonna put maybe half of it in first and sweeten it make sure i like my comedy corn like with a good amount of sweetness some people don't but it's good sometimes sometimes you might think it needs more um sweet but it's actually sometimes it just needs a little bit more salt to bring out this yeah just to bring out the yeah so i'll put it just a little bit more salt in it just to get yeah sea salt you guys remember sea salt just to bring out that that flavor okay and i'll stir that in again and then you can use a spoon and taste oh daddy odio let's see yeah just taste tell us what is yes you're gonna drip it daddy milk yeah so i'll just use the rest of the can so let's say we'll use a can of um condensed milk into this a full can of connectives which i think is pretty decent for the ratio yeah there's so much in here oh my gosh it looks so good okay second taste loose one let's get you daddy's phone yeah okay all right okay so we'll open the other let's open the second can she brought out two cans for a reason thank you so that's about half a can okay okay third taste third taste clean spoon or the issue with daddy then he has a very sweet tooth so we have to be very careful yeah we should have this one yeah okay give me it another spoon let's get another spoon for us i'm gonna try it mommy's guaranteed to be like it's fine daddy's gonna be like what's that little extra sugar mommy doesn't mess with the sugar or the salt i'm thinking we probably need a little bit more salt and then i'll probably add the other the other um the other condensed milk right there okay a little bit more salt to bring it out and the rest of the conditions i mean it's a big part so it's a big part so two is it's fine but yeah do we have any um more supple genie into those cans we can pour them out in here should i pour it yes guys look at my contribution [Music] continue yeah if you have never had sufficient before you're also missing out smells so good sure hot though blow it it's delicious love it look at these two this upgrades that's why you're here somewhere here a clean spoon and i'll try i'd rather use all the spoon them all right mommy okay hopefully my final taste it is good it's good right good yes um you can taste the coconut you can taste the cinnamon you can taste the um the nutmeg the corn everything it's it's beautifully done of course yeah because you did it can't believe i forgot to show you guys the corn that we used but we use the grace corn harmony there are other brands but this is the one that we use today [Music] peace and love always [Music] you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 232,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make porridge, how to make hominy corn porridge, how to make hominy corn, corn hominy, hominy corn, hominy corn porridge, how to cook like a jamaican, jamaican breakfast, quarantine meals, quarantine, corn porridge
Id: 83kSBRyA55I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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