This Magic Texture Creates an Engraved Money Effect in Photoshop!

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hey everyone brady from here and in this photoshop tutorial we're going to create a very special texture which by itself does not look very interesting but when applied to your photos and artwork really instantly creates the foundation for this engraved dollar bill style treatment let's jump into photoshop and get started [Music] all right we're going to get started here actually by creating a very very small document just 10 pixels high by 10 pixels wide and i'm going to set the color mode on this to grayscale 8-bit is fine and i want the background color to be white all right so let me hit command or control 0 to zoom all the way into this and there are just a couple quick things i'm going to do here i'm going to hit m for the marquee tool and i'm going to drag a selection around the top half of this image this tool kind of snaps to each pixel so it's pretty easy to get that selection to be exactly 5 pixels high then i'm going to use command or control i to invert that area from black to white i'll hit command or control d to deselect and next under filter blur i'm going to use box blur and set the value here to 4 pixels and finally i'm going to go to the edit menu and select define pattern and i don't even really need to name it i'll just hit ok next i'm going to create a new document and this time this one's going to be pretty large 6000 by 6000 pixels this can also be grayscale and that does help to keep the file size from being too large and here i'm going to use edit fill and i'm going to set the contents to pattern then in the options here i can select this little pattern we just created and hit ok then i'm going to use filter distort wave and i'm going to punch in some specific settings i'm going to set the wave type to sine the number of generators to 1 the wavelength to 149 and 150 the amplitude to 49 and 50 and finally the scale to 49 and 50. i'm going to hit ok and you should end up with this kind of tiny wavy headache inducing pattern so far i'm going to use command or control a to select all then command or control c to copy that to the clipboard then in the fill and adjustment layers menu i'm going to create a new solid color layer and in the pop-up i'm going to make this 50 gray then i need to option click or alt click on the mask of this layer i want to be in mask view mode so it's not just a click but making sure it's an option or alt click and then i'm looking at the white of this mask once i'm here i'm going to hit command or control v to paste in that wavy texture then i'll use command or control t to transform i'll right click and select rotate 90 degrees clockwise all right let me click out of mask view mode and i'm going to bring this layer's opacity to 90 then i'm going to use command or control e to merge these two layers into a single layer and i'll apply one filter here in the distort section i'm going to use ripple and i'll set the amount to 15 percent and the size to large all right that's it that is the magic texture i'm going to select all and copy that and let's drop this over an image so here i've already clipped out this guy and put him over kind of a faint gradient i'm going to trust most of you guys have a preferred method for clipping things out of a background so my apologies for not including that i do need this to be a black and white image so let me just select this layer and use command shift u or ctrl shift u to desaturate that then i'll paste in the crazy texture over the top i'm going to rename this in grave and the key is to set the blending mode of this layer to hard mix all right so you can see how that's starting to work realistically getting the line work in here is actually only half the battle to getting a convincing finished look no matter what those fine details are a photograph without any treatment to make it look more illustrated is just always going to read as a photograph the nice thing here is that we can keep this engraved layer active on top and work on this image to really bring out the best in this treatment and it doesn't take much so what i like to do is kind of smooth the whole thing out using the filter in the stylized section the oil paint filter and i'm just going to max this thing out with all the values at 10 but with the lighting feature turned off then i'm going to use image adjustments shadows highlights and i can kind of flatten out the image here by cranking the shadows up i'm going to go all the way up to 90 or so and maybe bringing the highlights up a bit too maybe to about the halfway point all right i'm also going to use command or control j to make a copy of this layer and on the copy i'm going to reapply that oil paint filter i can use command option f or control alt f to reapply the latest filter and just go maybe eight or ten times on that same filter really mushing it together i'm not really worrying about the details that are getting lost here because now i've got a detailed one on the bottom and the super smooth one on top and what i can do is select the mask on this top layer i'll hit b for the brush tool and right click and bring the hardness to zero and then just paint some black into this mask to hide the weird areas and reveal the details where i want them so definitely in the eyes and then just anywhere where it looks like it wants a bit more detail all right well that's looking more like an illustration and remember i just pasted this engraved texture in i haven't moved it or anything so i can use command or control t to transform and i could scale this down to get more detail in this line work although i think the scale is looking pretty good here what i do like to do is rotate this texture a bit and see if i can match some of the curves in the illustration so i found that if there's a more shadowy side of the face it looks good if i can kind of match the curves in this texture to the curve under the eye here and sort of over the cheekbones something like that then i can even refine the lighting here a little further if i create a levels adjustment layer and put this under the engraved texture and if i push these values around look how beautifully that treatment reacts you almost get the line work kind of changing in real time i like to dial in the overall contrast of the image and then bring up the black output level so that engraved treatment shows up even in the solid black areas and if you're feeling like the values here are a little too crunchy and you're getting kind of these aliased looking pixels you can select the engrave layer and rather than bringing down the opacity which doesn't really help you can bring down the fill value and at around 85 or 90 here you really get this nice natural softness on the edges of the lines but maintain that black and white quality all right let's give this a little bit of color a lot of ways to introduce color here my favorite is of course the gradient map adjustment layer and here i can make the blacks go more toward green and i'll change the whites to more of a weathered cream color and of course you could dial this in however you want some vintage looking browns can look cool or you can even go psychedelic with it all right finally let's get a little weathered texture on top this is a free texture from everything on is free as a matter of fact i'm going to copy this and paste it on top maybe set it to screen mode all right well that is the setup it's definitely cool to experiment with more graphic elements in here too so in this version i put a little bit of an outer glow on this guy and i put some sun rays in the background if you want to make these sun rays i'll include a very simple three-step way to do it in the description below all right well i hope you guys have enjoyed this tutorial and that it will help you to create something if so please do hit that like button that just helps the channel out so thank you for that always more content on the way so be sure to subscribe thank you to the patreon supporters and thank you for watching i'll see you next time you
Channel: Texturelabs
Views: 806,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, photoshop tutorial, photoshop tutorials, photoshop effects, adobe photoshop tutorials, photoshop dollar bill, photoshop dollar bill effect, dollar bill tutorial, photoshop dollar, photoshop engraving effect, photoshop engraving, photoshop 2021, dollar texture, dollar pattern, photoshop money, photoshop money effect, cool photoshop effects, engraved effect tutorial, realistic, engraved photoshop, photoshop engraved, photoshop lithograph effect, texturelabs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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