Rec Room Tutorial: Full Guide to Making CUSTOM Weapons!

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hey everyone nimbleberry here and welcome to the video where i will show you how to make a fully customizable ranged weapon so let's get started now to get started you will need access to your maker pen to do so you have to go to a watch go to backpack and press use on the maker pin to bring it up or you can favorite it to grab it from your back now that you have your maker pen out you have to look at the top of it there you go and you will see a bunch of buttons in here those are basically tools that are used to make anything a wrapper now go to your palette and under circuit gadgets in circuits go a little bit further and you will find a projectile launcher click it and it will automatically appear right in front of your makeup pen press the trigger tools spawn it in and there you go this is basically our gun itself now do note that this is the part where it will emit the projectile so if you want to make a gun you have to make sure that it is pointing the direction you wanted to shoot at now the next thing we are going to need is the trigger so you have to go to circuit gadgets again just a little bit over there somewhere at the end you will find the trigger handle now as soon as you spawn it in and basically oh i'm sorry and basically deselect it it will drop unlike the projector limiter the reason for that is because this will be the anchor for your weapon and when you grab it without the makeup pen in your hand basically this will happen now when making a weapon you probably don't want this clicking sound to appear whenever you're pressing the trigger when holding the handle so to get rid of it go to your maker again press configure and select the handle itself not the uh thing over here now go back to your maker pen and here you will see the trigger handle configurations and it says play sfx unpressed you have to turn it off to make it completely silent now to make our lives easier while working with the customizable gun we have to detach the plates the configuration plates apart from the gadgets themselves and now to do that you have to go to configuration configure any link that you want to configure first and somewhere here you can find a wrapper object attached from rectum object now when you turn it on and try to move just like that the plate the plate will stay where it is but when you grab the trigger it will be detached from the plate now let's do the same thing with the projectile launcher go back to your makerpen configure select the launcher itself go to the settings and now somewhere down here after all those things you can see the object board configure open it go a little bit down there you can see detached from rack from object make sure it's on there we go now that we have our plates detached from our gadgets we can start configuring them now depending on what weapon you want you can choose what projectiles the projectile launcher can shoot so the basic type is laser with the white collar but you can also use the cork or paintball ball basically now if you don't want to have the same sound that the projectiles come with whenever they shot out of the projector launcher you can go a little bit down in the same configuration folder basically and here you can see is sound enabled button so you have to disable it to make every projectile basically completely silent and now you can add your own sound effects which is pretty cool and i'll show you how later now let's say i want the laser right as the projectile type with the very nice let's say green color green i like green now let's go through these four i believe it's four yep four configurations over here now let's go first over count and for that i think i will have to connect my trigger handle to the projectile launcher and to do so i'll have to go back to the tools and in the maker pen press wire and connect the primary action pressed to fire forward and now as you can see whenever i press the trigger it will shoot out the projectile now going back to our project launcher press configure point at the projector launcher itself and there you go so count it's basically how many projectiles will shoot out of the projector launcher if i'll say 5 for example and maximum is 16 by the way if i'll set it to 5 and press the trigger it will shoot out 5 projectiles now the reason you don't see that is because there is no spread in those projectiles and now to add spread you have to go to the bottom and there you go there's some spread now it's zero so it's going to be 100 accurate all the time and if i add just a little bit of spread for example 5 and start shooting you can see there are now 5 projectiles do note that spread is always random for each projectile that is being shot out of the projectile launcher in this case five is the size of the spreading diameter you can actually go really crazy with it and just for example go to like 35 or something right and then put the count all the way to 16 and start shooting you you'll basically get this cascade of projectile madness now let's not get too crazy and let's go back to one and spread uh i think i'll have it like three or two now the next two are the speed right here and lifetime now the speed is well obviously how fast the projector will travel and in this case it is meter per second how many meters it will travel per second let's say just a crazy number of 400 meters per second and it will just go lightning fast and if we will put it to like one the projectile will be very slow it'll be so slow that it won't even have enough lifetime to travel further enough and that's where lifetime comes in now lifetime is basically how many seconds the projectile will be alive until it disappears now the maximum amount of seconds there can be is five and the minimum is 0.1 which is 12 10 of a second now let's go all the way to 5 and start shooting with the slowest projectiler and see if it travels further it indeed does i like to keep the projectiles with the four second lifetime because well you usually don't really mess with those things now and for the speed i think i'll just go to 50 50. yeah 50 is cool yeah i like 50. or maybe a little bit more let's go for 100 and by the way if you want to have a specific number and not this like whatever this is uh you can just type any number just like so and press x and it will appear over here i think i will stick to 100. now here comes the fun part the gravity so when you turn that on and start shooting your projectiles will basically have this curve at the end making them fall down basically this configuration works very well with the paintball projectiles but not with laser projectiles because well as you can see it's very funny looking you can add some damage to the head to the torso to the hand you can enamel or dcd and enable the sound you can add the color to the projectiles which is very weird because you already did that over here don't know why so yeah and i'm sorry i messed up a little bit so in the projector launcher configuration the color part is basically not the color of the projectile but the color of the whole thing i like to keep it to default because well nobody's gonna see the projector launcher anyway but it is maybe useful for you when you're sorting your guns by color so you don't really need to mess with any other part of the projector launcher configuration panel so now let's move to the trigger handle now do the same thing that we did with the projector launcher you just take configure and press the trigger handle now as soon as you do it you'll be presented with this it is basically the same thing that we did with the projector launcher but instead of that the trigger handle has only one configuration which is play sfx unpressed well you can also change the color of it let's do it yellow for example there you go now this is all the information you need about the basics of the trigger handle and the projector launcher now let's connect them together nimble bear what do you mean by connecting them together we already connected them well you want to point your gun at something right and shoot it over there so for that we will have to connect not only the plates to each other but the handle and the projector launch and to do so we'll need what's called a gizmo so let's go back to our palette and somewhere in cv1 legacy cv basically stands for circuits version something if you didn't know that and now under gadgets no i'm sorry gizmos there you go there's gizmos you can find many gizmos we are not going to use the animation gizmo though it's good for instant respawning things but i think it's for another video we can use any of these over here because we aren't gonna like connect them to anything else i'm usually going for clamp so let's go for that [Music] just to be safe now that we have our clamp out we will have to connect it between the handle and the launcher and to do that we go back to our tools and press wire now make sure because this is a very important step make sure that the top part of the clamp is connected to the projectile launcher like so and the bottom or the base is connected to the trigger handle now as soon as you release it it should fall over it's because all the weight is now on this on these two uh thingies now i added this small platform to see what's happening here now the basically our gun is ready we can do whatever we want with it we got the base ready and we can shoot anywhere now do note that you can put this projector launcher anywhere in your gun and the projectile will shoot out of it and that means that if you don't align it with your trigger handle or you make it as close as possible it doesn't matter the projectile will always shoot exactly from this bottle rate now do note one more thing whenever you're grabbing the trigger handle and try to shoot you will realize that you can just just hold it and shoot projectiles multiple times for that you will have to click your trigger multiple times now to make the projectile launcher and do a continuous firing mechanism we will have to do something with these two plates but the problem is we can't for that we will need another plate or another chip which is called the delay chip now to find the delay chip we will have to go back to our palette and to circuit and now we can't just you know go down and look for it because it will take forever and for that we will have to go to search and press circuits now under circuits we can type the lathe we got the delay chip and we can spawn it in by clicking it there you go now we don't need to configure anything or anything like that we just need to wire them together and to do so we go to back we go back to tools we press wire and the first step we will do is uh take the primary action pressed to run and then after delay back to run now the second step is to make the actual firing mechanism so we take run and connect it to fire forward now at this point whenever you press the button once on the trigger once the projector launcher will continuously fire just without any other input and in case you don't want to fire anymore we have to go back to primary action release and press and connect it to cancel in that way the delay will be cancelled and there will be no other projectiles launched from the projectile launcher now it's all ready so let's test this thing out [Music] there we go now i think we can start adding some custom sound effects and now there are two ways to do that now the first one which is very easy you can go back to the pilot go to circuits and under gadgets if you scroll a little bit further you can find the sfx gadget now spawn it in and there you go now the direction which it is pointing at it doesn't really matter you can just basically point it anywhere you want and there's only one configuration that you have to do now speaking of configurations go back to your tools press configure and select the set gadget now you will be welcomed with this menu over here and under sfx you can use the 3d audio what that means is whenever the audio is played it will be played only from this exact point over here if it will be a 2d audio which is basically the 3d audio being turned off it means that anyone can hear that exact audio from anywhere in the room and basically inside their heads now i would like it to make the audio from this exact point so i would like to turn it on now these sounds yes this sounds now there is a whole like catalog of different sounds that you can use starting from uh [Music] yep adequate all the way to like i don't know store and wish and just there are so many sounds now i think since i have the laser installed i think i will use the shield yeah it sounds nice now i'm sorry there's one more thing i forgot to mention about the delay chip so of course in the delay chip you can change the delay between each shot that is being shot out of the projector launcher now and to do so to change the delay we can go back to configure and tools and configuring this very like small knob over here and it will bring up the value menu in this menu uh you can basically set any number in seconds so yeah this will be in seconds so let's say just three three seconds right and press x and it will update and now whenever we take the gun and try to shoot one two three there you go three one two three there you go one two three and then we'll shoot again so you basically get the whole picture right now i think i would like to keep it at around like 0.5 or something so it's like half a second maybe a little bit smaller i want to make it a very rapid firing 0.1 how about that yeah there you go 0.1 very nice now do note that this thing might happen when you're messing with the delay so yeah by the way i'm not holding the trigger right now to stop it you just have to press the trigger multiple times until it stops i don't know i think i will keep it at zero for the point of this video now to actually play the sound and to connect it also to the trigger handle and the projector launcher as part of the gun you will have to go back to wire you know that using the 3d audio again will emit the sound only from that specific area so if you want to emit sound somewhere at the um at the end of the gun you should just move it there easy as that there you go here comes the important part whenever you want to connect something to the gun you'll have to connect it to this yellow part over here of the gizmo because the base part is connected to the trigger handle which is basically the anchor now let's go back to wire and connect this thing or to the yellow thing now we're not done yet because the audio doesn't play anything whenever we press the button now the problem we have right now with the snx gadget is that it will first play the sound completely until it will have to replay the sound again now to get rid of that and to make the sound play continuously we will have to configure it again and yeah again it's over here press it on the gadget and so we're down here oops sorry we'll find interrupt current sound let's switch it to on and what that means is whenever it will receive an input it will restart the sound which is a very good thing one more thing before we connect it to the delay chip or the projector launcher chip or whatever so the magic happens over here in this side not over here here we are only connecting them together right and here is all the magic happening so to make the continuous firing noise we will have to disconnect the run from fire forward and then take the same run connect it to play in the play input note that and then go to play output and then connect it to fire forward now if we did everything correctly we can test it out and it should continuously make a firing sound maybe i will change the sound later but i'm not sure it is quite fun now the second option of adding the effect to your new custom gun is by adding the audio player and to do so go to your palette go to circuits and somewhere in circuit gadgets somewhere at the beginning i believe there will be the audio player there you go now i don't really know how to use it but i will probably make a video about how to use it later when i dive deeper into this but the main few things are that when connecting you just connect these two play buttons the same way that we connected the sfx chip together and now when configuring you do the same thing that we did somewhere down here with the effects you have to use the 3d audio and interrupt current sound don't set it to loop because as soon as it will receive an input it will start looping the sound regardless of whether you have an input on your trigger handle or not so yeah if you want a tutorial on audio player let me know down in the comments and stay tuned for that i just want to point out that the main thing about the audio audio player is that you have to make any type of sound through your mouse or basically through a microphone or you can just program it however you want i will show you that maybe in the next video again just let me know now i think that we have basically everything ready for us maybe there is like one more thing that you can add to it like loaning for example the sfx gadget over here connecting it to the yellow part of the gizmo and moving this over close to the handle the reason i'm doing that is because we can set any type of audio whenever you for example grab the trigger handle and for that you will have to connect the out and the input play to the on pickup right and that's pretty much it now let's set the audio this sounds very nice i think this is good and whenever we pick up the trigger handle you can hear the sound there you go now you don't want to just you know have a plane trigger handle over here to basically make the whole weapon and for that i can recommend you making your own look yes that's right if you're a builder and you can create stuff just like me you can make your own weapon those are basically the gadgets that you will need to prepare the body for your own custom weapon now i will use the weapon that i've made a while back and guess what you can also get that exact weapon in the invention store and i'll put the name right here so just type it in in the invention store and you'll find my weapon so i will use some of the move and rotation the tools over here to kind of just place my trigger handle whenever wherever i want again you can use like the arrows in the move the two and these little squares over here to do the platform kind of moving and now the last step is freezing it in place while it is selected so it will just hover above the ground just like that and you can't grab it by the way now the moment we've all been waiting for weaponizing the actual weapon and to do so i'll use this thing again this is the weapon you can find in the invention store when you're making your own weapon make sure that when it's complete the physics mode is set to decoration it is a very important step now i maybe want to move the weapons like skeleton or the base somewhere in the places that i'd like it to be at for example the pickup effect will be over here then the projector launcher will be somewhere over here and the effects i used to make the firing sound i will put somewhere close to the projector launcher don't worry if they cross anyhow nothing will really happen to them and yeah that is basically it now the final step that i would like to do is disconnecting the base from the handle and connecting the yellow part of the gizmo to the gun now you don't really want the trigger handle to be seen while holding the weapon right and in order to hide it you again unfreeze then you just rotate it somewhere like that so that it will be aligned with the handle of your weapon use the move tool to move it somewhere in the middle also make sure that your snapping is as low as possible when trying to go for these like precise movements now the last thing i think i'll do is scaling now when scaling i don't use any of these like green blue or red squares over here i use the square in the center because this is a gadget not a object that we created from the maker pin and put it somewhere over here yes this is nice now that the handle is completely hidden we can freeze it again make sure it's frozen inside and wire it back to the base of the gizmo now everything should be completed now if we unfreeze the trigger handle it will alter the ground just like so and again remember this is the anchor and all the weight is now somewhere around this weapon now we can grab this followed by the sound effect and we can start shooting which is very fun yeah this sometimes happens when you shoot into the distance and there are too many projectiles flying into the distance it won't allow you to shoot until they all disappear now do also note that there are there's this thing as space in your rooms so if you make something crazy like my gun right here and try to turn it into a weapon it will actually start lagging like crazy or maybe to the point of even crashing again and also as you saw there just completely disabling your shots and you can shoot until you re-grab it now i've changed the weapon a little bit and now if we try shooting it again you can go as crazy as you want with this thing but make sure you don't go too crazy because it will take a bunch of memory in the game and that is not good now this is how you can create your own custom weapon radiation i hope that this video helped you a lot with making your own custom weapon and well if you have any concerns or any questions please let me know down in the comments below either and lastly i want to thank you all very much for watching my name is william wilbur and i'll see you later
Channel: Mr NimbleBear
Views: 92,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w3gt3sHVxYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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