How To Make Something Follow YOU In Rec Room (No Roles, No Gizmos)

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today I'm going to show you how to make something follow you in rec room if you've seen my previous videos on this you're going to want to stick around because this one is very different today hey it's RCL from the future if you guys want this as an invention it's going to cost you 250 likes yeah the first thing you want to do is get whatever it is that's going to be following you today we're going to use Barry the record monster Whatever item it is that you get you need to make sure that you can edit that item so if you get an invention make sure that you can edit it so once you have your monster Whatever item is going to follow the player you want to go ahead and open your maker pin and hit edit then click on it and you're going to want to find this little symbol here this is the pivot point of your item if you don't see one of those you're going to go in your maker pan and go down to general settings here and check this show pivot make sure that that's on so once you see this pivot point we need to move this Pivot Point to their face or like right right here in front of their face the easiest way I know to do that is to hit select on the maker pin select one thing this little menu will pop up you hit options you hit select all and then we're just going to move everything so that this Pivot Point ends up at his face now that we've got it at its face we're not done we need to move it so that this blue line is pointing straight at us the red line is pointing off to the left and the green line is pointing straight up and down make sure that you do this step if you don't get the Pivot Point on there correctly then it's going to look all wonky and sideways and you don't want that okay so once you have your pivot point kind of figured out you're going to want to hit done and you're going to want to hit configure on the monster open this up here turn it into decoration uncheck anything over here that's checked so if it's grabbable uncheck it let's see let's uncheck support wall run uncheck that you want to give it some sort of tag we're going to give it a enemy tag then you want to scroll all the way down and check the can modify which circuit all right we're done with him now let's move on to circuits all right so for circuits let's start with what we know whenever the thing is following you we want it to be constantly changing position so first let's cover the changing position part so normally when we want to change the position of something we would use a set position chip but this doesn't account for rotation so for rotation we would use a respawn chip however I did a stream a little while back and somebody showed me this chip the set transform chip and as you can see it's basically the same thing as a set position it just has rotation on it so we're going to use the set transform all right so that takes care of the changing position part now we need to deal with the constantly part for this we're gonna get an event receiver and we're going to configure it to be a 30 Hertz receiver now there is one more chip we have to add in between these two and that's going to be the if local player is Authority check now I don't want to go into Super detail about what this chip does if we want to put it simply it just makes sure that the monster is in the same spot for everybody that's in the room okay so when you hook these up you're going to hook up the event receiver to the if local player is Authority and then you're going to hook up the I'm authority to the set transform of course right now it's not going to do anything but that's how you hook it up later when you do hook it up now we can move on to filling out all of this on this chip so the first thing we need to fill out is the target we know that the target is going to be Barry who we gave the tag of enemy to earlier so for that we're going to use a rec room object get first with tag and then we are going to configure that string over there to say enemy there we go and then we can go ahead and connect the object to the Target and we're going to move it over that way so these next two position and rotation require a little Vector math and some placeholder chips so we're going to go over here okay so let's say we have a player right here on the map and we have a monster right here on the map if we subtract the position of the monster from the position of the player we will get a vector that looks like this it'll go from the monster to the player now this Vector is half of what we want that Vector we just got takes care of the rotation because the rotation doesn't care how long the vector is the magnitude of the vector we can just use the result of that subtract chip for the rotation but now we need to deal with the position that we want the monster to be set to because if we hook this up to the position on that chip back there when we started all it's going to do is jump immediately from here to here and wherever this player goes it's just going to jump immediately where the player is we don't want that what we want to do is chop this Vector up into smaller chunks so what we want to do is every time it sets position we want to add a chunk next time it says position we want to add a chunk next time it says position when I add another chunk so let's do that but with circuits let's go ahead and deal with the rotation since that's easier all we need is a subtract chip to get position chips and then for this tutorial we're going to use a get local player chip now if you're familiar with circuits then you know that this chip is only going to let it follow one player in the next video we're going to set up a separate system to have it follow the closest player in the room but for the basics we're just going to have it follow you the one player so we're gonna get the position of the player and we're going to get the position of the monster now we can hook up the subtract chip just make sure that your player position goes in the top input and your monster position goes in the bottom input if you do it the other way around it's going to go flying away from you and we can go ahead and hook that up to rotation now let's take care of the position we're going to start off with a vector normalize so what this is going to do is make it smaller but keep the directionality but we want to make it even smaller than that so for that we're going to get a multiplied chip and we're going to multiply it by a really small number go ahead and connect the normalized vector to that Top Value and then for the second value we're going to need to create our own Vector so we're going to get a vector create so to make this Vector even smaller we're going to multiply it by a tiny number a decimal so we're going to change all three of these to .03333334 this is the same number that comes out of the Delta time on the event receipt these three numbers are what controls the speed of your monster if you want your monster to go faster you make them a little bit bigger you want it to go slower you make it a little bit smaller if you make all of these one then it's gonna go way too fast you need to keep it into a small decimal and if you're going to increase the speed I would say do it slowly like slowly add to it make it a little bit bigger a little bit bigger until you find the right speed secondly if you change these numbers I highly recommend that you keep all of them exactly the same unless you want it to stay on one level if you don't want it to move up and down then you need to change this y in the middle to a zero for this example I am just going to have it stay on one level okay so now we have our little Vector chunk and all we need to do is add that Vector chunk to the current position of the monster so for that we use an add chip we're going to add the position of the monster to the tiny chunk that we have down here and then that is going to be our new position all right so now we can hook up our event receiver and here comes Barry now the real question is can we make a next spot if this video helped you out make sure you use code rcl1 next time that you're in Vector it really helps me out if the video on following the closest player is up I'll leave it right here for you subscribe so you don't miss it of course but if it's not here how about you enjoy some funnies RCL man out
Channel: theRCLman
Views: 62,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Something Follow You in Rec Room, how to rec room rec room how to, rec room circuits tutorial, rec room tutorial, rec room follow, rec room how to make follow, follow obj rec room, follow in rec room, how to make an npc in rec room, how to make an npc follow you in rec room, rec room vr, rec room psvr, cv2 follow me, rec room cv2 tutorial, rec room cv2 zombies, rec room cv2 ai, cv2 npc rec room, cv2 npc, cv2 follow you, cv2 follow player
Id: 5oNw8xEOnSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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