Making Graphs using DaVinci Resolve 17

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so the idea that we're going to be working on today is going to look something like this i was looking up graphs because i wanted to do a video on creating graphs and this one looked kind of cool um but yeah that's what we're aiming for so explore a wide selection of pre-made creative tools for davinci resolve like titles transitions slideshows and infographs like bar charts and callouts and much much more link in the description for more information with the new version of davinci resolve you don't actually need any of this stuff here if you're just making the effect itself you don't need to have anything in here you can go right into fusion and start creating and it'll automatically create a timeline for you create a fusion comp for you and everything will be good to go but if you're putting it into a project you would just right click create a fusion comp then put it into your timeline depending on where you wanted it but for this i'm just going to make this effect then render it out and then use that rendered out video in an edit for a video so that's the idea that i'm gonna go with so i have on my other screen that uh graph up here for reference so right now we don't see like a media out because if you were to make a uh fusion comp you would see that but once i drag something into here because there's nothing on the timeline it'll automatically add it here if i go over to the edit page we'll now see it all over here so it's pretty cool um now let's just create that yellow background so i'm just going to view it here so i drag down the background dropped it here if i zoom in we can see it says background dragging it up here uh over here in the inspector we will go to gradient and for this one i'm going to do radial and let's pick some colors let's go with like a yellow and let's do another yellow but we'll just make it a little darker maybe not that dark maybe just like that much okay so if we click on it now we have these little controls here we can move this and maybe this isn't enough of a difference so we'll just click come in here and change this a little bit okay so now we can see it all right so just having it in the center um just for a point of focus i feel like that would be fine and then now we can start working on adding in the lines so first i'm just going to grab another background right so if i drag it up here it's just a black background we're going to turn it to white to get those little lines now there's a couple of different ways that you could actually go about creating these lines we could grab like a rectangle mask and you could go like this oops grab the widget come down bring it down and we can do this copy this ctrl c ctrl v just to paste it so we have another one here bring this over this way make it skinny and then make it tall right maybe it was a little too tall but you could do something like this right to make your little lines um that is one way of going about doing it um but there's tons of other ways to do this as well so that's one way i guess we could go over the others you could use a mask paint what a mask paint does is it allows you to use all the paint tools but in a mask form right so um we can create multiple splines if we want to so we could go like create right we can create one then click here again click here click there now we have our two lines and we can come over in here in the modifiers because we made two of them um there'll be as two modifiers here and you can come into each line and let's reduce that softness down right so it's not so soft around the edges you could do that you could also change the brush type to make this square if you wanted to and the cool thing with this because the way in which this is built we also have a stroke control let's go back over we have a stroke control and we can do a right on right so we could have that line be written on across right so we could make an animation so i think that's what we'll actually go with here and both of these aren't really lined up so what i'm actually going to do is click on this one to get that one active and up here there's a bunch of different tools so let's click on this tool here because this is only to modify points it's not to add any points if we zoom in a little bit we're not on the correct tool here what's going on okay no still not on the correct tool there we are so we can slide it over so now we have a perfect line for our effect there and let's come back over and go back come back over here we'll back up both of these lines right stroke control come down back this line up now we can make a little animation so let's keyframe both of these right ons and let's come up a couple of frames depending on what your frames per second is would be you know kind of depict what would be the best thing to go with here so there we have our little lines right i think out what i'll actually do is make them a little longer so what i'm going to do is pop this up opening up the spline tool which allows us to see all of our keyframes so if i click this click this button to see all of our keyframes we can see them here um they're the same color so they're overlapping each other but what i think i'm going to do is uh come out a little further with the keyframe so i'm actually going to come out a little further with both keyframes so i'm going to zoom out a little bit it's holding down control there come on i'm going to highlight both of these and then holding shift we can change the position what is going on we can change the position of these without changing the value so let's bring it out that far i don't know what these keyframes are that are created here i'm just going to highlight and delete them alright we're going to highlight both of these hit f to flatten to add easing in and then we can increase this so as they get drawn in they kind of slow down towards the end there all right so now that is our little line now we need to make the lines for the other animations so like i was showing with these rectangles there's multiple ways to make these but what i think i'm going to do is i'm actually going to use um the same method but we have to change it just slightly let's show you here quick so um what am i doing mask and we're going to connect this in and then we're going to lay these on top of each other so we can see them together so we can go like that and then come over here we're going to get the square and we can pick our first spot for our first little line here what i think i'm actually going to do is just come into the screen so i don't see it click on spline kind of making this up on the fly here we're going to go like that to create our little line and then um maybe make this a little bit bigger and the reason why i'm just going to have it right in the middle is because then i'll use this rectangle so i feel like that would be easier to then you know posit align these correctly i feel like that would make it a little easier because then i can just copy and paste this once i make this the first time so the other thing with this as you can see here we have two colors right so let's quickly do that so i'm just going to come in the gradient and we're going to make two colors let's come over here we'll grab another color and make it a bit darker and then we're going to bring this over and as you can see this is going from zero to one so if i make this like .499 and then click on this one and make this 1.5 we're not right in the middle hold on a second if we click on both of these how would i be able to do this and if we come in and go to here and let's go into um how do we able to get this dead center so we could do an edit point but i feel like we could also do a publish points and then we could put this like .5 i don't know what this is at for the height and i'll do the same here i guess i could have wait a second that should have did both of them i don't know i thought that would have done both published points okay so make this point five as well so now we're right dead center i feel like that's straight okay and now if we take a look at our little line we're just going to bump it up a little bit just holding um [Music] shift so we don't go left and right we only go up and down now we can bring this over this way clicking on it again shift and then align these how i want but now that i created it i can just copy and paste and add another one in here so we can see here we come into the background and change the colors of this and i feel like i just found an issue because i can't grab the other one all right let's go back to this one grab this hex code and we'll put the hex code in here and then just drop down the brightness and make this 0.5 all right and then we can scoot this over come into here click shift and we can pick a point for that and now with all of these masks we can easily go in and do a write on to animate them right so we can add an animation in for each one of those i feel like that is kind of the gist of this um that is that is pretty much that and we can grab the background so we're kind of we kind of except for like the particular picks of colors i feel like these pixel colors are a bit better but picks of colors we're kind of there if we really wanted to we could throw arrows on it but i feel like the next portion of this whole thing would be this uh drop shadow right so i don't really know the proper way that i don't know how they did it i have an idea of how to do it because i noticed that there is a drop shadow for everything so it's not like they just grabbed one and they added a drop shadow for each one all of these elements they added a drop shadow for so i have an idea on how to do that so the way in which we built this we have everything singled out before it goes on to the background right um so what we can do is we can grab this information and create a drop shadow now one way that i think we can do this is with a directional blur this is going to be a bit on the expensive side when it comes to like processing but i feel like this might actually work so if we pick a way in which to get this to blur so let's get a blur like that right and now we come out of that into a bitmap and then we crush this i think we just created it and now if we do like a uh let's just do another background all right and we'll drag the background into here and then we can change this opacity like 20 and then we drop this in this whole little chain that we have going here let's make a little more room here i feel like this is how we could create this so we go like that then we add this on so now we have that with the drop shadow and we go like that boom i think we created it theirs goes off screen so you could just come into the directional blur and increase the length to like two i feel like that is kind of like this right uh maybe a little bit more on the angle i feel like that is kind of like that right okay this is starting to look ugly let's just go with one color it's kind of that in there oh gosh we don't want to do that all right so the other thing you could do with this is to get in the background um on this merge we'll just hit ctrl t to flip the inputs so we're like that so now we're not putting the color over top all awesome let's grab this and then just make it darker something like that looks like they want more something of that nature now this whole thing's looking more orange than the yellow i have going but yeah get the idea something like that if you ever wanted these lines to be longer obviously these are the two lines um you just come into them and then just increase their size right other thing we could do too is you would have these actually go in if we want it or no we don't want that but then we just grab a rectangle and we use this to clean up everything because we can go invert we can bring this down zoom in here bring it right to there and we'll go full width so now we don't have to be super concerned about lining that up because now it's lined up uh accordingly right so just to make these look the same let's just do 0.7 or 0.07 0.07 now we have i feel like that kind of worked out um maybe grab this one remember we just used the merges for the left and right position so we could bring this over like this because how everything is set up all of the shadows are automatically uh you know redone i feel like that kind of like worked out so now if i wanted to add in those animation i didn't even think about the animation actually having uh be in there as well but now so we have i would say i like there always to be movement so like right about here maybe we can come into the first one and we can do its write-on effect uh let's add let's make this over 20 we can go like that and then here we'll start this one as well back like that we'll go plus 20. have that come in highlight both of those come to the spline and we'll also us so what i like to do here is we're starting to get a bunch of stuff is if you start to get a lot and it's hard to see you want to have this only show selected because then it'll only show the nodes that you currently have selected then we can highlight the tops go like that and now we have a bit of an animation going here now let's watch that back cache because now we have that all cached and there we go i feel like that kind of was everything here they just i like their colors a lot better if you wanted to add text on here you could simply just add a text note now the way that this is all set up all of this stuff before is all getting fed into here so it's all going to have the drop shadow if i was to add on text in here somewhere this is also going to have the drop shadow so that's something to take note of um that's actually a cool effect in itself but um yeah that that's just something to note right so if you didn't want that you would just have to put it after the drop shadow so after all of this down here so if we put it down here obviously this is after creating the drop shadow so now this text wouldn't have the drop shadow and then you could simply just you know put this maybe not so big but you could put this wherever you know and maybe have a bunch of lines that are indicating something and maybe something down here that indicates um something as well for your little animation once you're done with creating it let's just get rid of this we can go over into the media out once on the media out now if we go back over to the edit page now we will have it here so now we'd be able to just render this out as a video clip and put it in our project or use this for if you already have it you know in your timeline you would then have this fusion clip where you could place it wherever you needed this animation so that's pretty much it i think it turned out alright i just i'm not a huge fan of the colors
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 3,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, Fusion, graphs
Id: 2sqS67sF1zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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