Pan Sauces | Basics with Babish

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Pork one looks delicious

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/codyharv 📅︎︎ May 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am very glad I watched that

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kfendley 📅︎︎ May 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PostMahomes13 📅︎︎ May 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love pan sauces

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/katfranjen 📅︎︎ May 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
this episode of basics with babish is brought to you by Brite sellers a monthly wine club that matches you with fine wine you'll love and delivers it right to your door bright cellars is offering you 50% off your first six bottle box so follow the link in the video description to take the taste palate quiz and get started all this wine is going to come in handy because today we're making pan sauces let's get down to basics [Music] all right so let's begin by going over our tools of the pan sauce trade first up the shallot an aromatic vegetable that looks smells and tastes like the lovechild of onions and garlic a welcome stab nope nope never mind I guess oft growing in separate cloves like a head of garlic but layered and distinctly onion a like an onion we're gonna simply peel and finely mince our shallot in preparation for virtually any pan sauce recipe that's gonna bring a lot of savory flavor to the sauce which is generally balanced out by an acid enter our old friend the lemon after giving it an entirely unnecessary spin we're gonna plop it down on the table top and roll it with the heel of our hand which is going to make it much easier to juice down the line next up many pan sauces incorporate fresh herbs parsley goes with damn near anything but you can try experimenting with things like tarragon chives rosemary and sage next up in our pan sauce Pantheon is garlic you know what garlic looks like you know what it tastes like you know that it goes well with meats and meats is what we're here to eat oh I got in my finger that was quite a feat next up some high-quality preferably homemade chicken or beef stock if you can't get homemade here is your secret weapon one packet of unflavored gelatin sprinkled over top and allowed to hydrate that's gonna give your pan sauce the unctuous mouthfeel that you thought was only achievable in a restaurant sprinkle it over top and set it aside for 10 minutes before using in your recipe another most valuable pan sauce player comes to us courtesy of today's sponsor Wright sellers first off do not cook with wine that you wouldn't drink him second off sticks dry crisp white wines like something amok and dry full-bodied Reds like Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir lastly we're finishing the vast majority of pan sauces with copious amounts of butter high-quality unsalted and fresh out of the refrigerator cold butter lastly in order to make a pan sauce we need a pan more specifically a heavy bottomed stainless steel skillet something that we can get very hot something the food is gonna stick to and leave little bits of residue aka fond and something we can really scrape at without worrying about hurting it so there are your pan sauce necessities now how about we stop talking about it and make one happen let's start with my very favorite iteration chicken we're starting with a whole chicken for two reasons for stuff so we can harvest it's delicious backbone this along with the wings are perfect for making a quick chicken stock when you're in a pinch second so we have complete control over the way our chicken breasts are prepared I want them prepared airline style that is skin on bones still attached underneath the breast meat and the drumettes still attached as a sort of little dark meat snack these guys are ideally suited for pan roasted preparation as you shall see first we're looping up our stainless steel skillet with a little bit of vegetable oil and dropping in the chicken breast skin side down into a cold pan which at first sounds super counterintuitive but placing the skillet over medium-high flame is gonna heat up the skin more gradually which is gonna render out more fat and encourage the skin to stick to the bottom of the pan which is gonna cause it to Brown more evenly now you might be saying to yourself chicken sticking to my stainless steel pan that sounds like the recurring nightmare that I've had every night for the past 32 years well you'll be delighted to find that once the my art reaction is complete and the skin is deeply browned it will lift effortlessly off the bottom of the pan and once we flip the chicken it's gonna be resting on its rib cage which is gonna prevent the delicate breast meat from being in direct contact with the ripping hot pan so as these guys head into a foreigner degree fahrenheit oven to finish they're effectively sitting on their own little built-in roasting racks emerging from the oven juicy on the inside crispy on the outside now before slicing and serving these guys need to rest 10 minutes just enough time to turn this beautiful fund into em if their old pan sauce for placing the pan back over medium heat draining off any excess fat and dumping in about a 1/2 cup of shallots which we're gonna saute in about two tablespoons of reserved chicken fat until they are soft and fragrant and beginning to turn translucent around the edges then we're gonna crush in one clove of garlic continuing to saute for about 30 seconds until nice and fragrant and then it's time to deglaze or use liquid in this case a dry crisp white wine to lift up all the Fond or savory flavor crystals off the bottom of the pot we're also gonna add an equal part about a cup of our gelatin enhanced chicken stock and get to scraping we want to get all those flavorful bits up off the bottom of the pot and then we're letting this guy come up to a simmer and holding them there for anywhere from five to seven minutes toward the end of it had a few healthy squeezes of our table rolled lemon crank this guy over medium-high heat and reduce aggress of Lee until it's thick enough that a spoon or whisk scraped across the bottom of the pot leaves a trail like this that means you're ready to kill the heat and finish the sauce let it cool down for about 30 seconds and then we're going to mount it with butter remember that your butter should be cold from the fridge this is gonna help it emulsify as you whisk it then in addition to kosher salt and freshly ground pepper I'm gonna finish this sauce with a handful of parsley if your sauce breaks in other words if it becomes oily and greasy and separated you can add a splash of water and it will come back together but otherwise just keep whisking until your sauce is thick and glossy and ready for its close-up then you can either leave your chicken whole and serve it in a pool of sauce or you can debone it and slice it up plate it up all pretty and smother it maybe finish that off with some fresh parsley and some flaky finishing salt and here you have a chicken dish that truly takes things to the next level it is deeply savory from all the pan drippings and the aromatics it is bright sand flavorful and lively from the wine and the lemon it is rich in unctuous and mouth cutting from the gelatin and the butter in fact all the pan sauces I made today are so good you're gonna notice that each dish ends with me leaving the room with a bite on a fork so I can show off to my girlfriend now the procedure for making a pan sauce for steak is very much the same with a few key differences first as you can see we're dropping the steak into a very hot pan the faster that you establish the crust on a steak of the better you can cook your steak however you like or however as appropriate I have a shell steak of medium thickness so I'm going to flip and butter baste it with some herbs and garlic once I've got a beautiful brown crust on both sides of my steak in and has reached the doneness of my choosing I'm going to extract it out onto a plate to blanket it and that beautiful sizzling brown butter and head back over to the stovetop let's just take a second to stare at this though yeah that's nice then the procedure on the stovetop is very much the same we're sweating our shallot adding our garlic deglazing with gelatinize chicken or beef stock and this time instead of a dry crisp white wine we've got a full-bodied red a Columbia Valley red blend from Jeff Byrd we are then likewise aggressively reducing this mixture over medium-high heat until it reaches a thick almost syrupy consistency then once again we are going to mount with an irresponsible quantity of butter whisking it constantly until it disappears into the sauce leaving behind only a creamy emulsion make sure as always the season to taste with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper try tiny little spoon fool to make sure that it is worthy of our stake speaking of which our stake has rested for ten minutes and is ready to be carved no I didn't overcook the steak I wanted it medium yeah I can't even joke about that luckily the perfect remedy for a slightly overcooked steak is a delicious pan sauce one that's so rich and flavorful and complex that you don't care that you overcook the last nick that you have in the house and you still bring it into the other room so Jess can try a bite lastly but not leastly let's talk pork chops we got some thick center-cut bone-in pork chops and to prevent the dreaded curling chop we're gonna place some shallow cuts through the fat and down into the sinew that runs around the outside of the loin this can prevent the sinew from contracting and prevent our pork chop cutlets from turning into pork chop bowls into our stainless steel skillet goes some vegetable oil heated over medium-high flame until little wisps of smoke dance off its surface then we're gonna gently lower the pork chops down into the oil away from you so as to not splatter hot oil all over your tender human body and then we're treating these kind of like a steak just let them sit until a deep golden-brown crust forms giving them a flip once they lift easily off the bottom of the pan and as in most pork cases I like to go for about 135 degrees Fahrenheit put the thickest part of the chopped out onto a warm plate they go and there they shall rest for 10 minutes while we build our sauce first I'm gonna dump out all but about two tablespoons of the remaining fat in the pan add a few handfuls of our old trusty friend the shallot saute until soft and fragrant deglazing this time with a healthy half cup of bourbon very carefully preferably off heat unless you want a fireball in your hands a cup of our gelatinize chicken stock and then it's the same deal scrape swiftly simmer seasoned grape again silence the flame this is getting hard to do with words that start with s we're gonna add maybe a quarter cup of heavy cream to this mixture whisk until completely combined and then as always we're going to mount with butter pen sauces you see are not healthy things they are delicious things and then the only thing this sauce is really missing is an acid in this case taking the form of a heaping tablespoon of Dijon mustard you could also add a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice just taste it see if it's sweet enough is sour enough savory enough wow hey s words where were you guys earlier give it a taste to make sure that it's give it another taste it'd be another taste no god that's good be sure to save something for the pork this time I'm going to pool a whole bunch of our sauce on our Intendant serving plate topped with our chopped and dig in maybe with a little sprinkling of parsley for color and herbaceousness and just like with the chicken breasts this is kind of the apex form that pork can take it is rich it is unctuous it's flavorful it's peppery it's bright and Irby and savory and I'm kind of running out of descriptors for it it's amazing it's definitely getting the most fork shakes of the bunch now there's only one thing left to do cut off an extra thick juicy piece drench it in sauce and carry it into the other room where my favorite taste tester awaits and all of these sauces and the dishes they accompany are made even better with great wine but what if you don't have access to or aren't even sure you're getting great wine enters stage left and today's sponsor bright cellars a service that selects wine just for you from all around the world and delivers it right to your door the service is only for adults 21 and older the folks at bright cellars take pride in educating their Club members so each box comes with a wine education card for each bottle that outlines tasting notes suggested pairings ideal serving temperature and origin once you get your first box you can go online and rate the wines you've received so that your next box will be even more tailored to your preferences one of my favorites that I've received recently was this double century Shiraz it's an Australian full-bodied red that goes really nicely with the steak and red wine pan sauce and great wine like grape pan sauces deserve to be shared with your significant other in the other room so I'm gonna pour Jessa class of this stuff and I will see you guys later look gonna need that so it looks like I know what I'm talking about bright cellars is offering you guys 50% off your first six bottle box so be sure to follow the link in the video description below to take the taste palate quiz and get started [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 2,691,032
Rating: 4.962863 out of 5
Keywords: binging with babish, basics with babish, babbish, cooking with babish, pan sauces, pan sauce recipe, pan sauce babish, pan sauce for steak, pan sauce for chicken, pan sauce for fish, pan sauce with wine, pear qwerty horse, pan sauce for pork, easy pan sauce, quick pan sauce, quick pan sauce for steak, quick pan sauce for chicken, easy pan sauce recipe, easy pan sauce for chicken, easy pan sauce for steak
Id: ru4U_T83uOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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