Chicken Gaston Gerard: Learn the history and make the dish | Famous French chicken recipe

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welcome back everyone to the french cooking academy second episode on the new kitchen if you haven't seen it now the last time i was on air you could see that this stove was an electric and i've managed to get that fixed i've converted it and we're back to having a gas stove and as you can see i'm moving around as well because i also want to have the wireless microphone so the sound may sound a little bit different that video i will need to adjust but if there's any problem just let me know now for today's recipe because we're still settling in into the kitchen here we're going to keep things simple but we're still going to do an interesting dish called the pule a la gaston there's a bit of history behind that recipe so if you want to hear about the history of the dish plus how to make the recipe keep watching now the pure gaston gerard is one of these recipes that went down to history we've always that kind of it happened by mistake now the more i'm looking at the history of french cooking i have to say that i'm starting to be a little bit suspicious as how many accidents has actually created dishes because the story goes that in the 1930s the mayor of dijon in a town in the burgundy region and called gaston gerard had a food critic for dinner he was having dinner and the wife decided to make a chicken her way and apparently she was in the kitchen making a chicken a pot of paprika fell into her dish i'm like what was the pot of paprika doing there anyway in the first place but anyway pot of peppercorn falls in the dish and say oh my god what i've got what did i do so she added some cream some wine some cheese some mustard made some things and she served this as the dish she was making for the night the chicken her way and the food critic loves it and of course it was then labeled not with the name of the lady that made it but with the husband it was also the mayor you know a bit funny as well bit of self marketing there i'm not sure but that's how the story goes so what to believe we don't know it is still an interesting recipe so for the recipe it is a good one because it's very simple to make and there's not many ingredients free range chicken little bit of paprika some cheese cream wine and mustard there's no onion no bouquet garni no garlic nothing so that is gonna be pretty pretty nice to make you're gonna need i'm going to use your cast iron le crosse pan and we're going to talk a little bit about this because someone asked me to talk about you know do we actually need one of those cast iron pots so get to your pots and pan and let's start cooking and now let's start with the ingredients of course quick snapshot what's important in this a dry wine i'm using here muscade you can use any burgundy dry white it's fine as well good quality chicken and the cheese is the most important has to be either corn cheese or gruyere cheese and the mustard has to be a dejan mustard for the rest simple breadcrumbs but everything will be listed in the video description right so what's the story behind the cast iron part i'm using of course a le crosse cast iron with the enamel finish it's a white enamel which is good because you see what's going on in your cooking some pots i've got an enamel finish but it's black do you actually need one of those i think the answer is yes doesn't matter which one you want to have make sure you got the nmo coding a lot of recipes i'm seeing even the oldest one from paul bokus and some technique we're going to use today really really cool for one of those okay because there's some simmering that needs to be done we need to do the chicken and it's a very very good part to make this kind of ragus or this kind of this preparation with a chicken or another meat with sauce so the recommendation is do you need one yes if you can do get one now for the amazon plus of course if you get a whole chicken like me you're gonna have to cut it into pieces but the things we're gonna do different today is to actually have all of the pieces of chicken on one side okay and we're gonna have the carcass that we're gonna keep and we're gonna put this in our pan to give some uh taste and this is the way it was done back in the days for the home kitchens and you will note that the drumsticks here also have cut the top here and to make it kind of better to look like in a small plate it doesn't take as much space because it's just a piece of bone you don't really need it same for the end of the wings they have been trimmed all right but that's for the chicken hermeson plus is now ready i've got all of my chicken i've got the chicken bones and for the rest my paprika has been measured two tablespoons of mustard i've got a little bit of butter my cream the cheese will be grated at the last minute and i've got my wine well burner ready to go on the stove and start cooking and here we are on the stove the new stove so we're gonna start with like a tablespoon of two of like oil in there and i put a nudge of butter now the good news is like this recipe it is really honestly fairly straightforward and we're not going to try to actually really sear the chicken too much this recipe actually has a very very lightly colored chicken and it's rea you know it's uh trying to get the juices out of the chicken more than browning the chicken because the juice of the chicken is basically what is going to give the taste to the dish so first we're going to melt the butter with the oil okay so i'm using a medium heat and all what we're going to do here i'm going to grab some pieces of chicken i'm going to all place them in there with a little bit of salt and pepper and wait for a slight coloration to appear but really like i said it's just a light coloration and nothing nothing big so we're all done we can start with the seasoning so a grind of pepper one or two pinches of salt you don't need to overdo it because we've got different batch and after that we're gonna do the carcass remember okay so what do we mean by lightly colored we mean this okay this kind of color and it's a nice little golden color a little color on each side so i'm going to turn my pieces of meat around and continue to cook for three to four minutes again all right so the time has passed i'm now gonna reserve my meat on the tray because i've got on the side and i'm gonna do the carcass so same thing with the rest of the meat and the carcass as soon as the carcass are ready and we're going to turn the heat down from medium to medium-low and all what we're going to do here is to leave these carcass to protect any burning at the bottom and we're going to arrange all of the other pieces of meat we have and the chicken breast the chicken tighten everything on top all my chicken is in we're now gonna just put the paprika powder and just a sprinkle from a height so it doesn't clump too much very gently and we're gonna kind of toss the paprika in to season everything but you be careful not to break your pieces of meat and remember the fragile and then we're just going to put a lid on reduce the heat even further and leave this to cook all right i'm done so i know that some of you are going to think oh this is the same as the goulash it does look the same with the paprika but you will see that afterwards it's very very different so i'm going to now put the heat on low very important low heat it's a very very low cooking we're going to gather the juices we're going to take a lead and leave this to cook to 35 to 40 minutes on the dot okay so lid on and let's cook this for 30 minutes at least right so my time as in the past 30 minutes i'm going to open this and this is the result that we have it's kind of more steamed and now i'll show you this plenty of juice so what we're going to do here you're going to be using another dish that goes into the oven and you're going to take all of the pieces of meat here and put them in a dish cover with a foil and keep in the oven at just 60 degrees celsius just to keep it warm while we're making the sauce so first you get all the pieces there and you discard the carcasses and i'll show you the juice all right so i've removed everything and just to show you this is the last piece of carcass that i've got in here and as you can see in my pan we've got an actual cooking liquid that has formed some kind of stock and this is what we're going to use as a base all right so put the carcass away and we're going to make the sauce right away right so we are now ready to make the sauce now you've seen that color it looked like a goulash but now things are going to take a totally new turn all right so first off high heat that's what it takes and then we're gonna start by heating up the cooking juices and it's all a reduction sauce so the sauce is very important french cooking so one or two minutes we're going to start a good boil on there so here we are make sure you've got your cheese your wine and your cream at the ready very interesting here what we're gonna do is take a good about a hundred grams of cheese corn cheese and we're gonna make like a cheese fondue in her pan that means first melting the cheese and right after that adding some wine into it okay so the temperature is very important to have a high temperature because it is needed to really have your cheese to blend into the juices okay and only when the cheese is like this and you know small bits we're going to take a good glass of wine all in and same thing very high heat and bring this to a boil again because you see what happens it starts to clump the cheese and so we need to melt all of that so let's bring it back to the boil now we got a good boil going so that took a good three minutes and what i'm gonna do here immediately is a little taste well that's typical cheese fondue it's like eating a cheese fondue with a hint of paprika in the background absolutely brilliant okay so that's the base of your sauce nothing else so chicken juice paprika cheese wine and now we get a little bit of cream so we can put half a cup or anything like that twist it in mix it in we're just going to bring it to the boil and finally add some mustard to it my cream is boiling and it needs to boil really really strongly because we need to reduce the sauce here and remember this is too liquid we're trying to getting something semi-syrupy and it can coat a spoon we call that a spoon coating consistency right so it's been five or six minutes of reduction as you can see my sauce here has reduced and i think now it's coating a spoon very easily because that's what we want and now we're going to turn the heat off totally because usually when you add mustard you don't want to boil the mustard too much some people do but i prefer to turn the heat off and finish the sauce with you can take one or two tablespoons so the mustard is up to you depending how mustard you want i think two tablespoons is enough and of course coming from dijon the burgundy region and the town of dijon they make the mustard there you would imagine it would be a homemade mustard or something they bought locally and that is it i'm just gonna take another spoon we're gonna taste and cook the seasoning and add the finishing touch to the dish and it's almost done all right now my favorite moment tasting the sauce okay now first it's boiling hot but away from that are the mustards great addition all right it was already tasting like a kind of a cheese fondue with wine and paprika really good but with the mustard it adds another dimension and you can really feel the individual ingredients let me show you now what we're gonna do to finish the dish so how do we finish that chicken i like gaston gerard where the story goes you put this in an oven dish you have your piece of chicken we've got our sauce and all what you're going to do here is to pour all of the sauce a little bit by little bit making sure you cover the chicken and then we're going to add some cheese breadcrumbs and leave this to broil in the oven all right so i've got my chicken my sauce what am i going to do here is take a grater and i'm going to grate the rest of my cheese on top and for the final touch you're gonna sprinkle a little bit of bread crumbs on the cheese and the chicken not too much up and this is done we're gonna we're now gonna put this under the broiler but we're not gonna be cooking anything we just want to get that little crust of the cheese and breadcrumbs and then it is ready to serve remember the chicken is already cooked so i'm going to put this in the oven and then we'll discover the result together and that's it the pule al gaston gerard is here just out of the oven it's just been broiled so as you can see this is the end result you want a little crisp on the top of your chicken and all of the sauce resides in here and you can serve directly from the dish to the table it's a bit of a family dish and you get a beautiful sauce now usually i'm trying the dish directly in here but for first today because people keep on asking i'm going to try some mangoes i've got more space now put a piece of the chicken in a place and do a live testing and here we are my little new tasting station so we can see exactly what we have and this is made possible by the new widest microphone because i don't have a cable i can form around so here is the chicken basically always use the wine you used to cook to drink taste the wine first it's not bad a bit warm and now of course this chicken so you know what i think it's gonna be the chicken is nice and moist because it's been kind of steamed but it's really the sauce i don't expect any special taste in the chicken itself hmm you may hear some chewing noise here all right yeah so you feel the paprika and it's really the sauce that's gonna come and coat and the chicken bits here so that's the standard chicken the sauce has got all these intonations of flavors but what i want to try already is really what about the crust the cheesy crust with the sauce and the chicken and then we have the full experience with the skin the crispiness the cheese the bread crumbs sorry and the sauce there's a bit of a cheese fondue cheese fondue slash paprika slash mustard and to finish french star never forget the piece of bread you know what like this and yummy lovely recipe and here we are the pure gaston gerard so was this a real accident was this recipe already existed what i can say is that this is one of these bizarre recipes that tastes absolutely excellent so if you've never tried this the first time it is really good but make sure you love cheese that's it for me guys as always if you want to share anything use the comment section below ask questions you can follow me on instagram hashtag frenchcook academy facebook the patreon page to become a supporter and of course the online culinary school and that you can access you have all the details on our website take care all i'll see you all next time for another french recipe bye [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 224,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, chicken gaston gerard recipe, poulet gaston gerard, dijon chicken, chicken recipe, curnonsky, gaston gerard, dijon mustard, comte cheese, le creuset recipes, cheese and wine sauce, history and recipe, Famous French chicken recipe
Id: bFHe6hpoQGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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