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hello welcome back to my channel if this is your first time here you are welcome today we are going to be making your love what jollof rice bulk jello fries for the family you can use this recipe for a party for get-togethers and you know festive season is coming people are cooking in bulk this recipe will come in handy so i'm showing you how i cook in my backyard to achieve this delicious jello fries i'm going to show you how to make stew how i fry the chicken and how we come up with the final product which is this banging jollof rice so if you're interested keep watching don't forget to click the like button and subscribe if you're watching and you're not subscribed what are you doing please press that subscribe button let's get into the recipe the rice we're using for this recipe is called excellence rice it is long grain enriched premium par boiled rice i like it because it is never sticky and it is always hard to find this rice i had to travel miles to look for this rice i've been using it for a long time now and i just wanted to show you because you guys always ask questions yummy which rice are you using so this is the rice i am using for all the list of ingredients and the measurements please check the description box it is down below i will write everything that i use for this recipe so i'm using mainly tata shea onions and shambo so this purple onion i like it for jollof rice if you use the white onion it will make your jello fries sweet like as if you added sugar so you can try that and i'm adding fresh ginger i guess the english name for tatasha is red bell peppers and then for shambo it is um chili so that's what i'm using i'm not even using like a rodeo for this recipe because the tomato puree i'm using has a combination of pepper onion and you know tomatoes if you don't have like bell peppers and this jumbo and everything that's fine i use this because it will make your your loaf very red this is what is going to give it that red vibrant color what i'm about to do now is blend this mixture and then boil it down this is just to reduce the cooking process in general when i'm making the gel off for this jollof to happen we have to start from the scratch and these are the ingredients for seasoning our chicken so i have here curry powder chicken seasoning thyme salt ginger powder rosemary white pepper and paprika now i'm just going to put the chicken in a pot this is about six to seven kilos of chicken and then i'm adding the onion and then all of that seasoning i'm going to put enough water for this to boil this is not soft chicken this is a bit of hard chicken so it takes a while to cook [Music] [Music] [Music] the beautiful thing about outdoor cooking is that it is very very fast so make sure you are standing by your pots so the chicken is ready now look at all that stock this stock we're going to use to make stew and we're also going to use it for the jollof my whole compound was smelling good anytime i do this it looks like i'm having a party but no i'm just bulk cooking now it's time to fry the chicken i have my big frying pan as you can see i might have a look what that's what it's looking like so i'm just going to put my oil in this deep pan so if i have like a lot of chicken this pan comes in handy put enough oil you can always drain it later but you need enough to fry your chicken while the oil is heating up i'm just going to drain my chicken so that i can get the stock out of the way and i don't want this chicken to be splattering up and down so and i need to make sure that part is clean for our next recipe so now that i've drained the chicken i'm just going to put it in the hot oil and we're going to fry so i want to share with you three tips for cooking in bulk when you are doing like big cooking like this first of all always measure your ingredients know how many you need to double if you always cook two cups of rice know how to properly double it to maybe 10 or 20 cups of rice you have to do the mathematics and the subtractions and the additions and everything next you always have to make sure all your ingredients are on standby they are prepped it is known when your friend you run inside the kitchen you gotta look for like spoon every two every ingredient should be laid out in order of cooking so that as you are putting this one the next one is coming okay it's going to make it so much more easier and the third tip is always stand by with your food if you leave your food for like one minute two minutes you can come back and the whole food is burnt beyond recognition and that's if you're cooking outdoors with like a lot of heat and big pots and big fire and everything these are the tips that will help you for outdoor cooking and like big skill cooking here i'm just showing you that i've set aside the chicken stock it is looking so so good look at all the oil at the top so that means we don't need a lot of oil for the jollof this next step is important i'm draining the oil from the you know the sediments from the oil so that it is not looking dirty in the steel and then the jollof rice does not have like all these particles as you can see so now i'm transferring the oil back to the pan because i like to use that pan for steel i like to make my stew on a flat or white surface because it leaves enough room to fry do you understand if i'm making fries too so the first thing i do is i put my onion and i add all my seasoning immediately you add it because it gives such flavor and the oil heats up the seasoning and just makes it very very fragrant immediately make sure you do not do this for too long if you are cooking outdoors because it cooks very fast it will burn so once you've done this and everywhere is the samsung aka smells good you're going to add uh tomato puree so this is what we call tin tomato we're going to add it because it's going to give this to you like a richness and a very vibrant redness i don't do it all the time but i do it when i'm doing bulk cooking once i've fried it a bit and i know that it does not slap anymore you know that sour taste of tomato puree is gone i now pour in my tomato blend so this is a blend of tomato pepper onion that i boiled yesterday and i boiled it down to reduce it so that the cooking is very fast that is what that is i've shown so many videos of me doing that so you can check out my old videos now i just going to fry fry fry but like i said this is outdoor cooking and because the heat is a lot it will cook very fast in like maybe 10 15 20 minutes is done so when i was making this to you the only thing i put initially was like curry thyme rosemary and um white pepper and all of that so now i'm going to add the chicken i've added a bit of salt for taste and i'm not adding more than that for for like taste the only thing i'm adding is salt i'm not adding like chicken stock powder or anything because there will be enough in the chicken stock okay so that our food is not too salty we get so after i add the chicken gosh you guys it was hard to resist picking one chicken face i'm going to add the chicken stock once i add chicken stock to my stew i know my stew is ready because i wait for my stew to get done like properly fried and delicious before i add my chicken stock so my chicken stock is just to losing the stew i don't add any water because we want it to be very rich and it was so so good so so delicious you guys just look how rich and delicious that chicken stew looks it was so good so we're just going to set it aside now and then we're going to continue with our jollof [Music] this is all the oil we need for the jollof rice i'm just putting it back on the heat and then the first thing we'll do is add onion that's the first step i usually take and you know this jollof rice is going to burn because the flavors in that oil already is amazing so i add my onion first fry till it's fragrant and i always like to go in with the next step which is adding my seasoning add everything so that your enemies will know that you're cooking so we have curry we have bay leaves we have salt we have thyme we have white pepper i always use white pepper in my jalof always it makes a difference now i'm just mixing everything together so that it does not burn and so that it gets fragrant and then i'm just going to add in my tomato puree so this is a tomato puree that has onion tomato and pepper inside so i didn't need to add extra pepper so i'm just going to mix everything it's kind of like the process of making stew it's just that it is richer because we're going to add rice to it so sometimes even if you don't have tomatoes or you don't have tatashe you can make your jollof rice with just tomato puree all you have to do is make sure you have enough thin tomatoes to cover the rice that you are making this is the tata shea mixture the bell pepper mixture i'm adding it now as you can see it's boiled down already it's going to give it a bit of richness and freshness and i'm just going to mix everything together till it cooks so you will know when it cooks when you start perceiving that you love aroma by now you should be perceiving it and then you can taste the sauce next i'm going to add the leftover chicken stock that we had from earlier on i'm going to put it in the pot mix everything together and allow to boil and then we will be introducing our rice this rice has already been washed properly so i'm just putting it in like that and then we're going to mix now is the time you have to switch from iron spoon to ponygail is wooden spatula so that's when you need to switch now but it's irrelevant because the rice will burn last last the reason why people don't do it is because they don't want the rice to bump or last last this rice go bun and this is where flavor also comes from so don't be scared if you feel like your rice is burning no matter the amount of rice that you're cooking make sure you don't put too much water in the pot so i put enough to cover the rice so that we have enough at the top and then i just mix it together we cover and we put it on lowest heat possible so you don't need jollof rice to like heat top and cook you need it to cook on low heat and if you put too much water that's when you end up with soggy rice and if your heat is too much and you keep pouring water water water you lose the flavor so make sure you reduce the water and you reduce the heat now you can see our jollof is cooked so so fast even though it was on low heat it is cooked now to add flavor i like to add onions butter and green bell peppers just add it at the final stage once the rice is cooked and mix everything together you guys don't skip this step especially the butter and the onions you can remove the green pepper that's my personal preference but this onion and the butter you see so please add it at the end of your rice by now the heat under the pot is off and all that is going on is just the residual heat in inside the pot so it will just melt the butter and it will heat up the onion and i don't know there's something it does to this jollof rice it just makes it so good as you can see my jollof is not sticky and this is a lot of rice like this pot is big so i'm going to put how much rice i cooked how much tomato i used i'm going to put all of that in the description box if you like this video if you want me to do more like this just let me know in the comment section please click the like button on this video i enjoyed doing this and the truth is i feel like i actually enjoy cooking outdoors i do bulk cooking sometimes twice in a month and we always use this for like all our parties and events and all that that's why we have it at home all this cookware so this is what our jello looks like i love it it was so good i keep saying it was so good like of course it's good all the time it's the same as jello he has to bang the chicken the stew just fabulous and the jellof was perfect patsy jollof rice this is that party jollof rice that your neighbors would be asking are you people doing the new ceremony is this somebody's birthday and somebody would just be greeting you in here echale echo a castle they'll just be greeting you you don't know what they are greeting you greetings because they are perceiving the amount of food in your house and they hope you offer them something so that's it for today's video i hope you enjoyed it i'll see you in my next video hopefully if you subscribe [Music] bye
Channel: SisiYemmieTV
Views: 2,620,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sisi yemmie, nigerian jollof rice, how to make jollof rice, party jollof rice, how to make nigerian jollof rice, how to cook jollof rice for a small get together, how to make party jollof rice, holiday inspired jollof rice, smoky party jollof rice, how to make jollof rice for 20 people, how to cook of rice in the oven
Id: nZJm84Iemeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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