How to make a giveaway tool with

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hello and welcome to another streamer bot tutorial today I'm going to show you how to make a giveaway tool for twitch um the first thing that we're going to want to go into is our actions on streamer bot we're going to want to add a new action we'll call it giveaway and we'll group it under giveaway just to stay organized and um the first thing that I'm going to go is I'm going to go into this um chat overlay folder that I have and I am going to create a new text document and I'm going to name it name it give away. txt I don't even know if we need to call it or D txt and I'm going to go into sub actions and I am going to go into core file IO and write to file the file that we want to write to is this giveaway uh already exist replace it yep that's fine and then what we want to write in the file is just user pend the file okay and we want this to have happen whenever a command is H or triggered and we'll make this command [Music] enter um perfect and we can go and like make it say a message like user has entered the [Music] [Music] giveaway we'll do next Mark that way it shows a message that you have entered perfect next thing that we want to do is we're going to add another action we're going to name this winner we're going to group it under giveaway okay and we want to go to core file IO read random line from file okay and then we'll pick our giveaway thing and then um so now we can test start enteron has entered the giveaway and now we're going to go into OBS and we are going to create a text GDI we're going to name it giveaway or something along the lines and we're going to hit okay we're going to go into streamer bot again we're going to go to OBS sources set GDI text and we're going to go to our giveway and we are going to make it say [Music] random line just like that okay and what's it's going to pick a random line from the file and uh another thing that we can do just to be silly is we can go to the core go into sounds play sound and I pick this one that's kind of loud okay perfect and and now we want to make a command or this trigger whenever we do our Command triggered great we'll name it winner chicken dinner and we want to make it moderators only and so now whenever we type in winner it'll go yay and pick somebody oh also we can do a core um not core twitch chat send a message to channel user wait now we want random line has one the giveaway okay now when we test it in here you can see my name popped up yay one last thing is um if you want it to appear and disappear so that way it's not up there all the time after you do the winner you can uh go into sources uh Source visibility State and go into your alerts go into your giveaway and you want make that one visible and you can go ahead and duplicate this one and make this one uh hidden and you probably want to put a delay on it I don't know for like a little bit let's actually make that like 10,000 and when we go ahead and test our winner and we got to wait 10 seconds there we go all right thanks for watching and I'll see you next time goodbye like and follow
Channel: Rolocen
Views: 339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giveaway, tool, streamerbot,, twitch, obs, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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