Broadcast Live Using The Rodecaster Pro For Internet Radio

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hey james here now today's video we're going to be looking at live streaming specifically using the rode caster pro we all know the road caster pro is an awesome bit of kit if you want to record podcasts but how does it work in radio and how can you use the road caster pro as a digital broadcast console all of that is coming up in today's video so stay right there [Music] so if you're new to this channel my name is james mulvaney i'm founder of and i help thousands of broadcasters get their ideas off the ground please remember to hit that subscribe button ping and turn on your notification bell if you want to receive updates when i'm posting new videos like this so today we're going to be using the road caster pro which i have in front of me here and we're going to be using it to broadcast live to via a tool called but which is broadcast using this tool which we've got installed here on our macbook the process really is exactly the same whether you're using a mac or windows but if you'd like me to create a windows version of this tutorial let me know in the comments below and we're also going to be using virtual dj as our software to play some music really for demonstrations purposes i'm going to have virtual dj and one of the vaders here so i can turn my music up and down i'm going to have my microphone connected to another fader and i'm going to show you a couple of the little hacks and the little tricks that have been introduced in the most recent firmware update of the road caster which makes it a lot more friendly for radio broadcast purposes a word on that quickly if you haven't already updated the firmware on your road caster you may need to update it before some of these options actually become available so let's dive in and i'll show you how to connect everything together and we can get our live stream up and running okay so let's start off by just running through the various different elements i have here obviously at the center of our setup is the roadcaster pro i will talk you through how to configure this for radio friendly mode in a minute we've got our laptop here this little piece of software is called but which is broadcast using this tool this works on either macbook or it'll work on windows as well it's just a really simple tool to take the stream re-encode it and send it off to in the background here we have some dj software running this is virtual dj but you could be using any dj software or play out software what that you want or you could even just be using something like spotify or itunes it really doesn't matter basically a tool to play our music on our computer how we're going to set this up is we're going to set it up so we have our microphone connected to fader number one and on this fader here usb that's where we're gonna have our music we're also gonna set it up so if we have fader one up which is our microphone the speaker disconnects so basically this is one of the new features and this is really important in any radio studio you do not want your monitors your speakers live when your microphones are up because obviously otherwise you're going to get feedback it's going to cause a lot of pain for everyone in the studio but also for listeners as well so you want to make sure as soon as you turn that fader up your speaker automatically switches off and that's one of the new features of this unit finally we're going to have headphones as well which we're going to connect so i want to show you now how to plug this all together then we'll get some music going and i'll show you how we can actually broadcast live from this console to [Music] okay so first things first i'm going to connect the xlr from my microphone here into the first microphone slot on the road caster pro i'm then going to connect my monitor to one of these ports there's obviously left and right obviously we're only using one speaker today normally you'd have two so we connected our speaker to our road caster finally my headphones i'm going to connect them to headphone out number one again you have multiple headphone jacks you can connect up to four pairs of headphones great if you have a studio with more than one microphone set up you'll see also we've connected our road caster up via usb to our macbook so we're ready to go okay so first of all we're going to settings we're going to go to advanced we're going to go to audio and finally operations now these are some of the various new things that they've introduced so first of all we're going to select automatically mute outputs that simply means if one of our microphone faders is up our speaker is going to cut off automatically so we're going to avoid any feedback next up we're going to enable pre-fade listen now pre-fade listen simply means that you can listen to what is going on on your computer before you bring the fader up that's really important a lot of times if you want to preview tracks perhaps that you're going to play and before i actually go live and i'll show you how to use that in a second finally we're going to enable broadcast meters this will just change the levels of the meters so we're broadcast friendly so now i've got my dj software if i press play you'll hear the one main issue we've got here is the audio is coming out of my macbook speakers what we want to do is we want to configure this software so instead of coming out my macbook pro it's going into the road caster and i'll be able to listen to it on this fader here to do that on virtual dj i click virtual dj and head to preferences now it doesn't matter what dj software you're using every single dj software will give you the ability to map the output and instead of mapping it to my macbook air speakers i'm going to map it to the road caster pro it's really simple i click click apply and i'll close the preferences now if i hit play again you'll hear the silence but if i turn that fader up we now have our music going out onto the roadcaster pro that's step one of the process as i mentioned it's about mapping your audio software to the road caster pro so you can control it on that fader now next up i wanted to show you how the microphone interacts with the monitor so if i have my music up and i want to speak over the top of the music as soon as i turn my microphone fader up you'll notice the speaker goes off do you hear that because obviously we don't want feedback happening in the studio [Music] it turns my speaker off which is perfect but i can still hear that music from their headphones which is really really important another quick tip as you can see we've now got our music playing on our dj software you remembered on the settings i enabled something called pre-fade listen now this simply means you can listen to something before you press that fader up so if i've got my headphones on and i press this green button here you'll probably be able to hear that through through my on my lapel mic here but that basically will allow me to preview whatever's coming out that fader before i press the fader up which is commonly used in radio it's a really handy feature to have so the next up is taking our output from the road caster pro and actually sending it to for your live stream so everyone else can hear it now let's dive in and i'll show you how to do that okay so the final stage is really to connect our roadcaster pro via a encoding tool such as broadcast using this tool or any other tool that you want to use um as you can see here we have a account we've got a show which is currently active i've got 15 minutes left in my broadcast so what i'm going to quickly do is run through how to connect you know this stuff you've probably done it before but if you haven't i'll quickly go through this now so i'm going to go to but i'm going to hit on settings and i'll go under main choose add new server we'll call this i'll then just copy my account details here so the address the port number and then finally the password now these details are unique to you so make sure you're using the right ones we'll click add we'll then add a stream url and a stream information and we'll just call this james's live show uh whatever pop music let's click add again okay so now this is to ready to connect now you'll see currently um i have my default sound card which i'm speaking to you on my microphone right now and this is why i've got these levels showing up here so what i actually need to do is go on to audio and you'll see currently my default audio device is selected that's no good so what we're going to do is click on that menu and change it to road caster pro this by the way will work with any audio interface you're using doesn't have to be the road caster pro but basically what this will allow me to do is anything that goes out of the road caster will go onto the internet and connect to my stream so once that's selected i can close that settings window we can hit the connect button and off we go we are now live and we're connected and streaming to using the road caster pro and just before you go i wanted to show you one last thing as well which is fantastic this is the button bank here on the road caster pro now by default there's these kind of cheesy sound effects you know like when you press laughter and it laughs and intro and outro and things but actually if you click on these uh squares here but if you choose this selection here which is send a sound from your computer to the road caster pro uh you can actually load it up with your own asset so it will actually copy over this file which in this case is a jingle and it will copy it to the road caster pro which is really cool because um you know you can actually load this full of jingles and sound effects for your show perhaps background beds that kind of thing really really versatile bit of kit and all of these will operate on the last fader so i thought i'd just point that out to conclude this tutorial okay so there we have it that is how you connect your roadcaster pro up to for doing a live show you can control all of your outputs including your microphones your music and you can even connect a secondary source so perhaps you've got another laptop that you want to connect with to this there's actually a jack input on the back which we can allow you to connect your phone or perhaps another computer which you can even have two you just play different types of music or maybe you want to connect up some dj gear whatever you want you can connect it to here and it will give you full control over your shows or your program's output so thanks very much for watching this video have you got a road caster pro are you interested in broadcasting live with the road caster pro hopefully that's cleared up some of your questions but if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to put them in the box below we love getting your questions and remember to go check out for all of your broadcasting needs all right take it easy what makes the difference between a successful radio station and a failed project well after working with tens of thousands of broadcasters over the past 15 years and helping lots of people start their own radio stations i see the same mistakes being made time and time again so what i've done is i've put together a guide called the five step radio startup checklist which really covers everything from concepting your radio station to marketing it and this guide i believe will make the difference between you having a successful venture with longevity and creating something that doesn't quite hit the mark go and grab your copy now for free at radio just enter your name your email address and i'll send it over to you straight away you're going to find it really useful there's tons of information there which will help you with concepting and launching your brand and bringing it to market [Music] you
Channel: James Mulvany
Views: 34,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: broadcast live using the rodecaster pro for internet radio, rodecaster pro radio station, rodecaster radio, rodecaster pro internet radio, rode rodecaster pro radio setup, rodecaster pro live broadcast, rode rodecaster pro for radio, setup rodecaster pro, rodecaster pro setup, rode rodecaster pro setup, rode rodecaster pro radio, setup internet radio station, connect rodecaster pro to computer, connect rodecaster pro to radio, how to use rodecaster pro, rode rodecaster pro
Id: 4UaiPig_iQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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