No Money? Random Ingredients In Your Kitchen? Meals To Make Out Of Nothing When Money Is Tight

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let me show you how I make something out of [Applause] nothing hey besties welcome back I took a little bit of a break from YouTube just for like three days but it was Dusty's birthday and we were just having some family fun together but I'm back and today's video is going to be a good one meals to make when you're broke now let me tell you a little bit of a story story if you didn't know I've said it a bajillion times on here I don't want to be like a broken record but if you're new here I want to explain myself a little bit okay so I grew up kind of Po all right yeah there were some times were tough all right they were tough and we were on food stamps and if you've been on food stamps you know the beginning of the month you ate pretty okay at the end of the month there were scraps in the house and you had to just randomly piece together things to come up with a meal to eat and that's the reality of it and me and my sisters y'all we got good at it okay we got real good at this and I'm going to be sharing some of those meals with you today just random ingredient foods that we put together to make a meal when we didn't have any money and hardly anything in the house but we still eight ignore my appearance I just took a shower so I sat down and I was trying to remember some things that me and my sisters would come up with when it was at the end of the month and we didn't have any money to go to the grocery store and there was just bits of random pieces of things inside of the house now I already did one video of this and I'll link it down below but this is a part two cuz I got some y'all I got some ideas in here so one thing I remember we always had at the end of the month was random boxes of half used pasta just random boxes and of course I have a random box of spaghetti it's spaghetti that I use probably a third of all right so we always had this at the end of the month just random pasta now something that we would do was go raid the refrigerator now it was never the same every time we did this it was 1,000% different okay so what you're going to go do raid your freezer and your fridge for any vegetables that you can find little random pieces of vegetables doesn't matter go gather it all up and I'll be back in just a second when I gather all mine okay what did you find that'll work anything you have will work I'll tell you what I found so this is on its last leg is wrinkly one those little snacking sweet peppers I found two of them in the bottom of the fridge and I found this needs look I forgot I had it some green onions that are definitely on their last leg so this is what I found and in the freezer up here I have this bag of in a mixed veg Perfection now whatever you found perfect this meal is never the same but it's a good base to use for next time just take this and be like okay I did that last month this month let's do it but with something else perfect whatever you have perfect okay seasonings I said it off a country seasonings seasonings sometimes like I get deep in my acent by accident but seasonings use whatever seasonings you have in your home or none at all if you don't want to that's what you can use for this I choose garlic powder basic staple I have some red chili peppers we're going to use some of that just a little pach just a little Peach and salt and pepper let's try to salvage what we can the pitiful pitiful pitiful green onions okay that's all I'm going to use of that green onion place this little red pepper on her last little leg Heavens the Betsy I used to do this a lot when the kids were real small and me and Dy were just starting out in life and things were tight I did this quite a bit okay we got a pot of water starting to come to a boil however much pasta you have that's what you throw in I apologize for my voice pollen is really kicking my bout those veggies we chopped up we are going to boil these with that pasta it'll give the pasta water a lot of flavor along with that pasta and we're going to use the pasta water to make the sauce and just because we have it I'm going throw in some broccoli from this Frozen bag I found and a few carrots to spread out the green a little bit more I am going to cut this couple pieces of broccoli I thow on here up okay let's bring her to a bowl once the pasta is done everything's done I'm going to reserve about a cup cup and a half I'd say a cup and a half this Bast of water and I'm want to drain this be right back she's gorgeous going add some garlic powder to my taste you do it to your taste and I'm a wiener when it comes to red chili pepper I'm just going to do that much half a pach black pepper if you have it couple Pines of salt let Co in with some of this pasta water do you have olive oil or butter pick one of those and use it I'm using butter however much butter you want to put in this that's what you put in it this is never the same if you have any cheese um I put cheese in this [Music] before parmesan cheese the grated kind is really good in this some laying around so I'm just going to toss in some grated Palm if you don't have that don't worry about it it's done that simple with random ingredients that you have left over in your fridge it's that simple and we ate this all the time okay let's give this a good taste a little bit of these veggies in there it's popping on it so I'll see you when it cools down here we go cool down mhm it's delicious this is definitely how you make something out of nothing just random ingredients that you have throughout your house I'm going to I'm going to add a little bit more salt this is good all the time not just when you're trying to piece together random ingredients yet have this is good for all the time it tastes like something you would get at a fancy Italian restaurant my mother used to make hot dogs all the time um it was her thing she rarely cooked mom rarely cooked but when she did more than likely it's going to be hot dogs but there were times that we would have a pack of hot dogs and we wouldn't have any fixings we wouldn't have buns we wouldn't have chili and me and my sister Nikki did this after school quite a few times we would have hot dogs and there would be random it was a Wonder we ever had cheese mom and dad are not big cheese lovers and we didn't have a lot of cheese in the house at times I I don't understand how they can not love cheese so much but anyways um so me and Nikki would do this if we had cheese hot dog dogs no fixings and we would do this on loaf bread I'm just going to show you on a previous video a while back maybe last year I showed you guys struggle meals and I had the kids try struggle meals that I had growing up one of them was wrapping a hot dog up in a wet paper towel microwaving it then putting barbecue sauce on it and eating it that's one thing we did with hot dogs that we randomly had in the refrigerator but this was another one and it's making grilled cheese Hot Dogs me and Nikki would do this after school and they were chef's kiss when we were allowed to use the stove we wasn't allowed to use the stove a lot but when Nikki got older she was allowed to use the stove when Mom and Dad went home I think someone smush my bread it's okay it'll work it'll work so what you're going to need for this y'all is some loaf bread loaf bread okay butter if you have it if you don't have any butter you can use mayonnaise to put on the outside or nothing if you don't want nothing and hot dogs and some cheese if you haven't okay first off we're going to melt some butter if you're not using butter or Mayo put the Mayo on the back of your loaf bread for one of these we just use a half a piece of cheese because hello we had to stretch our our cheese as much as we could so I put a four of a slice of cheese on this side and a fourth of a slice on this side you all might be like dang bro that is like no cheese at all y'all I know that my parents wouldn't buy much cheese cuz they're crazy people anyways and I still give my dad a hard time about his cheese he hardly ever puts cheese out at a cookout and I'm like what the heck dude you have to have cheese for a cheeseburger that's a whole another story okay so what we're going to do is this cheese is toasting and melting I'm went ahead and put my hot dog over here so um to ensure that it cooks that it Cooks through cuz we don't want a cold hot dog you know ew gross so that's what we're going to do until this cheese is all melty when Nikki and I made this we thought we were chefs we were like oh my gosh y we are coming up with something amazing go us check the B oh she almost she's almost nice and toasty make sure I get this hot dog cooked thoroughly okay Hot Dog's nice and toasty over without doing that hello homie okay this is our hot dog grud chees were we Geniuses I don't know but they were good boom so that's what we did and they're delicious and so easy heck I'd eat this even if I wasn't broke we do a slow mo turn of the hot dog gr cheese yes gorgeous I mean we thought we were Geniuses when we did this okay here we go our hot dog grill cheese M yes this is popping who needs hot dog buns when you can do this loaf bread can be your hot dog bun not just because you don't have buns but because you can do this delicious and there you have it two more meals you can make when you're broke and you just have random stuff in your house I'm trying to keep these videos kind of small and not feel it full of a bunch of different recipes so you guys can find it easier I think it's easier to do it that way so I'm trying to limit it to two per video but I do have more and they are coming soon I hope you guys enjoy this video I love you guys so much sorry that it took me a minute to get this video out this week but like I said it was dy's birthday and we were just enjoying each other remember has always be positive and kind and happy and I love you guys I'll see you later ters bye
Channel: SouthernFrugalMomma
Views: 28,537
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Id: bcVDpPmHgtI
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Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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