Full Week Of Dinner For My Family Of 5 On A Realistic Budget in 2024

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[Applause] howdy everybody welcome back I apologize for the lot coming through the window I usually have something up that blocks it but it somebody took it down sorry I got a lot of requests from you guys to show yans what a regular week of dinners looks like for my family what I make for my family when I'm not doing the extreme budget challenges when I'm not doing these specific dinners for videos and y'all just want to see a regular week I've done a couple of these in the past but it's been in a good hot minute so let's go I'm going to show you what I'm going to make my family for dinner this week just living our normal everyday life and not doing it specifically for a video even though it is for a video y'all get what I'm saying I'm not going to do a grocery haul or nothing like that because I have a lot of stuff already in the house and I've just been buying stuff as I say on sale I'm not done like a specific grocery shopping trip this week I just I have what I have when I see something that's a fantastic deal I get it it's just you know I'm just vibing with life right now this is requested by Ryder I was going to make something totally different but this is what he wanted so we're doing uh the comfort food the cheeseburger melts if you haven't tried this meal yeah I did up I made this last in a comfort Meal video probably almost a year and a half ago it's do again for anybody who hasn't seen that you need to make this it's delicious I'm toting my own horn here but it's so good so pound of hamburger mate we're going to start cooking this up I've been making french fries homade lately but Bren has an obsession with tater tots right now so we're getting tater tots today start cooking up this hamburger meat by the way my chickens have been hiding eggs you''ll see there that thing's deep I got a lot of eggs I wonder this we we're going to have breakfast for dinner cuz I'm got to make some [Music] eggs I drained my hamburger meat drain pretty good I'm going to put a splash of milk I'd say about a/4 a cup of milk and don't worry if it's a little watery that's good because it is going to soak up in the Buns I'm adding some garlic powder to taste some black pepper just as much as you want going to be doing some onion powder a pinch of salt my cheese is frozen but we're going to throw in five chunks of cheddar cheese I bought a bunch of cheese on sale a couple weeks ago and I froze it so but it's fine I actually think I'm going to add add another splash of milk it looks a little dry to me and I like it to be a little wet because that sauce is really good in the bun now in a casserole dish I put six buns why six I don't know um it just tends to be the perfect amount for six buns so so I use six um I use ice cream scooper lately to make sure it's even all right now it's all pretty much even I want to put my almost thought out cheese okay now the Buns like so melt you some butter I melted a half a stick it's probably too much but I'll say the rest for something else and you're just going to brush it over the tops of your cheeseburger melts don't skip this step you need to do it it helps the buns from drying out and getting too crummy okay now we're going to pop this in the oven until everything is all melted and pretty they're done easy peasy and our our Tedy tots are done so this is dinner tonight mhm these are buting oh yeah oh yeah look at that these are like the best things ever but that's dinner tonight y'all that really good so juicy is it good let's just look up close she's popping she popping howdy besy day two dinner I'm just making something I this ain't nothing that I've ever did um I mean I have but I'm making it up as I go got this chicken at Ali 50% off baby two gigantic chicken breasts seasonings I'm using garlic powder onion powder paprika cumin and a song Goya tortillas sharp cheddar cheese I'm going to mix this in with the chicken to make it creamier and I'm going to try to do like a chicken quesadilla type thing I'm going to dice up this chicken breast real fun well kind of real fun um we'll start with one trim off all the icky hting up some o and iron skillet my gigantic iron [Music] skillet I'm going to add some garlic powder probably a teaspoon same amount of onion powder same amount of [Music] paprika half that amount of cumon we are going to do a packet of Sone Goya I'm not adding any Sal or pepper because this is all [Music] okay I think the chicken is done make it creamy I'm going to put a big doll up probably 1 third of a cup of sour cream and I am going to put some my homemade salsa like three [Music] spoon over here on the grle I have a little bit of oil on my grle cuz I'm using corn tortillas and I think it tastes better when you use a little bit of oil I'm using olive oil I'm going to make some mini chicken past ofas for okay they're done see what they looks like let's rip it open so you can see up close oh yeah look at that cheese ooh yeah Tripp her apart are they good though I don't know I haven't tried it yet either I'm going to try it with you one two 3 that's good you look scrumptious thanks I'm very good coming I'm very good okay buddy how we feel about it I don't know let's find out okay thanks oh I'm dipping mine and a little bit of spicy ranero and it's pretty good all right everybody Ryder was in charge of dinner tonight and this is what he made I didn't record it Braden helped him by the way Braden's day is Monday to cook dinner but rer wanted them to help him this is what he was in charge of I didn't record him making it because he was doing his own thing and I didn't want to overwhelm him or anything what is it called Ryder it's chicken garlic par on pasta okay thank you M that's good what would you what nice chicken hello everybody it is dark in my kitchen because this light right here is so bright it makes me look like a big white marshmallow for reals so for dinner tonight we're going to do homemade chicken parmesan my way it's probably not the authentic way by way I found some reduced chicken brasta angles probably going to use one or probably going to use two or three of these I'm not really sure it's according to how big they are probably two if they're they're normal sized now everybody told me to try this and it's so expensive I ain't never tried it before but it was on sale of Eng Les when I went the other day and they had a coupon all right so I was like this is the cheapest it's ever going to be for you to try it just go ahead try it so you can see what everybody's talking about got the Ros marinara everybody says this is so good at once you go to ra she'll never go back no matter how expensive it is I doubt that I doubt that but I am going to try it because I found it on a deal this ended up being about $3 with my coupon and the sale so I'm okay with that not really cuz I can get it cheaper but I'm okay with it I dug out some green beans some fresh green beans some corn on the cob that I got from the garden last year I've been letting it Tha out on the counter see what else am I going to use Parmesan bread crumbs we're going to do dinner let's go I'm start by mixing up the breading I'm going to be using Italian breadcrumbs Dollar Tree has the best deal being generous cuz I don't know how much of us and I always normally have to refill cuz I don't pour enough okay so in with that I'm going to toss in like four of cup of Parmesan cheese go in with a pinch of salt a little bit of oregano just a little little pach a little pinch of black pepper probably a teaspoon of garlic [Music] powder I'm going to set this aside after I mix it up and we're going to use this here in a minute Next Step I'm going to crack two little eggs in [Music] here I'm just going to whis these up and set it aside I'm going to drench my chicken breast in this do I want to do a little bit of milk too to thin it down I think a will a splash of milk just to thin it down there we go okay this are this is a pretty big chicken breast I'm going to cut up two and see what it looks like and I'll decide if I want to use three okay I'm just going to trim off all the EG and Butterfly these cuz one chicken breast is way too thick and too much for one person all right I'm going to use half of another chicken breast just half not a whole I'll put the other half aside for something else later okay now when I do Italian chicken cutlets I beat these thin but I don't want to do that for my chicken farm I I just don't so I'm just going to go ahead and throw these into my egg mixture I'm going to let these soak for about 5 minutes why I don't know I just am for the green beans I'm going to bake them cuz Colin seems to love them this way and if he's going to eat a vegetable I'm going to do it you know throw in a little bit of olive oil a few pinches of salt cuz green beans do need salt and Rodeo Ranch Walmart sells this in the grilling section for around five bucks it last absolutely forever I swear bad beans I'm just going to cover this in some Rodeo Ranch I'm just going to toss these around and I'm going to put them in the oven on 375 bake them for about 20 minutes all right over here I just threw my corn in water we're going to boil it just like usual and I have about a four cup of olive oil over here and a little bit of butter and I'm letting it heat up so we can fry the chicken all righty it's starting to get heated up pretty good I'm going to start with my chicken all righty grab a chicken breast and gritter yeah go for I'm going to go ahead and start covering it with the sauce and more parmesan cheese and I'm going to pop it in the oven with those green beans okay I'm going to pop it in the oven and let the cheese get all mousy chicken parmesan done corn on the cup done green beans done and here's dinner plated it up we got the corn the green beans it's very hot very steamy and we got the chicken parm let's go hello kiddos how do we feel about dinner tonight is delicious thank you good Bray mhm how we feel about it I don't know let's my out okay is it you passed out oh oh my goodness how do you feel about that fasta sauce is it spectacular is it any different it tastes like pasta sauce that that's that Rayos that expensive kind you can't tell the difference no I haven't tried it yet I'm going to try it it's no different tastes like Audi marinara sace howdy everybody we're doing dinner tonight and tonight is a regular we have this probably once a week anymore cuz it's the boy's favorite rder and Braden love it Colin loves it so it's it's pretty much weekly nowadays um we either do it meatless or with me it's just whatever we're feeling for the day you guys have seen me do this a bajillion times and I'm sorry but it's a regular and it's something that we're doing for dinner tonight beans um we're doing burrito bows we love salseras we love Chipotle but I'm not paying that at all for a burrito bowl when I can make it at home for a fraction of the cost last time we went to sa burritos I told yall this before but I'm going to say it again because it's just that ridiculous um it was over $75 for all of us to eat we went for like a birthday dinner or something no ain't doing that it's fast food no but anyways we're going to make this so by the angles when they're on sale but I want get one free freeze them and they will come in handy it's what I do so I'll laid out too I got just one left so I hope that they have a good sale sometime soon so I'll show you what we got so I'm going to use bow and bag rice it's faster than just regular rice but it tastes better than instant rice so we're going to do some boiling bag rice I'm going to heat up these black beans we got sour cream for topping tomato lettuce I need to Hur and use this lettuce it's going to go bad soon um we got some white queso today dug out some corn I'm going to heat this up we have some short cheddar cheese and I'm going to be using these Purdue shortcuts you can get these on sale for around $2 and a few cents $2.50 something like that no like 244 I think it's 2.44 a piece when they buy one get one free at Engles so definitely if you have an Engles make sure to check it out look at their ad every week and he can stock up on these babies all right let's do it burrito bowls all right over here I'm just going to start boiling this boiling bag rice I swear it's so much better than instant R sh so we going to get that going I'm just going to steam the corn in the microwave to get it hot because that's what the bag's for and I'm going to utilize that because it's fast I put some olive oil in the pan and I'm going to just heat up these produce shortcuts I'm not going to add anything to them just going to cook them do I want to add taco seasoning to this chicken I don't know I'll think about it back here I'm just going to start heating up these beans I'll probably put a little taco seasoning in the beans too black beans are my favorite I'm just using one packet there goes my microwave okay I'm just going to use this one packet and divide it amongst the black beans and Z chicken and that should do that should do curly seed the best lazy dinner ever but it's still so good I going have to put a little bit of water in this to help that season and spread out some it's okay the water will cook out it'll be fine ooh it already smells good okay let's get all this heated up going to go ahead and dice up my Mater and put it in a bowl my washed Mater by the way some people ask ask me a lot do you wash your produce I never see you wash it yeah I don't film that that's boring all right I'm fold down the shredded lettuce so it's easy to get into there we go sour cream I'm about add of sour cream this will have to do that's enough cuz not everybody likes it okay set that there I got to heat up the case so cheese just laying this down and everybody can just grab the cheese when they want it my corn is done so I'm going to go ahead and heat up the laeso okay corn that was easy wasn't it I think the chicken's done smells delicious the beans the beans are done they heated up in six minutes now I just got to wait on that rice to get done and dinner's already done and it didn't even take me 15 minutes you're all the toppings we have tomatoes lettuce a little bit of sour cream some cheese that I spilled corn and shredded cheese also have some black beans that I season with taco seasoning some chicken that I season with taco seasoning as well and we have that Rice we are ready for dinner and it did not take 15 minutes here's little Collins everybody else's we actually have stuff in ours K how we feel braen how we feel oh good daddy how we feel good thanks rer is it good very o that's doing up close yeah look that I have a major surplus of eggs so we're going to do some breakfast for dinner tonight I never keep buttermilk in the house because I only use it for biscuits so I'm making the homemade buttermilk by using a couple caps of vinegar white vinegar and you just let it sit in your milk for about 5 minutes and it makes it butter and milk now this formula L Southern biscuit mix is awesome because it has the dried bits of shortening and butter in the mix so all it is is self-rising flour but they dehydrate the shortening and the butter and they put it in the mix so you don't have to add it yourself which is absolutely amazing see the little bits there's some shortening and there's a little piece of butter so this is absolutely awesome and they make the best biscuits by the way so if you have this biscuit mix in your area try it because it it's just so so stinking good and I like to take like a little Spoonful of Sugar because that's what Cracker Barrel does and Cracker Barrel biscuits are bomb and this makes them taste pretty much like Cracker Barrel biscuits I swear and I'm just taking my dough whisk and I'm mixing it up and I am taking some shortening and I am oiling up greasing up a pan so the biscuits don't stick this is an absolute necessity for when you're baking some biscuits like seriously now my buttermilk has set for 5 minutes it's ready to make some biscuits so just going to mix this up real good with my dough hook by the way if you're wondering where I got the dough hook I got it on Amazon I'll link it down below it's really awesome for any kind of dough I love this thing I use it mainly for my sourdough bread but it works for every kind of dough there is and that little Shaker right there I love it I fill it with flour and I flour my Surface and it doesn't just Clump it up in one spot it's it's amazing too um but so I just covered my hands and I Pat out my biscuit mix and I finally got me a biscuit cut biscuit cutter oh my good gness I cannot even talk I got me a biscuit cutter finally y'all I found one at the Lodge cast iron store so just going to be making some pretty little round biscuits now if you don't have a biscuit cutter let me tell you what I like to do as well um you see I patted out those biscuits on the counter well when I don't have a biscuit cutter I Pat it out on a pan and I just cut them in squares and it works so good I just wanted some round biscuits tonight so I mean you can you can try that it really does work and they cook evenly I swear I don't know I don't know I like I guess I just wanted to make a mess tonight and cut biscuits like this and if you spin your biscuit cutter around in circles it makes the perfect biscuit with that leftover dough you just fold it up just like that and you put the biscuit cut her over it and just do that do that go around in circles and it makes a biscuit with a leftover dough bake on 450 for about 15 minutes until they're nice and golden brown now I'm just taking out some real thin pork chops from the deep freezer and I'm just going to make some pork tops for breakfast tonight so what I like to do when I season pork chops like this when it's just for breakfast just like going with eggs and and biscuits I just do it real simple cuz I want to taste the pork tops I do a little bit of salt I also add a little bit of pepper going to go in with some onion powder and a little bit of paprika no garlic powder CU I don't want any garlic with my breakfast so I'm just keeping it simple like this and I'm just going to fry fry is that fry I'm going to cook them in the iron skillet when I tell y'all I have a surplus of eggs right now I ain't joking I have so many they're coming out my ears which I'm very thankful for I'm very thankful that my chicken are finally laying again but you know I have a lot of eggs so I'm cooking a dozen I think I'm cooking a whole dozen and it didn't even make a dent in my eggs right now I think tomorrow night we're going to have to have some eggs too somehow I don't know I just got to do something with these eggs so all I do with my eggs I just salt pepper to keep it real simple too simple is always good you know we're just going to whis that up and set these eggs aside until the pork chops get done and now normally I don't make gravy with pork chop drippings but tonight I was feeling a little frisky I was like yeah I'm going to make some gravy with pork chop dri so I'm doing that I'm just removing the pork chops from the skillet and I added about 3 tablespoons of butter getting that all melted up there and I pre-measured 4 tablespoons of flour uh all purpose flour is what it is and I'm just going to dump that right into the iron skillet now if you don't cook your R for about 2 to 3 minutes your flow is going to taste kind of raw and it's not going to be too good so just keep whisking and keep whisking the r and let it cook that flour a little bit to get that raw flour taste out of there I swear it's just not very tasty if you don't do this part and the longer you cook it the more Brown it'll get and the Browner your gravy will be if you like a light gravy do it very minimal if you like it darker do it a little bit longer and I just added a quart of milk in here going to go in with a little bit of salt and pepper going to keep whisking this up until the gravy is thick now you notice I'm not cooking my eggs or anything else yet that's because I have to keep an eye on my gravy I like to cook everything else after the gravy because I just the gravy has my full attention that gravy's done so I got two Skillets here now if you have a lot of eggs you're cooking like I'm cooking a whole dozen um one of those pots right there like the Dutch oven type pots now that's the best for cooking a lot of eggs it won't Splash out now you're probably wondering what that big old mess is um last year I went to Alish country we went on a little weekend trip and I got a bunch of peaches from a little alond store and I brought them home and I froze them and I remembered them and I got them out and I'm just making like a little compost out of those peaches and I was like hecky ass is going to be delicious I went in with just a pinch of salt some cinnamon some cinnamon I can't even talk and a little bit of brown sugar and I'm just going to let it keep reducing and I'm just going to start making my scrambled eggs over here simple easy peasy lemon squeezy I added two pinches of brown sugar to that peach compost and honestly I'm I was going to make these like fried apples but peaches are so juicy that wasn't going to happen so we got a nice little Peach compo and it kind of tastes like a bit of a peach Cobo yeah I don't know it's really good though breakfast dinner is done got some nice little fluffy biscuits scrambled eggs homemade gravy it's a little brown delicious stuff over there we got some pork chops simple pork chops some of that peach compost I made some strawberry freezer gel I made this past spring and some honey butter dinner is served y'all now don't that look so pretty y'all Dusty wanted his Peach compost over top of a biscuit with a little bit of honey butter is dinner good boo boo thank you have you tried your peaches and good that for life oh I'm sorry sorry Dr something Ryder decided to make him a big bowl of just everything is it good um Braden hasn't made an appearance at the table yet how's dinner good okay Bren how you feel about dinner tonight very good howdy I look like dooo it's okay um we're on day seven and I still have 4,900 million eggs it feels like I bowled up some eggs I'm going to make some simple egg salad yep it's one of those that I don't feel like cooking and I have a ton of eggs I'm going to utilize them that is the word of the day utilize I've used it 100 times I don't know why um but when I make my egg salad it's just so simple the kids love it this way it's the most simple thing you ever seen in your life eggs Mayo salt pepper that's it that is it completely it um it's nothing special just get it to the consistency a lot and egg salad for dinner and I'm probably going to M chop up some fruit to go with it on the side and go to The Pantry downstairs and haul up a a box of little bags of chips I get at Costco um we've not dug in those in a long time so going to do that here's my sample egg salad y'all it was just Mayo salt pepper eggs and I chopped it up that's it yep here's tonight's dinner I was going to cut up some fruit but everybody wanted some little sprinkled tomatoes and I remembered I had some cucumbers so we po those on the plate just a big Heap and poile of egg salad on on bread and there we go we have dinner of course I had to cut it in half a little triangles hello all right buddy tell me if dinner is good or not I mean it's egg salad you love egg salad good thanks simple but is it okay that I did it simple tonight really good how you like dinner tonight baby oh he passed out where's Ryder what happens to Bessie he made an appearance good mhm bradden said these green things taste a little like cucumbers I wonder why all right everybody that was what I fed my family for seven nights on our regular everyday budget hope you guys enjoyed this video so today was extra super lazy but it's real life that's what it is if you make any of these recipes I hope you enjoy them I love you guys so much I will see you next video remember as always be positive and kind and happy and I love you bye
Channel: SouthernFrugalMomma
Views: 56,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NCrI9V16rU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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