Dirt Cheap Meals From My Childhood That We Made When There Wasn’t Anything To Eat

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howdy everybody welcome back what's up what's going on what's the 411 all right I'm sorry um so we're going to be doing some meals to make when you're broke and I'm talking about for [Applause] real I was thinking about this the other day like seriously things to make when you're broke and you just got a bunch of random stuff in your house and I started thinking about things that I used to make a lot growing up so I'm going to share those with you I've never shared these with you before and these are these were my go-tos when we were broke didn't have any money and we just had to put random stuff together and this my friends is incredibly realistic because this is a true story this is based off true events so let's get to it that's make some food for when you're broke and by the way it's mighty tasty too let's go um so do you have just random little satchets of potato flakes my mom never made fresh potatoes my dad did my mama didn't I mean we always had just a little bit of potato flakes laying around so I'm going to show you some real good potater cakes that me and my sisters used to make just because we were hungry now right now you're going to gather up a couple things do you have an egg grab you an egg if you got an egg if you don't have an egg use some oil oil will work or butter melted butter that'll work too because that solidifies I'm going to use an egg now do you have random cheese laying around it can be any kind of cheese you can get the plastic cheese the American cheese you can get just a little half pack of mozzarella whatever cheese you have you can use it for this flour if you don't have flour and you have pancake mix you can use pancake mix do you have a box of cake mix you can use a box of cake mix you can use anything for this okay I'm telling you it's easy if you have an onion you could even dice up onions and throw in an onion but I don't want to dice up an onion tonight plus Ryder won't eat it so I'm not doing the onion but you could if you want to all righty take whatever amount of Tes you have tater flakes that is we're going to pour it in a bowl there's one cup of water almost almost call it milk 1 and 1/2 cups of water total do you have milk you can put milk in this if you got it I'm not going to use milk my my these little tater flakes smell good what flavor is that it just says home mashed just make sure you mix it up okay and it's going to be looking thick like this but that's good now if you have an egg throw your egg in if you don't have an egg and you're using melted butter TOS us about about two tablespoons of melted butter in there I say that's about a tablespoon and a half of flour I'm going to go in with another tablespoon and a half so we got three tablespoons of flour in there I might have to add more I don't know cheese add your cheese however however much cheese you want if you're using uh the plasticky cheese rip it up in little pieces and in here let's mix this up real good okay toy to a toy to a toy to to oops I almost forgot got to put some salt in them ters and I'm going to add a little bit of pepper because y'all already know I love some pepper if you want to get f FY with this and you have some bacon pieces throw in some bacon pieces you can do lots of things with this okay now I'm going to check the texture when it makes when it makes a good Patty that's when we know we got the right consistency going on so you're going to Pat it out oh yep it makes a patty that's a good one I put some oil in a pan a non-stick pan at least it's supposed to be I'm going to heat it up if you don't have any oil you can use butter if you don't have either just get you non-stick and kind of make it like a pancake Patty out your little tater mixture this is what I like to do we're going to put it in that o flip them once it starts getting a little crusty when they start getting this little golden brown color on top that's when I think they're perfect but you can fry these until it gets the color you like fry up the rest of them there we go here is our porman Tater cakes do you have bacon pieces and sour cream put it on top of these do you have ranch dip in some ranch ketchup dip in ketchup you can do lots of things with these little tater cakes they're so delicious they're good on their own sprink a little bit of salt on top Tater cake break it apart oh yeah look at that who's broke I don't know these are so good these are so good so good and all the ingredients is just random stuff you probably already have in your house you never thought to put together to make something out of these are good they are so good you need to try them okay Ryder come and taste Tater cakes daddy come and taste my Tater cake I don't have to they're good I'll eat them huh delicious you like if I made these could you tell that we were broke like if I made them because we were broken it's the only stuff that we had in the house could you tell we were broke it tastes like this is made with the scrumptious bread it's not I mean this is a a top end item but it's from just random stuff we have in the house like cheap poater flakes that we just got a random egg bits and pieces of leftover cheese delicious next we are going to be making uh Brooks por manuna melts I call POR manun M cuz I was poor lady last time I made these um honestly last time I made these I was probably 17 years old hey they call poor lady tuna Ms poor lady tuna Ms mhm all right so if you have the ingredients in your home to make a tuna salad that's like spicy you know all the onions and stuff that you put in it go ahead and make that but we were lucky to have that kind of stuff growing up so this is how I did it of course you don't really have bre bread you just have whatever buns lying around like it it's so odd like loaf bread loaf bread back then was a hot dog and a hamburger bun also at the same time you were out of loaf bread but you had a hamburger bun it was like oh this weird thing that you went through so just because this is what happened most of the time when I made tun Ms use random hamburger buns that you have in the back of your cabinet that you almost forgot about and you got to hurry and use them before they go moldy so that's what we're using cuz I need to do that I need to use these before they go back you got some tuna a I cannot tell you how many times growing up we just had a random can of tuna sitting in the cabinet I don't know why it was always there and we always used it and you're going to need some mayo but you know what if you don't have Mayo for this I have done it before without anything but salt and pepper and it works so let's make some poor man poor lady tun Ms random just to show y'all that those Tater cakes about done they're they're about all gone there's one left let's get started on these tuna melts going to throw in going to throw in the tuna however much tuna you have I'm going to use two cans but if you only have one can just use one can this tuna ain't going to be fancy y'all we're putting a couple pinches of salt and a couple pinches of pepper you got mayonnaise throw the mayonnaise in there and that's all I want to put in this if like I said if you have the ingredients to make a fancier tuna salad if that's what you prefer go ahead and do it add your onions your Tomatoes your pickles your whatever you put in your tuna salad go ahead but basic is good too so don't fret if this is all you have cuz I promise we actually prefer it just plain like this just a little extra pepper and wham bam you got something great a little bit more Mayo also if you don't have any mayonnaise you could go into a restaurant and ask them if you can have some mayo packets they'll give it to you for free unless it's McDonald's but you know okay this is the consistency that I like personally go ahead and turn that oven on bro on low it don't take long for these things and what we did we have it like this okay now we're just going to pile that tuna we made on top well be what kind of cheese do you have in your house that'll work I want the plasticky American cheese on some of these and I'm going to put some mozzarella on the rest of these cuz that's what I have and I want to put this in the oven on bro the low setting for bro and just wait till all this cheese is melt it was done in 5 minutes that's the mozzarella cheese to the melts and here is that plastic American cheese which honestly that's probably going to be bomb tune out tune out time daddy do you want American cheese or mozzarella cheese I want mozarella cheese BR which one you want don't want this one okay let everybody know if it's gross whatever you know that's nice that pretty good what do you think what do you think Daddy you like te your cakes better I me this is good though I dropped my tuna very good you dropped your tuna this is awesome and just random ingredients that you have in your house throw it together you got a good meal we going take the f I forgot to show y'all up close what it looks like I'm a Goofy Goober there it is MHM it's delicious you don't have to be broke to try these these are just good but these are some meals that me and my sisters made back in my childhood when we were broke when we just had random ingredients and we threw these together I have a lot more where these came from so if you want to see more of these meals to make when you're broke meals from my childhood give me a big thumbs up and let me know okay I love you guys I will see you next video remember as always be positive and kind and happy to love you I love you so much bye
Channel: SouthernFrugalMomma
Views: 50,416
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Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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