Can we LEVEL UP Pasta Sauce? | Recipe Challenge | Sorted Food

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[MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] Hey. Welcome to the channel. We are Sorted-- a group of friends in London looking for amazing things and food that make you go "wow," and almost constantly ribbing each other. Now, two of us are chefs, and you wouldn't believe the stuff we have to put up with. But everything we do starts with ideas from you. Pancake shape, but I take the cake. I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake. Good afternoon, everyone. I am Barry, and this is Michael. Today, it's all about making amazing pasta sauces and humiliating your friends in public. Like the video. It's got computer games in it, as well. Another reason to like it. Internet. (SINGING) Sorted. [MUSIC PLAYING] For me, tomato sauces are all about the balance of sweetness and acidity. We agreed that we'd try and find a variety of tomatoes, each with slightly different flavor characteristics, to get this balance. Oh, and tomato sauces are also all about looks. So although we care deeply about leveling up pasta sauce, Barry and I are all about the aesthetic. And we're currently talking about plates. The plan was pretty much to get loads of tomatoes and veg and just roast the whole thing off together. But to be honest, just talking about it was pointless. The success of the whole thing hinged on finding the highest quality ingredients from our list in the style of retro video games. If that works, that is the perfect sauce. And it's going to taste delicious. And more importantly, it's going to look delicious. Wait. I got that wrong. That works. [MUSIC PLAYING] Borough Market-- one of the largest and oldest fruit markets in London. The sunlight beat down, searing my pink neck like a pork loin on a barbecue. I needed tomatoes. Lots of them. Classic flavored and juicy beefsteak tomatoes; plum tomatoes, low in moisture content, and therefore, perfect for sauces; and cherry tomatoes, famous for their sweetness. Meanwhile, Barry was in charge of finding olives and the best bacon money could buy. [MUSIC PLAYING] I had my head turned by a massive aubergine, a real game changer when added to tomato sauces. I grabbed the most beautiful bulb of garlic I'd ever seen and some fresh basil. Things were going well. Too well. And then Mike made me do this. [MUSIC - JOSH MANCELL, "CRASH BANDICOOT THEME"] We didn't even need apples. [MUSIC - DAVID ARNOLD, "JAMES BOND THEME"] [MUSIC PLAYING] I reconvened with Baz to S that we had all we needed. [SPEAKING JIBBERISH] [MUSIC PLAYING] And we're back. And we have all of the vegetables. This is one of the world's simplest tomato sauces, yet-- Wait. What? I got snacking apples. Those are good apples. Cheers. Step one is as easy as opening a ready-made pot of pasta sauce. Almost. Almost. Mm-hmm. So all we're doing is putting all the tomatoes on the tray with the aubergine, which we're going to cut up because it might not roast in quite the same time. Couple of cloves of garlic, some pitted olives, and a couple of rashers of bacon, all roasted off at the same time, for, like, half an hour, or 45 minutes. That's quite a lot of stuff. Mate, it will cook down. Still going to put bacon on that. Yeah, drizzle it over. Over the top and all the fat kind of just-- Tsssss. Yeah. Nice. Good drizzling skills. What dictates a good drizzle? That's too much drizzle. Sorry. Salt. I forgot that we're having chili flakes. Do we have to add it now, or can you add it later on? I reckon that you'll probably get more flavor if you add it now. Right. So we're now going to stick all of this in the oven for about half an hour, maybe 40 minutes. At a high temperature, because it has to blister, it has to cook, it has to boil down and go crispy. Now, usually when making a tomato sauce, you have to think about the flavor triangle. And I always make sure I chuck in a bit of balsamic vinegar. But if you want to go a level up-- Oh. --you can do a gastrique. Let's hear why you want that. I don't really know what that word means. A gastrique is vinegar and sugar reduced down together. It's acid and it's sweet, so it just balances the sauce. It brings the flavors out. Very delicious. Cooking sauces is all about a balancing act, and a gastrique-- That's true. --makes so much difference. Don't lean over that and breath in. [COUGHS] Oh god. James, you know how earlier on I was describing the perfect pasta? I've got it. No, you were describing an option. I got my perfect pasta. Should we let everybody in the studio decide-- Or? --or would you rather we Instagram it? Oh, Instagram stories. Yeah, I'm going to say stories. While we were having this argument, the gastrique has finished. And this is what you're looking for. It's kind of syrupy. See, it's just got a little bit of body. So just a really quick one. James and I trying to decide which is the best pasta to use for today's lunch. Can you help us decide? Forgot you were there. Now that we've tasted that, we can all see going with the old gastrique. [MUSIC PLAYING] Shells. 51%-49%. I have gone off piste and added cream to the sauce. Just a dab? Just like a tablespoon. Because I just thought it needed something to bring it together, I guess. All right. My pasta going in. Sauce. Yeah, we left a little bit of starchy water in the bottom because it just adds a little bit of a silkiness to the sauce, and it loosens it a little bit, and it needs it. And obviously, it seasons it again because it's got lots of salt in it. Time to plate up. Little bit of basil on top, and take it to the boys. You are so you're pleased with yourself. Plus it's a team effort. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK. Jump in. Start with your basic. How basic is this, James? This is about as basic as it gets. This is chopped tomatoes with some herbs in it. And tomato ketchup. You put ketchup in it? Well, we absolutely leveled it up. Listen, if you want me to talk about it, I'll talk about it. Tomato ketchup is actually pretty good for adding some sweetness, adding a bit of depth. Mm. It's good. It's great in a sweet and sour sauce. Yeah, I'm not going to not enjoy this. It's good with the chili. There is nothing wrong with that. That is still a level of scratch cooking. And it's still really nice. But get your mouth around these babies. Yeah. Send it to me. So this was inspired by our wonderful pastas. We wanted to get a tray and fill it for the fully delicious flavors. It roasted off at the same time. You know, what I like about that is it's got layers. And it tastes different from when you put it in your mouth, to when you chew it, to when you swallow it, and then afterwards. Layers. And it tastes better not on the table. I haven't quite got used to my eating yet. You know, in front of a camera. Well you've got-- you haven't admitted that-- We just cut, but Jamie was just saying how he was doing an excellent job of eating giant shell pasta. And what you lose in vibrancy of kind of the caricature, cartoony kind of tomato sauce, you more than gain a flavor. Like the sweetness of roast. But also, the charred aubergine, the burnt bits give it, kind of, like, a proper roundness. So what do you reckon? Is it a level up or game over? I reckon level up. I think it's absolutely level up for me. But not for-- A vegetarian-- Right. --wanting a tomato sauce. But for me, that is absolutely amazing. What do you guys think? Do you think we leveled it up? Let us know. Also, let us know if you've seen all of the game references from this video. And comment all of them down below. Yeah. And then, we've done ham sandwich. We've now done tomato sauce and pasta. What's next? We need your suggestions. We're shaping the next episode as we speak. So head over to the club, and tell us on the forum. And if you think we've missed any call to actions, comment them down below. Give us a like. We love making these videos because we can squeeze as many computer games into the video as possible. How many did you spot? Also, make sure that you get on the forum-- details down below-- and comment down below with what we should level up next. But until then, we will see you every Wednesday, every Sunday, 4 PM. We're always here. Come back on Sunday. Good one. As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks. And we hope to see you again in a few days. [BEEP] Good morning, everyone. I am Barry, and this is Michael. It's 4 PM. Oh, yeah.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 357,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta sauce, tomato sauce, how to make pasta sauce, best pasta sauce, easy pasta sauce, aubergine, roast vegetable, roast tomato sauce, tomato and bacon sauce, basic tomato sauce, tomatoes, olives, roasted veggies, roast vegetable sauce, pasta, pasta and sauce, pasta shapes, how to make tomato sauce, level up sortedfood, easy recipes, pasta (food), how to cook, spaghetti sauce, easy pasta sauce recipe, easy pasta sauce tasty, dinner recipes, the fridgecam show
Id: MeRFrGndLeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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