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[Music] a huge contributor to The Human Experience is how we connect with others in the way in which that relationship is defined it can be platonic I want you all to know I can't stand any of you familial or romantic so in order to have romantic feelings for someone you would need to be like attracted to them right well I wouldn't know so [ __ ] it all seems pretty simple I'm an attractive person so I will attract other people but what if what you think is attractive about yourself isn't what your potential partner is attracted to introducing the male and female gaze what is it you probably already know what it is without truly realizing it why is it that you get more compliments from others when you wear a crop top rather than a t-shirt because we live in a patriarchal society defined by the male game gaze according to Google the male gaze is the perspective of notionally typical heterosexual men considered as embodied in the audience or intended audience for films and other visual media characterized by the tendency to objectify or sexualize women what the did that all mean I don't even know what the hell I just read in simpler terms it's a straight guy seeing the world through a lens that objectifies women not just objectifying women but objectifying everyone and like I said we live in a society run by men so a lot of the media that we consume adhere to the male gays but enough about the male gays let's talk about the female gays the female gaze is about seeing the world through the lens of a woman emphasizing stories about her thoughts feelings and autonomy it's about understanding women on a much deeper level one that pertains to her own wants and desires without the influence of the patriarchy and I want to be clear with you folks I'm not saying any of this to say that women never objectify men oh my goodness have you guys read read the caption of a Tom BL edit on Tik Tok oh my gosh you girls deserve to be locked up all I'm saying is that the male and female gaze definitely has its effect on society and I want to test it out okay let's say that this really really really smart intelligent loving amazing funny girl named chii was given two outfits one male gazy outfit and the other a female gazy outfit she was given the two outfits a camera and the City of Philadelphia perhaps she walked around the city in those outfits what responses would she get how would they differ hm interesting all righty pans let's talk about the outfits starting off with the female gaze outfit this is the outfit that speaks to me in my personal style the best I love wearing baggy Silhouettes because it makes me feel comfortable I think I like wearing baggy silhouettes it's because I physically take up more space and that allows me to feel kind of assertive and more confident I'm also wearing healed boots because I love the look of being taller but the heels aren't too tall they're like 1 in so they're super comfortable for me to walk in in contrast this is my mail gaze outfit it was actually kind of hard to style this outfit because it's difficult to dress for the mail gaze in the winter but I wanted to wear this bodycon bodysuit to kind of emphasize my figure I paired that with high heel boots and then I wore my fur hat on [Music] top you know I yoga was supposed to come here and I was anticipating that so Philly they not come until next year or at [Music] all hi everybody Welcome to day one of the giveaways for day one I'm giving away my favorite aritzia puffer jacket I just got one and I absolutely love it so I got another one for you guys so I can give it away it retails for $250 on the site and you can get it from me for the free ski all you have to do to enter is subscribe to my YouTube channel follow me on Instagram and Tik Tok answer the question below that I have in the pinned comment comment as many times you want the more you comment the more likely you are to win and also put your Instagram in the caption so I know how to contact you if you win the giveaway is international so I'm going to ship to you wherever you are and the winner is going to be announced in tomorrow's video along with the announcement of the second giveaway that's it I hope you guys enjoyed the [Music] video going into this video I knew that it was going to be awkward for me so I tried to just kind of tune out everything that was going on around me and I trusted that Jen was going to capture everything on video for me to tell you guys later and I really do believe that I did a great job of tuning out all the outside noise but I could literally feel the stairs on me I could feel it and it was definitely an uncomfortable feeling I always knew that people would probably glance over at me just to kind of get an idea of what I'm doing it's just kind of human curiosity if something abnormal is happening people are going to look and glance to see what is going on and then once they realize that the activity is a bit mundane like someone recording something they'll probably move on and carry on with their day but the stairs that I was getting was definitely like prolonged stairs I could tell that it was definitely about the outfit because people would literally look at me up and down and like some of them had face of disgust some of them had face of intrigue and it was just all all really crazy to experience on camera something else that was really interesting is that whenever a couple would walk by I would notice the guy would stare at me that he kind of give me like a side stare like but the girl like wouldn't pay me no attention there was this one instance where the stare was just not enough for the guy he had to come and talk to me it's k a miss so I'm not sure if you guys can see it but there was a guy gu next to me this guy and he was basically talking talking talking trying to get my attention but the best thing to do when a guy is harassing you is to just pay him no attention and to just keep on walking so that's what I was doing but he was just a little bit too persistent and Jen literally had to step in and be like yo like leave this girl alone please she's good bro bro she's good hey I'm I'm I'm what I do she's okay bro sure I got enough to Brink to the table and then once Jen cut in I literally like ran in front of her I was like running cuz I'm like oh my God this crazy ass guy I got yes thank you all right and it's so crazy because like you see that I'm being recorded So if you try and get at me that's on video and I can do anything I want with that video and he's obviously out of luck because I'm a YouTuber so I post everything that happens to me so now everyone's going to see how this stupid creepy guy try and hit on me as I was just trying to mind my own [ __ ] business you know what I'm saying you have no shame why do guys have no shame and right after that experience like guys were literally hollering and you can literally hear Jen and I getting so uncomfortable they like oh my God this video is insane damn I hate men she I hate them take me home please I hate we got to cut the mail gay [ __ ] right here because like this is a lot we're not fans but even though there was a lot of male attention that was expected while wearing the male gaze outfit there was also a lot of female attention beautiful today dear you I love the attention I got from women because women are just the best and they're so nice and respectful every time a girl would like see me she would always go out of her way to like compliment me and that always means like the most look so cute oh thank you thank you so much the thing about like guys and stuff is that like it's okay to compliment a girl and call her beautiful and call her pretty or so that you like her out outfit or anything but I think anything more than that in a setting that is not like a social setting is just doing too much so I feel like guys should really take a page out of girls books on how to approach a girl I like your thank you I just feel like there's a much more like respectable way to go about it and I loved experiencing that from the [Music] girls eventually I got a little tired in the male gaze outfit and it was time for me to change into the female gaze outfit so I went to like a local coffee shop to go change and as I was like there I actually met some of you guys and it was really really fun because like I don't really meet you guys often cuz I don't really like leave my house but it's always nice to like meet you guys and talk to you guys cuz you guys are really nice you guys are the best really okay but for the female gaze outfit that is more my speed that is more my style that is what I feel confident in and so I was actually pretty excited to walk around Philly in that outfit and to my not really surprise but I literally got no male attention like absolutely not cuz at first I thought that people were staring at me because I was being like recorded but I was being recorded in the male gaze outfit and the female Gaye outfit but no like men were staring at me when I was in the female Gaye outfit so now I know that it's not about me being recorded it's just like I'm wearing an outfit that doesn't really like reveal like my body or my figure a majority of the compliments that I would get would be again from women cuz women are the best but I noticed the compliments that I would get from women were more indirect they were less likely to come to my face and be like oh my God I like your outfit it was more so like I would be walking and they'd walk past me and then they like whisper to their friend oh my God I love that girl's outfit instead of like telling me and I'm like no you can tell me like you can you can tell me like I'm really nice I promise and I was thinking like why is that so cuz I feel like girls were a lot more likely to compliment me directly when I was wearing the male gaze outfit but when I was wearing the female gaze outfit that wasn't really the case so I was thinking why so and like you can definitely like disagree with me on this one but I think it's because it was really evident that I was a lot more confident in the female gaze outfit and I feel like sometimes confidence can be intimidating so people are less likely to go up to a competent person because they can be perceived as like intimidating and stuff and I think that may have been the reason why girls were less likely to compliment me directly although I got a lot less male attention with the female Gaye outfit I still got some and the men who would compliment me were always men who would compliment me with their girlfriends beautiful before when I was wearing the mail gauge outfit I would just walk by a couple and then the guy would kind of like side eye me and like look at my outfit and stuff but when I was wearing the female Gaye outfit both the guy and the girl would both be like oh my God I love your outfit or I love your hat or I love this they would both go out of their way to compliment me final thoughts on the social experiment I knew it would work but I didn't realize it would work this well and guys I want you guys to know that although I didn't get harassed as much when I was wearing my female outfit I want you guys to remember that it really doesn't matter what you're wearing a guy will hit on you regardless so just wear whatever you want and be safe if I were to do this challenge a little bit differently I would do it in the summer in comparison to the winter because I feel like although I tried really really hard to make sure that the outfits were like season appropriate but I think the fact that my mail gaze outfit had no sleeve leave on one arm people probably may have been looking at me in a way that's like oh my gosh how is she like not wearing a jacket in this cold weather because in the female Gaye outfit I was wearing a jacket in my defense it was 60° outside it was not that cold I didn't want to cover up too much cuz I felt like it would like ruin the male gaze outfit but I feel like if I were to do this again I would do this in the summertime where I can get away with wearing less to accommodate for the male gaze outfit and then I can just like wear like a different like cool summer Chi-Chi female gaze outfit and then go along with that so that's the one thing that I would change if I were to do this again this video was really fun I'm honestly just really excited for this whole 12 visit Chanel ho ho ho I hope you enjoyed this video and I'm going to be posting a video tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day and more giveaways and more videos all right see you guys tomorrow [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Coco Chinelo
Views: 2,309,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coco, chinelo, coco chinelo, male gaze, female gaze, social experiment, walking around philly, fashion social experiment, dressing for the male gaze, dressing for the female gaze, male gaze vs female gaze
Id: Q4dSxLhBhNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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