how to Lath & plaster over any wood siding

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howdy folks Kirk and Jay here with Kirk Giordano  plastering today I want to go over substrates   they like this garage here I get it I get asked  this quite a bit by folks who are doing a garage   whether or not they're doing it themselves or  they want us to cover it those said Kirk do I   have to take off all the wood siding and attach  plywood to it for a shear strength share value or   just to update it the answer is no say like this  for example this garage is 80 years old it's no   longer will benefit from paint is at the end of  the world not really because it's got about 20   coats of paint on it yes it has seen better days  but we've gone over in all the years I've been   plastering t 1:11 whether or not it's vertical  or horizontal we've gone over shiplap siding   they have single ship double ship and the triple  ship which is that's really tough to go over   because it's weird would this horizontal siding  right here is five eighths of an inch thick now   here's what I do I tell folks and you folks this  is pretty decent advice if you have wood rot then   replace it because if you cover rot it's sort of  like cancer it just continues to grow so as long   as you don't have any wood rot you're good peeling  paint and beat-up wood that's okay we could cover   it and that's exactly what we're gonna do here so  the answer that question should I strip it off and   put plywood not really I know some folks might  watch and say well if it were me I would do that   we'll get into that a little later because not  everybody can't afford it and often it doesn't   do much benefit for the amount of work required  this five-eighths beats half-inch all the time   all right guys I don't want to get too far off  topic of what shears you can use what substrates   and but I'll show you this say right now we just  Jason and I ran out this two-ply paper that's   a moisture barrier to protect this wood here and  you guys do this market get a level get something   and just Marcus studs that way you're in the in  the stud because 7/8 of the leg of the staple or   the nail has to be into the stud now this is 2  inches here because it's built with true two by   fours what's a true two by four guys that means  in the olden days when they set a two by four it   measured two inches by four inches today you get  a two by four measures one and a half inches by   three and a half inches it's not true so you got  this much room to work on in my brother Lou he's   already got all these pieces of wire cut out then  we're gonna roll these wires out yeah that makes   a difference which side you go on this is 17 gauge  wire you can use 17 gauge wire or 18 gate so we're   just gonna roll that out we've got about a half  hour and we're gonna go ahead and stucco this   maybe when we get to that stage we'll show you  some techniques on applying and we're not sure   yet what system we're gonna use this is a pretty  odd texture there that's a - finish and then you   take a sponge or whatever and make the lines in  it we worked on this about 20 years ago now the   actual homeowner she says Kirk do whatever finish  you want on there but they have a skip shot say   well you tell me you want to skip child you want  this side she says going between so not sure what   finish we're gonna do but that's another I'll  cross that bridge when we get to it all right   guys let's show a couple more things here you get  you two layers of paper up you attach your wire   then you caulk all your perimeters why because  the rain hits this and if you don't caulk this   the stucco could separate rain goes and back of  this goes in back of the paper defeats the whole   purpose so caulk your perimeter here's something  we do a lot of work for contractors today I say   you laughs it would plaster it so I tell them  don't over staple it guys okay this is 24 inch   centers because it's a old house all you want to  do is every six inches guys every six inches what   happens if you staple the crap out of it well for  us it makes it too flat and if we're too flat then   I mean we're gonna we're gonna same day scratch  him brown this if it's too flat our mud can't   go in here and key well I want the mud behind the  wire and on top of it I want wire dead center and   I come off the word guys they think well gee I'm  gonna put more staples because that's gonna make   it stronger guys that doesn't make it stronger  that makes it so that the stucco doesn't embed   very well so every six inches guys these are  actually marked too but that's another story   see how easy that is laughs that one cover is  a lot of people right now who are saying this   Kirk we're attaching cement board like where's all  that coming from so many people call and say we're   doing cement board we want to do two layers of  paper and rather than the wire we want to put a   cement board guys do you know how heavy cement  board is it's two by four by six sheets it's   like 50 pounds of sheets time you lift it up you  put it in here right here with the gun we're not   compromised in the inside of the garage but try to  put cement board on you've got to nail that stuff   because you're going through cement or screw it  and it really is heavy it tweaks you out I don't   advise that so many people are asking me about it  I think Kirk we don't know how to pasta so we're   gonna do the cement board but here's a here's  it's thin guy you put the cement board on now   you have all these joints every because they're  four by six sheets so they're not four by eight   otherwise nobody can lift them like sheetrock so  when you have the four by six sheets now you got   to mud all your joints otherwise you'll get  hairline cracking kind of like this okay we   got one layer of wire here one layer wire here  and then we put the other one dead center now   yeah I'm a foot here and a foot here that's okay  because it adds for the strength is it necessary   no but why do I need to cut a foot and a half off  of here I'm not saving much dough I'd rather give   them the benefit of the extra wire and for us I  like I like how thick it is here we're gonna put   an inch of stucco on it but I like the extra fur  that way it hangs it's kind of cold today so if it   hangs well it'll dry well that way we can do the  finish coat will probably show you the finished   coat when we get to that point okay guys I'll  show you a little bit of detail too now J I was   playing went around with my truck and got some  issues always working on that thing just spread   this out in an hour and that's almost both coats  what I'm doing here is I'm just I thought I don't   want you to have all the fun let me at least get  a little bit of work out get some hot si Jin what   we're using is the cement you got a lot of cements  guys you got stuff you buy at Home Depot rapidset   which has everything in the bag all you do is I  had clean water and you can do both coats in a   day or you rapid it also makes isin wall which  we prefer doing you put on we put our own sand   in it we buy the bags hundred pound bag 94 pounds  technically and then we add our own sand so that's   a better mix for us and we usually go three  parts sand to one part cement plaster and for   brown coats which I'm doing right now we use about  the same can you use two parts and the four parts   in sure you can but as a rule we we generally go  about three if I'm doing ceilings I might go too   because I want it stickier so that gravity doesn't  pull it down anyway guys fella told me you should   have a warning on your videos and say we make it  look a lot easier than it is well for the guys who   called me and said hey I wanna put cement board  don't take us but two hours to do both coats on   something like this take a lot longer to attach  cement board you screw up the inside walls they're   heavy at week your body out plus it's nowhere near  a good system is this one right here last thing we   decided we're going to match the house that we're  at right now because when you're in the backyard   there it looks like part of this pretty here  anyway when we're done we'll show you the final   product all right guys we decided on a - finish  kind of blended in the best of both worlds now   your folks watching my ask the question or think  to yourself how long before you can do that well   if you look at it and you say good the best you  don't have to wait too long you don't have to   wait until the next day to shoot this with a - or  just spray it on you can do it almost immediately   guys or when the stucco is set now that takes some  practice to know when the stucco set now - brush   and some mud you know all the lines of should you  reshare a house with plywood you don't have to do   it guys you don't have to if the stuff you have to  work with is already pretty good and keep in mind   not everybody can afford to change the current  substrate to a plywood just because some folks   can in fact what if or not we go for walks in the  evening we're walking by the library and we notice   a lot of homeless people in front of the library  gobos hey Kirk spare a few bucks and of course   man I always think man I've been there that's  uh I mean not homeless but poor and poor poor   you see that it makes you wonder why people spend  a lot of dough doing things that's not necessary   well again a lot of people might watch this and  go well I would have spent the money to put new   plywood but you don't have to and again a lot  of people can't afford it in the first place so   keep what you got it's a lot cheaper and sometimes  like in this case it's a lot better anyhow my name   is Kirk Jason on the camera we thank you folks  for watching and as usual live long and plaster   by the way folks my dad and I are now members of  Amazon affiliates so if you're looking to buy any   of the plastering or construction tools you've  seen in our videos and you want to support us   in the process you can check the links below our  video or you can our website and get them there   if you have any other questions that for tools  we don't have linked email us direct and we'll   respond to you then once again folks we thank you  for watching and I really enjoy all your comments   if you guys like this video please click the  like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk   and Jay we thank you for watching and from the  entire giordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 52,447
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Keywords: new plywood under new stucco, can you stucco over any wood siding, plywood under plaster images, Plastering over wood siding, how to stucco over garage walls, is plywood backing needed before plastering, is plywood required before plastering, how to stucco over wood, can you render stucco or plaster over any wood substrate, Lath & plaster over any wood siding, how to Lath & plaster over any wood siding, complete plastering applications from Kirk Giordano
Id: kyk9wtaWDIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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