How to Clean and Cook Delicious Catfish

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[Music] all right you all had to do well you're gonna be doing a kitchen cook today I'm most excited about these catfish that we got on the jug lines and if you guys have never seen the different species of catfish I'll show it to you right now we have blue catfish and then we have channel catfish there's also a flathead catfish but we didn't catch any of those they're big and ugly and they look a lot different than these channel cats and blue cats look very similar but blue cats get bigger and they have more meat up in their head and they're just a lighter gray color and they usually eat a lot more shad and stuff like that we're channel cats usually feed more on the bottom but we got to mix it both here so I'm going to show you how to clean a catfish first before we get into the cooking portion and first thing I'm gonna do is put a nail into this board right here the reason for doing that is I'm gonna put the catfish on this board like this with the nail and that way I can take a pair of skinners and just rip their skin off this is a cleaning set made by Mora I really like their knives I have a bunch of their knives but this is a great for catfish okay there we go there's our piece of meat I've got my plank and I've got my nail this is a way to take the skin off to where you don't have to mess with it when you're when you're going to eat it take one of our bigger channel cats right here and we're gonna start off with a boning knife I like to use two different knives when I'm cleaning catfish one for just boning and cutting the little fine cuts and then just regular fillet knife they have some areas up in here that you really want to be able to get into helps to have just a short little precise knife when you're trying to get around the little pieces parts and if you just want to cut through like heavy scales and stuff before you get in there fillet knife because the plaintiffs are really sensitive it dulls down quick so you don't want to just cut through the heavy bone and stuff like that with fillet knife I'm gonna find that little shoulder up there we're gonna make a cut and then we want to press the knife towards the spine so in towards me at this moment I just want to get in there enough and if if you got a sharp knife you won't have to dig and cut very much then when you get right here you'll start seeing the spine change after this dorsal fin right here and you can really start feeling the tiny little bones and things like that so I like to just kind of open open it up with my fingers just run as close down the spine about about a half-inch down there and then when I get about right here where I could really cut through easy I know I'm around that spine then I take the fillet knife and you can easily cut all the way through right there because you're past the ribcage and then you want to press the knife parallel to that spine and run it run it down like this and when you get close to the end don't cut it all the way off just yet but you see it's a real close cut to that spine when you do that that's why you want the fillet knife versus the other night because it's thicker it's meant for more boning so I'm actually going to do the same thing on both sides real quick so then I'm gonna make a cut right here make a little triangle and make sure I I clean Li cut all the way through there lightly pressing I'm just making a little you see why in a second just a little cut like that then I'm gonna stick his head on the spike right here a way to pull his skin off so I'll go right there in the corner we just pull down all the way these are cheap you can get them at almost any sporting goods store carries catfishing supplies and then we just cut the end we make our final cuts up through here just staying close to the spine cut around the rib cage get up into that shoulder mm-hmm and there's where you want that that boning knife so you can get all the way up in there I think that's the best part of the catfish and then you have all that big main filet and then there's no skin so you can just put that rat in the grease pan there's a lot of meat on these last two guys all right now we just got a clean old Big Bertha here fan tastic fillets and look at these big uns these stud puppies right here - look at that one so we're now gonna put these in the food saver seal those up so we can do a fish fry ladies and gentlemen are you ready to get down with some delicious southern fried catfish well hope you are coz I am I am starving I went for a long run today I've been working on wood projects working up a sweat I'm ready to eat waiting on OSG to get back from baby shower doing baby shower things I'm sure she's worked up an appetite - she's pregnant what better way to do a family night dinner with seven fried catfish we're gonna do it two ways though y'all you know we got to do that Frank's redhot on there and we're gonna do it the regular way someone in this household likes very traditional Steph here we go we're in Lake Fork mom's kitchen right now it's looking great while I'm doing good I just want to show you guys how this works here vacuum-sealing these this is a great way to keep things fresh Wow trying to make a cookie shogi so anyway these are delicious catfish fillets look at them have you seen these mom have you seen the juiciness they look good they're nice and fatty exactly somebody's hit nothing waiting on our person here about five or six fillets two of them are bongos thank you so much see that of your TV life just scissors appeared out of nowhere then we cut these it's all sealed for freshness the juices contained first the Phillips what do you think about those B what do you think about those yeah I like to cut mine make them into chunks and then fry them because catfish they're normally tougher to fry because they're just thicker they're fattier partyer I think that's good we're gonna do a cornmeal flour batter saw them up hang on before you get too excited about that don't forget about Frank's redhot yes we are no we're gonna do it on a couple okay a couple but not on all of them because mama don't liked it yeah I mean it tastes good I just like them without the hot dogs okay all right you've made your opinion ooh whoa whoa little too big souffle should look something like this if you're gonna cut them up you could do a whole fried one but I just had to get the crispy this all around I called two bucks this is like a two-body catfish doing too thin you know you're just getting too much crispy and I also cook faster this way they're easier now so you're not dealing with a mondo catfish filet doing a twirly thing look at that that is a dadgum that is might as well be a steak filet look how thick and juicy that is some people don't like catfish because they are just you know people say that they feed on the bottom and whatnot but we have a mixture of blue cats and channel cats in there that's the biggest one that's a blue cat and the the meat I've noticed on the blue cats is is wider more like a like a cod wood or something and then the channel cats they they've got that yellow nice best fattiness which i think is really good is that somebody we've been waiting for you your hair says it all all right because we're trying to make it a graft oh she loves Stephanie because she's pregnant and she's like she's feeling it she's like ice I want to protect the baby it's a shoebox tiny mushy box let me do you see this she does yeah and that way she won't jump out there this is like I'm gonna come over here he's gonna protect me it's called cooking with fun easy everyone that is watching my other fish recipes with this raves about it literally raised that's a word well hopefully none of you are having bowel issues out there after this Frank's Red Hawk I don't have any issues with it but what you do is just called smothered and covering right there that's how we say it south just want to smother cover it and that acts as your sneakiness as well so pat him dry you don't have to use milk or egg or anything like that you just use the Franks and then I like to dip it and straight-up flour mama likes a little corn milk she likes a little crispness in her life I like the flakiness of the flour so that's why I just got a straight flour and I'm a southern Miami style hey hey yeah do you like to use the prizes like a tester yeah it gets the grease going you know lets you know you grease is hot get them crispy then throw the fish to get your area ready you have the red hot right here we have the traditional right here and you want to dip them in the cornmeal or the flour right before you put them in the grease don't let them just lay around and flour get real clumpy and stuff like that so you go WOW and then you go right in there you guys probably seen so these fish fries you know what's up but all of you new people you haven't tried for ain't quite the best thing very hard but it's good for yourself another tip for you guys frying fish after you get your grease going but you want to turn it down because you don't want to burn your grease that's the worst thing you can do for fried fish golden little crispy so ready to go okay let's get the fish let's get the fish going okay I'll do it that is what your coating is gonna look like the cornmeal I left these gonna drop one in there so you guys can see what this operation is all about light to light battery over there looks like a golden Krispies from the south that's right there's a disturbance in the fish fry when she smells food she is hauling read she's hungry right his air phobe I like to slap it in there and this is what flour fillet [Music] so when you pull them up we're gonna see some identity see you can tell which ones of a red hot with flour went on for meals the flower has of us horse Blakely if you have had that big large mouth you guys caught on the truck line we've had fish for everybody conservation there you go so good I'm glad you let it go tell everybody that's a joke that's that's a joke yeah a joke every would never we would never do that I never get tired of seeing that Oh organic fish from local lake do your plate I mean there is just nothing that makes a person feel better than that the lessons maybe a deer same concept I thought we could do this as a family yes me too thanks for catching them course I'll enjoy okay now get the rest of it blasted the frankerz just came on through a little toasty helps inside I know you were I was out here yeah a lot of Jabberjaw know out here so it's the girl's fault yeah I gotta contend with that well y'all do four girls against two dudes but we or the hunter-gatherers aren't we dad that's right time for a taste actually that would be great because your palate is ready to go it's ready to go and we're gonna have two different styles and I have not had the Franks on the catfish before I've had it on White House photo crappie I've had it on wall I saw a catfish I'm thinking it's gonna be a good move let me see the cornmeal one's probably cooler yeah it's crispy so the flour gives you much more crisp eNOS chicken you don't okay I might have overcooked it it's half okay now for the regular a lot less crispy you didn't have a crunch on that when you bit into it I would like to marry the two flavors you would do that no because we are fish maybe on the next run like a slightly burnt okay hey I tell you what you try this piece because that one's not bird that came out of the same batch yep this is the big moment is that the one yeah I taste the brains but it still has the Chris penis oh and this is like it's nice and thick like you see that that's the difference in catfish oh if you get that meatiness it almost seems like a chicken or something it is nice and plump you get you get a real money the Chris penis over here yes okay so Frank's for the win is what you're telling me [Music] mom Franks don't did it again you want to get in your I'm ready baby I'm ready it's another delicious meal y'all from the lake to the filet knife to the Ziploc to the frying pan into your mouth some of my best summer memories are doing fish fries friends and family we did another one with white bass over the weekend so I've had my fill of fish this weekend it's been good as always with these catching cooks I will post the recipes down below both you can try them both and see which one you like better or if you have the delicious Oh recipe dialed in go ahead and let everybody know that as well I just have to give me a little crispness hmm I definitely overcooked that one right good news catfish you gotta cook it a little longer you get from a little bit more leeway because it's got some fat of your stuff in there if you're down with the catfish videos we want to see more let me know in the comments down below and all if you're having a blessed day wherever you are and catching some fish no matter what species go on there and get your toe on the line thanks for watching today guys don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button and I'll see you guys next [Music] you
Channel: LakeForkGuy
Views: 1,685,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing tips and techniques, fishing videos, bass fishing tips, bass fishing in ponds, bass fishing with frogs, lakeforkguy, frog fishing for bass, how to fish a jig, lake fork guy, fishing for bass, fishing tips, bass fishing tournament, bass fishing videos, fishing challenge, bass fishing challenge, bass fishing with plastic worms, vlog, lfg, how to fish, catfish, catch and cook, how to clean a catfish, delicious, crappie fishing, outdoors, crappie, how to
Id: oYhQZ4gt_fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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