How To Clean A Bluegill (Boneless)

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on today's video we're gonna clean up a bluegill [Music] may their outdoor youtubers stave Connecticut Connecticut doors and like I said earlier we're gonna clean up a bluegill or Flay a bluegill all right know if you've seen some of my other fish cleaning videos you know a few of the things that I like to do right when I'm cleaning pan fish I like to have a flavored okay pan fish are kind of small they kind of squirt around sometimes on the cutting board or the cutting table and you know having a good clamp with the Flay board works pretty good especially doing the smaller fish bigger fish now they kind of hold their place pretty good they don't slide around as much so I really only use this fillet board when I'm doing smaller fish okay next thing you need is sharp knife or two but you definitely need a sharp knife okay now this is a sharp knife but this would not be a good idea for playing a bluegill okay all right so we're kind of clear on that it's good to have an actual fillet knife okay and the reason you like to have a fillet knife when you're doing fish you like to have a little flexibility in it okay you know it kind of becomes an extension of your hand you know you're kind of working in in their own bones you want to fuel those bones you want to have a little bit of flexibility you know when you're skinning out the fish okay so you want to have a little bend to that blade and that's kind of you know one of the advantages of a plane I when you're actually cleaning fish and again make sure it's very sharp just gonna make life a lot easier for you if it's sharp alright and another thing that I do sometimes when I'm cleaning fish I'll put on some of these these cotton gloves I don't know it works out pretty good sometimes if the fish are really cold if it's in the fall or or in the winter it's nice to have these you know I use these when I'm cutting deer and it even when it's warm out I'll use them sometimes too you know they grip the fish pretty good kind of saves a little wear and tear on your hands so sometimes I do like to use the gloves when I'm cleaning fish okay all right well real quick we're gonna run through a bluegill and like I say thought I'd share with you guys these dudes put them into the clamp like that alright okay good sharp knife first thing we'll get under this fin here okay and you know of course the scales they kind of angle back right so if you kind of angle like this it helps to get underneath them you're not so much cutting into the scales is kind of getting in between them and up into the fish okay we're just gonna kind of make that cut now we're going to start here and we're gonna work our way back and we're only gonna go in as far as the ribs are which is which is right around in here we're gonna get across till we get past the bunghole then we're gonna put the knife all the way through and hug the spine back alright so here we go just kind of going along here just in just a little bit just to kind of get started get past the bunghole then we can go all the way across and then we'll just kind of angle the knife and we'll work our way down like that okay now I'm gonna get down in here okay and we're just going to work our way along and we're gonna come to the ribs and we're gonna go up and over the ribs okay now you are gonna come in to some little pin bones and you're gonna cut through those okay with the ribs themselves which are right there we're gonna go up and over we're gonna try and hug them you know as much as we can of course you know how to keep as much meat as we can alright and we're just working our way along the edge of these ribs alright just like that okay now there's a little bit of belly fat down here that's kind of tough doesn't taste very good you know right along there so we really don't want to keep that so much you know that belly fat it's tough not very good there we go that's a nice little side of bluegill okay now we're gonna turn the sky over all right spin the board around and it'll be the same thing on this side all right we'll get under this fin kind of angle in underneath the scales all right then we're just gonna work our way back okay get to about this point we're past the bunghole and go all the way across little angle down with our knife right right along that spine and right out the back and you know what if you split that tail that means you were hugging it real good okay all right so then we're gonna open it up like this and do the same thing just get into those ribs ribs are starting right there and just kind of going up and over them right along the top the ribs and we're working our way back all right and like I said you don't really need that belly meat it's kind of tough so there we go there's another side of blue yeah right there and now this guy we are done with him then next thing we're gonna do is get them out of their skins okay all right I'm just gonna use this smaller knife for as a placeholder okay just to kind of hold that tail in place and it's good to be on the edge of your cutting board or cutting table that way you can get this knife down nice and flat you know as you're sucking this out of its skin so you get hold of it get started and then I usually just kind of with my fingers and then just take your time okay just a slight angle down but you don't want to cut through the skin okay it's nice easy back and forth keeping a little bit of pressure a little bit of angle down and you just want to work your way right like that okay and there we shut that dude right out of its skin okay no the only thing left on this is that roll pin bones that we had cut through and they're right there okay you can hear them basically you follow this line from the back of the tail right about in the middle and they're right along that line but they only go about this far back they're kind of associated with the ribs okay so all we're gonna do is just cut on either side of them all right just cut on either side of them and then I'm just gonna cut that right out this has just got those pin bones in it this piece of meat full of pin bones don't need that what we got here is a nice boneless piece of bluegill and it's gonna taste fantastic all right let's uh let's get the other one just for good measure okay grab it with the one knife it'll hold it with my fingers now nice and easy you know take your time with this nice and easy nice and easy just take your time angle that knife down just a little bit okay and there you got that meat right onto that skin okay and you guys remember what's next right the other side middle of the tail there's that one line that runs right through the middle of the fish kinda and there's those those pin bones okay you might even be able see them right along that line there okay so we're just gonna go on either side of them again just like that okay and only two about that far back that's just full of pin bones and this has no bones in it nice piece of boneless bluegill alright alright guys well we got that one bluegill done I thought I'd show you how I do that but I got a few more to do okay so I better get going here but anyways guys remember to hunt fish laughs repeat Steve caneta from kinetise practical Oh doors hey thanks for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good job done [Music]
Channel: Knetters Practical Outdoors
Views: 34,709
Rating: 4.8248849 out of 5
Keywords: cleaning a bluegill, filleting a bluegill, bluegill, rapala knife, boneless bluegill, yooper, fish cleaning, bluegill fillets, boneless fish cleaning
Id: -cej-iSBolc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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