How To Keep Mice And Pest Out Of Your RV.

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rodents and pests can be so destructive and carry diseases that you don't want them in your RVs today I have some key strategies for making sure that rodents don't get inside your RV and Destroy things along with other pests too [Music] now the daunting task of trying to keep your RV pest free can be a difficult one so today I want to give you a list of strategies that have worked for other rvers and us for being able to keep it pest free inside of the RV because it can really be a lot like a battle when something works on one end of the country it may not work in the other so keeping these lists of strategies can help you out as you travel around with your RV and need to adjust your strategies to keep the pests out and the first strategy I would say is don't give them an easy path in Seal up any entry that you can find so that they can't find their way into the RV this step is critical to the success of the mission you want to search out and find all the ports of Entry where the holes might have been drilled a little bit too big or something was cut and not sealed up and you want to cover that so A good strategy here is a stuffed steel wool inside of that hole inside of that crack or crevice and if you can get caulking on it caulk that in so it's not just going Fallout or it can't be pulled out or you can use that Great Stuff foam to be able to foam in that steel wool in there so it's a great way for keeping the mice out now still wool it will Rust if it comes in contact with water so if it's going to be on the exterior and that steel wool is going to have splashing when you're driving down the road you're not going to want to use that because you don't want the rust there so you can use copper wool or a copper mesh in that kind of a situation if it's a larger area where air needs to be able to pass through it you can use like a laugh mesh in there something tight enough that a mouse can't go through it but air can pass through it now in our storage area we can use something like this this is aluminum screening you could also get like a galvanized mesh to be able to use in some of those areas but I'll put links down in the description to everything that we're talking about today now in extreme circumstances I've even seen people use copper wool or that copper mesh around the hose coming inside of the RV so that where it doesn't maybe seal up completely and you don't you can't permanently seal it up that copper mesh around the hose in that opening can keep the mice from coming in and crawling up your hose and into the RV so that can even work honestly this step can't be overstated you want to seal up all these holes so this is a very important step to do you don't want to concede the easy path in and having that battle be done just inside of the RV you want to block them from coming in so one of the things that we use is this pest blocker great stuff it's the pest version it's a gray foam rather than it being a yellow foam I prefer using this with the steel wool now another strategy that I've seen work for other rvers we don't have this on RV but having that light underneath the RV does deter some rodents now I'm not talking about the awning light or the front cap light or a light that shines outward but the light that's underneath the RV that shines down and I've even seen some people use rope light underneath their RV to try and deter some of the rodents from coming in now this next one I've seen work really effectively and it's called rid a wrap and it's basically a very very low powered device a strobe light and it drives them nuts so if you have an area where they're trying to make a nest you can use this Ritter rat and they won't make a nest there anymore they'll find somewhere else to try and go bother so no I'm not saying turn your RV into a strobe like rave party but you can use this light in an area where you can keep them out of that might be a problem area now there's a couple of different versions of these and I'll put links down in the description to all of them this is the double A version so you just put a couple of Double A's in it'll last for six to eight months they do have a 12 volt version where you can just connect it directly into the battery of the RV and then you don't have to worry about swapping out the batteries and there are some other brands out there I really like this ritterat one just because it's made in the US and they do work really well they have some magnets on the back so you can mount it wherever you'd like or magnetize it to wherever you would like so it just comes in handy and it works well we have a solution that has worked really well for us keeping the mice out of the RV but there is a list of things that people have used that sometimes they work sometimes they don't depending on where you're at so the mint oil you can use that in locations where they might be trying to get in and having cotton balls with mint oil in them the the mice won't come in in that area I've heard of moth balls I've also heard of the rodent repellent where you plug it in and it puts out that ultrasonic sound for some people it's worked for some people it hasn't for some I've actually heard that it messed with their pets with their animals it changed the behavior of their dog until they unplugged it so that is something to consider and to look for if you're going to use and try something like that the strategy that we have been using and it's been working well for years is we hired a mercenary and she comes in here and she is naturally disposed to want to seek out rodents and eradicate them from inside of the RV and so that works really well for us we might just have one critical area in this as we've made the bed a little too comfy and cushy and we might be over feeding just a little bit which takes away from the motivation to actually seek out the mice but we haven't had any issues yet so hopefully we won't now our strategy for keeping bugs ants spiders and that kind of thing on the outside of the RV and not getting to the inside is we spray our RV basically anything that touches the ground we will spray that so our blocks our Landing gear our power cord coming in our steps when they touch the ground we spray just behind the axles because if they get on the wheels that's fine but I don't want to spray the wheel so I spray just behind the axles so they can't get to the rest of the RV so these are the things that we do to keep those bugs and spiders out and usually we spray and then we'll go for months then when we start to see a spider here or there we'll respray our RV and keep those bugs from coming inside of the RV and I like this strategy because when we travel around we're not having to affect other things in other places we basically just affect our RV we're not sprinkling something around the RV trying to keep the ants from coming in so if you've ever had an infiltration of ants and trying to get rid of them it can be extremely difficult and this strategy has worked really really well for keeping the ants on the outside of the RV so my suggestion to you as you're trying to keep the bugs and the rodents on the outside of the RV is to use these different strategies and if one isn't working and one does focus in on the one that does so if the the mint oil works really well for you and keeping them out in that area of the country then dive in on that but some areas of the country it's almost like they use that mint oil to like make a latte or something they love those kind of things like the Irish Spring soap some places it works some places they eat it so you have to try these different things just like sometimes the Downy dryer sheets will deter the rodents from coming in and sometimes they'll use it as a blanket so find what is effective and if you have your RV in storage I would say check on it a couple of times through the storage season to see if you have a problem coming up you don't want to find that in the spring and it sat all winter long you want to find that somewhere in the middle and adjust your strategy sealing up and using that steel wool or copper mesh to not give them the easy path in and using some of those deterrents to keep them out is probably going to be your best strategy but either way I think that's gonna do it for today I hope these tips help you out and help you extend the life of your RV so it doesn't get overtaken by the rodents or Infested by bugs or ants and that's definitely going to bring down the the value of you enjoying the RV so I want to increase how you enjoy the RV and your rving experience so hope you guys like this video if you did give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos about rving hit that subscribe button if we don't see on the road hopefully we will see you next video [Music]
Channel: All About RV's
Views: 222,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV, RVing, RV life, RVers, Jared Gillis, Less house more living, How To RV, DIY RV, Learn to RV, Motorhome, Class A, 5th wheel, RV Electrical, RV Repair, RV America, All About RVs, Learn To RV, RV Knowledge, RV Life, AllAboutRVs, Allaboutrv’s, RV Tips, RVing Tips, RV Mouse, RV Mice, RV Pest, Keep mice out of RV, RV Rat
Id: PRAx-ERH41c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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