Keep Mice Out of Your RV This Winter

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hey guys it's Amber here with e-trailer we asked you what you're most concerned about in terms of storing your camper for this winter and you guys said mice So today we're going to talk about how to prevent Mice from getting in your camper during storage or throughout the year so I'm here with Jamie Jamie has been involved in an ongoing battle with mice for a little while so she's going to tell us some things that she tried what's worked for her and we're just going to get her take on it so Jamie can you tell us a little bit about your camper and the ongoing battle that you've been you've been struggling with absolutely we have a 34 foot travel trailer our camper or Campground excuse me is in North Central Missouri and we have two cornfields on either side of us so you can imagine there is plenty of mice that that want a nice cozy place to stay we probably started seeing signs about two years ago and since then we have tried spray foam on the outside we've tried and of course traps cotton balls in peppermint oil we've tried Fresh Cab Irish Spring which they chewed dryer sheets which they made a nest with and uh the little ultrasonic plug-ins as well so everything basically that you know the internet says to try you've tried and the mice were just like thank you we'll take this and make a nest pretty much pretty much the only thing that the internet did teach me that did work is steel wool steel wool it's all about the barriers mice can get in a hole as small as a dime so you have to look for every tiny little place that they can get in and some of these are made with some pretty darn big places they can get in like under the shower and things like that and just plug them up keep them out so how much steel wool would you say that you use how much is enough I'm pretty sure that I I've changed the gross weight of my camper it's going to depend on how big your hole is like if you can fit your finger in it you need more steel wool and of course you know my tip learned is to use some gloves because it does get a little sharp also don't just like stick the pad in there what I like to do is I like to unfold the steel wool fluff it up a little bit and then shove it in like the more sharp rough edges that you can make the better you're going to be all right thank you Jamie and with that we're going to show you guys how to actually put the steel wool and the foam on your camper to create those barriers we're going to go over some places that you might not think of that you need to plug up and just show you how to do that next so this road and back expanding foam is going to be great for the outside of your camper and what you want to do is kneel down and look for any hole so any hole that you see you just want to spray that foam in there so you can see we've got some previous foam up here we do have a little bit of a hole so we're going to just spray right into here that foam's gonna fill that up and expand and Harden so that my skin get inside so in addition to sealing any holes on the underbelly of your camper you also want to check for any other holes anywhere else in your RV and that includes in your access panels on the floor of the interior of your RV where the pipes are coming in and around the slide out so anywhere that you see any holes I recommend stuffing a big wad of steel wool in that hole and around your pipes these little plastic flanges work really well so you just put this around your pipe and it blocks the hole something the mice can't come in that way so this can be a pretty lengthy process making sure you cover up every hole in your entire camper but it is going to be the best way to make sure that no mice are getting in but if you have any tips or anything that's worked for you in terms of keeping my side of your camper leave them in the comments below and remember we're only a click or a comment away see you next time if you guys like that video go ahead and check out our next video from us up here go ahead and check out an article about what you just washed over here if you want to read more about that topic or to see the rest of the videos that our team here at e-trailer puts out go ahead and subscribe to our Channel over here
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Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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