9 Huge LIES about Living in a Camper Van Nobody Talks About (RV Life)

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you know living in a camper van van Life RV life it's often portrayed on social media such as Facebook Instagram Tick Tock as this perfect bliss experience you're always off in beautiful locations eating Gourmet cooked meals at your Campground in a perfectly clean and always working tiny home on Wheels now that's not to say some of these moments don't happen they do but today we're going to share with you some of the realities of RV life in Van life that you rarely see on social media so in this video we're going to share with you nine huge lies about living in a camper van that not a lot of people talk about but we are let's get into it first up you can park anywhere right wrong now you're often given the impression that if you have a small RV or a van you can pretty much Park overnight anywhere and that's just not the case remember our Veil babe yes oh my gosh we were so excited we just picked up desert snow we're in bail and we're thinking wow look at all these spots where we can park we're exhausted we park in a spot we get out to get something to eat and the first thing we see is a sign that says no overnight parking here we had to really do some diligence to find a spot when we found a spot we were very happy but it took us a long time to find one and there's also some towns and cities with ordinances that will say no overnight parking so you have to be aware of that we actually did a video on some great RV overnighters that you can stay in so definitely check out that video in the link below absolutely so I just saw the perfect place for us to Camp next I was looking at this Tick Tock and this spot was absolutely gorgeous they were by themselves it was very beautiful it was very Serene and it just makes me think when you get out there all campgrounds look like that all campsites look like that right wrong now of course not all campgrounds are beautiful despite what you might see on social media and many are actually very busy and if it's a new Campground there may be no trees in it at all absolutely that does not mean that campgrounds are not beautiful there's plenty of amazing campgrounds but you don't always see what you get especially if you're looking at those different social media platforms even though sometimes we're kind of showcasing some of those beautiful scenes out in front of us because that's what we want to portray versus where it's actually in a Walmart parking lot just kidding amazing weather all sunrises and sunsets you know while we all do enjoy a good sunrise and sunset when you're living in a camper van at some point in your life you're gonna run into some bad weather and I'm talking situations where like for us we had a hail storm and I'm talking hail that might actually damage your solar panels break your windows damage your your home on Wheels and go even further like tornadoes they always tell you get to the furthest get to the lowest point go to the basement well you don't have a basement in your RV right going to the bathroom is never a problem well if you're living in a class A where nine times out of ten you're going to be in a campground it probably isn't going to be a problem but if you're in a small camper van well that's a different story right no it's true first of all we don't actually poop in our rig right so we're always looking we're on the road we're looking for places you know rest areas or or other sales restaurants or things like that we actually go in and use the bathroom if we're off boondocking we will set up our are kind of tent yeah for a little porta potty or portable porta potty yeah which isn't the most pleasant experience either no but it does make you feel a lot better not having to do it inside your rig yes you will live in harmony with nature you know one of the things Dave and I we really do enjoy is being out in nature you know going for hikes and seeing some of the beautiful creatures that exist out there like the Bald Eagles or bears uh foxes wolves like in Yellowstone and it's a beautiful sight to see but it's a very interesting site when you have Little Critters I'm talking spiders we've had mice unfortunately we have two kitties as you know so they don't stand a chance no matter how much I vacuum or keep things clean it's a place for them to come enjoy spiders all the time and that's remember that one time we almost had a black widow in there that was very scary that was very scary so you know you just have to understand you're not always going to be able to keep nature outside of your rig so as long as you know that up front you might start preparing for it early oh wait oh oh Dave right right here you will be taking these incredible open-air showers in stunning locations with unlimited water I think that's some magic now we are somewhat lucky because our rig does have a 50 gallon fresh water tank but even so if we were to take showers all the time the two of us we would blow through our water so quickly boondocking so a reality is a very limited water yeah and if you're looking to shower outside of your camper van some rigs are actually set up so that you can enjoy an outdoor shower while it could be really hard to find a private spot to do so and uh you don't really want to have a shower with all your neighbors watching no problems with extreme temperatures just follow the weather to moderate conditions ah you see folks living in their Camper vans during the summer and just really soaking in all that beauty that's around them but what you don't see is a lot of times during those summer months extreme heat can be really tough living in a camper van unless you're living up in the mountains right no it's very true extreme heat is really tough on Camper vans you're trying to maintain a good temperature the sun's beating down on the top AC is working super hard the batteries are draining quickly yeah and if you have pets you have to be even more attuned to the temperatures within your rig and that can be tough especially if you don't have a proper monitoring system so I think for a suggested point just get a proper temperature monitoring system that you can monitor from your phone or just make sure you're not going too far off from your rig and stay close to those four-legged Beauties like my four-legged Beauties looking at me right now hi Mary hi Mimi now in cold weather it's a very different situation very difficult game yes and you'd have to make sure your pipes don't freeze because there's not a lot of insulation in most RVs and so it's very easy for those pipes to freeze when the temperature drops below freezing yeah and if you see us showering in our rig in the freezing cold it's because I really can handle okay maybe yours might not but I was kid RV living is cheap now we know some van lifers are able to live incredibly cheaply but for many of us RV life and living in a camper van is not cheap at all no it's not as a matter of fact maintenance costs need to add those in there as well can really take a toll on you especially in the RV and Van life and just know this it's going to happen it's going to happen all the time because this is your home on Wheels so think of a home that moves there's always going to be something that comes up doesn't mean you can't enjoy it I just think you need to get handy so that you're not spending 80 of your time in the shop and speaking of cost if you're going to be say camping at campgrounds just know this the price for a lot of campgrounds have increased quite a bit due to one the amount of rvers now on the road today and obviously the cost of living everywhere has gone up and we've actually done a video just highlighting all of our costs that we've spent over the past year yeah and you can kind of check that out in the description box below yeah it's the complete breakdown of what true cost of living in the RV life is full-time you know everything is always planned out perfectly in RV life now the reality about living at a camper van is that many times your future in terms of where you're staying maybe the next night or the next week or the next month may not be planned out at all exactly right so you're constantly trying to figure out okay where we're gonna go next where are we going next and things aren't always well oiled no they're not and just as long as you know that up front you will be perfectly fine and here's one very important point you know despite the challenges we have faced living in our camper van we absolutely love it definitely we've been full-time RV living now for over a year and it's just been an amazing experience yeah from the People You Meet the places you go and the memories you're going to be making I think it outweighs any of the issues you may face in the RV life as long as you keep one foot in front of the other that's enough there are some van life or RV life realities that you've had to deal with let us know in the comments below we would love to read about them absolutely and take a second please hit that subscribe button and that notification Bell so you get notified every time we go live or post a video and uh we'll see you in the next one
Channel: LetsTurnItUpWorld
Views: 1,319,853
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Keywords: rv life, rv living, van life, van living, living in a van, living in a camper van, rv life 2023, full time rv, quitting rv life, full time rv life, rv life full time, quit rv life, why we quit rv life, why to not full time rv, reasons to not full time rv, letsturnitupworld, turn it up world, full time rv living, why we quit rving, fulltime rv living, quit rving, downsides of rv life, rv travel, full time rving, rv mistakes, rv newbie, rv, rv lifestyle
Id: wA0GS8K8qfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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