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Hello guys and welcome to Til Vacuum Do Us Part.  If you're new here welcome my name is Ashley   today's video is going to be jam-packed and full  of my cleaning home hacks so you're going to   see different houses because we've moved you're  going to see different hair you're going to see   different decor so it's actually a fun journey  along the way but if you're wanting to get some   really good cleaning hacks to help you in your  home today is the video for you so watch this   while you're doing laundry or cooking dinner or  cleaning the house and i hope you find it super   super helpful if you do definitely share it with  someone else that you know that would enjoy it   as well and if you're new here go ahead and click  that red subscribe button down below so you don't   miss any of my future videos but now let's go  ahead and get started the first hack has to do   with cleaning brushes so i pulled all mine out i  don't know if you guys are with me i can either   find all my hair brushes or i can't find any  and i have to order that's what's happened here   and just side now if you guys can tell i love  white brushes they're the only thing i use   and if you don't own it this kind is for  like dry shampoo i'm going to add a link   down below my description box because i cannot  live without this one like it's really the only   one i use side note also i do have a daughter so  these aren't just for me it's between both of us   but we all know we're supposed to clean out our  hair like every couple weeks we all do that so i   did that the best i could but now we're actually  gonna deep clean them so let's get to going i can't stay here because i need to dance  jump jump around and show em how i move stupid party okay so i added just a third cup of baking  soda it didn't really say how much and then   shampoo you can use any kind of either of these  options just make sure both of them's in there   and you kind of just guesstimate on the mixture  um but then i'm just rubbing them you can see the   water is already getting dirty in here but you're  supposed to let it soak for 30 minutes so i'm   gonna leave this in here i am just kind of rubbing  like this one has a lot of bristles so i'm gonna   just kind of help get it going but the water is  super hot so i'm trying not to touch it too much   but then we will come back in a second and see how  dirty this water and how clean the hair brushes   are okay so it's been 30 minutes and i'm letting  them soak in here it looks like it did its job   if i move this around you guys can see how dirty  that water is in there so i'm really glad i got   this done who knew i was supposed to be actually  cleaning my brushes as well so i like this tip   okay and up next on the tick tock cleaning hacks  is a trash can hack so this one i actually found   over on instagram but kristin casper was sharing  it from her tik tok account that she had seen   and it's like mind blowing i had never thought of  it or never heard of somebody doing it this way   so now let me share this hack with you all  okay but first before i show you that hack   my little hack is always keep extra trashcan  liners in the bottom then when you take out   your trash you immediately have a liner  i try to always keep like three of mine   that's not the hack that's just my little  tip but now i'm gonna show you the tik tok okay so apparently that's another way to put in  your trash can liner i tried to show you in the   beginning the way i did it i just like put it in  and then wrap it around but apparently it's easier   just to wrap it around and then tuck it in so  you're definitely need to let me know down below   in the comments section which way you put your  liner in is it the first way or the second way   okay so we're moving on now we're on to the third  tick-tock cleaning hack and this one involves   the stove so this is something i wish i would  have known before i moved out of my last house   because i left mine so dirty but i did not know  how to clean this part of the stove so you guys   ready let's go see what to do okay so my stove's  still new we've only lived here about three and a   half months and you guys know i don't cook a lot  but even in my last house hello i'm right here um   this glass area gets so dirty i've had  friends and neighbors ask me how to clean it   and i always thought you had to like unscrew  it and i even had chase do it once to get it   clean and then it got dirty again but there's  actually a hack on the way to clean it so let   me show you how to do it okay so for this  cleaning i'm about to show it to you but   i wanted to show you what you're gonna need i'm  just using like my mop head if this isn't like my   cloth one it's just one that came  with a mop and then like a painters   stick if you buy paint you may already have  like a really thin duster that will fit up in   there but this is the only thing i could make  work um so let me show you how to clean it now it's all i wanna wanna do right now okay so basically to clean this i tried to show  you in that last clip there are three little   slots underneath here so if you can just find  a duster or something thin enough to slide in   there and then move it around what you could do  is get this wet you could either spray it or get   it wet in a sink with soap and then you're  just gonna rub it against it and typically   your whole glass isn't dirty it's just like  something splattered in there so there you go   my next tip needs to be on cleaning underneath  my stove apparently okay so just like that   you could have a clean glass from the inside and  you can actually clean underneath your stove so i   feel like that's a two-for-one right here okay and  the next hack i feel like is definitely another   two for one as well so if you've been around  a while you've seen one which you haven't seen   two so definitely stay for that one but i feel  like this is a perfect little cleaning hack or tip   for any of your guest bathrooms just to kind of  level it up so let me show you what i do in mine okay so i found that cleaning hack a while  back i've been doing this for a while in   all of our bathrooms and just so you know every  faucet leaves a different design so definitely   try them out throughout your home if you have  like different faucets in different bathrooms   it's really pretty to even do if you keep  extra back here i normally do i just haven't   done it recently but there's actually a cool  one that you guys have all been sending me   where this looks like a flower so  let's try this one out together so okay so take one i feel like i did the design  of it but i couldn't get it to stick so i'm   going to try one more time but i get this is a  little more time consuming but if you're going   to have people over or if you clean houses for a  living i just think this is really cool but let   me see if i can get it to stick like they do i'm  actually watching the video right here behind me   okay i wanted to bring it out here in the natural  light so you can see it i think that's really cool   now well i do this all the time no because that is  a lot of work but if you're going to be having a   party at your house or you're cleaning for someone  or like a new mom what just like a special way   for somebody to go in and have a nice surprise so  super happy with this one i think it's really neat okay i was actually reviewing that tick tock  hack and i actually did one of the steps wrong   so i'm gonna go back in there  one more time and try it to see   if i can like perfect it and get it even better i sat down by the ocean beside tears that i feel  fill up with emotions could i taste them for real so here are the two different times that i did  this so this was the first one and if you can   tell it's more rounded petals so basically it's  up to you like which style flower you want to do   this one has more pointy feathers i don't know  if you can or petals as you can kind of see   so it's just kind of up to you the style you  want if you want the pointy feathers or petals   grip it here where the points are at the top then  your petals have points right there on the side so   whatever you're gathering you put your points  there and then that's going to be your petal   but if you turn it this way and like scrunch  it and gather it it's more rounded so just   keep that in mind and fold it whichever way  you like best for the style you like this   okay i'm going to show you one more visual just  because i don't know if what i'm trying to say   is coming out i like can't speak well today  but basically if you want this style flower   you're gonna have it like a square and scrunch it  from there if you want this style flower have it   more like a diamond and then start scrunching it  in the middle like that that way you'll get like   the results you're looking for okay so the next  tick tock cleaning hack is how to fold towels   like they do at the spa or at like a resort  um so this is just how i typically fold mine   but i'll show you a little after i already tried  it the other day when i was looking up hacks   and that's how you can fold them i think it  looks so good it does look spa-like it would   be really cool and like once again i guess  bathroom if you have guests coming over to   stay with you how fancy does that feel so let  me show you how to fold a towel like smalls do okay so this is what it looks like when it's done  um maybe if i had more towels clean i could show   you what it looks like if we had more than two  towels but apparently i need to do the laundry   but hear how the towels look like i said you  could have them out here on display or just   tucked away in a cabinet for your guests i also  did a hand towel just so you could see what   it would look like i could have those lined up in  the back once again i need to wash my towels but   i thought that was a cool little hack and i'll  probably do this more often i kind of like seeing   it that way when i open up the cabinet okay  how's everyone doing are you guys having fun   do you guys like the style video if you're  liking it definitely give me a thumbs up right   now so i know to make more like this but now we're  moving on and we're gonna clean out our toasters   this is something i don't do near enough i've  had my toaster since chase and i got married and   i can't even tell you how many times i've cleaned  it if i have so it's probably bad it's sitting out   right here so let's see how tick-tock tells us to  clean our toasters okay so here's the 13 year old   toaster it's looking pretty good i will say i just  bought a new one over there i've been looking for   a white and gold one for so long and walmart has  them super affordable i'll link it for you but   still for this video i had to show you an actual  toaster that's being used now the first hack is   just that there's a crumb tray which it's actually  labeled here and i never clean it it probably only   gets cleaned when i'm packing it and moving it  and it spills over but let's pull this out look   at that first off if you guys didn't know there's  a tray there's a tray clean it out right there   that is so gross but now i'm going to show you how  they tell you to clean the inside of your toaster so here are my thoughts on this cleaning hack so  far i feel like all of them have been wins this   did clean a lot like if you can see when i was  spraying it it was blowing out of the toaster this   i knew to do i just never did but when i look down  in here let me see if i can get you guys an angle   it's still got a lot of crumbs down in there maybe  mine's just too far gone because it is 13 years   old and i should have been doing that from the  get-go so i'm not super impressed on my used one   however i am gonna keep using that tip on my new  one so it never gets that bad like on the inside   i definitely need to do better with this guy and  let's hope this one makes it 13 years as well okay so my chrome tray is clean now  definitely let me know down below in the   comment section how often are you guys cleaning  your toasters is it just me that forgets to do it   are you guys forgetting as well do i need to  add it to like a weekly monthly routine let me   know okay guys for this next tick tock cleaning  hack we're going to stay in the kitchen again   and we're going to actually move on to the  dishwasher so you think a dishwasher should be   staying clean because that's all you're doing with  it is cleaning but apparently there's a filter in   it that we're all forgetting to clean now i have  no idea what mine's gonna look like because mine's   only like three and a half months old so let's see  does it get that dirty in that much time or not   i have no idea i've never opened mine i never  did at my last house i lived there four years   i never did it in the house before that and  i lived there like seven and a half or eight   so let's see what it looks like  after three and a half months so   so who knew this came out i did not i didn't  know this was going to come out either   i'll say this thing's clean for the most part  i may need to clean like a right around there   but this is already pretty gross to be a brand  new dishwasher so i guess we're supposed to i'm   gonna go and rinse these guys out and put  them back in you guys may check that it'll   definitely make your appliances last longer if  you're cleaning out filters i just had no idea   sorry my camera's not focusing right there never  knew i had a filter down there in my dishwasher the great yellow sun is reflecting in your deep  blue eyes a day has begun you spin around you   spin around you laugh to yourself and i see you  shine in every color resting your head in my my arms i think i might be in  love get rid of all your sorrows   okay and just like that it's good as  new just took a little bit of rinsing   and it looked brand new again oh and i did  forget to add they set all your filters out   to add vinegar down in that little  area and i'll help keep it clean   so i'm actually gonna go back and do that  real quickly since it's so easy to take out   i found you today it feels like it's been forever   okay so the very first hack is gonna be a trash  bag hack so chase is good about taking the trash   out but he'll always go walk it outside and when  he comes back in he forgets to put the liner in   so something that's really helped us is i just  keep extra trash bags in the bottom of the trash   so as soon as he removes the trash bag he can put  a new liner in and then he doesn't get distracted   after putting the trash out in the garbage can  outside so i'll just grab about four extra bags   at a time and then i just throw it in the bottom  and then you just put your clean liner over it   every time so those ones at the bottom stay  clean and this saves us tons of issues from   throwing trash in a trash can that doesn't have  a liner so hopefully this one helps you guys out   now we're gonna move on to a shower cleaning  hack i used to have the hardest time keeping   my shower clean and i even enjoy cleaning  but i did not enjoy like getting down on my   knees and just scrubbing once i was ready  for the day so i've learned to keep all   my cleaning products in my shower so choose  any products you like to keep them in there   make sure there's a sponge a toothbrush the  cleaner and while you're in the shower just   go ahead and scrub it down and rinse it out  and you will never have a dirty shower again up next is the smelly shoes hack so i love  this one because it's affordable and easy to do   so just grab a spray bottle  and then a bottle of alcohol   i picked both of these up for a dollar but  i'm sure you guys might even have these items   laying around your house so it could even be free  for you so all you're gonna do is go ahead and   open up that bottle of alcohol and then pour it  into your spray bottle and put the lid that i on fill up with emotions could i taste them for real is okay so once you have that spray  bottle made up all you're going to   do is go to through your shoes and spray it  directly in there so spray it on the inside   spray it deep inside and what that alcohol  is going to do it's just going to eat   up that odor smell so i like to just leave my  shoes out and let them dry for a little bit   and then the next time you wear them they smell  so much better you don't have to be self-conscious   about it or you can throw them in your closet  and you don't have to worry about stinking it up   okay this next hack i'm going to call the  car cleaning hat because that's how i'm going   to show you how to use it but you can use this  anywhere throughout your house i'm talking doors   furniture rugs but what you're going to do is take  a teaspoon of powdered laundry detergent you're   going to put it in a bowl and then add a really  hot water to it and then you're going to need   a microfiber cloth any kind just grab all three  of those items and it's going to rock your world so i recently used this hack on chase's truck  we bought him a new car that was used if that   makes sense and it was really dirty on the  inside so i went ahead and decided to clean   the top of his car and oh my goodness i did  not realize how dirty it was going to be   now i definitely need to clean the inside of mine  because it didn't look that dirty but this cleaner   is amazing and like i said you can use it anywhere  you want to take it throughout your home and you   just become addicted and you just start cleaning  everything i'm about to show you here in a second   how dirty the water was when i was finished  cleaning so definitely do not click off yet here is a photo of the water when i was finished  cleaning his truck i was in shock like i started   texting this to all of my family and friends  and i was like wash the ceiling of your cars now   so i know his car was used and it was dirty but i  was just amazed on how dirty it could possibly be   that hack i actually found on an  instagram account so i'll link   her page down below in the description box  but now let's move on to a kids laundry hack   and this is another super simple hack as well  basically just by giving your kids a rolling   hamper instead of like a caring one they can  make your life so much easier so now that i gave   savannah a rolling hamper she just knows to roll  it down to the laundry room every time it's full   and i don't have to go get it anymore  and i know when she needs clean laundry i have one more laundry hack and i'm calling  this the laundry setting hack so that   bulk item setting is going to be your best  friend so i don't like putting clothes into   a dry washer and then just dumping the liquid  on top of it i like to let it run with water   and then pour in the laundry detergent  so it can get nice and soapy and mixed in   plus i can also like rinse out the  lid so when i stick it back up in my   cabinet it's not dirty it's not gonna get  sticky or mess anything up there plus i   just love the idea of like the water being nice  and soapy and bubbly you can see it right here   and then once it starts getting full i'm gonna  go ahead and start throwing all my laundry in now let's talk about the toilet brush hack so i  feel like our toilet brushes like the little bowl   they set in can get so nasty and nobody wants  to clean those out and then you're constant   replacing them but there's one little hack that  can cause that to never happen again you can   keep yours nice and clean mine's even white  and you can see it's nice and clean in there   so basically you're gonna go ahead and clean  your toilet like normal but when you're finished   you're gonna go ahead and leave it in the  toilet but you're gonna shut the lid on it   then basically it's just gonna air dry right  there and then you can come back later and   put it back in the holder and it will never  get dirty again once again super easy hack   game changer no more smelly nasty  little bowl next to your toilet okay i wasn't gonna show you the stamping toilet  paper hack because i've shared it in my last two   hacks videos but it's always the favorite hack  of them all plus when i was in here i remembered   i haven't tried out my new faucets i haven't  seen what kind of stamps this was gonna make   so if you haven't seen this before this  is super easy and fun to do but basically   you're just gonna fold your toilet paper into  a v you can make it where it's like a perfect   v to a point i like mine with a little flat edge  and you're going to turn your water on for a   second and turn it off and then you're going to  kind of stamp your toilet paper with it i was so   excited when i found my new stamp my last faucet  was super simple but this one is very detailed   i was in love so now i gotta go through and stamp  all my toilet paper again this is really good for   like powder rooms or guest bedrooms sure it's not  needed but it's just fun and something neat to do okay this next hack i've been doing it for years  and i call it the cake knife hack so you can do   this with like a butter knife i've just had  this like cake icing knife for years and it   just works really well and then you just grab  a towel you can grab a napkin like i said you   can grab like a butter knife and a napkin this is  just the way i do it but you just wrap it around   the knife and then you can get into all those hard  to clean creases so by your stove or on your table   in between your washer and dryer just anywhere  there's a crack it makes it super easy to clean so i really hope you love me yeah okay now let's talk about the diamond  cleaning hack so if you're not comfortable   doing this don't do it call your jeweler but every  time i go in to have my ring clean they use window   cleaner so they always use this yellow bottle  i've seen them use the blue before but since they   have the yellow i grab the yellow bottle and all  you do is spray it you can do this on a rag it's   really good for lint-free so i normally just use  a paper towel spray it on there you can even use   a toothbrush if you want to get it really clean  but this is just a fast and easy way to clean   your diamond rings before you run out the door so  they're nice and sparkly and i thought it was just   really affordable so i wanted to share it with  you guys but disclaimer if you're not comfortable   with it don't do it but this is how i've been  cleaning my rings and i haven't had any issues so this next hack was sent in by  a sweet subscriber so thank you   and i'm calling this the cabinet cleaning  hack so basically what she does is she lays   down fresh wax paper at the very top of her  cabinets every year so she doesn't have to dust   then you can switch this out as many times as  you like if you want to do it three times a year   twice once a year but then say your  spring cleaning all you have to do is   roll up the old dusty wax paper and then lay new  fresh paper down i think this is such a great   idea so you're going to go ahead and  see me do this to all of our cabinets   you can see me like eyeing the cabinets  next to me right there it was just   a little bit too tall for me and deep so  i'm gonna have chase do that off camera   but that's the only one  you're not gonna see me doing so here's what it looks like if you're like  standing on the counter tops you can see it just   fits right up there in that top area but what's  really nice is when you're down on the ground   you can't see it at all so here's a view from  like staining down below my kitchen you'd never   know what's up there and it's going to be  so easy to replace when it's time to dust   and i don't have to like take  my vacuum up there with me this just wouldn't be a till vacuum  hacks video if i didn't mention   decluttering hacks i just feel like this  is so important for your headspace and   your home it's like all connected and  it makes such a big impact in your life   so definitely declutter your home make  sure everything has a space and a home   within your home if you don't love it it  shouldn't be there get rid of it you can   do this all different ways you can do a massive  declutter you can choose one thing to declutter   every day i talk about the bag option where you  just grab a walmart bag and fill up that every day   just film out a walmart sack every day and donate  it sell it do whatever you got to do have a garage   sale but decluttering just really declutters your  mind and your head and if you haven't tried it   please please give it a go and just see if  you notice the big difference in your life so if you're new here i have a tons of videos  on my channel about decluttering i do it all   different ways i give all different  tips so definitely check those out   i have tons of organizational videos  basically anything to do with my home   i've created a video on it for you  guys so feel free to check that out   i am going to share one more tip with you  in just a moment so don't click off yet   and the last tip to help with decluttering is  just have your zone where you're going to take   those extra items i like to keep mine in my front  entry and i just keep a little canvas bin in there   then i know that is all the things that  need to be donated or given away i like   to keep it right there so when my guests  come over if they want to dig through it   and take anything they're welcome  to and what doesn't get taken   i just take on to a donation center and i feel  like that system just works really well for us we're going to talk about is the scrub daddy this  is not sponsored i just feel like there's so many   hacks you can do with this bad boy and they  make them in all different colors now even gray   and some that are white so i love  that they have that added feature   but i don't know if anybody knows but when  you're cleaning like with spoons or knives   what's really cool about the face of this is  you can actually insert your utensils inside   of it and it just makes it so much easier to  clean what i also love about this product is   i can even clean with peanut butter which you're  going to see me do right now or spaghetti and it   doesn't stain the sponge i can clean it right out  just by rinsing it with warm soapy water it's nice   and fresh again so you can use this on so many  different things another thing i like about it   is it gets really hard in cold water so if you  really need to scrub something you can do that   or if you put it in warm water it softens up so  it just has so many cool features i feel like   you can't go wrong owning this this is one of  those sponges that's going to last you a really   long time another thing i like about it is it  can fit inside coffee mugs or any type of cup   or surface like that all you do is cram it down  in there so you can see it kind of forms to it   and then you can put your fingers like in the eye  slots or just around it and spin it and it just   molds to whatever you're cleaning so i think this  thing is super cool and you can do so many things   with it i'm going to leave a link for it down  below in my description box and in my amazon   store just in case you don't have one because i  think they're super cool to have and just handy   for when you're cleaning different surfaces um i  also wanted to show you just a straw if you have   like smoothie straws or just any of your reusable  straws they can go right there in the eye slot so   i don't know if anybody realized how handy these  are but i had to share with you guys now my next   hack is for like sticky labels or sticky residue  um lemon oil is going to be your friend so all my   oils are from young living and that's who i like  to use i know there's lots of different companies   i'm going to show you how to remove labels so  i love ross but them and their sticky labels   just to kill me sometimes i've had this one on  for over a month so i wanted to show you it is not   coming off it is stuck on there i could mess up my  nails and just scrub this all day long or you can   just go ahead and put a few drops of lemon it did  take me a few more drops than i was expecting but   this thing had been on there so long but if you  just kind of mess with it it just starts to peel   right up and there's no elbow grease involved  you just kind of rub it and it starts to eat   down that like sticky residue this is nice too  if you do pull the tag off in the beginning but   there's a little bit of sticky left you need a lot  less oil that way so it's so smart to get tags off   soon versus sitting there but i was shocked how  quickly it removed the sticker off the bottle and just like that that sticky label is gone it  worked so quickly plus my fingers smell like lemon   now which i love so that's such an easy hack to  do now we're gonna move on to the next one which   is homemade foam soap so i'm going to be using  the same bottle because it was actually empty   but you can use whatever foam soap bottle you  have so definitely just reuse whatever bottle   you have in your house and then you're also going  to need some type of dish soap so this can be   dawn if you have all different kinds i even have  an antibacterial dawn that i'd like to use with it   i also have a method dish soap so this is  just one of those free hacks so just use   whatever you have in your house so this can  be absolutely free i'm going to be using my   method bottle with my method dish soap and all  you do is fill it up about 1 4 of the bottle once you have that done you can head on over to  your sink and you're just going to need to fill   the rest of the way up with water now you don't  want to go too far up because when you actually   put the top back on it will overflow so make sure  to leave some gap for your lid to go back on you   can use warm water here i just don't use normal  like temperature water and then you put it back on   and then you're not going to shake this you're  just going to kind of spin it and you want the   water and the soap to mix but you don't want to  shake it up where it gets all bubbly so just kind   of take your time and spin it and rotate it and  then you're good to go and you have your own foam   soap so you don't have to spend a ton  of money on new soap you can get all   different scents which is different dish soap  smells so i always thought this was a fun hack   now let's talk about soap scum buildup so what  you're gonna need for this is a toilet bowl   cleaner i love this lime away from the dollar  tree this is literally one dollar and then i'm   going to use disinfecting wipes i typically use  dollar tree wipes but they've been all out so   i'm just going to use these same versions but  as you can see if you start to look around my   faucet especially the back there's just so much  buildup and it's disgusting i've tried scrubbing   this over and over especially these parts where  like the water runs down onto the countertop   and i could never get it clean i could get parts  of it off but i could never get it completely off   finally last week i was like hey i'm just going to  try squeezing this on here and i could not believe   the difference it made i just let it sit for a  minute or two and it completely cleared up so   now i'm going to be doing it here in my bathroom  to show you guys but like i said just let it set   for a few minutes and then you're literally  going to be able to wipe it away so easily okay i don't know if it's just me but i feel  like using disinfectant wipes to clean it up   it just makes it super easy and then you're  cleaning it and disinfecting it as you go   but this literally requires no scrubbing like  all i'm doing is wiping it and it's coming up   the other reason i like to use these as they're  really thin so i can kind of what i call flossing   like in between all of the faucets and handles  i just feel like it makes it super easy to clean   i'm gonna kind of show you how it's going but  i'm literally just barely wiping that over   and look how quickly it's coming up it is just  so easy to do now as all that product gets on   there it does get full so i just keep rinsing  out my little rag and then just keep wiping   and as you can see like i'm not scrubbing  at all it's just cleaning up that easily   okay and here is the after and what it looks  like i promise you from start to finish this   takes less than five minutes to clean  and i typically dread cleaning bathrooms   they're very rewarding because they look so good  when they're done but they're so hard to clean   so i've learned if i can just find lots of hacks  and tips to make things easier i'm more willing to   go in there and clean it and this is one of those  tips i will be using for the rest of my life i had   no idea what i've been missing out on i've been  scrubbing like crazy and now i no longer have to now i want to share a few tips with you about  keeping your bathroom smelling fresh so i'm going   to grab my lemon oil again but feel free to use  any one that you choose and then a roll of toilet   paper so in my first need to know cleaning hacks  i show you guys how to stamp your toilet paper   i'm just going to do it real quickly sped up right  here so you can kind of see if you want it more   in detail definitely go back and watch that video  but you just fold it turn the faucet on and then a   stamp it and every faucet makes a different design  and most of yours are way prettier than mine i   feel super jealous because you guys have awesome  ones but then take that oil and you just put it   inside that roll on the cardboard and then slide  it back on and now you have a nice smelling fresh   bathroom when guests come in and there's something  about when you go to spin the toilet paper it like   releases it and i feel like that's just a super  easy way to keep your bathroom and smelling fresh   but if you don't have that or don't like you  know young living oils or anything you can   get these scented trash bags from dollar tree  so i was able to pick them up in blue and pink   they typically have them in white and it's the  vanilla scent but they were sold out at mine   but all you have to do is open them  up and use them as a trash can liner   now they do make bathroom ones that are  shorter if you don't have a big trash can   but in this bathroom i kind of need a bigger one  and the kitchen size works better and all you do   is open it up and put it on your trash can and  it will smell so good and what's nice is that   your trashcan cans normally sitting right next  to your toilet so it just leaves a nice smell   it's super easy to do like i said you can do  colors if you want them or they have white as well since these are scented bags i do like to wrap  it back up in that plastic and seal it off   just so that fresh scent stays in there  but that's it i think that's the super   easy hack that you can do they're a dollar for  22 bags and that's if you get the kitchen bags   you get even more if you get the smaller  bags so just super affordable and easy   i do have one more quick hack for you on  how to keep your bathroom smelling fresh   these are just super easy and affordable so  i wanted to share them but just take whatever   laundry softener that you use and take the  lid off of your toilet and pour some of it   in the top and it's going to make your bathroom  smell like fresh laundry which is my favorite   it will leak into your toilet so if it's  blue it's going to have a blue tint but   it does smell so good now we're going  to talk about cleaning the baseboards   and one of the easiest things you can use is dryer  sheets i rarely use these in my dryer but i use   them for like a million different purposes so i'm  going to show you how i use them on my baseboards   so when i get started i like to take about two or  three so i can change it out as i go because dust   is attracted to those and it's going to want to  stick to it i also love that it kind of spreads   that fresh laundry scent throughout your house  and then it also keeps dust from sticking to your   baseboards for about a week or so which i find is  so helpful especially if you have like dog hair   or pollen or you're just in and outside a lot  this is something once again it's super easy to do   you probably already have it within your home  so you can probably go do it for free if not   i suggest buying a pack of dryer sheets  and pinteresting what you can do with   them it is insane how many hacks you can  do you can also leave them in your pocket   and mosquitoes stay away from you if you're  outside so you don't have to spray like bug   spray on you but yeah there's like a million  hacks on these so definitely check those out   i thought this scene was so funny as i'm  sitting here editing it you can watch tiger go   he knows how to like push on the door  and get it open so he can go in there   with a savvy i just thought that was  so sweet that i caught that on camera okay now the next hack i get asked about all  the time and it's hacks for cleaning your vacuum   so the first one i showed you in my last video  i like to save old pens or pencils to help clean   out to the little can all you have to do is swirl  it around and get all of it clean but i also have   other hacks to clean your vacuum so definitely  stay tuned because i'm gonna help you out if   you guys all have this cordless vacuum okay so for  the next hack you're gonna need a pair of scissors   not like kitchen scissors but something that you  just craft with and then a quarter or you know a   dime just something but most of you probably don't  clean out the roller on your vacuum now chase is   really good about cleaning mine so it's not that  bad but all you have to do is use that quarter   to unlock the little hook on there and then  it just kind of pops out and slides right out   now if you're not cleaning this often it's  probably packed which means your vacuum isn't   working as well as it should be i wanted to show  you he does this about weekly and i still have   stuff on it now you take those scissors and you're  just going to cut across that whole thing and then   the hair is just going to slide right off of  it just like that definitely make this hack   you know a weekly thing or bi-weekly thing  and then all you have to do is pop it back   in so it doesn't take much time at all and it's  going to make your vacuum work so much better okay and the next hack is to clean out  your filter it's going to be easy to get to   it's probably going to be on the top of your  vacuum and it's just going to pull right out   now it's not going to look that dirty all of  them even when i have my dyson my dyson is   even worse it looks brand new you still need to  clean this you probably need to do this monthly   or every other month i just like to kind of bang  it and shake it and get any of the loose dust off   and then go ahead and just rinse it out and then  you're going to let it air dry for about 24 hours   and this is going to make your vacuum last so   much longer because it's not going to have to work  as hard so definitely make sure you're taking time   periodically and getting this cleaned out  and fully dry before you put it back in the first place we're going to start off is in my  guest bathroom and i want to talk about a fabric   shower liner i feel like this is such a good  investment and when i say investment they're not   that much i'll link one in my amazon store down  below so just click on that link but it just saves   you money and it's less plastic in your house you  don't have that plastic smell when it gets dirty   i just throw in the washer and dryer and then when  your company comes over it feels more like a hotel   or a nice spa it's not just plastic in there  so definitely look into fabric shower liners   my shower liner had gotten really dirty i  didn't realize my curtain rod had dropped   a little bit so you could tell  it was like soaking in the water   so what's nice i don't have to replace it i don't  have to spend money on plastic or one that's just   going to get thrown away this is better for earth  i just grab my shout and i spray it at the bottom   and then you'll see me just throw it in the  washer and then later i'll throw it in the dryer   i'll show you here in a second the products  i'm using they're just from sam's clubs they   are nothing special it's just their laundry  soap and their fabric softener and then i just   use shout and i do put it in like an old method  container with a label just so it looks prettier okay now i'm gonna head back into my guest  bathroom this is a fun tip that a sweet subscriber   told me about so this is what normally my toilet  paper looks like it's fine but you can actually   step it up one notch and stamp your toilet paper  so i've always been one to fold it when it's on   the roll for my guests i don't do it my bathroom  all that much but i'm going to show you how just   on your little roll you just fold in the edges and  it makes this v it's almost like you're wrapping a   present and i would always hang that on the paper  towel roll or the toilet paper roll and it was   just nice and pretty but then a subscriber taught  me that you turn on the water faucet for a second   and then you put the toilet paper roll underneath  it like right where the v meets and you hold it   for three seconds and it makes this perfect little  stamp and what's so cool is every faucet kind of   has a different design so you'll have to try it  and see what yours looks like but i just think   this is a fun thing to do for a guest bathroom  with people coming over it's just that extra   special touch obviously you don't have to do  it but it's just a fun and something different   okay now we're gonna go to the other  side of the house which is my laundry   room chase was so sweet we came home from  sam's he put my paper towel rolls away for me   and when i walked in there i just started  cracking up because if you guys know me this   is not gonna fly that is way too much color so  my tip is okay all i'm not going to take all   of these out of plastic because obviously  i don't want them to get dusty and dirty   but the ones that aren't going to be on display  so i put a lot just right there at the top of my   cabinets you really don't notice them and you just  see the white part but all the ones that are going   to be out where you can see i'm going to go ahead  and take all the wrapping off so i do this in a   lot of areas of my house i do this in my kitchen  if you'll start taking stuff out of the packaging   it looks so much nicer and neater and then you can  use those items more as decor versus having to buy   some so you're going to see me open these up and  then stack them back up there and it's just such a   huge difference between it up there in the plastic  and up there just the nice clean white look okay and another tip if you're like oh  no i want my plastic i don't want to open   like that just make sure when you stack it up  kind of make them all face the same direction   and where the outsides the same print that way  it still looks more uniformed and it looks like   you did it on purpose and it's less messy  but the way it was up there were somewhere   forward some were upside down just kind of  be more aware how you're putting things away   and then when you walk into the space  i promise you it feels so much better   so here's a final look and you have to agree  when you walk into the space it's just so much   more calming it looks like it's done on purpose  and it looks like nice decor when it's actually   just my supplies that i have for around the house  so just taking a few extra moments and working   on stuff like that really does make an impact  now we're going to talk about pillows and we're   going to talk about tags so my first tip is when  you first buy pillows do not take the tags off   because you might want to keep them for a few  days sometimes i change my mind sometimes i end up   redecorating so make sure to leave all the tags  on until you're 100 and then after that take every   tag off i know there's even a tag that says do  not remove this remove it if you're keeping it   that's just something that you don't want to keep  tucking every time you're putting them up it looks   cheap and just not well put together if there's  tags sticking out so be sure once you're a hundred   percent get all those tags off and then you're not  hiding those tags every time you're moving them   or they're itchy when you're laying  on them so that was my next tip   i had bought pillows about a week ago so that's  why i have so many tags that i'm removing   and i'm so thankful that i left them on because  i kept some pillows for about two or three days   and decided i did not like it or they weren't  worth the money and they were actually 30 each   so that was sixty dollars i got to return and get  my money back versus if i had cut those tags i   would have been stuck with them or i had to resell  them and i would never have made that money back   so definitely keep tags on things just  for a few days hold on to your receipts   i know this isn't a cleaning tip but it'll  definitely save you money now let's talk about   dusting i think a lot of people go wrong  when they're dusting because they don't dry   dust first so get a dry rag out and dust  off any of that loose stuff that you can   if you go straight in with a liquid or wet rag  it just starts to like gum up and get sticky   or smudgy so definitely just take like a dusting  rag that's dry wipe it off and then you can go in   with the wet rag this works with lights fans  toilets basically anything that gets dusty here's a quick look at my  rag when i was done dusting   so if i wouldn't have used that first and just  used straight like liquid or something on it i   would have been smearing all of that into the  light and then it just kind of gets streaky   so that's why you definitely  need to like dry dust first right after i dust a space that's up high i like  to clean whatever's below it so if it's a fan   i clean my bed if it's just the floor i vacuum  in this case it's my island so i want to go   ahead and wipe it down really well because  any of that dust that my rag didn't catch   fell down below plus in this case i was actually  standing on my island so that i could reach it   so it's just an idea a good idea to go  ahead and get it clean right afterwards okay and my next cleaning tip is my favorite  cleaning tip you guys hear it all the time   but everything needs a home if it doesn't have  a home in your house you need to get rid of it   or get rid of something else that way when you go  to clean you're not like oh i don't have a place   to put it or i'll just cram it over here i'm going  to show you into a few spaces of my house so you   can just kind of see how everything has a home  everything has a place and if it there's no room   for it i either need to get rid of that item  or another item for it so i know this is hard   and this takes time but once it's done it makes  cleaning so easy it means people can help you   because it's very clear where your items belong  and where they go and like i mentioned when you   don't have a place for things it just starts to  stack up like in a catch-all space or a dining   room so definitely just start going through your  space this entire year it doesn't have to get done   in one day work on one room at a time or one space  at a time and i promise you you will not regret it so you think you were right   bring it up bring it up please okay now let's  talk about dog hair um both of my dogs aren't   supposed to shed right now george may shed  a little bit but as of right now he's just   losing his puppy coat so he's shutting so if you  have a dog that sheds i totally feel your pain   one of my biggest tips i can give you is a brush  them daily and it just takes a few minutes if   you'll do it every single day and then you're  getting that fur on the brush and in that area   versus all over your furniture or your clothes so  definitely take the time and brush your dogs daily tip number two when it comes to dog hair  give them a special blanket to lay on   so when i put a blanket here both of my dogs are  attracted to it and they always want to sit on   it and then their fur or smell or whatever it  is stays on that blanket and i can wash that   blanket as needed but it's not on my actual  sofa so that's not smelling and getting dirty   so definitely just work on tips like that that  are helpful now let's talk about smell because   i always get tons of questions on how i make my  house smell good and i get headaches really easy   so i have to be really careful with the products  that i use for smell so the first one i use is   my diffuser and essential oils and i know a lot  of you guys do not like those since i have pets   but you can do your research not all oils are bad  for pets and trust me those wall plug-ins are way   worse with the fake like fragrances than my oils  so i just pour in some oil into the diffuser   this one's lemon that i'm using currently i  just feel like it's a nice clean fresh scent   so i drop that in turn it on and that'll make  the whole room and living room smell amazing another way that i like to make my home smell  good is non-toxic candles so this is anything   to use with beeswax or essential oils you can  find them on etsy i look in ross and i'll just   read all the labels to make sure they're nice  and healthy another way is real plants they   help with the air and getting bad odors out so  those are all pretty safe ways that you can use   um just to take your the smell out of the  house and make sure it smells nice and pretty   the next thing we're going to talk about is the  vacuum i get questions all the time how i clean   out my vacuum so you're going to see real fast  it had been a while this is gross um so first off   i pull out as much as i can and then i like to  save all the pins that have like run out of ink   and i can put it up in there and kind of  swirled around and it loosens it up you   can see it starts to pull that down and since  it's all pin anyways when i'm done i chunk it   and then you're gonna see me wash my hands  and then i have one more tip about the vacuum   okay now i'm gonna open it up and get the  filter out and this will be different on   every vacuum i always get asked what vacuum i use  this is the lg cordless now you can go ahead and   just wash out that filter when you have time and  let it air dry but i'm not going to do that today   but a subscriber told me to put in an oil into  that and oh my goodness when you have a pet this   is a huge lifesaver because sometimes your vacuum  will start to smell like pets or dogs and when you   vacuum it makes your house smell that way and  as soon as you add that oil it makes the room   smell amazing so i'm using the lemon one again  just to make it smell fresh and clean this makes   the whole house smell amazing it lingers it makes  your vacuum smell better your house smell better   i highly suggest getting an oil even if  you don't love them just for your vacuum i don't know how many times i've vacuumed my  house like an hour before people come over   or didn't vacuum because i didn't want to do it  right before they came in because i was always   curious like if my vacuum had that smell now i  want to vacuum before they come over because it   just puts that fresh scent out immediately like i  said and lingers so i can this is like one of my   favorite tips when it comes to light vacuum and  making your house smell good it is so easy to   do and so simple and that will last for a while  so it's not just that one time you vacuum when   i go on and use it the next few days that oil  is still in that filter so super easy easy tip so when we first moved in i could take showers in  here all day long and the mirror would never fog   but recently it started doing it again  and i actually learned a hack that's   supposed to stop that so we're gonna  head into the bathroom and i'm going   to do half the beer i'm going to let it get  steamy and we're going to see if it works   so supposedly you just squeeze  this out and rub it all on the   mirrors so that's what i'm gonna do first   okay so now that i have a shaving cream on  that side you're going to take a polishing   cloth that different people make them you can buy  in different places and you're going to buff it in   the reason why i left this side  unfinished is i actually want to test it   to see if it works so i'm going to  buff this in and then we're going   to make it stevia in here and we're  going to see if there is a difference if i'm echoing sorry i'm in the bathroom with  the door shut but i let it get steamy in here   and i'm gonna call this one a fell you guys  can see it with your own eyes i feel like the   side that i put um the shaving cream on is almost  foggier than the side without it i don't know if   there's like a different brand you can use from  what i could tell they just said shaving cream   um i didn't mean for the first hack to be a fail  but if you guys are wondering in just case you saw   this on tick tock or whatever from my experience  if i did everything correctly it did not work okay   so i'm a little bummed about that first hack i  hated that it was a fail but this is real life   and this is why i love testing out things for  you guys so you know if it's worth spending your   time at doing or not now the next one i know  works because i have been doing it for years   you can do this with any soap in your house and a  foaming soap that is so sometimes you buy a soap   because you love the bottle or i do but it's not  necessarily the smell or what's in it you just   like how it looks sitting out in your bathroom  or your kitchen or wherever it might be   you can actually refill those bottles that have  like foaming hand soap so you don't have to keep   buying them so say you find a really cute bottle  from bath and body works which i did it was a   black hand soap i love it i ran out but i don't  want to buy the product again i wasn't like super   in love with the soap so i'm going to show you  how you can refill those bottles and reuse them so to do this you can use any soap  you like if it's just like a dish soap   if you have a favorite dollar  tree one or dollar general   affordable nice whatever you can use any soap you  want even body wash and you're just gonna fill the   bottom of the bottle of the foaming hand soap  that you're going to use just about an inch and   then you're going to fill up the rest with water  and then you're going to shake it really well   it may take a few pumps to get it going but after  that it's amazing you can pick whatever scent   you like just get a cute foaming bottle that  you like and then you can just keep refilling now we're out of the bathroom and  we're heading into the kitchen   now i will say this next cleaning home  hack you can do with any sink in your house   but i feel like most the time kitchen sinks  get the most smelly so if you're needing to   like deodorize any of your sinks i'm  going to show you how to do it now okay so how you're gonna use all those products  is basically you're gonna take one cup of the   baking soda and then two cups of hot vinegar so  i think you can do this without the hot vinegar   but i can see how that would be even more helpful  if you need that but if you don't want to heat it   you don't and then you let that set for about  an hour and then come back later and just run   some hot water and it is clean so let's  go ahead and get these drains deodorized you're worth okay so next up we're going to talk  about how to clean the soles of your   tennis shoes now this is another one  i haven't tried out before but i'm   really interested to see if it works so let me  show you the products that you're gonna need so all i'm gonna do to clean the soles  of the shoes is take this product   dump it onto any cloth paper  towel whatever you want to use   and then supposedly if you just rub on it it  makes them super clean and white so let's see it's going to be really hard to  tell on camera because it's a white   but if you look right here at the front it  is cleaning it so well so i've wiped down   this side and you can see i've stopped  right here so it actually is working   okay so i just finished wiping it down i did  take the damp part and just wipe down the rest   of this um just because you can see right there  how dusty it is i know on camera it's so hard to   tell but if you look at those soles you can tell  the difference it made they look so much better so   i'm gonna finish out his other shoe and then i'm  gonna test it on mine as well okay so i finished   up his and then i did one of mine and you can tell  how much wider it is over here so i'm definitely   going to call this one a win you may already have  this product in your cabinets if you don't it's a   good one to have i mean it's good to clean your  shoes but it's also really good for your face as   a toner so it's kind of a two for one my daughter  loves this and she got me hooked on it so this   is just a good product to have i'll link it down  below in my description box for you so by now it's   been over an hour so i'm gonna go ahead and turn  on this hot water and let all this stuff rinse out okay so now that this thing's clean we're  gonna kind of go back to the shoes again   i've shared this hack before and many videos ago  and it's just so easy and so affordable i wanted   to share it again for anybody here that's new um  this one's for smelly shoes so if you have stinky   shoes or your kids especially like sports shoes  savannah's dance shoes i do this all the time   um i have a little hack for you guys for this one okay so what's super nice about this  one is you only need two products   they're super affordable you probably  already have them in your house   what you're gonna do is take your rubbing  alcohol and just put it into a spray bottle   and then spray your shoes and it just like eats  up the odor i keep this like by our back door in a   basket so anytime we come in i can just spray the  inside of our shoes as soon as we take them off   especially during summer i just feel like your  feet sweat more even like sandals and stuff or   ours do and like i mentioned like kids shoes  this is so nice for and you probably have these   two items so definitely go grab these pour it  in there use it and let me know what you think   you remind me when of friday went down i could try to describe this for feeling a little bit okay so now that we have our shoes smelling good  now let's talk about our homes smelly good i know   anytime i show like a wall plug-in scent of any  kind people lose it they want their essential   oils they want things that are i'm just less to  chemicals so what if i told you you could take   those wall plug-ins and refill them with essential  oils or just refill them with anything you like   just to save money that's what we're gonna do now  i will say this is the first time i'm doing it   so we're trying this hack out together  but i'm actually really excited about it   because most small plug-ins do give me  headaches because of the chemicals in them   but i do love my essential oils so let's try  this hack out together and see if it works okay so now that you know what you need which  is just an air plug-in preferably empty mine's   all stuff in it but i'm gonna dump it out and  clean it um essential oil so get whatever um   one you like there's lavender if  you're gonna put it in a bedroom   i'm gonna do lemon because i like the cleanest  smell and i normally have this in my laundry room   and then a few little q-tips so i'm really excited  to try this one out i hope it works because   i've always wondered why there weren't wall  plug-ins for essential oils so let's try it   now it is kind of hard to get this cap off  so just be careful you can use pliers or   whatever you need to i'm using like a  butter knife but don't cut yourself but   be careful just getting that little topper  off um once you come off it kind of like   pops off real easy and then you can start  taking the pieces apart and washing them i know i'm touching all of this  product right now it's on my fingertips   i don't think i show you but i washed  my hands really well so if you still   have product in yours just be super  careful don't touch your face your   eyes your mouth just wash your hands and  get all of that stuff off your fingertips   now you're going to go ahead and  cut one end off of the q-tip on both   sides i don't know why you do this it may  make sense to some of you once again this   is just a hack i found on pinterest and so  i think it just helps with the diffusing i   don't know why you can't leave it on there but  they cut theirs off so i'm cutting mine off now it did say to do about 20 to 30 drops i  don't think i did that full amount i wasn't   wanting to waste a ton of essential oil but i  will say as the days go on since i film this   that fragrance or you know essential oil  smell isn't as strong so if you really want   it to smell i would at least do 30 drops if  not more because you are going to dilute it   with water so if you really want to smell it  i suggest doing a little bit more than i did so that one was not hard to do so basically  you put in about 20 to 30 drops of whatever   essential oil you're wanting to use i will say  when i was looking at hacks some people used like   laundry softener and stuff like that but i was  definitely going for the more natural approach   so i'm curious to see how well that lasts how  well you can smell it um but so far i'm loving   it and my laundry room already smells better  and it actually smells cleaner but speaking   of the laundry room we're going to actually  head that way for our next cleaning home hack okay guys we're actually going to talk about  vinegar again if you don't have this stuff   in your house grab it you can use it for so many  different things and it's so affordable so buy big   ones buy small ones whatever just pick some up um  so now we're going to use it as a laundry softener   so i did this for a lot of years it's cheap it's  affordable it works really well especially for   your towels and what's amazing about it it's like  a two for one anytime i'm using this as my laundry   softener my washer is so clean like spotless  so if you're wanting to get your washer clean   just switch over your laundry softener for  a little while and you can thank me later   because you're going to be amazed at how well  it works so you're going to use it exactly like   you would laundry softener so like mine goes  right here and you can see this gets super dirty   it gets build up all of that will be spotless  after a few washes and my lash washer i would   put it right here in the center and it used to  be so dirty but when i would do this it would get   it so clean so just switch over for a while and  after a little while you're going to open up your   washer and not only are your like laundry softener  parts going to be cleaner but even like the bowl   and the inside is gonna get cleaner all  by just doing your laundry with this stuff the next little cleaning hack is  for candles do you ever buy a candle   and then you get this little tunnel with  it because you have to blow it out sooner   than you wanted to so like typically when you  buy a candle you have to let it run for six hours   so i try to like light it knowing i'm gonna  be here for a while and then something   comes up when we have to leave and when i  blow it out you start to get this tunnel   and once you start that then it only burns down to  that point and you waste all of your nice candles   so recently i learned a hack for it so let me  show it to you here's what you're gonna need   okay this is another super affordable one you  already have these products in your house um   it's the candle and then you're gonna need  some foil and then a lighter just a quick   little tip if you don't have one of these  yet i'm gonna link it down below but it's   from amazon and it lights your candles so  well and you just charge it but since i've   got it i only charged it the initial time and  it'll last so long and it lights it so easy so   what you're going to do is go ahead and light your  candle and then you're going to wrap this around   it and it's going to cause all of it to melt so  it's back one level again and then next time you   burn your candle you're burning the whole thing  instead of just a small tunnel all the way down it so to do this one you're gonna go ahead and  light it and then wrap foil around it i've   seen several girls that do this on instagram  but i'm not gonna lie i did this over two   days i kept testing and i could not get it to  work i left a little hole i left a big hole   i let it burn for hours most people said like  20 minutes so for me this is a fail it's kind of   funny i started with a fell i ended with a fill  i did not mean to do that but that's live here   i think this one should work it just didn't  for me as well as the very first one i've   seen girls use it and test it out and it  works so if you know what i did wrong on   either one of them let me know down below in  the comments section because i can try it again   but with this candle like i said i did  it for two days and cannot figure it out okay guys we are finished let me know what you  guys thought about today's video let me know   your favorite cleaning home hack that we did today  you can even leave suggestions down there if you   have a great home hack for me let me know about  it and i'll try it in one of my future videos   and i do want to thank hoover  again for sponsoring this video   i'm going to have their link down below in my  description box so don't forget to check that out   i hope you guys have a wonderful week  and i will see you in the next one see you next bye next time next time so i know  i'll see you next time next time next time
Channel: Til Vacuum Do Us Part
Views: 1,127,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OVER 1 HOUR OF CLEANING HACKS, THE BEST HOME CLEANING HACKS, 2022 NEED TO KNOW CLEANING HACKS, til vacuum do us part, 2022 trending cleaning hacks, tiktok cleaning hacks, viral cleaning hacks, cleaning hacks 2022, summer cleaning hacks 2022, cleaning motivation 2022, 2022 cleaning motivation, 2022 clean with me, clean with me 2022, cleaning hacks marathon, home hacks 2022, 2022 home hacks, tips for cleaning your home, need to know cleaning hacks, need to know cleaning tips
Id: mUAcAilx878
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 5sec (4985 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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