Surprise cleaning an elderly woman's house for FREE!

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hello welcome back to Midwest magic cleaning my name is Clint spin kick it's what they call me back in Jersey today I'm working on the home of an elderly woman who had fallen when I say elderly I mean she's barely mobile she has to use a walker to get around she can't clean up after herself and I I was told pretty Point Blank that even if she could she's always been kind of a messy person and I guess that's one thing that I always wanted to mention is like not every house is a hoarder house not every a bit of clutter is because of laziness or mental illness sometimes people are just messy so that's if you're a messy person fine it's it happens I just happen to be in an area and in a position in my life where I can show up and help people out so that's what we're going to do for her today now this house smelled really really bad she had fallen just a few days ago and it was a pretty severe fall she broke I think it was her arm and her hip and it was bad enough that she needed surgery so she was in the hospital getting surgery and then she's got to spend another three weeks in rehab which means she can't come home that also means that all of her perishables that are in there some of which have gone really bad and you can really tell it whenever you enter the house some of them are going to go bad so she's got family members and members of the church and stuff that are coming over to take care of her pets and to get rid of any rotting food and to make sure the house is you know not burning down in the meantime I've got to take care of two main issues with smell one of them is the rotting food that I'd mentioned the other one is urine there is urine in a lot of like the bathroom place mats or place rugs and I'm going to do a whole bunch of her laundry because they smell really bad like bad enough to wear all most of that stuff is located in a back bedroom but you can smell it as soon as you open the living room door which is on the other side of the house so anyway I'm gonna start by clearing off all the trash trash that I can and then I'm going to move straight into the dining room where I can get rid of a whole bunch of stuff off the dining room table because I've decided that this is going to be my Workstation foreign Ed it before in other videos but the way I operate is to clear off one good space and clean that surface pretty much entirely so that I can put all my cleaning supplies and equipment on that table on that surface and then I can work from there the dining room happens to be the dead center of the house so it's a really good place for me to put all my crap so I'm going to clean that off with Mr Clean and I'm going to let it soak and then I realized as I was washing this off or wiping it down that it had a whole bunch of sticky stuff on it so I just put straight dish soap on it and then took a soaked Rag and just squirted the water just run the water out of that directly onto the table and then I'm just gonna let that soak and then scrub it scrub it scrub it until all that's gone and then take a dry clean Rag and wipe all that down you don't really need to rinse stuff like this I mean if you want to you can but it's it's not really necessary because the dry rag will pull enough of that chemical off to where if you decided to click the table it's not going to taste like soap which happens a lot with me like that's how I know that things are clean is the lick test they call me lick Test Johnny back in Milwaukee they're always like does it pass the lick test and I'm like does it so we're gonna take the stink dishes out of here the stink dishes and I'm going to clean the sink at least this one side with Bar Keepers Friend for two main reasons one I want the sink clean so that whenever I do dishes they're not touching grubby nasty sink filth and the other reason is it saves me a little time later after I get done with all the dishes so if I clean this down now then whenever I'm finished with the dishes all I've got to do is wipe it down with a rag then when I'm done with this side I can just take the dishes out of the other side and continue the process so this is kind of like the stopping point between both sides of the sinks while I'm stacking dishes I just make it part of the assembly line This is a tea pitcher and it is really stained and that is a extremely simple fix we're just going to put in maybe a couple tablespoons full of bleach and then fill the rest with cold water if you're wondering why my cleaning supplies are in that sink it's because like an idiot I left them in the car overnight and then it got super cold and they all froze so I had to thaw them out in a sink full of warm water now that the pitchers filled we're just gonna let that sit for as long as we can like it'll be one of the one of the last things that I clean whenever I'm doing these dishes but the longer that bleach is in contact with those tea stains and this also works for coffee stains the better it does now we'll just Bar Keeper's Friend the other side of the sink right in its stupid sinkhole and then we'll scrub it like it stole something because it's what you do with thieves you scrub them I'm not super familiar with how the law works so I'm just using a regular scouring pad here you don't need anything special they sell those real cheap ones at like Dollar General or Family Dollar or Dollar Tree or dollar right in your face Dollar Store dollar dollar bill y'all but you can just get the cheap knockoff scouring pads and use those they're fine they're they're so cheap you can just throw them away whenever you're done if you want but I keep those in bulk in my cleaning van so now we're gonna do a hey look more dishes run at three thousand percent speed because that's how I roll son then while those are soaking I'm going to start removing things from the left side of the counter so that I can clean it so I don't want to be setting dishes on a dirty counter and I have to do this later anyway so I might as well go ahead and do it while the dishes are soaking I need to remember to tell her that she's almost out of sugar and flour too now I did put about a cap full of bleach in that dishwater and I'm out of APC today and I didn't want to run to the store to get more stuff to to make some so I'm using that bleach water to sanitize all the countertops it works just as well if not better than APC and then I'll just go back over the whole thing with Mr Clean and blood out right in your face clean counter suck it foreign just wipe down all the containers and stuff and put them back where they go and then by the time I'm done with this then dishes should be ready to you know knock out the first load I just needed to soak them long enough to get them softened up a bit because they've been sitting there for a few days [Music] she's got like all of her dishes are like Pottery type dishes from the 1960s and they're like super cool like none of them have chips in it or anything like that they've been really well taken care of I'm also doing her laundry I think I ended up doing like half of her laundry I found a massive amount in her bedroom so if you can see that closed basket to the right that's mostly full by the time I brought in all of the stuff from her bedroom that was piled over the top of the washer I was able to get about half of that done and had I had more time I would have done it all but she also has a pretty small washer it's not matte for like giant loads it's like a single person type washer then while I'm in here I'll just wipe down the tops of those to get all the dust and nasty off of them and then jump back into the kitchen this thing was like uber cruddy like Mega Chad karate that's a jelly butter seasonings like you could probably eat the top of that it may have been easier just to take a cheesecake greater to it to get the stuff off of it but I'm going to use the same bleach system on this one I just dip that rag in the bleach water dishwater thing and then squeeze it off let it set for a few minutes and wipe it down then I'll go back with Mr Clean and soak that down because that's really really good at cutting through sugar and grease and oil and stuff like that I think I let that set for about five minutes maybe a little bit longer and then I just use a regular scouring pad and use little circles all the way across the whole thing the whole time going do you like that do you like that and it's like no no don't Circle my face and I'm like I will Circle your face and suck at counter then we just take a regular dry rag and wipe that sucker down and she's all done this KitchenAid hadn't been cleaned in so long and had so much flour on it you could classify it as bread like I'm pretty sure I could have cut a slice off of that KitchenAid made me some toast so we're going to clean that up and then we're also going to clean up her little mini crock pot because that thing was pretty cruddy too that was cruddy enough to where I had to use a brush on it to get the main nasty off oh hey look more dishes I love watching how fast that is it's almost creepy it's like an old school tool video throw some big chunks of meat on that counter and you wouldn't know the difference now briefly you could see me put two cast iron skillets in the sink I did not wash those because those need restored those don't need cleaned they need full-blown restored in fact I think in order to get that rust off of there they're either going to have to use electrolysis or they're going to have to use sandpaper and then completely clean it down then oil it re-season it bake it the whole nine yards those things the at least the top one is absolutely ruined with rust I could restore that if I had more time but I'm I'm just a cleaner I'm just here to clean things I'm not going to restore cast iron in the microwave I sprayed that entire thing down with Mr Clean and then shut the door for about 30 minutes because that thing was really cruddy and had a whole bunch of baked on stuff or microed on stuff waved on stuff so then whenever I open the door and I grab my rag I don't really have to do anything else to to it except just wipe it down and then I'll use my ultra fine microfiber cloth to kind of Polish clean this since I don't have my APC handy just the regular microfiber and ultra fine microfiber is enough to make things shine it's just easier if I have my EPC and for those of you who haven't watched the other videos APC stands for all-purpose cleaner I explained it in other videos but I always forget that most of my viewers like have never seen another one of my videos by the way if everybody who returned to watch my videos on the channel were to subscribe we would actually have our YouTube plaque right now we're over 75 000 subscribers and we need a hundred thousand in order to get the First YouTube plaque which is the silver one and I'm flipping out man I want it so bad I'm going to put it on like a chain and wear it as a necklace like Flavor Flav foreign S I did put some of them back but some of these perishables I threw away because they're not going to last until she gets home and then when her niece came over I gave her a warning that like she's got a basket of potatoes and onions that were those will go bad within a week and then she's got a bunch of bread and stuff and then her fridge is going to need cleaned out so I let her know that when they come back to do detail cleaning or to spruce up or whatever or to check on the pets that they'll probably want to look in the cabinets and fridge and get rid of anything that's going to become stank food they don't put up with no stank food son stank food more like no thank you food foreign if you don't have a razor scraper they sell those things really cheap at Dollar General at dollar dollar bills y'all now because they're cheap they also break kind of easily but I mean they're so cheap they're basically disposable but I use those on the tops of all like glass top stoves and ceramic top stoves they're really good at getting burnt on rings and stuff like that off of there foreign microfiber towel and that's what makes it Shine then this countertop is pretty much done now I can start to put things back here in a minute if I go back over there at any point which I'm I'm pretty much done with it because I spent about 10 hours in this place but if I go back over there I will end up cleaning out the refrigerator and the oven and it wouldn't hurt to actually pull some of her furniture out and even the stove and stuff like that to see if I can get underneath it and along the edges but for right now I'm not worried about trying to not throw out my back by moving things like stoves and refrigerators while I'm there by myself foreign foreign tip for those of you who get into places that feel kind of overwhelming because let me tell you something this this wasn't like full-blown hoarder house but this could be overwhelming to anybody who doesn't do this for like a living or as a hobby anytime you're dealing with a house that's this messy whether you need a break or not take one after every 50 minutes work for 50 minutes and then take a 10 minute break even if you don't need one if you're into cleaning and you're excited about getting it done that will build suspense for you to get back in there and you'll be thinking about what to do next and if you're not into it and you're like oh my God this place is so overwhelming the break gives you a chance to reset your brain but I'm telling you this was 10 hours in one day and I was absolutely exhausted whenever I got home and those 10 minute breaks every 50 minutes really saved my back and my legs and shoulders and sweet sweet but I'm going to polish some of her furniture starting with this little end table with liquid gold I mentioned that in other videos but it's it's like a miracle cleaner it's a wood oil polish sort of deal and once you get that on there it stays on there for at least a week if not two so I when I'm cleaning regular houses I will use Liquid Gold on every piece of wooden furniture that I can foreign I really love this little cabinet thing here this little TV stand it definitely gets the liquid gold treatment I was all massaging it with liquid gold I was like yeah baby you like that liquid gold on your wood right on your wood body it was like liquid gold May freak [Music] this bedroom smelled pretty bad um some of it came from the clothing that was on the floor so I wanted to get that out of there immediately the other part was that there's a small bathroom that's right off the bedroom that's that opens up into the bedroom and that bathroom was extremely dirty so I'm not gonna show the cleaning of either of the bathrooms and add a bath and a half and the main reason I'm not going to show it is the bathrooms are so small I couldn't get the camera in there to get a good shot of anything so you couldn't really tell what I was doing I don't know how to get around that for really small bathrooms I guess maybe I could hold the camera with hand and clean with the other but I'm not good at pointing a camera while doing something else I lose track of the camera and it's just all over the place it's like in the early 2000s when people would film like high school fights and the person holding the camera looked like they were shaking an Etch A Sketch foreign I started off mopping this kitchen regular as best I could and then realized that was not working at all so what I did was I switched it up and dipped that spin mop which I hate spin mops they suck directly into the mop juice and then just saturated that floor as wet as I could get it without leaving puddles so that it had time to soak into the dirt and loosen that up and you can actually see the difference as I'm mopping backwards here so once I was done with that then I went back and mopped it normal and each one of these floors in this house ended up getting mopped somewhere around five times there were a couple of them that got mopped six maybe seven I'm not going to show every single time that I mop these but they all had to get it so bad and I could have actually done it even more what I wanted to do and if I go back I will do this is mix up a bleach and water solution spray that on the floor or soak the floor down and just let it set for about 20 minutes then go back and mop it all up oh hey actually I did uh show part of the bathroom this is the one place that I could get a camera in I mean you can see what I mean though you can't really tell what I'm doing on that sink it was really really cruddy but it just doesn't show up because the lighting's Bad and the material on the sink is bad it's just old plus sometimes whenever I enter a room the sinks are really really bad and they show up well on camera but as I enter the room the dirt just explodes off of the sink like it knows it's going to get some it just geysers off of there in sheer fear I can't help it that's just who I am man it's how I roll son I use the same technique in the bathroom where I soaked it down with a mop juice then just mopped it again and again off camera I mopped that three more times foreign cat helps me fold some clothes here because I look he wasn't going to help fold clothes and I was like listen up cat you don't want this elbow from the top rope and it was like because cats can't talk he didn't say anything back he just said remember and then by the time he decided to jump in and help I was already done with that so I was like all right you can slide this time this is a spare like guest bedroom thing it's just kind of a room where they hang out or if you know her niece or nephews or whatever stay over they've got a place to stretch out it was dirty but not nearly as dirty as the other bedroom so I could knock this one out in like 10 minutes it was just a case of hanging up some clothes that were on a chair picking up some trash and and vacuuming the cat also came in here to try to help me fold clothes but again I was too fast and he did that because he was scared after the rundown I gave him in the living room like he knew better than to not come into that room and at least offer to help so we'll just vacuum this up right in right in this carpet whole face right in its carpet face and then we'll go to the next bedroom [Applause] had I had my carpet cleaner solution I actually would have cleaned these carpets not because they were stained or anything which they kind of were but because there's urine in the carpet from the pets some from her old clothes and things like that her bedding needs washed desperately but I didn't have time to strip that and wash them but I did let her caretakers or caregivers know and as I'm vacuuming this section that's when I walk by those uh bathroom rugs and noticed that that's where that smell was coming from so I immediately as soon as I was done with this I grabbed those things and put them in the laundry room then washed my hands for a really long time laughs heads up for anybody who didn't know I started a members only section and don't worry if you can't afford it it's like 4.99 a month and I just put one tier so there's not like a patreon multi-tier thing yet though there will be at some point and in that member section I post a lot of uh updates with I don't know pictures of me and my son doing stupid stuff um extra posts I do one extra video per week on Wednesdays in there and that's typically more personal type of stuff about my everyday life what we do in the business me and there's also like me and Jason just goofing around there's one video where I practice my sweet karate moves and you can ask the regular members those moves change their life but if you want to join just look around there should be a join button somewhere I know there's one on the main Channel and if you're an iOS user there's evidently a problem where the Mac products won't see the join button when you're using the YouTube app but if you go directly to the YouTube channel using just the browser it does show up I Googled around to try to find fixes for it it's a YouTube problem and some people have workarounds and stuff like that but I I can't test it myself because I use Android because I'm old foreign gold on this dining room table and I love watching that shine happen as I go across it but we're now in the wind down section of the video where I've I've just got a little bit more mopping to do but now we're starting to redecorate the place and get everything back where it goes foreign foreign [Music] again I wish it had shown up a little bit better on camera I know I know it's showing up some but man in real life you can actually tell where my mop stopped because there was just so much ground in dirt and I I know she can't get around to mop but really I think if she could afford it I don't think she can but if there was ever a way she could afford it she really needs like a weekly housekeeper to come in and do all this stuff for her because she's got really nice stuff and for the most part it's kept clean it's just I think that if you don't have somebody there weekly it's going to be very very easy for this place to get out of hand foreign there we go like I said if you're not subscribed uh don't be a devil worshiper subscribe man we only need to get to 100 000 and we're so close and then we will have a YouTube plaque that I can rub in the faces of all my kids friends to make them feel bad the way they should because they don't have YouTube plaques if you can't make your kids friends cry then what's the point anyway I'll see you all next week and for the members I will see you on Wednesday suck it
Channel: Midwest Magic Cleaning
Views: 2,796,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Housekeeping, cleaning, satisfying, timelapse, time lapse, house cleaning, organization, organizing, free, free cleaning, depression cleaning, depression help, kindness, help, autistic, autistic cleaning, hoarder, hoarder cleanup, extreme clean, extreme cleaning, hoarder cleaning, biohazard cleaning, biohazard cleanup
Id: shmQkbTPCYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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