How to Install Steam Deck PLUGINS!

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the steam deck is a great handheld and out of the box it has a lot of useful features but you can take your steam deck to the next level with the power of plugins for example you can completely overhaul the user interface you can add animated boot animations and you can also get better performance through the use of plugins and the best part is it's really easy to do I'm Chris the steam deck guy and in this video I'm going to be showing you in easy to follow steps how to install plugins on your steam deck let's get to it over on your steam deck the first thing you'll want to do is to confirm which version of Steam OS you are currently using to do this press the steam button on your steam deck go down to settings select system and then under beta participation you'll see several options as you can see mine is currently using the stable version which is the default but there are also other options such as beta and preview the reason we are checking this is because we are going to install an application called Dey loader and we need to make sure that we install the correct version we can now back out of the system menu and we'll press the steam button once more and then go down to power and then from here click switch to desktop over in desktop mode we need to open up a web browser if you've not used desktop mode before then you'll be prompted to install Firefox the website we you need to navigate to is called Dei doxyz and then in the top right corner you should see a download button now instead of clicking this what we're going to do is right click go down to save link as and then over on the left under places we are going to select desktop and then click save you'll get a notification here once that has downloaded we can then close down the browser you'll now see Dey installer on our desktop so what we can do now is to double click this you'll get a confirmation to confirm if you want to launch it so of course we do so let's click continue as you can see here I've received a message telling me that I have not set an admin password if you have then you would be prompted here to enter your password now because I haven't Dei is actually going to set a temporary password for me however I wouldn't recommend doing that so what you'll want to do here if you receive this prompt is to click no then down the bottom left in the taskbar you'll find the system settings so let's click that and then on under personalization on the left we'll select users you should then see your steam deck account here you can see this is an administrator account and you also have a change password option so let's click that and enter a new password and then click set password we can then close down the system settings and relaunch Dei installer this time I am prompted for my Pudo admin password so I'll enter the password here and click okay you'll then need to select which version of Dei installer you want to install we have the release version and the pre-release if you're using the stable release of Steam OS that we checked at the start of the video then I recommend using release if you're using beta or preview Steam OS then I'd recommend using pre-release since I'm using the stable release of Steam OS I'm just going to use the regular release of Dey loader now I could use the pre-release version but as you notice here it mentions that it could be unstable likewise if you are using the beta or preview release of Steam OS you using the standard release again you may run into issues so I'm going to select release and click okay and then I'll wait for it to finish installing and as you can see doesn't take long at all once that's finished I'll click okay and we are done with the installation so what we can do now is return to gaming mode and we do this by clicking the icon on our desktop back over in gaming mode we can now check to see if Dey loader has installed correctly what we should find is Dey loader is added to the quick menu so let's click the button with the three dots on our steam Dock and this is the button below the right trackpad we'll click that and this will bring up our quick access menu as you can see there is now an additional option at the bottom of the quick access menu called Dei success but as you can see there are no options here and that's because you need to install the plugins I'll first walk you through the settings as you can see in the top right there is a cog icon which is the settings so let's go there here we can check for updates you can also update the channel to either stable or pre-release so if you do run into issues you can make changes here you can also try different versions of the store which I'll show you in a moment and then there are various other options such as receiving notifications over on the left you'll see there is another category called plugins if we go here you'll see we have no plugins installed but once you start installing plugins they will appear here and then you can update them individually or on install them from here so let's back out and again to access decal loer we press the quick menu button and you'll see it's actually remembered where we were so you'll see there is another icon here which is the store so that's a little icon of a storefront so let's click a to select the store as you can see there are 56 plugins at the time of recording this video we get some limited options for sorting either alphabetically a toz or Z to A and then for each plugin we get the option to install and you also get the opt to install earlier versions although I'd always recommend installing the latest release so let's give you an example one of my favorites is the CSS loader plugin which allows you to change the steam deck UI colors and themes so let's click install are you sure you want to install it yes of course and then you'll now see within the decki section of the quick access menu we have a CSS loader option once you've created your profile again you have the options for settings in the top right for CSS loader specifically and you also have a storefront so again let's click the storefront and this will take us to all of the themes that we can download and install using this plugin so we' been here we have a lot of sort options so let's choose the most downloaded and one of my favorites is the switch like home theme so let's select that we'll click install and then we'll Press B to back out we'll back out of this and again we'll load up the quick access menu and you'll see now under my steam deck Guy theme we have Swit like home and it's deselected by default so let's select that and then we'll close down the menu and there as you can see we now have our new theme the great thing about CSS loader is you can combine multiple CSS configurations to create a really unique look so let's load up the quick access menu again we'll select CSS loader and then we'll click the store icon and another one that I like using is the clear game view so let's select that and click install let's back out of this bring up the quick access menu and again it's not selected by default but if I select this now we now have the two themes enabled for my steam deck guy profile so let's back out of this and select a game and we now get a full screen background image let's select a steam game and as you can see that looks very nice if we want to install another plugin we can open up the quick access menu under Dei we can go to the store and then we can choose another plugin to install if you want to know which plugins I use and recommend then go and check out this [Music] video
Channel: Steam Deck Guy
Views: 23,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: customization, steam deck plugins, decky loader, protondb, steamgriddb, steam deck custom, steam deck boot, steam deck background, steam deck UI, modded, plugins, UI, backgrounds, background music, personalized experience, Decky Loader, How Long to Beat, Proton DB Badges, CSS Loader, HLTB Plugin, Static Background, Audio Loader, Animation Changer, Deck Settings, gaming, web page, HTML, CSS, boot screen, Best steam deck plugins, Steam deck emulation, Steam deck mods, decky, deckyloader
Id: BZRs2GB51t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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