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a popular game is about to get a big graphical update and I tested The Benchmark for the game on the steam deck as well as on other Hardware we're going to talk about that plus we've got an update to a game that makes it way more playable on the steam deck uh plus valve has a big sale going on right now we're going to talk about that sale and some interesting news when it comes to cross save and crossplay between the PC and the PlayStation and Nintendo is helping to sell steam decks so let's get into it when valve first unveiled the steam deck Gabe was talking to IGN and he said specifically he called out that he had been playing Final Fantasy 14 on his steam deck he's been playing a White Mage he was playing it with his son well after that Square Enix broke it a few times and sometimes it just works and sometimes you have to I don't know jump through some hoops in order to get it to work and this is because Final Fantasy 14 is made for PlayStation and windows but because it's made for Windows and the steam deck is a linux-based handheld PC uh we had to depend on using proton in order to get the game to work and sometimes Square would put out updates that would break the proton work workaround from time to time now I do feel like it's important to point out that I am not currently subscribed to Final Fantasy 14 so I haven't played it on my steam deck in months and months hell maybe even a year at this point so I don't know what the like what the current experience is like if you do know let me know in the comments uh down below that like button anyway let's get back to the steam deck but first I want to thank the sponsor for today's episode soent this video is brought to you by soent I've got a full-time job and a YouTube channel and I don't always have time to cook sometimes I just need a quick pickme up that's where soilent comes in soilent is a meal replacement drink that comes in a bunch of different flavors I've got a big sweet tooth so I prefer the chocolate 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Final Fantasy 14 on my steam deck and with the latest expansion Dawn Trail on the way this summer I was curious how the game was going to hold up you see Dawn Trail is a big reboot for squares MMO it's getting a big graphical overhaul and while it's not nearly well it's it's more subtle than what we saw when World of Warcraft got its graphical update I would still say it's going to have an impact on performance especially on less performance systems like the steam deck or your favorite handheld so if you want to run the test yourself I'll show you my results and then I'll tell you how you can test your favorite handheld later on in the video first let's talk about the issues that I ran into when running this test again because the steam deck runs Linux and The Benchmark utility is made specifically for Windows I had to jump through a few Hoops in order to get it uh get it to work the first thing that I tried to use was proton tricks in order to launch it and that didn't do anything so I did a little bit of Googling and I found that someone on the 14 or XIV launcher Discord had made an install script for The Benchmark so step one install lutrus which is really easy all you have to do is hop into desktop mode find it in the store it's free don't worry about it being called a store um and then once you have it installed all you have to do is click on the link in the description down below that's going to take you to the install script you can download the script I feel like I should say right now never run scripts unless you actually know what they do don't trust me don't trust anyone else out there look at the script yourself and make sure that it isn't doing anything nefarious um I didn't follow this advice and it worked out fine but it could easily go wrong and if you don't know what you're doing um you could run into issues where you end up having to wipe your device in order to fix any problems that came up um anyway there's your warning once you've got the script downloaded then open up lutrus and you're going tock click on the Plus in the top left then you're going to navigate to wherever it is that you saved the install script you're going to select it and then let the script do its work it's going to take I don't know 10 15 minutes I really kind of lost track of time while it was working once it's done you can close it down and head back into gaming mode I was interested in seeing how the performance difference would be between the van go processor in the steam deck and the Z1 extreme chip that's in the Asus Rog Ally and the L noo Legion go and since those both run Windows I didn't have to jump through any hope uh hopes I didn't have to jump through any lutrus Hoops in order to test this out so I downloaded it on the legion go and I ran both benchmarks side by side which you can see right now I used the same settings for both I had the deck on the default performance mode and I had the legion go on the performance mode for TDP and then I sent the OS to efficiency mode this forces the Lenovo Legion go in order to reserve power uh more for the GPU side instead of the CPU side which is important when you're running something that is graphically intensive I let the tests run and as you can see the steam duck and steam duck the steam deck ended up with a score of 6905 and the legion go earned a 7387 it seems like a win for the go but keep in mind it was running at the 25 Wat and the deck is running at 15 watts we all know how crazy efficient the van go chip is compared to amds other chips right now so while yes you can get a higher score on the Z1 extreme chip either in the Ally or the legion go you're going to pay for that with a hit to battery life and this is the kind of game that you can get sucked into and end up playing for just for ages I asked my friend Matt who plays Final Fantasy 14 all the time how long his battery on his steam deck he's got the LCD version lasts and he said he can probably play for about two hours on a full charge on the OLED deck it would obviously be a little bit more than that now just to make an unfair comparison mostly so that we can make more sense of what these numbers actually mean I also asked him how the Benchmark did on his PC he's using an Nvidia 3050 I believe and he ended up with a score of around 10,475 I don't know why I said around it was 10,475 I also ran the Benchmark on a laptop that I'm testing right now for review the laptop has a 4080 in it and this thing absolutely screams for instance I was able to run balers Gate 3 at 2560 x600 at well over 100 frames per second though that is in act one I don't have a save file that takes you to the city so I don't really know what that would be like that's IDE the point anyway Dawn tril Benchmark uh was able to score 12,678 on the 4080 laptop this is running at 2560 by 1440 at the desktop High preset just to put things in perspective it is worth noting that The Benchmark utility basically tells you how good of a score you got the 4080 laptop that I that I was testing earned a very high uh qualification from uh Square Enix while the deck and the legion go both earned a rating of Fairly High the difference between very high and fairly High seems to be a couple of thousand so you know take that for what it's worth this is great it shows that even with the big graphical update we're going to have a good experience playing playing on our favorite handhelds especially if you limit the deck to say 40 frames per second and the screen refresh to 80 it should be a pretty great experience or you could limit the game to 30 frames per second and the uh refresh rate to 90 HZ again a smooth experience especially once you you know you get in game and you can start adjusting things to make it you know work exactly the way that you want it to by the way only 52% of the people that watch my show are actually subscribed so I just wanted to take a second to say if you enjoy the show if you find it interesting entertainment or useful do me a favor and click the Subscribe button and turn on notifications it it's free you can always change your mind later and I would absolutely love to hit 100,000 subscribers this year so to everyone that's already clicked those buttons and subscribed thank you so much you are awesome anyway let's move on to a very cool update to a classic game that got an unofficially but sanctioned remake a few years back I'm talking about halflife halflife the game that put valve on the map it got a remake a few years call years ago called black Mesa it wasn't made by Valve but they gave it the okay it was made completely by fans well the Remake just got some updates that make it even better on handhelds like the steam deck and this particularly Shines on the steam deck I found this over at steam deck the Remake excuse me the Remake has been imported to dxvk 2.3.1 this means that the game is going to perform better than it did previously especially if you're running the game using Vulcan which is what I usually use when I'm when I'm going to if I'm given the option to pick it's what I usually use when I'm playing a game on the steam deck they also updated the UI of the game to make it a little bit more controller friendly and most importantly they now have fully support steam input and Gyro support which makes the game game really great to play on the steam deck if that sounds good then you should probably pick it up right now because it's on sale for 80% off with the steam FPS Fest which is going on right now until April 22nd since I'm mentioning that sale there are a couple of demos available I tried out the demo for System Shock very cool uh there was an update to rise of the Triad ludicrous Edition which looks fantastic and I'm probably going to end up picking that one up Resident Evil Village is on sale right now for 15 bucks you can get Fallout 76 for eight bucks you can get Fallout 4 for five bucks both of which just got big updates to go alongside the new Fallout TV show which is on Amazon I'm three episodes in on that right now and I'm really loving it Walton gogin is amazing in this show no surprise there that guy's always fantastic but maybe you don't love Fallout maybe you don't love Fallout and you still want to explore a post apocalyptic Wasteland there's good news because there's currently a bundle of the Metro Saga for 91% off with that bundle you get Metro Exodus the expansion Metro 20 uh 2033 redo Redux I don't know how to say it uh Metro last Light Redux uh I played Metro Exodus on stadia before Google turned tail and ran away like the cowards that they are yeah I'm calling you out Google uh and the game was really fun it was super interesting kind of a mix between exploratory stuff and some horror stuff I like it a lot but if you would rather visit feudal Japan instead of a radiation infested Wasteland then I've got some good news for you on PC because ghost of tsushima and you know what I said tsushima and somebody said No it's sushima I don't know how to say it don't yell at me whatever um anyway the requirements are now available and so and they show that you should be able to run the game okay on your favorite handhelds probably at 720p 30 frames per second the game will play fine like that I am particularly interested in seeing how the Kurosawa mode looks on the OLED screen because on the OLED screen of my steam deck if you don't know what that if you don't know what the Kurosawa mode is it's like a black and white mode with filters that makes the game look and sound like old Japanese Samurai movies and it looks gorgeous on the OLED steam deck I can't imagine how good that is going to look it's going to look pretty amazing I wish more games would do that kind of thing just add in those filters to make the game look a little bit different it's a stark contrast from anything else that's out there in addition to that Trophy Hunters should get excited because ghosts is also going to bring with it PSN trophies as part of the PlayStation overlay so you can unlock your trophies on your playst or on your PC this should also have access to your PSN friends list I'm not seeing any word yet on whether or not it has cross saves with PlayStation but it does have cross uh crossplay so you can play online with other people who are on PlayStation it anyway it seems like it's a great time to be a fan of PlayStation and handheld gaming because you can I mean look you can sit down and play on your play you play your PlayStation game games on the big screen at higher resolutions and higher frame rates and then you can take that same game you can take those same saves on the go when you want to play on a handheld it feels like this is the kind of thing that Sony would never have done in the PS4 generation do you guys remember when Sony was fighting against the idea of crossplay between different uh different systems and they said well no no no only PlayStation is the place where our players can feel safe like that was a crazy thing for them to say anyway uh you know crossplay being added to this and hopefully cross saves is just fantastic news so anyway uh hopefully Sony is doing this because they they get the feeling that they need to get their games in front of people that don't have a PS5 and it feels like that era of closed offness that's a word now I'm going to just Bank it um it's over and that's a really really good thing fingers crossed that they keep this kind of thing going before handheld PCS became pop more popular thanks to valve and the steam deck there would often be some pretty big hype surrounding an indie Showcase from Nintendo and for good reason only I mean look too often we only see big game releases getting people's attention but Nintendo putting on a show always meant that the hard hardcore Nintendo fans would tune in hoping to get some kind some nugget of news from Nintendo about one of their first party games and then they would also get exposed to a bunch of cool Indie titles in the process it's kind of one of the reasons the Nintendo switch did so well well the last few Indie showcases from Nintendo has kind of cemented something for me and honestly the most recent one which happened earlier today is just a another example of this these these presentations they used to help sell Nintendo switches but these days I feel like they are helping to sell steam decks look don't get me wrong there are tons of switch consoles out there Nintendo is possibly on track to depose the PS2 as the all-time greatest selling console we'll see if that actually happens in a next year or so but I feel like I never boot up my switch unless it's to play first party Nintendo titles these days because almost every single Indie in almost every single Nintendo Indie showcase that n that Nintendo puts on is available on Steam if not available day and date it's sometimes of the games are already on Steam when Nintendo Indie showcase drops look at the most recent showcase there were just two games that I couldn't find on Steam um one of them was the new teen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game which was a game that was also on Apple arcade and then there's another game called Stitch all of the other games all of them are either coming to steam soon or or are already on Steam and I just can't see myself buying any of these on switch where I would have a worse experience the deck and other handheld PCS are more comfortable to hold they're more performance they're more versatile than the switch and honestly playing on the switch with any of those games feels like downgrade so let's take a look at the games that were in the Showcase today and I just want to pick two that stood out to me starting with steam World Heist 2 if you have not played the the original it is really great it is the steam World take um based on games like on turn-based games like uh XCOM style games but with the steam World style and in a 2d plane it's got great humor I love the art and animations in the first so this one is act absolutely something that I'm interested in checking out when it drops in August the other game that jumped out at me is Ys Rising this didn't jump out for the right reasons though it's it's from Way Forward uh and Atari you you know you probably know Way Forward from the Shante games and Atari I mean th those those shant games are pretty decent Sid scrollers I never really fell in love with them but they were fine um but I know a lot of other people absolutely love them Atari isn't really Atari anymore but that's beside the point I don't I don't get why they're calling this yars because yars Revenge was one of my favorite games growing up on the Atari 2600 and sure they can do whatever they want with their IP that's their IP they can do what they want but this is a sidescroller and I feel like they shoehorned in yars Revenge as a miname it almost felt like they were trying to hack a door and in order to hack the door they had to play yars Revenge the voice acting seems a little bit annoying the art is generic as hell and it just seems like you could have slapped any IP on this game on top of that I love Metroid Vania style games but this one seems incredibly slow like the character moves very slow as they're running down the Bland boring highways I don't get it and I probably won't pick it up but hopefully I'm wrong and it ends up being great you know what else I I hope you think is great is this video right here thanks for watching I'll see you on the next one and from the nerd Nest stay rat everybody
Channel: NerdNest
Views: 32,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Nest, nerdnest, the nerd nest, Steam Deck news, Handheld PCs, PC Gaming, Video Game news
Id: JzhNab9DZHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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