Add Suyu to EmuDeck Steam Deck SteamOS Switch Emulation Guide #steamdeck #suyu #emulation

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let's get the latest Nintendo switch emulator suu on Steam deck [Music] muck hello everybody Welcome to the channel today I'm going to show you how to get suu the latest Nintendo switch emulator onto your steam Deck with emud it's like it's side loading it's not official from UDC UDC doesn't have this uh emulator built in uh it only has re Jinx right now it took down Yuzu the other Nintendo switch emulator and that's dead like it's never going to get updated um so I don't suggest using Yuzu anymore um just use suu okay um but if you go to the suu GitHub page you can't just download the build it's not built you have to build it yourself you have to compile it yourself and um this is uh kind of hard I tried to do it the Linux one build the Linux one with my Steam OS but um I couldn't get to work and I even messed up you can see my like steam deck see how my downloads I've got nothing uh it's because um I had to factor reset my steam deck all right so I lost everything uh yeah I messed up there but um it's okay I got a friend and he helped me compile it on a Linux machine so you can compile it on Steam deck Steam OS I guess may I haven't found a way yet but uh you can compile it if you're running on a like a Linux PC okay so I've got the suu app image right here and if I run it execute you can see this desktop mode okay and you need to get your keys and firmware installed okay so once you load the suu the first thing you want to do go to tools install description keys and then locate your keys I've got mine right here okay so I've installed the keys and then you install the firmware install firmware got my firmware folder right here okay and then then you're done and look this is a new function open home menu you go into the switch OS The Horizon OS see this pretty cool huh it is I don't have any games installed right now but um yeah let me set my let me set my game directory so luckily my game directory I set it onto my um SD card so it's still here uh I just need to locate it so my SD card run media SD card uh emulation ROMs and then switch switch if I can get it here it is choose okay you can see that these are my games and if I go to um open home menu again my games are here my games are here see that pretty cool huh and I can launch a game from right here so and it was supposed to be like Su you didn't do this like I think it's because um Yuzu already had this function but they just didn't enable it so I guess they'll waiting USU was probably waiting um probably they had a lot of functions already done but they'll like releasing it according to their schedule maybe to get more money from patreon so yeah you can just load it like this so this is pretty cool okay but this isn't the scope of the video what you want to do is you want to uh like implement this with muck and you want to use steamr manager to create your shortcuts right okay so let me just close it let me close it now I assume you already know how to install muud if you don't go to here muud click download and then click Steam OS and you should get a file called mu. desktop double click it click execute and it'll just like install like a windows program just click next next next next next all right I do have a video if you really do need help I'll link it in the description okay so once you've installed muc let's boot it up let's Boot It Up okay so once you've got muud done you can go to um steam ROM manager Okay click yes and it's going to close down your steam because you need to create those shortcuts um and it's going to close your Steam and then like toggle passes here uh I think like this is not the version I want to use so so go settings okay and then here select theme go to classic theme okay classic theme and then I'm going to close all the passes because I'm don't want to toggle everything I just want Nintendo switch right now okay so first thing you want to do is go to here create passer okay and then here search for a preset I'm going to use the Yuzu one so search for Nintendo switch Yuzu okay here Nintendo switch Yuzu I'm going to like base my Pass based on this one and here I'm going to change it to suu is it like this how do they how do they call themselves let me see I think it's just suu in small letters okay so I'm going to copy that I'm going to copy that [Music] so do you in small letters and then them directory user steam category okay here I'm going to call it um same Nintendo switch do you okay and then you need to define the path of the ROMs so browse and I'm going to it's in on my SD card maybe it's different for you um just locate your ROM for your switch ROMs okay so it's right here select folder and then you need to select the executable okay I put my app image you can put it wherever you want but I put mine at here Home applications and then here so I'm just going to locate it so home and then applications do your main line image done and everything else is just okay save okay and it's toggled it's right here at the bottom toggled okay and then we can go back to the normal view so go to settings and then here select theme let's go to muud Deck theme okay so it's back now go back to passes double check that that I selected the Nintendo switch suu yeah this one okay it's not looking so good okay here it is and then I'm going to click preview pass and you can see these are my switch ROMs make sure you click save here save to steam okay and it's doing its batch and you have to wait for it to say done before you close it okay so be patient here it like sometimes it feels like it's not doing anything but trust me it should be doing its thing see it's doing batch two okay I'm getting a little impatient and panicking a little bit but uh I should be okay hopefully let's wait for that done why is that so slow maybe it's downloading the thumbnails maybe so yeah I have to install everything like proton tricks and all that yeah my steam decks just factory reset it all right done adding removing entries okay so yeah be patient Okay so once that's done you can close this and yeah we can go into gaming mode but um maybe I just go into Big Picture Mode so you get the idea so I don't have to restart which saves a little bit of time okay I'm going to go into Big Picture Mode which is basically gaming mode oh okay let still all right here it is now press the steam button go to library okay okay you can see here collections Nintendo switch suu all right this is the collection that we just created okay and let's build up a game Let's boild up Mario oh no let's buot up Princess Peach this is the demo see that so it just works so so yeah you don't really need Yuzu anymore we've got suu and you know it's got better functions that they've compiled the latest code from Yuzu and I think they're going to like add stuff onto it and you know it's legal they remove that um those title Keys things and it doesn't like you have it doesn't decrypt the ROMs for you you have to have the firmware you have to have the prod Keys yeah so great all right so I hope this helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 26,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, switch, nintendo switch, switch emulation, emulation, emudeck, steam deck emulation, steam deck emulator, switch emulator, yuzu, yuzu emulation, ryujinx, suyu
Id: qQk2qQficlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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