A Great NEW Way to Install EPIC Games on Steam Deck

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel for another steam deck video now we've had a lot of different ways to install and run our epic games on the steam deck but I've recently been testing something a little bit different that I really like and there's a lot of potential here for expansion into more features for epic and into more launchers and other software and things like that it's pretty ambitious and I have been talking to the dev a good bit for a couple of days and I really like where he's headed with the project so we're going to get into things here and take a look at this new way to install and run our epic games here on the steam deck you are going to need to do this through decky loader which is something that a lot of us with steam decks really enjoy using I enjoy decky loader for a lot of different plugins if you're not already running it it will be something that you want to get put on your steam deck because this is how we get to the store to do what we're going to do here for epic I have a full updated guide for Dey loader and it'll be a link in the description for you if you don't already have it or know how to get it now I'll also have links in the description to the GitHub page for Junk store which is what this is called what we'll be getting into here uh focusing on Epic this time in this video and I also have a link for their Discord and for the devs Discord it's a great place to go if you have questions the biggest thing here is not just supporting this project but also the amount of testing and just using it and giving feedback fixing bugs uh it's early days here and you can see in the support uh page here which you'll see again later on there's other ways to contact as well to test report issues and so on now you're also going to need uh proton up QT so because you're going to be able to use different versions of G proton right when you're running epic games uh you usually do have to pick different kinds of layers so I'm using the Discovery Store here on desktop mode to go in look for proton up QT if you don't already have it or have it installed you're going to want to go ahead and install that and then launch it this is going to allow you to again get those different versions of the proton compatibility layer which again we do have to play with sometimes even game to game uh to see what either works at all or gives the best performance uh or any of that so definitely something I want to add here in the video uh if you don't already have this definitely something you're going to want to have later on you'll see me uh showing you where I'm putting these how I'm using this later on in the video but this is something to preemptively do and have ready if you don't already for proton up QT all right let's get on with it and get into more of the video all right so as far as getting this we have decky loader on our steam deck here already going to hit my quick access button go to deie and again if you don't have this I have a full guide a link in the description for you to go check out the new decky loader guide now I already have junk store on here but for you you'll need to install it but also you're going to need to be on the update Channel pre-release for Dey loader and you're also going to need to be using the testing store Channel as well for this to work and I've been on stable and beta OS for Steam and have had this basically work pretty well and the same for me so I don't think that'll matter but you never know what these kind of things especially being early days for this junk store and epic store add-on here now once we have that all set up you'll be able to go into the testing store so when you go in here you'll see all the additional apps you wouldn't see in a regular store we'll go down the junk store we'll be able to click on install and if you're not familiar these are really quick installs for these add-ons for Dey loader and tend to work really well so we do a quick install there and then it's going to show up in our list of add-ons that we've added here so if I click on junk store you'll see we have a games Tab and an about tab this is pretty simple in the games tab this is where we'll be doing our login and all of our epic games from our library will show up to install if we go down to about we'll have custom back end here which you can take a look at if there's other things you want to get into there's lots of potential with this app dependencies which we'll come back to support which we were talking about supporting this project and getting a hold of them if you need to and dependencies this is a place you do need to come to and install these dependencies so that everything else will work your games typically won't launch or this uh junk store will have problems you just need to go in here I already did m so it's pretty quick but overall it doesn't take very long anyway you need to go ahead and get this done as well and there are tabs on the bottom for installing proton easy anti Che and battle eye runtime uh if you don't already have those on your deck you probably do but if you don't you're able to just click there and grab those as well for certain games you may be running on the epic game store so now we're back in the games tab part and we're going to log in so I'll click log in here it's going to open up a separate little tab here and it's going to go into log into the account and I didn't have any problems with this I just logged in with my typical email and password here they sent me the verification code uh for two factor to my phone got logged right in only took a minute or so and we were good to go and then now at the games page all of my epic Library uh loads in here and I'm able to start installing and trying games now as you know on the steam deck it can be hit and miss as to what games really do and don't work on Epic and depending on proton compatibility layers you're using and all that fortnite definitely guys no Steam OS okay you're just not getting on Steam OS but there are a lot of games here that do work well I've tested a lot of epic games here on Deck 2 now there are some settings here in the games as well refresh game list and all that but more importantly over here at the gear icon you have some other options in here and all the way at the bottom you have install location so if you want to install these games onto a Micro SD card which I have tried and it worked just fine uh you're able to do that right here pretty quick and easy to change your install location which I like seeing in there as well all right so we'll go back here and you're going to get this epic games login that stays on your system it's just part of the junk store part of what makes this work don't delete it or get rid of it you could change the artwork work like I did to make it look different you're not going to use it for anything or you could simply hit start and then hide it as well but don't get rid of it and leave it on your steam deck it doesn't do anything if you try to play it just there as part as the log part of the the sauce that's making this work for now uh as far as installing our games we'll go back into our games tab here we can go right over to install game click that and it'll start its process now for installing uh the game here now while that's happening I do want to go and take a look at some of these other settings we have cuz there's a lot of other little like features and stuff that you can jump into here so we'll go over here and you've got the Run exe reset launch options uninstall update download saves which currently for me none of my saves have showed up at least I don't think so and in talking to the dev that's not necessarily Cloud saves aren't necessarily working right now but hopefully we'll get to that point and then over here in proton config you have all these things for your anti-che battle eye other engines Vulcan 3D proton frame rate capping just different tools and stuff that you can mess around with if you need to try to get games working better or working at all there's like a little bit of stuff you can get into and get a little bit deeper there but I've got three games installed right now that I wanted to be able to try out control Kenan Bridges Spirits shadow of the Tomb Raider and all three of these worked just fine I'm going to be of course trying a lot more games but these are the first three I happen to download now every time you download a game at least right now you need to go into properties compatibility and change your GE proton layer I've had to use proton 9 32 and 49 depending on games for these three right now proton 9-2 seems to be working fine but it's default after it installs the games just isn't really working right now for those hopefully that will get changed but for all three of these games I've went ahead and gone in and preemptively change the properties the compatibility to the GE proton which was the proton up QT guide I showed you earlier in the video but yeah for these three games I did go ahead and jump into them and didn't have any problems I played each game for about an hour no no crashes and performance was very akin to what I would expect to see here uh as well what I like is this just adds those to your steam Library there so as you could see once you install these games from junk store you don't need to go back uh they're just in your library you can click on them once you have your compatibility layer ready to go and you can just always just get right into your games there and I find that to be super uh interesting super useful here I like how it automatically works that way and again game performance just jumping in out of these these three games are games I've tested a good bit on Epic and on the steam deck and yeah like I said their performance was pretty much akin to what I would be used to seeing uh frame times are pretty good not having to necessarily go into the epic app like open the launcher ahead of time have that going in the background the way that it normally would seems to kind of help as well make some of the games in my opinion anyway I think feel a little bit better though there's some comparisons I would like to do uh with this meth method and other methods as well that I think would be interesting a little bit of kenina bridge of spirits as well which um another game that can run fairly decent the deck for the most part 30 to 50 FPS typically and uh yeah like I said I messed around for about an hour for each game here I definitely want to get into testing some more games and uh I want to try out like Fallout guys uh Bioshock Borderlands 3 did I say Fallout Guys Fall Guys and Fallout um but yeah a lot of stuff here I want to get into and see what's working uh shadow of the Tomb Raider was another one that performed well this game runs really well either way anyway through Steam or through epic uh and I wanted to try it out uh as well and didn't have any problems uh with this either so yeah I'm definitely looking forward to testing out a lot more with this I see a lot of potential with this junk store with this epic um with more launchers other software things people are going to be able to contribute um hopefully people will find this interesting enough to kind of give it a shot start testing it out find little bugs and quirks get them reported um go to the Discord uh you know chat with the dev if you have any problems get some help um offer you know information as to what your experiences if you try this and stuff like that just anything to kind of help I think just make this even better and get it to grow cuz I actually do think there's a lot of interesting potential here for something like this on the deck all right guys thanks a lot for coming to check out the video hopefully you got something out of it I really appreciate it and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] one
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 50,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valve steam deck, steam deck, steam deck plugins, steam deck review, valve steam deck review, decky loader steam deck, steam deck decky loader, how to install decky loader, decky loader guide, steam deck epic games, steam deck protonup qt, install epic games on steam deck, steam deck secrets, valve steam deck oled, epic steam deck
Id: tgc7yiKtpW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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