How To Install Roof Valley

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good afternoon ladies and gentlemen today on your average roofer i'm going to be showing you guys how to install a valley this is my most requested video on my channel so let's get right to it okay so now you've already got your underlayment installed it's not always code in your local area so check with your local code to see if you need it down your valley here where i am in ontario we do need it we need it three feet on the bottoms and up and down our valleys it's recommended that you put it on your eaves as well but in this case i'm not going to do that it's also not code in most places but the most important thing is here is we have our starter strip in place so you can see here we're coming out of a wall shingles are already installed then we have to tie into our valley this is a gable edge so obviously you're not going to want to start or you could start there and come in same as you did off wall but the important thing is here is your starters you can install them you always install them first never install them after because if you install them on top of your valley if water is coming down it can hit the top edge and track water across you can leave it running across like that i don't like doing that because it kind of holds your valley up that eighth of an inch so i like to cut it back just slightly off of the dip of the valley itself top drip edge like so so i like having it cut back it doesn't have to be perfect because it's going to be hidden and it's not really a big deal water is not actually going to be running on these we're going to be installing our metal so now that we have the roof where it is now what we're going to do is we're going to grab our metal and we're going to mark it out to do our corner cut on it okay so now that we've got our valley in place what you're going to want to do is find the center point of your valley pretty much into the crease of your valley of the roof deck itself wherever it feels the tightest is where you're going to want it to be you don't want any big bubbles you don't want any like humps in it because it's just not going to look good when you're done and it's going to show when you look at it from the ground metal is reflective as you can see the light bouncing off of it it's going to bounce light and you're going to see it so now that you got this in place you're going to take a straight edge and you're going to want to find just about about a 16 of an inch inside of your starter it's kind of hard to find on that side so you kind of just have to to guess it and eyeball it as best you can and you're going to mark that right to the center point you're going to come around to the other side as you can see here they're not going to line up and that happens sometimes where your point won't line up in the center it's bound to happen it does happen but what you can do maybe mine slid down okay my valley slid down a little bit mine is actually i feel underneath mine is actually going to line up in this case which makes it a lot nicer because otherwise you have your point kind of over here so you'd have to extend that one and cut over and it gives it kind of an ugly edge nobody really sees it anyways so it's not that important the important is the important important thing is is following the corner of your fascia board that way it ties in nice this you want in just slightly behind your starter strips this one's an actual shingle but it's going to be tucked under that that's why that shingles not nailed and that's the importance now you're just gonna go ahead and take your straight aviation snips or tin snips and you're just gonna cut those lines out when you're cutting this it makes it a lot easier if you kind of twist this metal upwards it just helps it roll with the snips so when you're putting pressure like that it just makes it a heck of a lot easier [Music] to cut through so there you got one side here is a little bit different because i'm actually going to be grabbing this part of the metal and twisting down just because i'm on the opposite side of the snips now and watch when you're cutting that this little tiny point right there doesn't catch your hand because it will cut you so [Music] and now we got about two feet cut off of this if you had a valley that was gonna run a little bit longer i would say never throw this out because i don't know why but every time you seem to do valleys you put one two or three full sheets in and then you always end up with something that's under two feet sir yeah under two feet so you just go throw this in there and that'll finish off your top for now we'll put it out of the way okay so now i want this in the center of my valley but like i said i already started this wall i'm gonna have to tuck under but on top of the starter you're gonna put it back into your center point making sure it feels nice and tight you see here i got a little bit of a bubble it's gonna happen it's bound to happen um to have slight bubbles but the more you can get out of it the better okay so now you got that you're gonna go ahead and nail it into place also another thing i'd like to mention is when you're nailing your valley try to nail on the outside edge it's very important that no nails go into the center of this as most of the water is going to run down the roof right here in the center so nail every 12 to 18 inches and the same thing on the other side keeping slight pressure in the center trying to get those bubbles out if possible but like i said they do happen all depends on the framing of your roof if you're gonna have bubbles or not no framing is ever perfect that's why it's called rough framing okay so now you have this in place what you're going to want to do now is you're going to want to take starter strips and you're going to want to run them up the the valley itself and another thing i wanted to mention here because i didn't do it here when you're installing these bring it all the way down to this point and you're going to cut this off that way you have a full starter strip as opposed to that missing piece right there so come all the way to the bottom get your approximate and then you're going to go ahead and nail this again do not nail near the center of the valley you're going to want to nail on the back side so it's not in the valley because like i said all your water is going to be coming down to the center point you don't want nails sitting there because in approximately five to seven years they will tend to leak so keep nails [Music] as far out of your valley as you possibly can [Music] so now you got those in place if you want to continue just put your next one butt right up against it and go up i'm not going to do that just for this video just to keep it short but that's what you do you just bought them tight together against the end flush on this end and run the next one straight up nail it into place the same way now you got this in place you're going to go ahead and cut your bottom starter off again this doesn't have to be a perfect cut because it's going to be hidden underneath shingles regardless so now you're at this point if you were to be installing starting on your valley as opposed to coming into your valley if you're starting in the valley working your way out you're gonna take your first shingle this one has damage which isn't a big deal because what you're gonna do is you're gonna place it this one actually works out to be perfect on the gable and we got far enough in that we can actually just nail that shingle right into place the important thing is here when you're starting you want to make sure either that edge down your exposed face is in the valley that way you can cut it off there's a lot of guys that'll use a shingle as a starter and they'll rack their shingles on top like this and that's called a speed valley and what they're doing is they're cheating the corner and they don't have to cut back to our example of what we're going to be doing we have it lined up on our gable edge where we want it we're going to go ahead and nail this shingle into place again keeping an eye that we're keeping our nails as far out of the valley as we possibly can [Music] so your spacing on your nails may be a little funny on these shingles but don't worry about that it's not a big deal then you're going to grab your next shingle and like i said you want to take pretty much this nail line and line it up right onto the valley and making sure it's lined up to this shingle however an issue we're running into here is now we've run into the gable and that piece is going to be too small so we're going to throw this really far over for a specific reason and you'll see why in a minute you're going to go ahead and nail that one into place again making sure it's lined up on this making sure your nail stays out of the center of the valley like so now before i go ahead and install my next shingle the reason i brought this one in so far is because when i do get to installing my next shingle which would go there that way my seams aren't going to line up and i'm also not gonna have a piece on my gable that's too small that's why i did that jump that's a complicated thing it's kind of for more experience guys but trust me if you have this kind of situation this is gonna save your life so what you're gonna do now is you're gonna take your shingle you're going to find your starter and your valley on the bottom here and you're going to match it up to the starter at the top there and you're going to go ahead and you're going to cut those just to get them out of your way all right so now you've gone ahead and cut that there is an issue here right in front of our face with that shingle being overlapped the way it was now this is the potential to catch water and track across the roof what you're going to do is you're going to take the corner of it and just simply cut the little dog ear off that way if water is to ever catch right here it'll get pushed back to the center of the valley and run down now you're going to go ahead go back to your shingle again and you're going to install that lining up your nail line right to the the starter in the valley you're going to nail that into place being aware of nail placement is very important in this situation because my next shingle is going to land almost around where this shingle has landed just due to the pitch of the roof and the valley and also i can't nail that end yet so if i wanted to nail this end i would have to install this shingle and finish that row off but i'm not going to do that right this second because that's a whole different video but now you're going to go ahead bring your next shingle in nail line there against the starter and like i said it almost matches up the same here this one i can go ahead and nail the end just because i don't have to tuck under it right here i don't have my starter here but i know to keep my nail back approximately this far as so it doesn't catch water in the future i can nail that whole shingle in place and i'm going to follow that pattern all the way up my valley now because there's no gable you're not going to have this situation anymore this is going to follow this exact same stagger all the way to the top of the roof as for this side if you're coming into your valley and say you land right here that's not a big deal you're gonna take a full shingle i know they're two different colors but just for the example of this video you're going to go ahead nail this shingle make sure this one gets nailed never forget those because if wind comes it will start lifting those up so always make sure if you leave shingles unnailed you go back and nail them now you're going to want to make sure this is lined up to your starter on the bottom so you want to make sure that's going to actually be in the right spot and notice where your nail is going to be placed here and oftentimes i'll see you guys because i only put two nails here they'll throw an extra one in and you could go ahead and line your shingle up and cut it now um or you could put your next shingle in cut them after the reason i don't like doing that method is because like i said you have to cut this dog ear out if you don't do it when you're there nine times out of ten it's going to get missed so you're better off taking your shingle and cutting it off now and cutting off your dog ear and then you can take your next shingle and put it into place and so on and so forth you're going to continue this same pattern all the way up your roof until your valley is completely closed in grab your next shingle and do the same thing this shingle was not cut straight as you can tell so before i get the hate comments i just want to let you guys know this shingle was not cut straight when i was doing that video so i don't want to hear it or read it in my comment section later and that's it that is how you do an open valley the easiest way the easiest method possible see and i've also seen guys too that will sit here and they'll freehand cut these i really don't like doing that because you can make a valley look really bad really quick if you're trying to freehand everything just take the time use a shingle or some kind of straight edge like a like a level or whatever and just do it right but that's it guys that's the basics to doing an open valley if you guys want to see how to do a closed valley or a wee valley be sure to give this video a thumbs up and i will see you guys next time stay average [Music]
Channel: Dylan James
Views: 109,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install roof, Roofing valley, Valley installation, Instal, How to, Do it yourself, Roofing, Roof tutorial, Youraverageroofer, Your average roofer, Valley tutorial, Roof valley, Roofing guide, Roofing tips, Roof, Roofer, Roofing installation, How to roof, Installing shingles, Installing roof, Roof install
Id: sD8MgoK9Tw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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