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what is up everybody it is life's Apprentice well today I'm going to be teaching you guys how to line up one side of the valley to the other side of the valley one of my most popular videos is how to shingle a closed Valley like this and I had a lot of requests about how to get each side of the valley to line up now not every Valley is like this and there's going to be all different variations but I'll teach you guys how in the best that I can the best way that I can explain it pay attention because it is slightly complicated so I shingled this side I did not snap any lines down here and in theory that side over there should be identical but we don't know that so what I did is I measured from the peak down to the top of the shingle here we have 164 here also 164. here we have 163 and a half so we're a half inch off from the peak no big deal half inch is nothing same thing over here and measure down and right here is 163 and a half you're going to take your lowest measurement um so you don't want to take your highest you want to take the lowest measurement that's going to be the lowest part of your shingle and we're going to snap that line across measuring from the peak and here is our line this will be the top of our shingles and then each shingle is 11 and a half inches wide so we just multiplied that out in this case and we went to 46 snapped a line 46 inches down from that line and 46 inches down from this line so on and so forth I guess if you want to do every row or every other row you can do that and then we have determined our second row of shingles From The Bottom the top edge of our second row of shingles will be right there this first row is going to be just a little bit off um instead of having the entire reveal showing this first row we will have um a small amount I don't know it'll be like four and a half inches instead of five and three quarters or something of the reveal actually showing now you can cheat that and take it like a half inch out of each one if you're trying to gain a couple of inches which we will probably do um we'll just cheat these up on top of this line a little bit here and a little bit there and a little bit there that way we don't completely cover the amount that we're off in one course of shingles keep in mind all shingles are slightly different in size so the measurements that I'm telling you are for the shingles that we're using not for all shingles so here on this other side we did the same thing this side is much bigger and this side is small this side we're also off a little bit more we are 71 and a half here from the peak to the top we are 72 and a half here and we are 73 here so we are an inch and a half off to the peak up there but we will easily be able to get that straight to the ridge I mean if you take an eighth of an inch off of 12 courses you're going to gain that inch and a half now over here on this side because this side is not equal to that side reveal here is five and three quarter inches right so we did 11 and a half which will be every two courses and we went from our line here we snap that all the way across we came down 11 and a half down eleven and a half down 11 and a half all the way until we got to the bottom so every second course we will line up with this line and then we know that when we get up here we will be exact to these rows and very very close to exact to the ridge so if you have questions I guess leave them in the comments if this is helping you I would appreciate it if you left the thumbs up and if you want to learn more how to type things as far as videos go subscribe to my channel go to my channel I have a lot of roofing and how-to videos on there that'll teach you a lot of different things about Roofing so for the sake of the video the side is much smaller so we're going to show you how we shingle this and we will show you exactly how it all lines up at the top my first line is here we didn't we weren't able to really snap lines down here so I just have a reminder this is going to be the top of my second row this is the top of my second row and I'm just kind of gauging it with a shingle here so I'm just going to slip this over and just double check that we're good we're going to nail this first course [Music] it's not super crucial that these small pieces are square or anything like that we're really more concerned when we get up there all these are going to have to get cut until we get into full courses so there's my first course here is my second course [Music] I don't think I've ever seen anybody do a a video explaining this and maybe I'm the first one there's not there's a lot of ways you could do this I'm not saying this is the best way or the only way this is my way and really with some pretty simple math so here I don't we didn't snap a line yet but I'm right on there that's what we want these next couple courses will actually get to a line so we snapped on this side every other course because I don't think you really need a line on every single course but if you want to you very well can [Music] so now this one we want to make sure that it lines up with our line or very close you can see we're off just a little bit but we got room we got room [Music] all right keep going foreign [Music] [Music] there where is it there it is you just want to stay really close to that line [Music] all right you can see the line [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER hello Neil I don't want that it's one thing about these certainties I know they say you don't have to nail it in the common Bond but I try to nail it in the common Bond and these have the smallest common Bond I have ever seen all right we are on the money on our line [Music] and we are getting up there where we need to be [Music] need some of them pocket Nails I got them guys got nails for days [Music] all righty [Music] now we're on our second to last chalk line yeah this is where it's all going to tie together and make perfect sense if it doesn't already offsets the same look at that what is that crap anytime you're Roofing don't use certaints [Music] and then so this one now we're gonna want it right about there so I'm just gonna add a little piece in here I'll add a little piece right there and then our Ridge will go up underneath all this and it will be nice and watertight but that's basically how you can see we're on our on our chalk line and everything's going to line up really nice and all we got to do is just continue that based on our lines all the way out to the end and then we know that we're straight and we can run the rest of the roof I'm not going to nail this on as obviously bottom of the pet another fine CertainTeed product hopefully that helped you guys if it did leave me a thumbs up if you have questions leave them in the comments subscribe if you want more I have lots of other videos on my channel you guys can go check out I'll link a couple here and here if you guys are interested take a look at those I appreciate you for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Life's Apprentice
Views: 109,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lHj2q7QydwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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