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what is up everybody it is life's apprentice i'm going to be doing uh a roofing repair today and i'm going to be starting kind of a little series of common roof leaks and mistakes that i see roofers make and things that i repair very often on a lot of different roofs so this one behind me you can see we have a valley coming in the fascia is diving in to the valley and the valley is going up so the first thing that we need to do is if you see this odds are this is done improperly there should never be tar or caulk in this area this should be a step flashing behind the fascia like this this is a step flashing shingleton whatever you want to call it but the first thing we need to do is most likely this row of shingles here can stay the first thing we need to loosen these up which i already did um and i wasn't recording but i just use a pry bar and loosen these up to get underneath them and uh we're gonna get up into here now here's where it gets tricky and when i looked at this job um to see what was wrong i saw this piece of metal here but it was all tarred in there which made me think that uh you know somebody had tried to fish it in there well i loosened up these and sure enough look what we have here so what's happening is the water when it rains hard it's coming down underneath here and this is not the proper valley the water is getting behind here and uh this is really not serving its purpose and this is one thing that i see all the time roofers do is they do not get this course of shingles underneath the valley what they do is they lay the valley down and then they just shingle and they go over the top and that's very wrong so what we need to do before we completely draw conclusions why it's leaking we need to dig into here and figure out what they did or who repaired it and you know it looks like somebody's repaired it at some point so we're not the first or second roofer here and um we're going to dig into it and i am going to show you how to do this properly and uh make it never leak here we go all right so we have this side loosened up and uh we're gonna need to take this shingle off step one see their nails are over pressured another common mistake i don't want to be delicate when we're doing this and we need to get a [Music] new here and then this guy should come right out now if you guys are homeowners out there and uh you're looking for other repair videos or shingling videos um i have plenty of them on my channel and i'll continue to make more so we have that first course out now you can kind of see better what we got going on here and uh it is definitely wrong but we can make it right this can be easily done if you know what you're doing it's not very hard you just need to know the right ways to do it now this nailed it what we got going on here oh i got a screw in there wonderful that was nice of them it's always amazing some of the stuff you see when doing this i've been doing this a long time and i've seen some very interesting stuff never ceases to amaze me like square headed screws in there i tried to fix it i understand why they put screws here because it would have been hard to get nails and they didn't want to peel up that bottom layer but well there this is a super common mistake i see i see this all the time you'd be surprised professional roofers and they do this and the right way is not any harder than the wrong way now there's a another valley just like this on the other side and it's done the exact same way so we can we can assume that one doesn't leak but it will eventually so we got this sucker glued and nailed and we're just gonna peel these shingles out and here is our main problemo right here and you'll see i'm gonna grab you guys you'll see that that water was getting down and this course of shingles that i just took off needs to go under this valley metal and then you need to have that step flashing going all the way up and under this valley metal right here which i'll show you when we put it back together but i can be certain that that is our problem um and i can already tell you that they did not use shingle tins here and i've had even roofers tell me that you don't need shingle tins there as long as you can slide these courses under there now that's true in a sense a freaking train going by that's true in a sense that you don't need tins there but depending on the size of this gap and everything like that water rain snow can blow back up underneath there not only that but the shingle tins are going to keep the the birds and the bees out of there so they are necessary and anyone who says that they're not i would disagree it may not be there for leaking purposes but it is important that uh that it goes in there so we're gonna get this peeled off we know what our problem is now and this is the one of the most common problems i see um with valleys it's very rare you have a valley leaking unless it ends like this or it's an open valley and uh it was done improperly so we're gonna peel off these guys and uh get to fixing it so so exactly what they did i just have that underneath there which really just shouldn't be done [Applause] anyone who says otherwise i'd completely disagree that there should always be shingle tins always and look how far they had it under there they only had it under there like two inches oh whatever tar they use your caulk that's some good stuff all right we gotta get one more course off here [Applause] all right we got oh i'm gonna pop a couple of nails and you can see right here this is from mud wasps so there was mud wasps getting in here um before they cocked it and that's exactly proves my point why shingle tins are needed not necessarily to prevent leaking but uh to prevent that you don't want that i mean it's just not good all right so first things first and this is going to apply if you're roofing or repairing we want this course of shingles right here to go up underneath here now once we do that we need to add a step flashing like this okay and this is going to go right here and we're just going to bring it down as far as it'll go on this course and we're going to nail it we're just going to nail this right here with my hammer and nail that right there and uh we're gonna continue to move up with this oops i'm gonna continue to move up with this but i need to go get some shingles i believe all right i am gonna have to reuse one of these shingles because i only have three um and i need four so roast me in the comments if you want but i'll show you how we're gonna reuse it um and then get this all buttoned up [Applause] so we're gonna just butt that up to there and we're gonna cut it to length i'm going to slide that in just like that we're just following the old line that they they created we're going to want to be careful with our nail placement [Music] you want to get at least four nails per shingle for a full shingle okay so that shingle is on and every course of shingles is gonna need step flashing so this one gonna go like that we might need to cut it it's hitting on something i'm just going to give it a little snip i'm just using a tin snip to cut this there we go and then we want this shingleton to overlap this other tin and come right down to this reveal line where your next shingle is going to set i hold it about you know a quarter of an inch and then we'll pop a nail in there i'm gonna grab another cut it down to size so like so and you can see how by doing it this way that you cannot see that that tin so if you're wondering if it's not all caulked and tarred if you're wondering if this is done properly um one good way to look and see is uh if you can see metal behind there um that's gonna give you a good idea of at least the thought process that the person who shingled this was was thinking um usually if it's gooped full of tar you're uh you're out of luck in my experience it's pretty rare that people tar that when they know what they're doing i'm gonna nail this guy now we need to put another tin in so it's gonna go pretty much just like that i put it on the outside like this so that i can kind of mark it and see where it needs to get cut like so there you can see that's gonna slide right up in there hopefully maybe real careful doing this with this metal you don't want to get cut you can take off the gutter and the fascia oh look at that they got roofing nails all in the fascia yeah these guys are some dandies here i just ran the roofing nail gun right down the face really nice don't do that that's that's an move i wish you guys could see it maybe i can show you with the camera there's about a million nails in there all right we got it in there without cutting our fingers off we're gonna nail that and notice and notice the roofing nails really nice of them but notice here this is not going up underneath the valley yet which we need to make sure happens so we're going to put another course on one more course so you'll see there's holes in this um from the previous nails some of them popped through some of them i was able to pull out but we're going to want to caulk those and then anytime you use an old shingle where it tars down we're going to want to tar to make sure that this doesn't blow off if you're reusing them and i wouldn't recommend reusing them but if you have to and that's what you have if you do it right it's okay so i'll do the tar after the fact just so i don't make a mess now here's the other really important part um this needs to go under here so there's a roofing nail in there i'm going to pull that out but this valley is too short this valley should be a couple of inches longer and they should have they should have done several different things differently to say the least and they didn't but that's why we're here so i'm gonna nail this okay and then we're going to take what they had their scrap here because this is really all you need to extend this we need to get one more tin in which i just took this tin and kind of flattened it down and we're going to get it underneath the valley like this and this can act as an extension to the valley get you guys closer this can be an extension of the valley um but i'm gonna run that right to the reveal line we're gonna put a nail up higher so this will get covered and then just for safety we're gonna put this guy back in there it can't hurt see and that's what they did wrong last time when they repaired it because now when water gets in behind here and hits this valley this is lapped properly so the water will run out we're going to push this up where you can't see it as much about all at once and see here all this is going to be covered up from here over so all you're going to see is this but if water gets behind here and gets onto this valley it'll run out onto this valley and over if there's any other issues and it gets down to this valley um that shingleton that we put in there also is a protector and then when water comes down right here we have those tins so water cannot back up that way now there you can pretty much see what we're looking at that's essentially the finished product we need to get some nails in there which this is where you got to be careful too and the idea is the same if you're doing three tab shingles the idea is the same three tab does not change how you do this it's the same with three tabs as architecturals the idea of it is the exact same all right we're gonna cut that and then we have to make sure because we had to pull nails out of this to get this shingle off we got to make sure that we get nails in here again [Music] and this can be tricky without especially right now it's cold it's like in the 30s these shingles are stiff and they don't they don't want to do an act like we want them to be careful because if we damage it then we gotta peel up another one and i'd rather not all right now we need to just seal everything down um for one it's cold and uh two we reused some shingles and loosened up some shingles and we want to make sure that uh those old nail holes are covered and uh that these these seal back down as intended we are not using this as leak prevention in the sense that an area like this um should never have any of this this this is not involved in roofing something like this properly in order to do this properly it is metal is what keeps water out and birds and bats and bees and stuff like that this is strictly to seal down the shingles like this one that we peeled up and this one that we had to reuse because we only had one two three full shingles and we technically needed four and since these were tarred together and stuff like that from the last guy that fixed it i wasn't able to get them apart in a nice a nice way so i'll show you what i'm doing here so this one here we have these old nail holes that we need to cover that like that we're missing a nail there i need to add a nail they're just gonna lightly push that down and i forgot to put a nail right here and right there oh no this one just pulled out all right now we need to seal these shingles the new ones will seal themselves um but these they may seal but they may not and we just want to make sure that they do now that we've done it properly nobody's ever gonna have to come in here and redo it then you can do just like three or four dabs you can do it across the whole thing if you want so we need to get all these little corners where we had to loosen this up [Applause] all right well that's it now let's review what we did here um just so you guys understand because um i'm trying to do this you know fast and effective and film it and uh try to explain everything as i'm going and i've been known to leave a few things out or you know maybe not explain the best so we're coming up here as if we're shingling it or repairing it it really doesn't matter this course right here we did not touch okay this course is going underneath the fascia the back side of it is coming up to here right so we put a shingleton on this course right here then we put this shingle down we put a shingleton under this course then we put this shingle down we put a shingle tin under this here then we put a shingle down then this shingleton did not quite go underneath that valley so we added another tin that comes out over the valley um or this tin here then we added this valley underneath the valley that was short so this probably has a six inch overlap up here and then this when water gets down underneath there it will come out here spill out onto this shingle if it tries to go back it's going to resist on those shingletons and like i said there's no need for tar or caulk in any of these areas unless you absolutely feel it's necessary but it's not um and that's pretty much it then we nail our shingles in and you know make sure that we get some tar on the shingles that we didn't take up or the ones that we reused or any ones that you're worried about you can tar down all of them if you want there's absolutely nothing wrong with that so now we're just going to pop this gutter i just took loosened up this end i'm just going to pop this gutter back in and that'll be it so i hope you guys enjoyed it if you have questions um leave them down in the comments and i will do my best to get back to you as soon as i can and answer any of your questions if you guys are looking for other repair videos or roofing videos i have a whole entire playlist on my channel something i don't know 70 or 100 videos so if you can't find what you're looking for there um let me know what kind of roofing video you would like and i will try to make it that's it for this one if you learned something hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel i guess that's it for this one
Channel: Life's Apprentice
Views: 80,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MObUWNyorJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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