Roof valley made quick and easy.

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hey hey John here again mr. aboah long time blaming on one thing or another too hot to those to that so it's time and I've got to do this roof because well just not not just the stains you see there were some mistakes made I put this roof on about ten years ago and I did quite a few things wrong of course I'm not a roofer but I do everything myself so it's time to redo this roof and I'm working on what I'm standing on now the carport in the garage besides the stains and everything this is a closed Valley and it was done wrong I know that because I did it and although there's no leaks in the actual valley they're damn well could be I do have a leak on the on the end there it's kind of dripping on that light area so I I have to get that rectified I could just strip it back and try to fix it that way but again I bought these rolls of stuff that go along the edge here to help hopefully prevent some of this uh bacteria or whatever it's called LG from forming I took a while to get there but I tried that fifty-fifty solution with bleach you know I did it did wash it off but then you're scrubbing the granulars and it came back anyway so I'm gonna try that at their fifty dollars a roll it kind of pricey but it goes along I like I said that last course there see what does but so I want to make a video on closed Valley here's my man I'm kind of uh just doing this garage because I still got ways to go but so this is close Valley and a friend of mine Dave years ago tell me about how you can do this it's easy I know what he explained it I couldn't quite get what he was talking about what I understand now completely so this line is a nice nice uniform line and it's easy to do and there's no cutting involved and that's what I wanted to show how easy this is as far as like I said I'm gonna do it yourself or a non roofer to make these cuts individually you know without a tool shear or whatever what other they used to get that forty five perfect you know I don't have that tool and then you got to make us a single cut going up for the rain when it comes in you know there's all kinds of stuff but doing it this way requires no cutting at all and you get a perfect line and looks professional so let me show you over here what I've got going on this this here you know starting from and sometimes a video camera doesn't really pick up that this might be a valley but the roofs coming down this way and obviously this one's going that way so what I've done here is uh just well have a start up have a start of course and you know some shingles there that the this one I overlap but I started here went the roof right and the best way to do it I found was to go up with with just one shingle straddling the valley forget about all the rest I tied this in later so I found you know I had to take some measurements get everything square and then every five and a half six inches there are two steps I just went up in straddle of course there's ice and water barrier in your tire paper first and all that business but the ice and water barrier is underneath the tire paper then you tie the roof yeah you got to explain that but this here I have some video of me doing it on the other side now I'll probably include that but uh or at least show a picture of what I'm talking about just having this just shingles English English jingle right up stepped-up and then I pieced this in later so what I've got right now is going up the slope here and I want to show you how to make this easy Valley plugging it in this way really simple to do so I'm gonna lay a few strings down just to get my valley back I could see it but you know I'd rather use a string to lay these my shingles this way and I'll show you in a sec but uh so the first thing I did was tie string up there and represent this valley where the string is going to be I'd nail just nailed up a nail up there whether it's unfinished and use some Mason string right just took it down to the corner here and you know with the glare just tired of not and kind of it's caught it in that notch there you might need to make a little slit or something so that that represents my Valley as far as where I'm gonna put this this is course that's going to go up this way and to me it was confusing when my friend was telling me you just throw a course up there and you come in perpendicular and he's like you won't even see the perpendicular one and in my mind when he's telling me this trying to you know we're on a snowmobile trail so I'm like I don't understand so that's why I'm showing that's because I couldn't find much on it so let me let me lay them tiles off first of all these are about 21 and change maybe 22 inches going up a slope you know I'm saying so when I plug in this way as water comes down this way it's going to hit you know it's got some protection here not to mention the ice and water underneath and the toilet paper and all this business but you do have to go up the slope here because I straddled each shingle over there it's uniform is 20 you'll get what I'm trying to my face show snapshot of the other roof plate so that's that's where I'm at just do the string and then lay these courses here I'll show you and as you can see come right up this valley with a vertical one get yourself some tar roof roof roof roof well as the roofers choice root plastic roof cement whatever tired and put yourself a big ol big old biddy that crap a couple inches away from your line here you know what you're free to really get a good bead there yeah because when you put the shingle down there I'll smear it out a little bit so I'm going full squeeze here then width of a single bakeable yeah shingles are on along your line there [Music] got a little too crazy with the stuff towards the end I don't want to squish out the scene here although she was pretty clever anyways that's it perfect on my line then just nail this high sake I don't want no nails in that veil earlier that was my mistake ten years ago I was just coming across you know wherever to see him so I was just reeling it this dick I got into validating late for the queen of easily I see there's new high pressur enough we're gonna put my so that's it you just kind of go up what pull the whole valley and I'll show you the next step easy easy peasy so far alright so maybe you can get a better angle and what I was getting at with this and I'll show a few courses so this jingle here is missing this piece because you got to be mindful of your your seam there you get it you got to keep it at least six inches away well I don't want anything nailed in this valley so basically I'm at a point now we're starting to go the other way and you'll see in a second so I just cut this piece off to save it because down here at the other end you might need a piece that big would go here and I'm at least six inches over here like almost eight inches and you want to be between 60 you don't want to get into a spot where your nails are so this this tile is gonna fall right in here which is uh it's about six and six in it about six six inches that's what I that's what I'm looking for because there's a nail here now here you don't want it to fall on it yeah bad way always say this next course and you can see all you do is line up with the corner here push I'm slow going I want to make sure everything's perfect so it would at that like five inches here reveal see that corner this corner goes along there and then it's just a matter of nailing it right but I'm going an extra snap because even though there's that bead of plastic cement there we called tar roofing cement underneath this straight piece and that'll pretty much you know when water comes under here solve that issue but I'm also putting an extra bead as precautionary on the end of the shuttle guess because I don't like please I ain't doing this again so and I'm gonna leave it a little short just because uh laughter Jackie I don't want to drag it back in with that tar on there so that's about where I want it right there five inches drag it into the corner makes fit the edge there and how easier that again you don't want nothing in your barely as far as nails so I'm gonna nail this hospital right there and then I can't get any easier than that so then of course your next course we do the same thing I'm gonna tar it up but I was getting that earlier uh whenever you see this down here see that's only four and a half so I'm not gonna that's too close for the same so in this case I'm back at that I would measure in in the center of this tile hundred sixty degrees so all the way over where it's gonna hit that's 39 inches that's almost a full shovel but and I'll take this right at 39 inches I need a quarter inch or again I don't want it to uh I don't want it to be quite a half inch off too short for my seam so now I cut this edge because the only thing is gonna be exposed as right here now when I come over like I find somewhere I need to be so when I run the course is that way there's no chance of you know that that water this high up the roof is there's no ice dams on this roof anyway water can travel up and like I was playing there's a guitar pretty first one under here so water tries to go back up the roof gonna hit that B even if it did penetrate it's not gonna go far because you've got all this in the background Plus this would be pretty easy I think its simplest ice and we came up with his genius unless it leaks because the first time I ever did it then I'll be like what an idiot but I think the line created is just something that can't do it a pair of sheers for sure and it's got double area of protection so I think I'm good to go so that's all I wanted to point out and I gotta keep going here because I'm running a day late but that's that I mean how easy is that that's just like say a caveman can tell the potential that's gay so anyways I that's all I got man thanks for watching hope vote maybe want one other thing so if I get to a seam here like this where the where the two tiles come together you know even though there's a bead going this way in that seam I would left that those two corners up and throw a little throw a little tar in there just just in case wherever to say thank you because I don't know when the tile is going to come across the shingle just in case it does get closer that I would throw some tar there just to be sure but I don't know I think it's easy I think for a novice roofer this is a way to go because there's no word about cutting into this valley getting your angles and then you know trying to cut that line are you kidding me with Pierce scissors or where we're gonna do a sheetrock knife you're not going to get it this straight and again you can't tell that there's this vertical course going air just blends in real good anyways that's all I got thanks for watching
Channel: J La
Views: 133,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Um54IRW_3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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