Learn To Install Metallic Epoxy Floors Like The Pros | Start To Finish

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hey guys it's Tim with lagari today we're gonna show you how to get this awesome metallic floor this is our matte finish top coat and hopefully enjoy the video don't forget to share these videos if you liked them and subscribe to the page thank you alright guys when we got here is the patcher paste we're just filling in this this crack in the concrete so that we can do a metallic epoxy over it as you can see kind of mix it up you can put it over cardboard it's real stiff you can mix it right on the cardboard and then just put it in the crack you don't want to mix up too much because it will start setting up on you but it is an incredible patcher you can use it to level house low spots small low spots or even fill in cracks but it bonds to concrete really well and then the epoxy will bond to it really well so yeah it's great product this will be a part of the floor kit hey guys we're doing a metallic epoxy floor this would be a small floor kit of about 135 square feet as you can see the square is shiny we've already put our prep replacement primer down which is our primer made to go over sealed surfaces like BCG tile other types of tile concrete that you don't have an ability to prep since this is in our shop we didn't really want to grind or shop last the floor so we decided to use our prep replacement primer on that now we're putting our our pigmented primer on top of that to help pigment the floor and to get a really nice bond to the concrete with the epoxy but for this since we already have the first primer down because of the colors we're doing we've just decided to lighten up the floor with this primer so your floor kit will come with this pigmented primer in it and again this is about 135 square feet so we're going to be using a kit that will go over this square footage you'll notice the crack is sealed that crack is sealed with our patcher paste which if you have joints or going over concrete you'll get a patch of paste within your floor kit at least one of them which will do a lot of linear feet of crack so yeah enjoy the process you notice he's dipping rolling with a 9 inch roller for large areas you can use an 18 inch roller which that is an 18 inch roller pan there we're just using a 9 inch roller just because it is a smaller area but one of the nice things about our our primer is you can't dip and roll it so you get really good coverage with it and you have a lot of time to work with it a really long pot life with our primer very user-friendly you almost can't screw it up notice he's going back and forth and then when he gets a few feet out he's what we call cross rolling it and working his way across the area so he's rolling out and then he'll roll out a few more lines and then he will cross roll it again he's just worked in that primer until it looks really even and it's you stretching it as far as he can go just to make sure it's a thin a thin coat on there you don't need the primer really thick it's not going to hurt it if it's a little bit thicker but it doesn't need to be on thick all right he's gonna do the base coat over the floor we're gonna do a silver and white metallic because white and silver look absolutely amazing together so he's just gonna kind of pour this out in ribbons and then he's gonna level it out fairly well with like a squeegee we're gonna use what's called a magic trial in the industry and you get a lot of that off of Amazon or off of different construction sites so we're just gonna spread this all over the the ground roll over it a little bit just to help it level out we're gonna cross roll and then add the highlights which over there you can see is a pearl white and it's ready to go usually you wouldn't mix up the highlights when you mix up the base coat except for it's just a very small area and because we've worked with this material quite a bit we know we can do it faster than most people and so most people aren't gonna mix up the highlights until the base coat is just about rolled out and leveled out so you can see he's just trying to move it around as best he can just to to make the leveling process quicker when he starts to roll the more you do with the squeegee the less you have to do with the roller notice we did a light gray base because we're doing a silver and white metallic and that's one thing guys that when you want to order a kit don't worry about what color primer to order it's one of the reasons why we don't even give you an option for primer we know what color primer to send you in the kit depending on what color combination you're going with so we took a lot of that thought process out of it for you we'll send you exactly what you need just moving around the excess epoxy alright notice he's gonna get the rollers soaked up with some epoxy and then just gonna go back and forth over the floor it's gonna help it level out I'm gonna hit the edges some of the edges aren't hit and so he's gonna help move that epoxy around get it to the edges and again the epoxy self levels so if you hear the roller and it sounds sticky like paint it means there's not enough epoxy there so we're just gonna move it around and tell we can't hear the roller on any part of the floor alright guys there's no rhyme or reason to this technique we're just going to pour the the pearl white everywhere and then essentially roll it around cross roll any way we can to just move it all over the entire floor to try to blend the colors really well you could even use the squeegee again just to help move the colors we're going to use the roller and so yeah just kind of watch this technique again this is a not a hard technique this is one of the easiest types of floors to do just pay attention to the tutorials and watch how we do it it's it's fairly time-sensitive in terms of the installation and the epoxy heating up but if you have your mix station set up and stuff separated it's very very easy so when he's rolling he's just kind of gliding over the top to move the colors around he's not pushing real hard to move a lot of epoxy in terms of moving the epoxy in piles he's just rolling over the top to really blend the colors and the more you roll over it the more you'll blend the colors and make it more of one color instead of two separate colors notice how if she wants color in certain places he'll just dip into a pile and then put it on the floor where he wants a little more color alright guys we finished this floor and because we're in the shop here opened up a bay door and some some dust and dog hair and junk got all over the floor don't worry if that happens especially if you're gonna do a top coat because you can just buzz over it with a sander we're using a small sander just to show you that you can you can rent a floor sander for probably 30 or 40 bucks a day and go over the go over your whole floor in like 20 minutes literally with you know 80 hundred hundred grit but you'll see Tyler's just gonna buzz over this very quickly just to knock down any small hairs or dust or anything that happened to blew into the floor sometimes you'll actually get bugs and flies so just watch him sand it real quick and then we'll apply the top coat [Music] alright guys we're rolling out the urethane topcoat we're just gonna hit our edges with the with the small six inch foam roller obviously our edges are taped off and we're just gonna hit that edge and we use the C component which means we're going for a a semi-gloss finish so we added the grit to it and it adds even more scratch resistance so we're just going to hit the edges and then we're gonna hit the rest of the floor with the 18 inch roller and this topcoat is extremely user friendly a huge huge pot life you don't have to worry about it setting up too quickly on you and then you don't want to be lazy about rolling it out you still want to move fairly quickly but it's the dip and roll technique which we really believe in here at lagari you're gonna want to saturate your whole roller we're using an eighteen inch roller for this I'm gonna saturate the whole roller and then watch the technique I'll get up here so you can see the technique he's kind of rolling down the middle he's going an extension pole he needs the roller more saturated you want it really saturated so that it rolls nicely along the floor so notice how he rolls down the middle a little bit when he very first dips in he rolls down the middle and then he spreads it crossed it so that the floor kind of rolls out evenly if you were to start on one side or the other very first then it would be very hard to pulled that all the way across your floor to make for an even coat so that's one of the reasons why he kind of rolled it out in the middle a little bit notice he's going very very very very thin guys see this awesome finish gives it more you can see with the lights you go from having with this light over here perfectly flat like a mirror but you'll notice scratches a little bit easier over here you have a slight texture almost a semi-gloss finish and you will not hardly see any scratches if any at all it's a very very durable topcoat he's just going back and forth on the floor and it's a very forgiving top coat the roller lines are very forgiving with this topcoat hey guys as you can see this is the finished product of this floor kit it's amazing we have our urethane top coats a semi-gloss finish it is highly scratch resistant if you can scratch it at all go to lagari calm contact us Liguria gmail.com for your own floor kit as you can see this floor turned out absolutely amazing it is incredibly easy to install especially with the tutorial videos we provide with your kids so thanks for watching can't wait to hear from you
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 1,812,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, floorcoverings, stonecoatcountertops, countertopepoxy, epoxyfloors, DIY, homeremodel
Id: NPi36thHf68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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