How to Install and Virtualize TrueNAS with Proxmox

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if you need to store a lot of data on your home network and you're thinking about buying an S maybe you should think about freenas today we're gonna setup FreeNAS and not the normal way we're gonna actually virtualize free nets and proxmox so stick around and I'll show you just how to do that hey welcome back so today we're gonna talk about freeness so what is free dance free dance is a free and open source network attached storage operating system it allows you to store your data on your home network centrally it's relatively easy to setup you can install all of this on an old PC that you have or you can build one with some modest PC specs so when I started running out of space on my own server naturally I looked at free nests you see I already virtualized a lot of my servers at home and I didn't really want to add another server when my current server is more than capable of taking on this workload so I started considered virtualizing free Nance and I wondered to myself that that's a common way of installing freenas so I reached out to someone on YouTube that I knew that had already figured this out I reached out to craft computing and asked him hey should I run this bare-metal or should I purchase it and he responded back that you could do it either way and he told me if I were to virtualize freenas I can pass individual drive through or I can pass the entire controller through which is exactly what I was hoping for I'd seen other YouTube videos from level one Tech's gamers Nexus and bit wit where they were buying these large disk arrays and connecting them to their PC and so that's what I went out and did and I'll have a video on that later and so once I got out of the hardware connected it was time to create my FreeNAS virtual machine before we get started you'll have to download FreeNAS and upload it to your server after that we can create a virtual machine so let's create a new virtual machine we're gonna name this one Andromeda for the OS we're gonna keep it as Linux we're gonna select our ISO here for a hard drive we're gonna select where the hard drive should be created and select the size I'm gonna make it a little bit smaller it's only gonna be running for free now so I don't need that much space so I'm gonna make it 20 20 gigs here we'll choose how many cores we're gonna give it I'm gonna get a bit 24 for now but I'll probably scale it down later as far as memory goes freeness requires a minimum of 8 gigs but I'm gonna go with double then for Network it's just gonna be connected to my Linux bridge and we'll just confirm here now it's creating it and it's created level born the hardware and we're gonna add our LSI controller because remember we want to pass through this card from the host machine to the guest machine so then it sees the LSI adapter and then we'll see all of the hard drives connected to it let's click an and PCI device and here are all the devices I can pass through it's this LSI logic device right here choose that it's going to advance I'll need to uncheck the ROM bar let's click Add here's our FreeNAS virtual machine it has 16 gigs of ram 24 processors has a CD drive attached with our FreeNAS OS install it has a hard drive attached for the OS which is 20 gigs just attached to the network and we pass through our hardware PCI device so let's start it up okay we're gonna choose install and here's where we're gonna pick where the OS is installed it's this drive the 20 gig one seems with installation yes give it a root password we're gonna boot via BIOS and now it's installing the OS all right installation is done I'm gonna hit okay here we're gonna shut down the system and unmount the CD drive it's going to hardware so you drive do not use any media you probably don't need to do that but I don't like to keep my CD drives melted when they're not being used so let's start it back up all right just boot it up for the first time and it has an IP address so let's go to the web interface we went to the IP address and now we need to sign in so let's check to see if all of our hard drives were passed through from the LSI controller go into storage on the disks and we can see some disks here that's a good sign let's create a pool at a pool we're gonna create a new pool and I'm looking for seven terabyte drives there they are one two three four five six awesome so you can see here I pass through the LSI card and the LSI card is representing all of the disks I have attached to freenas so I have six eight terabyte drives and four three terabyte drives that's really all you can afford right now so I'm gonna create the first pool with my eight terabyte drives to its name this storage zero let's see what they suggest for this all right so with all six drives they're suggesting raid Z 2 which is exactly what I was gonna use so raid Z 2 is a good choice for me it's a good trade-off between performance parity and capacity you can see I have 6 8 terabyte drives and that gets me a rock a passive 29 terabytes I should last me a little bit so now we can create the pool I don't need to add a cache drive or add a spare so we'll just create it and here we go our pool is created and it's healthy 28 terabytes free awesome so the only thing left to do now is create some chairs and add some data so let's add a share call pictures we needed add it to it that storage we just created say Naval Service cheers been created now we'll just create a user account that can access this chair it's going to accounts users add a new user techno techno that's fine don't need an email let's do a password this looks good read right so if we browse out to this network path we should see our share enter our credentials and there we go here's our folder great new files and we're all set there are so many more things you can do with free nests and plenty of videos on the web there are tons of plugins for it like plex media server and many many others that you can use to set up pretty much anything you want you may be asking why did you birch Eli's this inside of proxmox when breena's supports virtualization really it all boils down to I use proxmox for my hypervisor to virtualize all of my workloads and plus things like Hardware pass-through make it pretty hard to pass up and proxmox has lots of other features that I find myself using all the time and really just boils down to it's my personal preference so hopefully you've enjoyed this video and if you have please give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe but if you didn't you can give it a thumbs down too it's all good and if they have a question about this video or any other video i stream every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday so hop in my stream and I'd be glad to help you out so thanks so much for watching and remember stream on my friends [Music] you
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 142,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nas, freenas, virtualize freenas, freenas setup, install freenas, install freenas on proxmox, proxmox, virtual nas, netapp, netapp ds4246, disk shelf, freenas 11, install freenas 11, free nas, homelab, proxmox homelab, diy server, home server, diy nas, ds4246, disk array, linux nas, linux, proxmox install, proxmox tutorial, virtual machine, disk shelf freenas, freenas home lab, homelab proxmox, homeplab proxmox freenas, netapp disk shelf, disk shelf netapp, truenas
Id: iva4DmOmSTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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