Virtualize Windows 10 with Proxmox VE

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so now you've got proxmox installed and you want to virtualize a windows guest machine there might be many reasons why you want to virtualize a Windows machine in proxmox but today I'm going to show you how to set up install and configure a Windows virtual machine with in proxmox [Music] so the first thing you want to do is get the installation media Microsoft's made this really easy to get ISOs from them and that's what we'll need for procs mods so what we'll need is the Windows 10 media creation tool after you find that download and run it so we download the tool we'll run it next we'll walk through the wizard agree to this if you want next it's gonna ask us what we want to do with this media creation tool we want to actually create an ISO and not install Windows right now so choose this option create installation media it's gonna ask you which edition in which architecture you want you should pick the Edition that you have the key for and the architecture is going to be 64 bit for proxmox next it's gonna ask if it's a USB Drive or we're gonna create an ISO file we want to create an ISO file next it's gonna ask you where we want to save it we'll just save it to our desktop so this might take a while depending on your download speed once it's done it's gonna ask you to burn this disk but we don't need to burn this disk just take note of where it's at click finish ok so let's go on to our proxmox virtual server and we want to create this virtual machine the first thing we'll need to do is upload this ISO to our storage so pick your storage device mine's called local galaxy but yours may vary if you've been following this guide it's probably called local PvE once it's selected what load the ISO we just created so choose upload ISO image find the file and we'll upload once it's uploaded we'll need to grab one more thing the vert IO drivers the vert il drivers for Windows and proxmox allow us to configure some additional services it also gives us drivers too for our network device and our hard drive so we need to download this ISO and then upload it to our proxmox server don't worry I'll have a link in the description where you can download all of these drivers so once you get to the Fedora project you'll want to scroll down and you'll see a bunch of links for a direct downloads you can choose stable or latest I normally choose latest so we'll grab the latest vert Iowan ISO once that's finished downloading we'll go back to our proxmox server and upload this ISO to the same place we uploaded the windows I sell so we'll go to our drive choose content and well upload this make sure that ISO image is selected and upload this vert ioi so now that we have both of these uploaded we can create a virtual machine so select your note mine's called galaxy yours is probably called PvE if you've been following this guy want to right click and create VM or a virtual machine here we'll give it a name gonna give it Windows 10 for the OS we're gonna select the windows I so make sure the guest type is also set to Microsoft Windows and the version should be 10 for system the only thing we're gonna change here is the QEMU agent we're gonna turn that on for hard disk proxmox recommends a scuzzy device so let's choose that scuzzy then we'll choose our storage location for this hard drive for me it's the SSD raid 10 then we'll choose disk size for this Windows virtual machine I'm gonna give it 60 gigs 16 and for cache proxmox recommends right back next CPU give it as many cards as you like I'm gonna give it 24 you can change this later for memory we can set the minimum and maximum amount of RAM that this virtual machine will use this is called balloony where we tell the virtual machine to use at minimum one gig of ram and at maximum eight gigs so let's set that 1024 as one gig gate 1 9 2 is a case on network the only thing will change here is our model I'm gonna change this to the vert IO version and we'll install the drivers for that later and now we'll just need to confirm everything don't tell him to start just yet we need to configure one more thing so just click finish here so once it's configured you'll see a number along with the name so the number is an internal ID that proxmox uses to identify this system and next to it is the name that we gave it so this one's 106 Windows 10 so before we start it let's configure one more thing remember how we downloaded those drivers well we're gonna need those during the install we'll have to install another cd-rom drive so that we can load the Verte io drivers during installation so here's how you do it click on hardware we're gonna click to add a new device cd-rom drive just change it to IDE and then change the ID click our storage and then select the Verdi ou disk click create so now you see we have two virtual cd-rom drives one that holds Windows 10 installation media and one that holds the BIRT IO drivers ok now we can start this machine right click go to start once it starts up we'll follow a normal installation of Windows so click Next click install now here we'll input our Windows key this is your key to install Windows if you don't have one you can click I don't have a product key and do it later however Windows will be running in a reduced functionality mode so let's input our key then we'll click Next if you agree to the terms check this box here we're gonna choose a custom installation so you notice we don't have any hard drives that's because Windows doesn't install this virtual drive controller that we're using that's why we downloaded divert IO drivers so let's load drivers and browse to our virtual cd-rom choose the Verte disk we're gonna need to load quite a few drivers let's do them like this so first let's load the drive controller drivers so we'll scroll down Seibert aiyo scuzzy she's Windows 10 amd64 click ok load these drivers ok we see our hard drive but let's load some more drivers while we're at it click load driver browse back to our disk I'm gonna choose net kb m windows 10 mb 64 and choose next so this is gonna load our network adapter drivers so that we can download updates while we're installing next let's load our memory ballooning drivers so we're gonna browse back out to this drive loon Windows 10 and E 64 click Next ok so now we're ready to install windows on this virtual hard drive click Next this is gonna take some time and it's gonna reboot but we'll come back in a little bit ok now we're ready to continue installing windows so choose your location choose your keyboard layout skip so this is all typical windows install stuff so I'm setting this up for personal use here I'm just gonna create an offline account Microsoft's gonna nag me like 15 times to make sure I want to make an offline account check no Tim and the password confirm security questions no no you should probably fill in appropriate ones here I'm just doing this to get past this screen no no Cortana choose your privacy settings that suit you here's mine and windows saluting up for the first time this step might take a while - ok so Windows is running there are a few more things we need to do related to drivers and performance for running Windows on Proxima so let's go in the device manager and install any drivers it missed so right click the start button go to device manager and it looks like we're missing a device here so let's install the driver double-click this update driver browse browse to the cd-rom with Verte I owe drivers say ok here to next so it's gonna search this disk and install drivers say yes install ok so it looks like we have all of our drivers the next thing we're gonna need to do is install the guest agent so let's browse out to the disk guest agent install the 64-bit version say yes ok let's shut down the machine after the machine shuts down let's start it back up it's going to summery and right now you can see that the guest agent isn't running that's because windows isn't booted yet but let's make sure we get this IP information once it does boot it's going to console watch your boot up so it's booted hopefully we have the guest agent information and we do so this means the guest agent is running on this machine so we'll have better performance now let's go back in the console let's sign back in and we're done we have a Windows machine running on top of proxmox so this guest machine is virtualized inside of proxmox we can run this virtual machine just like we would a desktop PC if you want faster performance and instead of going into the console you can turn on a remote desktop or RDP protocol and remote desktop into this machine it will give you almost the same performance as if you're sitting in front of the machine if you want to turn it on here's how click start I've been remote desktop going to remote desktop settings and we want to turn this on confirm so now remote desktop is turned on in this machine so now let's open up a remote desktop on our machine same thing windows remote desktop connection and we'll put in the IP address of this system say yes here so now we're using remote desktop instead of VNC and we'll have new native performance here you can see how much more performant it is when you select when you drag everything runs so much smoother so that's how simple it is to install a Windows guest machine on a proxmox host if I missed anything during this installation let me know in the comments below so I hope you found this tutorial helpful if you did please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing and as always stream on my friends
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 184,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, proxmox tutorial, proxmox install, proxmox configuration, virtualization, tutorial, proxmox windows, proxmox linux, hyperv, vmware, proxmox walkthrough, how to install proxmox, how to install proxmox on a server, proxmox getting started, proxmox step by step, proxmox storage, proxmox networking, homelab, homelab server rack, server rack, server at home, homelab tutorial, homelab setup, homelabs, virtualize windows, virtualize linux, proxmox windows 10, proxmox ve, virtio
Id: 6c-6xBkD2J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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