Proxmox VE Full Course: Class 1 - Getting Started

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I dont usually make posts, but just started my selfhosted journey and got a lot of help from some of these tutorials, maybe someone else would appreciate them too. Go to video description to see a overview of the videos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Juserdigg 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] thank you so much for checking out learnlinuxtv your source for linux related fun and learning i just love making this content for you guys but making such content isn't cheap if you enjoy my content please consider supporting me by becoming a patron as a patron you'll enjoy ad-free versions of every video that i upload and also at specific tiers you'll also enjoy early access to select videos before the rest of the world but even if you're not able to support me by becoming a patron no problem there's other ways to help you can simply click the like button on the videos that you enjoy that would help out in addition to that word of mouth helps as well so if you are enjoying my content please help spread the learning by telling your friends and co-workers about the channel if you're looking for something to read well you're in luck i write books and you can check out my latest books at books are you looking for help for your linux server related projects or are you a business that has a linux related project that you're working on and you need another set of hands well you're in luck go to request hyphen assistance there you can check out my schedule and consider hiring me to help you out with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and get started with today's video [Music] hello and welcome to my proxmox series you guys have been asking for this for quite a while now i mean i did do a proxmox series in the past but that was a short series you guys were asking for something a little bit more in depth and i'm happy to announce that's exactly what you're getting in this course and in this course i'm going to teach you guys everything you need to know to get your very own proxmox server up and running but not to be outdone i'm also going to teach you how to maintain it update it and even create your very own cluster it's going to be a lot of fun in this episode it's all about getting started what you need to get started what you can expect out of this course and so on so who is this course for exactly well this course is for those of you that have never used proxmox before or perhaps you have and you want to explore the finer details such as clustering which is one of the topics we'll be getting into later on in this course if nothing else if you're like me and you love proxmox i think you're going to love this series because again i'm going to teach you everything you need to know to maintain your very own proxmox server and possibly even a cluster now what i'm going to do at this point is give you guys some additional information as far as what you can expect out of this course so like i mentioned in the intro this is an introduction to my course on proxmox we're going to be getting started with proxmox in this series and for this presentation i'm going to make it as short as possible because i know presentations are boring but there's definitely some information that i want to make sure you guys have at your disposal before you get started now first of all it's important to understand what proxmox actually is i'm sure most of you guys probably already know what it is because well i mean if you're looking for a tutorial series on it then chances are you've already at least googled it and you know what the goal is that proxmox is trying to achieve but at its core it's a virtualization platform its competitors include things like xcpng vmware a number of others and there's nothing wrong with those other solutions those other solutions are pretty cool in and of themselves proxmox is also cool but you know that's what it is it's a virtualization platform it allows you to run virtual machines but not just virtual machines i mean yeah that is the main point here you use proxmox because you want to run virtual machines but one of the things that i really like about proxmox is that it also lets you run containers as well and when you create a new resource with proxmox you as the administrator you get to choose whether or not that resource is a virtual machine or if it's a container it leaves it completely up to you to decide what the best route is for the applications that you want to run it also has an integrated web ui or a web console now that might seem like a no-brainer but you'd be surprised there's actually virtualization platforms out there that don't integrate the web ui you have to integrate that yourself and that might sound like a downside but honestly if you weigh the pros and cons you might prefer to have that separate or if you're like me you prefer to have it integrated with the current solution so you install one thing and everything you need comes along for the ride that's one of the things i like about proxmox you install it and you have everything you need right then and there in addition to that the proxmox ui allows you to manage storage so you can mount storage volumes you could install updates and there's plenty more that's built right in to the web ui now let's talk a little bit about this particular course how i decided to structure it and where we go from here in this course there's going to be 16 classes in total and right now this is the first class you are here so i don't need to explain what we're doing in class 1 because we're already doing it in the second class what i'm going to do is walk you through the installation process what i'll do is show you how to install proxmox so by the end of the second class if you're following along with me you will have your very own proxmox server set up and ready to go in the third class what i'll do is show you the web console it's going to be more of a general overview in that video because we'll be exploring the individual concepts in more detail as we go along so i don't go into too much detail in class 3 about any one thing but i do give you a high level overview of the web console so that way you know how to navigate it now class number four is more lecture based we're not going to be working on anything in particular in that class we're just going to have a discussion the number one question that comes up with proxmox is should you use containers or virtual machines we're going to talk about that by the end of that video you'll have a better understanding about what the pros and cons are of virtual machines when you compare them against containers for class number five we're going to dive right into virtual machines specifically i'm going to show you the process of launching virtual machines within proxmox class number six is all about creating virtual machine templates i mean you could actually just set up virtual machines manually every time which means you have to install the operating system every time but honestly i don't really think there's any value in doing all of that work over and over and over again when you could just set up a template to essentially automate a lot of that if nothing else templates make the process easier continuing class number seven we're going to take a break from virtual machines and we're going to dive into containers so i'll show you the process of launching containers in that class class number eight is all about creating container templates just like we can with virtual machines we can set up templates for containers as well class number nine is all about managing users by default you get the root user with proxmox but if you are using proxmox in an organization then you'll probably not want to use the root account anymore than you have to it's a better idea to create additional users and you can set up each user to be able to do different things and that's because proxmox leaves you in complete control of how you set up everything including users so by the end of class 9 you'll understand how to manage users in class number 10 we're going to explore backups and snapshots i think that's fairly self-explanatory but in that class you'll learn what a backup is compared to a snapshot and when you should use one versus the other in class number 11 we're going to explore the integrated firewall firewalls are great now you don't have to use the firewall in proxmox if you have your own firewall in your network for example pfsense you can just use that but if you don't have something like that or if you want to benefit from an additional firewall then the firewall within proxmox is pretty good so in that video i'll show you how to enable that firewall and i'll show you how to create your very own rules in class number 12 we're going to explore the command line interface i mean yeah proxmox has a pretty cool web console but what if that isn't working or maybe you're like me and you just like the command line proxmox allows you to manage your containers and your virtual machines via the command line and that's exactly what we're going to go over in class number 12. in class number 13 we're going to explore networking generally speaking it's a good idea to have a separate network for your virtual machines when compared to your management network by default when you set up proxmox you only have one network so in that video what we're going to do is explore separating that which is a best practice again you don't have to do that and honestly you don't have to follow along with anything in this series if you don't want to or if you don't have the hardware to enable you to follow along but it's definitely something that you'll want to understand and you will understand that by the end of that class in class number 14 we're going to explore shared storage i'll show you how to mount additional storage basically nfs shares into proxmox which increases its functionality class number 15 is all about clustering before class 15 we're basically using one server every single time but in class 15 that's where things get especially interesting and we work with multiple servers it's going to be a lot of fun and i know that because i've already recorded it the final class class number 16 is all about high availability you could probably argue that i could have included high availability within class 15 but i figured it would be more fun to put it in its own video which is exactly what i did in that video what i'll do is show you how to enable high availability after of course i tell you what's required in order to enable that and then i'll just disconnect the network to a host and you can see the virtual machine actually start on another server okay well all of that's exciting and all but what do you actually need in order to get started i mean do you need to go out and just buy a really expensive server with a ton of ram and cpus well i mean that would be awesome if you have the money to do that if you have the extra money to do that why not have fun but you don't have to and that leads me to the first bullet point here as far as what you need you need a server you need something to install proxmox onto it's not a good idea to install proxmox inside of a virtual machine you probably could do that and it might work but i don't recommend that you'll definitely want to install proxmox on a piece of actual hardware but again you don't have to buy expensive hardware in order to run proxmox you can buy a cheap server from ebay for example if you want to perhaps you have an extra desktop that's in the closet and you're not using it for anything if that's the case why not turn it into a server another thing you could do is run proxmox on laptops i know that sounds weird right but i did actually do a couple of videos on that subject where i set up proxmox on laptops that was really fun the thing is as weird as that might sound a laptop includes a battery a keyboard a mouse and a display so it's almost like having a server with a built-in kvm all in one so for those of you that are running proxmox in a home lab that might be something that you want to consider doing some people within my audience they've set up prox knox on intel nux that's totally fine i mean some of these computers might be a bit resource starved but as long as you could run at least one virtual machine then that's probably enough to get started with this course another thing that you'll need for sure is virtualization support in your cpu now this is something that pretty much most computers have nowadays definitely check the spec sheet for your computer to find out if it does support virtualization because that is required now what i've found is that quite often most cpus will in fact support virtualization but in the bios it'll be disabled by default there's a very good chance that when you go to install proxmox that it's going to complain that you don't actually have support for virtualization even when you do if you see that message just go into the bios settings for your device and make sure that virtualization is enabled if you don't actually have an option for virtualization then unfortunately you won't be able to run proxmox on that particular device but that's rare i think most of you will have no problem installing proxmox because it doesn't really require all that much to get off the ground now in addition you do need a 64-bit cpu so if you have an older machine that's 32-bit only then you'll probably not be able to run this i don't know why this is but there's a lot of people out there in the linux community that are under the false impression that their cpu does not support 64-bit keep in mind we actually had 64-bit support in cpus since around 2004 or so so chances are you probably do have 64-bit support you also need one gigabyte of ram minimum and i do mean minimum if your device has one gig of ram that's pretty much enough to run proxmox and that's it i mean it's pretty much useless so when the documentation for proxmox suggests a minimum of one gig they are literally referring to the absolute minimum now i would say it's better to set the minimum to two gigs of ram and i would be even more comfortable if it was four because when you hit four gigs of ram you have a gig of ram for the operating system itself for proxmox itself you also have a couple gigs available for a vm or two maybe you can squeeze two vms out of that but containers use fewer resources so with four gigs of ram i think you could do pretty well if you have more than that even better next you need the fastest storage that you have access to so if you are building a brand new system for proxmox or if you just have a bunch of junk parts in your drawer and you want to assemble them and create a server out of them just make sure that you choose the fastest hard drive that you have access to because the faster the hard disk the faster proxmox is going to respond so if you have an extra ssd lying around you might want to consider using that and finally this probably goes without saying but you need a network card you access proxmox over the network so you absolutely need a network card i mean sure you can run proxmox on a machine with no network connection but you won't be able to do anything with it so you may as well consider a network card as being a hard requirement okay what does proxmox actually cost well nothing you can download it right now no problem you will not be billed for the download and there's no license that you'll need to purchase in order to use it now you can purchase support if you'd like to but you don't have to there is an error message that will appear a number of times while you use proxmox complaining that you don't have a license and you can safely ignore that message you're not going to actually lose functionality by not paying for it just keep in mind that proxmox is a project that requires a lot of time and attention to develop so if you are able to purchase support then that actually helps the project so if you have the extra money i highly recommend that you give that a consideration and supporting proxmox gives you access to the enterprise repository at least and the reason why i say at least is because at the minimum tier the lowest tier the cheapest tier that's what you get you get access to the enterprise repository which includes more enterprise quality packages that increases stability so it's definitely a good thing to benefit from as you go up in the tiers you actually benefit from support from proxmox so if you are planning on using this in production for example at a company you probably do want support that way you'll have a means to reach out and ask for help if something goes wrong but what if you need help and you don't actually have a support agreement one way you can get help is by visiting the forums for this youtube channel at if you do decide to post there just make sure you give us as much information about your problem as you can the more information that you give us the more empowered we will be to assist you every now and then somebody might show up and say it doesn't work if that's all you say then there's really not a whole lot we can do there if nothing else just give us as much detail as you have let us know what the desired effect actually is what you want to achieve what's going wrong maybe an error message tell us what's failing then also let us know what you've tried to do in order to fix the problem we'll do our best to help another thing you could do is visit the proxmox wiki there you'll find documentation from proxmox themselves and they actually have quite a bit of documentation so you'll definitely want to check them out proxmox also has its own community at it's very possible that you might go to my forums and maybe we unfortunately don't know the answer to your question if you go to the official community for proxmox it's possible that you might find your answers there but this course is going to be a ton of fun you're going to love it in fact as a snake preview this is the actual cluster right here that we'll be building in this course and the reason why i'm able to show you guys this is because i actually come from the future i come from the future where every episode in the series has already been uploaded and this is the final product right here okay to be honest i don't actually film all the videos in the same order that you see them in so this introduction video is actually the final video that i'm recording all the other episodes have already been recorded and are being edited right now but yeah this is actually the cluster that we'll be building as it will be by the end of video number 16. i have three nodes right here pve one pve two and pve three and throughout the video we'll be building this cluster right here what you see on your screen right now now the thing is you don't really need three hosts if you have three servers lying around that's great you could definitely use them but you only really need one it's not until somewhere around class 14 or 15 that you'll start to need additional hardware and by then you can just watch the videos and learn you don't have to follow along but if you're able to follow along i definitely welcome you to do so so at this point i hope you guys have a better understanding as far as what you can expect out of this particular course and i hope you'll join me for the next episode because in that episode i'll be walking you through the process of setting up your very own proxmox server that'll serve as the basis for the remainder of the series i'll see you there [Music] you
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 19,476
Rating: 4.9570551 out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Tutorial, Review, Howto, Guide, Distribution, Distro, Learn Linux, operating system, os, open-source, open source, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV,, full course, course, proxmox, proxmox class, proxmox tutorial, proxmox full course, proxmox ve, proxmox getting started, proxmox virtual environment tutorial, proxmox step by step, home server, proxmox ve tutorial, proxmox ve 7.0, proxmox ve installation and configuration, proxmox tutorial youtube, proxmox 7 tutorial
Id: LCjuiIswXGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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