Proxmox VE Install and Setup Tutorial

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so you'd like to get started virtualizing some stuff at home you have options like VMware Microsoft hyper-v as well as proxmox today in this tutorial we're going to show you how to install proxmox step-by-step so that you can start virtualizing stuff at home hey welcome back to i'm techno tim and today we're gonna talk about virtualizing systems using proxmox so proxmox is an open-source virtualization system it allows you to share the resources on one machine across many virtual machines so this is handy if you have a server an old PC and you need to run multiple operating systems let's say for instance you want to run Linux and Windows on the same system virtualization allows you to do that keep in mind that these will be guest machines and not running on the host proxmox will be your operating system so let's walk through how to install proxmox it's really simple the first thing you're gonna need is a computer with decent hardware specs that can run proxmox the next thing you'll need is installation media this is a 16-game but any gig will work fine too the next thing we'll need to do is go out to France monks comm and click on download and we'll want to download the proxmox ve installer then you'll want to download something like Edgar a Rufus to flash our USB Drive I chose that sure but anyone will work the only thing left to do is plug this USB drive into the PC you're gonna install proxmox on and move from it when we boot this machine we're gonna be sure to select our USB Drive then we'll be greeted with the proxmox installer then we'll just wait for proxmox to load there won't be greater with the e ula if you agree with this agree to it then we'll see our hard drives that are installed on this machine we'll want to be sure to choose the hard drive we want to install proxmox on nothing else can resigned on this drive so be sure to choose the one that you want to install proxmox on I'm gonna install it on this 20 gig drive then we'll select our country and time zone then we'll give it a root password this will be used to log into the web UI as well as SSH then we'll choose the network interface that we'll be using it's most likely gonna be the default here the only thing you'll probably need to configure is the IP address you want this to listen on but in our case we're gonna keep the default then we'll click install and wait for it to install okay it looks like the installers done let's reboot after it reboots it should start booting into proxmox so once you see the login prompt that means it's running so we're good to go take note of the IP address in the port at the top this is the IP address import that we'll use to access proxmox from the web UI then we'll open a browser and we'll go to the IP address that is hosted on so it was HTTP 192.168.0 to 208 and it's gonna be on port 8000 6 once we get here you'll get a warning about it being a self-signed certificate normally you wouldn't proceed but since this is something we just spun up on our local network it's ok to do want to proceed here now we're prompted with the sign-in screen this is going to be the account root in the past where we've created once we sign in we'll see this warning about not having a subscription that's ok and you'll see this every time you sign in if you'd like to support proxmox you could sign up for a subscription otherwise just click ok and so now we're agreed with the data center screen so this is an overview of all of our nodes we only have one node right now but if we had more we'd see more so here's our node called PvE and we can see our storage since we're only running one node we'll spend most of our time in this PvE section or whatever you named your node but if you look you can see a summary of all of the system resources that are being used so this system has 24 CPUs 16 gigs of RAM and you can see my harddrive space you can add things like notes to this server we can actually even shell in using a browser so rather than SSH into the server we can just do it from here then we'll see other things under system like Network certificates DNS host time syslog in the update tabs you'll see any updates that are available for our system when your firewall we can create firewall rules for this system under disks we'll see all of our attached disks so you can see dev SDB is where proxmox is installed and then you can see dev SDA this is a 300 gig hard drive I had attached to this system so after this your proxmox server is set up and ready to install some guest OS is on check out my other videos to see how to install Linux guest as well as install a Windows guest if you found something helpful in this video please remember to Like and subscribe this video and share it with your friends thanks so much for watching until next time Stream on my friends
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 145,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, proxmox tutorial, proxmox install, proxmox configuration, virtualization, tutorial, proxmox windows, proxmox linux, hyperv, vmware, proxmox walkthrough, how to install proxmox, how to install proxmox on a server, proxmox getting started, proxmox step by step, proxmox storage, proxmox networking, homelab, homelab server rack, server rack, server at home, homelab tutorial, homelab setup, homelab config, homelabs, virtualize windows, virtualize ubuntu, proxmox ve, virtio
Id: 7OVaWaqO2aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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