How To Install A Exterior Door

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in this video i'm going to show you how to install exterior door it's here to the left of me and the openings here to the right of me and if you're new to this channel my name is josh this channel is all about building your own house saving a ton of money so be sure to subscribe if you're into that and smash that like button if you find value in this video all right let's get started so the very first thing you need to do is measure the width of your opening and the height of your opening so to do that just take a tape measure measure from edge to edge here and in this case we got 38 and a half inches i built this house i already made it for a 36 inch door so typically if you need a 36 inch door and the opening needs to be 38 inches wide that's just standard and the actual width of the door is 37 inches so that gives you some room to play so it should give you about a half inch or so on each side and as far as the height goes we're going to take a measurement here it looks like this opening is 83 inches which is plenty high it only needs to be 82 inches for a typical 36 inch door but measure your door before you install it to make sure your opening is the appropriate size another thing i should mention too when i say a 36 inch door i mean actual door slab is 36 inches when you go into the store to buy a door it's going to be labeled that way but look at the side of the door for the actual rough dimensions or just take your tape measure in the store and measure while you're in there that's the safest thing to do so i want to tell you a little something about unpackaging these doors they typically always put the screw packs on top of the doors and when they come they have a little latch right here that it's a little plastics like uh it almost locks the door in a way for shipping purposes so be sure to take that out so that way you can install your door and open up the door to get in to finish installing it so it's just a little little plug here it's really not that big a deal but just a little reminder and sometimes there's these little black plates underneath the door they put on saying slide the door easy be sure to take those off before you install the door okay so let's go over to the opening get some liquid nails get this thing ready to get set so before you put your liquid nails down be sure to take a level check the bottom make sure it's nice and level because now's the time to try to get as level as possible as you can see here we got a concrete bottom so only thing you can do with the concrete bottom is put shims under then put liquid nails to uh just cover that gap in the bottom but i always put liquid nails anyways just because it keeps that threshold strong and it keeps the water from coming in from under in under the door and it definitely keeps it here down to the subfloor so another thing you need to do take your level and just check the size of your opening and see if it's plumb or not that way you know how how un un-plumb your opening is so you can prepare for that as well so always have a pack of shims ready because you're going to need them when installing a door so go ahead and put a nice liberal amount of liquid nails on your sill always like to run a few beads here and like i said this is definitely the way to go for having a very very solid bottom on your door the threshold will thank you later all right that should be plenty liquid nails now we're going to go ahead and set the door in the opening and something else i like to have ready is a finished nailer and i'll show you why and if you don't have a finished nailer like i just showed you it's okay just have regular galvanized finish nails and you can do the same thing so the first thing i'm going to do is grab this door set in the opening and just tack a nail in it just to hold it into place while i fine-tune it and that's simply because i'm working by myself which i usually do okay so we come over here make sure we got that plug out we don't want it in the way because we're going to have to get inside of the door after we set it all right and make sure we take the screw pack off the top of the door sling it over we're going to need these for after we get this thing set roughly all right now we set the bottom end first and then after we set it into place it's just sitting there with gravity helping you just go ahead and open it up and that way it'll hold itself into place and now come inside and make sure it's setting nice and square with the opening and not really square at this point to just make sure it's setting center of the opening so now that i got the door in the center of the opening i'm going to take my finished nailer in a level check to make sure we're setting plumb and that looks really good sorry it's a little breezy it's making that door swing and then i'm just going to attack a nail to hold it into place all right looks good so you don't want to shoot a bunch of nails in yet because we're going to go on the inside and see if the door needs shimmed and plumbed up so let's do that all right let's go ahead and check this is what a lot of people mess up is they need to make sure when they put the rest screws in our reveal across top looks good it looks good down the side and make sure the door shuts easy and it does so that's what you want easy shut with even reveals around the side of the door so we like that and it looks good over here so now we can go ahead and put screws in each hinge now to anchor it securely so on this hinge side typically they don't put a screw in where you need to put these longer screws in so go ahead and drive that into the hand just snug it up well now we need to go inside door and check our reveal before we tighten that too much all right so we're going to put one in this middle hinge and again you don't want to tighten these up really tight you just want to snug them up well because it will mess up that reveal on the inside of the [Music] door so the reason for this fourth screw is this weatherstripping here needs pulled back at least i do this that way it hides the screw a little better and then i'll take a drill bit and drill into the jamb and then to countersink it i'll take my phillips bit and just kind of round it out a little bit all right and then i take the screw and drive it into the jamb and what this does is keeps this jam nice and solid and secure all right and now that screw is hidden and we're going to go through and shim behind these screws and around the actual hinges to make sure they're solid and then we're going to snug up all these screws very tight to shim this door tights pretty straightforward just buy a pack of shims go to each hinge where you had the screw drive in through and then just slide the shim in until it's nice and snug and sometimes in some circumstances you'll need two so you'll just slide it in until it's tight and then go on the other side open the door go to your hinge and tighten it up all the way so that way the doors in nice and secure and as far as shimming over here what i like to do on this hinge or on the latch side i'll take two shims slide it into the opening just slide one back behind it then slide this one in and then tighten it up that way because if you don't do that the shim will be in there and then once you tighten it down it will pull that inside of that jamb kind of crooked so after you've got your screw nice secure on the outside just break off the shim [Music] and now that way when the drywall goes over this you don't have to worry about shims being in the way so inside your door packet you're going to get these two foam pads i'm going to show you what they're used for so if you look real close you can see a little light coming out of the bottom hinge side of the door and if you go up to the top same thing you're going to see just a little bit of light that's what the foam pads are for ultimately you take this thick end of the pad slide it behind the weather stripping and it goes right into that corner nice and snug but before you do that there's an adhesive so you got to peel back this sticker like material on the back which is really simple it's just like any other sticker and what you do you go back behind it pull your weather stripping back and that weather stripping can be kind of a pain to get pulled back sometimes if you slide a tool behind it's a little easier but um if you fiddle with it you can typically get it i'm going to slide it right in there if you see up close it goes in there something like that all right and as you can see there's no light shining through there anymore all right to complete this inside you're going to want to spray foam around this whole door or use regular insulation and just tuck it back into that crack and here's those shims i showed you right on the latch shot i got it snug so they're not going anywhere and the screw is driven tight and here is this screw up close you can see it's nice and secure we like that it keeps that latch nice and solid all right so here's what the door looks like totally installed and as you can see the brick mold needs touched up but what i like to do is take this brick mold off and replace it with pvc brick mold that way you never have to paint it and it looks white and bright all the time now this is a wood jam i will have to be sure to paint that every door comes with these little plugs and they're for plugging these screw holes whenever there's trim on the inside of the doors you usually got to plug the screw holes and i'm assuming they do that in case the glass gets cracked that the manufacturer can just take this trim off and replace the glass without junking the whole door this door has a cool feature check out these mini blinds it's this little slider the blondes are actually built into the door so that way you don't have to worry about hanging blinds on the inside of the door and looking all messy and then you can actually tempt them and everything off the same slider pretty cool i like that feature this is for my own house so i want to make sure i used the best option so the final thing you need to do on the outside of this door is run a bead of silicone underneath the threshold that way it keeps any water from splashing up under that threshold which is very important and this is on concrete which isn't that important but even though it is it's still something you should consider but if you're on a wood subfloor you definitely want to do that but that's all what got for you today i just want to show you how to install an exterior door i want to say thanks a lot for watching again subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 62,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install an exterior door, how to install exterior door, how to install a door, exterior door, how to, how to install a prehung exterior door, exterior door installation, how to hang a door, how to replace exterior door, how to install, how to install an exterior prehung door, install exterior door, how to replace an exterior door in a brick opening, door, how to install a exterior door, how to install prehung door, how to install a new exterior door
Id: 8G1TR7-iL74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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