Don't Install An Exterior Door Without This Kit!

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have you ever been on the jobsite you're just about ready to install your exterior doors and you realize you forgot something you got to make a run to the store because you forgot the head flashing or the sill pan you forgot peel and stick or cocking on the build show today we're gonna review this kit right here which supposedly has everything you need to do an exterior door install and we're going to show you all the steps start to finish so you know how to do it right today's build shows about DAPs quick hit let's get going [Music] okay guys in the build show today we're gonna show you all the steps start to finish it it takes to install an exterior door now I've got Jordan Smith with me you all know him he is not a carpenter but he plays one on TV Jordan's gonna be my installer today and I'm gonna walk you through all the steps now this is a cool system DAP just recently unveiled this to the marketplace so this is called their quick kit and this is kind of cool because everything we need to install this door is in this box - a few tools that we're gonna show you here and - the house rap but other than that everything we need is right here so when you're ordering your doors you should also be ordering one of these and now let's show you how to use it so first off the first thing to do obviously is put your house rap on Jordans put this on per the manufacturer's instructions shingle fashion we're also a big fan of cap stapler so he's got this all cap stapled on and the next step on this is gonna be to cut out the house wrap in a special pattern to receive our door so Jordan why don't you go ahead and walk through how to do that in the meantime I'm gonna open this kit up and share everybody what's inside so one of the things that I really like about this kit is that everything you need for the install literally everything you need is in here all the way down to the caulking and even the screws that you're gonna need for this install but one of the other big advantages of this kit is this right here this install guide they've come out with and by the way they have one in Spanish and in English in the box very detailed very impressive so this is gonna walk you through every step you need and Jordan is doing this step right here once the house were ups on you need to prepare the rough opening and it's relatively simple all he's doing is he's gonna measure first with his square he's gonna set that square up to an inch and a half and he's measured this ahead of time where he's put the square up here and he's put it against the rough opening he's used the sharpie and made his outline for his cuts when he gets to the sill he's actually gonna cut that sill flush at the very bottom and then he's gonna do the upside down martini glass cut which is basically about a six or eight inch cut on a 45 at head he's gonna flap that head up and with a piece of tape hold that up so that we can do the door shingle fashion at the head okay now while Jordans walking through those steps let me actually take you through what else is in the kit so first off the first thing you're noticed when you open the kit is that it's got a sill pan in here and this is awesome that they include this this is hard to find and we do them in all kinds of fashions but to have a three-piece silk it ready to go over out of the box very cool now this one is a jamb sill guard it's gonna give you a right and a left end and then you're gonna need to cut the center and glue it up to to actually form a continuous seal pan I'll show you that in a second it's also going to include some composite shims which are great because then we can use these on concrete these can be in a wet area we're not worried about it you've got a full package shims it's got three tubes of Dyna flex 800 this is a great sealant that's going to work with all of your construction products your OSB your house wrap concrete it's gonna stick to all those and you got three teams of that in there it's gonna give you a tube of low expansion foam this is their draft stop 812 so when with the doors complete we can spray foam around three sides that complete that air seal it's gonna give you believe it or not all the screws that you need to install the door so no trip to Lowe's for those it's going to give you a tube of rapid fuse this is what we're gonna use to make the connections on the jamb seal guard sill and last actually not quite last we have two more things sorry about that next up is their poly flash this is a four inch self adhered flashing and I just dropped it so pardon me for a second I dropped the head flash which is on the back here okay the last thing in the kit which also is really cool and usually gets forgotten as this this is a head flashing they include an aluminum one in white I'm going to show you how to use all these parts and pieces in just a moment okay Jordan's got the rough opening fully prepped and as you can see what he's ended up doing was he's cut that house wrap back just enough so that we can make a good sealant joint right on there and make a joint between this brick mold in here now let me pause for second and talk about the doorframe we've ordered real quick because remember you want to order these doors ahead of time rather than just pick up what's available at the yard but when I order mine I order a frame saver jam from Endora and also put an endure a sill on and then most of the houses in America although not all have some type of pre applied brick molding and so when I called this into my millwork supplier I said good with the PVC brick mold on now we're gonna integrate that into our flashing and into our weather barrier here so I really like using PVC in this case okay so now that this is cut up you can see here we're cut on the sides he's cut the two heads on a 45 and we've just put a piece of tape to flap out so that you'll see will flap that over the flashing later the next step is to get our sill pan going so Jordan why don't you come in and help me with the sill pan you're gonna notice there is a right and a left corner to the sill pan and you can tell that which side is which by looking at the front at the wings here this is going to have the bigger overlap and the small section here this is towards the inside of the house remember they make this kit for a 2x4 or a 2x6 wall single door or double door so you want to make sure you order the right kit and then you see the center section here has a recess that's what we want to cut to make sure that we get this fit in there correctly so I'd pull it off about 1/4 inch or so on the side and then mark it and let's see we got a sharpie we can use there mr. Smith okay looks good and mark this and will you make that cut for me sir yep and then let me open the wrap of the fuse while you're doing that pretty cool product the DAP also makes this is a really nice all-purpose glue you can use this for all kinds of things including PVC keep this in your pouch too you're not going to use all of it and this is a really handy glue to have after your projects doing for other things so we're gonna keep this and we're going to end up putting basically a bead of glue on either side of that pan and we're gonna drop the center and you'll notice there's a recess here on this pan so when the center section goes in will be nice and flush all the way across there okay we've got our Center section cut now you can see when we put that down we've got lots of over but we still are within that recessed area that's good that's a good cut nice job on that Jordan now we're gonna take our rapid fuse and we're gonna run a couple beads of this across here well we've got to be relatively quick because the working time on this is only a couple of minutes so you don't want a Billy Dahle when you're using the rapid fuse and you can see that I'm running on at least two parallel beads across there and like I said don't lose the cap you want to put this in your pouch to use this at a later date that's a really handy product to have for later and once we get that on I like to actually do it on the sill itself because this is gonna as his name States fuse pretty rapidly so give it a couple of thirty seconds a clamp time with your fingers just press down hard on that I put a bead up the backside as well so let's make sure that's clamping and okay we're gonna let that sit for just a minute or two to make sure that sets up so I'm gonna move that now that it's clamped and put it right here because the next step if you read their directions is we're gonna run a bead of the Dyna flex 800 on here so Jordan once you go ahead and get the cocking unloaded and we'll show everybody how to put that bead on so we can put the slope in correctly okay you all know they've got great instructions on this but basically we're gonna lay a bead of the sealant to act as an adhesive and a sealant now we don't want too fat of a bead we don't want to mess up the level of our sill but one enough that we're gonna put some adhesive on there so we're gonna run a bead in both corners like this we're gonna run a bead on the back side and then we're gonna lay a kind of snake sized bead in the center and then we're also going to run a bead up the sides where that pan is going to be in contact on the side there and then lastly we're gonna put a bead on the front side now you'll notice we cut our delta vent s flashing flush with the front of the sill that's vital that's really really important guys because we want to make sure we've got good overlap and that we've shingled things correctly so we want that house wrap any water that gets in the pan to be on top of that house wrapping okay now this has been drying for a couple of minutes so we should be good here and now we're gonna put our sill down and lay it into that bead of sealant and push it flush into that opening now of course we're not really on a jobsite we're doing this here in our shop space with kind of a setup if this were a jobsite we want to make sure we get our sill nice and level we're gonna make sure that if we need to sham that we're shimming that correctly I'm not doing that here but you'd want to do that if you're on the jobsite make sure everything's nice and pull on your jams and level across your sill okay our sill pan is in place now the next step is we're gonna integrate the sill pan with our WRB on the outside in this case the Dorkin delta vent sa now this is pretty cool this is a dual release paper so we've got two sides that we can release and what we're gonna do is we're gonna run this peel and stick on the sides overtop of our weather barrier and all the way up the jam on just both sides and we're gonna make sure we tuck it in here so that if anything gets behind there it's gonna end up on the sill pan so we can run forward so Jordan why don't you go ahead and measure those two sides for me and let's cut these out okay so Jordan's got that marked at the top we're gonna cut that just past I'll hold for you brother okay Jordan that's the correct spot on my own okay how's it look on your end looks good up here and we're gonna end up folding this in once we do the other reliefs on the inside and what we're doing is we're protecting that vital corner we're also bringing some continuity to our air barrier right because the delta vent s on the outside or wherever used for the house rap is also gonna act as your air barrier and remember like I said this is your this is your water barrier and your air barrier so what we're doing is we're making sure we have continuity and our waterproofing layer everything is shingled correctly the lower levels aren't underneath the top levels and then he's gonna once he gets that frontside stuck on there room well you might use your speed square to wipe it down as well if you have a roller a j-roller that's a great thing to use as well at this point on the jobsite and you can cut it flush at the top I like to take it maybe an inch above either way is acceptable and then we're gonna have to notch that upper corner with our knife you still have that knife on your reel we get there you could just go ahead and notch that corner so it can fold in if you've gone a little hot and that's totally okay totally acceptable he's gonna fold it over the sill pan so that basically we're we're shingled correctly at the bottom down there there you go okay quick note here if you have a j-roller this is a great time to use that we're gonna make sure that we really stick well if we have a j-roller so I happen to have one here on this job site which happens to be our office in studio right but if not make sure you wipe that down with your speed square get some good grip on that ok the door now is all set on the Jamz the next step is we're gonna apply a bead of sealant to our sill pans so let's see where did our gun go the beauty of this kit too is that they include three tubes so you're not going to run out we've got lots of sealants but basically what you can see here is we're gonna run a bead of heat of sealant along these seams just a double check that everything is nice and sealed and then up the backside we're gonna run a quick bead and really what we're doing is we're making sure that this thing is totally waterproof and that beat in the back side is making sure that we're also air sealed as well okay so we're running that beat there and then here's our bead on the back of that we want to make sure that beat in the back is a nice fat bead because very likely that's going to be a spot where there's going to be a decent gap between your door sill and this and we're actually probably gonna run a bead at the end of the install as well in this location so if it's not perfectly sealed at the get-go here the door goes in don't worry about that moving on next step are you ready okay we're almost ready to set the door but we need to set a bead of sealant on the backside of this brick mold and they've got a great detail on here very very cool we're this Jam this is that Endura frame saver Jam meets the brick mold that PVC brick mold that's right here we're gonna run a bead right into that corner and then Jordans also gonna run a bead on the edge of the brick mold that's gonna help seal that to our peel and stick flashing us right here so let me help you do that Jordan a way that these guys can see it on camera so just for the fish clarity let's go ahead and lay this door down about 45 and this is the joint right here that Jordan's gonna be running a big fat bead on so run that from the top all the way down put a nice bead on there a nice heavy bead probably might cut that tit you need to cut that tip any finger I just need to get some pressure behind it okay there we go yeah good okay guys so Jordans got this inside corner he's got a nice fat bead there he's running a secondary bead that you'll notice it's kind of halfway in between this one's gonna basically act as a gasket when we put that brick mold up I like brick mold because it's got a big fat profile which means that we've got lots of surface area to put it to make a gasket out of this caulking and again I mentioned this earlier but I like the PVC for this used to it's nice and waterproof and ought to worry about swelling there's no priming issues PVC is a great choice for this and while I'm talking about that let me mention - this frame saver jamb no dura is one of my show sponsors and they make some really nice door products this Jam is a wood jam but the bottom section the last several inches is a composite material so that that typical rot you see at the bottom of the jamb on most older doors is eliminated now because you don't have that ingrained wood wicking up and then of course we've also talked to our millwork supplier about specifying and dura sill as well that makes some really nice sills with some really cool features check out my other videos on in dura as well to see that ok so here's his bead on the edge and then here's the secondary bead and you can see those running continuous all the way up to the head of the door as well okay let's set the door Jordan okay y'all so Jordan did a great job of getting us a nice u-shaped bead both the inside and the outside it's time to set the door now of course we don't have an actual door on here like I said earlier this is not a how-to totally install a door this is really more how-to weather proof the door slide me down just a little bit here Jordan but you can see we're making basically a flange out of that brick molding and if you can see around the side here you'd see we've got a little bit of squeeze out shown here which is good we've got a nice rough opening and carpenters did a good job on this mock up the next step in the process is gonna be to take your shins and your screw pack and we're gonna secure this door so Jordan we're not going to do every step but let's at least get this thing attacked in here so the first thing you want to shim is your hinge side you want to have a solid shim on each hinge and if we did have a door here what I'd typically tell you is that take the hinges off one at a time put a screw through the hinge but if this was an exterior garage door not quite as worried about aesthetics we could go right into the jamb but basically what we're going to do is we're gonna shim on the backside here and then we're gonna run a screw at each jamb or pardon me at each hinge location so Jordan once you could attack us in here okay y'all we didn't go into all the steps on the door itself but basically we want to make sure that door is level square and true the jams are nice and plumb that you shimmed it on all three of your hinge points and then you want to shim it on the opposite side as well so we're not gonna get into that in this video that's not a carpentry video there's a weatherproofing video so the next step now that we've got this in place is to get our head flash on this unit and I really like how the app includes a head flash that's often omitted or you realize that at the last minute you don't have one and so you're scrambling you might lose a whole day of construction because you forgot that head flash and having the kit very cool so basically they've got great directions on here but what Jordans gonna be doing is he's gonna measure the head that brick molding head now remember this is not the door width but this is the width at the trim and then he's gonna add one inch in total that way he can cut a half inch off either side now what he's gonna end up doing is he's gonna flap the sides of that down and then we'll end up putting a bead of caulking on there and then we'll end up installing that head flash into a bead of caulking as well and the final step after that head flash is on is to go ahead and tape that head flush off with the remainder of our 4-inch peel-and-stick flashing and then we're gonna go ahead and flap that down on both sides that's that weather barrier that we've got and then we're gonna tape the two angle pieces and at this point we've got a door now that is ready for the very final step and that's this right here this is our interior air sealing we're gonna use this draft stop foam around the backside on all three sides and we're going to take a last double check to make sure that we don't need a bead of adhesive where the back of the sill pan meets the sill of the door but guys that's it it's a pretty straightforward to install and I love how DAP has everything in the kit guys remember when you order your doors make sure you tell the millwork manufacturer the exact specs you're looking for including those Endura parts like I like in that PVC brick mold that I've got on this install and then also tell them that you want to DAP quick it remember you're gonna specify whether it's a 2x4 or a 2x6 wall a single or a double door this is going to work on all styles of door and you're gonna end up with a water and air tight connection on your doors very impressive system there'll be a link to the DAP website where they talk about this but really this is a product you're gonna order from your millwork supplier guys if you're not already a fan of the build show hit that subscribe button below we've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday false on Twitter Instagram all the walls we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 589,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #doorinstall, exterior door install, waterproof door, dap quick kit, dap quickkit, millwork install, exterior door, #buildshow
Id: oXUfU5A5uzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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