How To Install A Prehung Exterior Door

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hey guys I'm Tony this is a great looking house but this front door has seen better days today I'm going to show you how to install a new prehung door that's not only gonna make this house look better it can also help save on the energy bills so prehung means that the door and the frame all come as one unit now when you're doing this project you're gonna have a big hole in the side of your house so you want to make sure you get this all done in one day if you're not comfortable with doing that you might want to hire a professional so now if you're up for the task it's time to take some measurements now you might have to take off the interior trim of the store to get these measurements and measure the height and width of the door frame also measure the jamb depth measure the height and width of the existing door also so now we've picked up our new door it's time to start taking out our old door you're dealing with an old storm door so we're gonna start by removing that [Music] then we took off the door ball there are low voltage circuits so you can easily do this yourself [Music] next score along the exterior trim of the utility knife and pry it off the new prehung door will have new trim so there's no need to save the old room [Music] from the inside remove the hinge pins with a screwdriver and hammer then pull out the door slab some doors might be heavy and require two people to carry next unscrew the latch plates then use a reciprocating saw to cut the screws around the existing frame take it slow and let the saw do the work now from the inside carefully push the top of the jamb out and remove the old frame now we're ready to install our new door remember to always follow the instructions that came with the door you purchased we're gonna check that our subfloors level but also check that our sides or plumb we're all it's gonna take a square make sure that all four corners of our rough opening are lining up if they don't now it's the time you can add extra wood or shims to get or you want it to be next we're gonna install a sill pin the sill pan we'll be using is coming in three pieces first we're gonna drive fit our sill pan pieces by putting our corner pieces in first and installing the middle section over the top of them once we have them drive fitted we're then going to take and apply PVC cement to the two corner pieces and then to the underside of the middle section pressing it firmly in place and allowing it to set up after its set up we're gonna remove the sill pan then apply three beads of caulking to the sill and take the sill pan and press it into place holding it down firmly then seal along the back of the sill pan and along the seams and corners on the new door remove the transport plug from the lock set hole and drill a hole for the doorbell wires next we applied a bead of sealant to the back of the brick mold took and set the bottom of the door on the sill until to the top into place don't forget to feed the doorbell wires through the hole [Music] gyms are important to keeping the prehung door square and the door frame we're going to shim above the three hinges at the top middle and bottom of the latch side behind the strike plate here's how to install the Chimps drill pilot holes with the countersink bit next to the hinges and the strike plate next drive the screws in part way in the middle holes just to temporarily hold the door in place to make adjustments [Music] check the hinge side with the level on the inside of the frame and on the outside if it looks good drive the screws in part way at the top and bottom from the inside check that the door is centered and still plumb then drill pilot holes and drive screws partway through the hinges go ahead and place shims above each screw location on the hinge side from the outside go ahead and finish driving in the screws now we're gonna check our distance with our weather stripping and make sure it's the same at the bottom middle and the top if not we're going to move our frame and drive screws partway in at the top and bottom back on the inside shim above the screws and once again check for plumb then drive into the screws next close the door and shim above the strike plate location and drive it in the last screw now shim behind the strike plate location and install the strike plate now we're gonna check that the door is snug against the adjustable cap to do this we're gonna go ahead and take a piece of paper we want to make sure that the piece of paper comes out with a little bit of resistance but without tearing if it comes out too loosely or tears you can adjust the cap screws to lower or raise it seal the corners along the edges then install the self-stick corner pets [Music] at this point we can install the lock set and the deadbolt and make sure they're working properly cut the shims with the utility knife or an oscillating saw press blanket insulation around the frame to keep that cold air out in the winter time then install the interior trim you might need to install molding behind the silk next seal the interior and exterior joints now third door installed we're gonna go ahead and paint it now you might get a door that comes already pre finished from the store but in our case ours only has a coat of primer on it so we're gonna have to go ahead and paint it you can also paint the trim and now you have a brand new front door and if you want more great ideas and how-tos go to
Channel: Lowe's Home Improvement
Views: 1,917,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lowes, lowe's, how to, diy, home improvement, installing an exterior door, how to install exterior door, install an exterior door
Id: GP-P16Fth40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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