My 5 Minute Door Installation Fully Explained : Pre-hung, Case Hanging, Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial!

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what's going on guys how you doing today thanks for checking in good video today we're installing a pre-hung door um i did just released a video recently of me installing a door in under five minutes and this time i'm gonna slow it down kind of go over what i'm thinking give you my little tips and tricks to possibly have you get this done at your home it's the easiest way so please follow along and hope you enjoy hammer that like button for that youtube algorithm keeps me moving and uh let's get into it um quick tools we got a level we've got our two guns like we always do our inch and a quarter and our two inch this is 18 gauge 16 gauge we do have a bucket of shims here off to the side we've got our door over here this is a 2 8 door or a 32 inch door two ways of saying it casing off to the side so we pretty much have everything we need right here ready to go all right guys just three quick tips in order for you to figure out what door you need for the condition you're working on um first we need to measure the opening that's gonna be from stud to stud we got 34 inches in this case reason being when we're measuring studs instead we need to take two inches off for the size of the door so we need a 32 inch door for a 34 rough opening reason being is we have jam thickness on each side which takes up an inch and a half and we need room for shimmy second is the swing of the door this condition we're gonna swing it in to the bathroom with a right hand swing maybe you have a left hand condition that's the second thing you need to consider is there's a left and a right hand third condition if you have an outlet you do not want the door to swing open and cover the outlet when you come into the room you'll want to have the switch accessible from however you you figure out your door to open don't cover switches sweet all right let's get back into it we got our casing over here off to the side you guys know 3 16 for the legs for the reveal and 3 8 for the header got it in my double door video um so we're just going to kind of jump into it here we are case hanging the door so we've got our casing we're gonna set it over here on the door just to get it prepped now i've got my header i'm gonna set it up top i'm gonna kind of eyeball my 3 16 reveal but i also kind of need to look over on this side and on this side and kind of split the difference so i center it split the difference we got our 3 16ths up top and we got two shots just to hold the casing up there i am rolling the casing just a little bit for this condition it is anderson just kind of rolling it a little bit rolling it back towards us pushing and flexing it to get into the right reveal two shots over here now i need to come down to this side and do the same thing kind of rolling the casing flexing it up to my 3 16 two shots so now that header is installed set the gun off to the side grab both pieces and we're going to throw a little bit of wood glue on top we're just going to do a little bead on both we don't want to overdo it don't want the glue to necessarily ooze out too much now we're going to set the first casing up to the side here now i'm going to line up the miter two shots double tap at the top now i'm going to start working my way down guys and it's just flexing the casing back and forth as i'm working my way down not going to worry about up here just yet we'll come back to that so i'm flexing the casing towards me i'm rolling it towards me and i'm also making sure i have my 3 16 reveal and i really want two shots at at each hinge we got three hinges obviously for the door and i want two shots one above and one below it's gonna help us for for strength one shot above one shot of blow below keep working down and i'm still i'm still kind of flexing this in a little bit moving it around one shot above one shot below the bottom do my handy double tap maybe get one more a little extra security i need to work my way back up to the top and i do need to flex these together to get the miter to line up we've got our glue and i am going to do one shot over the top and look at that kind of pinches it together just a little bit of glue oozing out just a little hair sand after it's finally installed we got one one leg installed let's go to the next leg and it's just the same technique guys slide it up kind of holding it with my middle finger and my thumb and just getting the getting the miter to line up i need to do two shots to hold it double tap and then start working my way down 3 16 reveal keep working down don't need to go too crazy it looks like maybe every 10 to 12 inches i'm kind of just putting a shot in 10 to 12 inches do not don't put a shot right here where the door is latching you'll just have to break that nail out so i don't want any shots potentially where your door is going to latch keep working yourself down until you get to the bottom two shots at the bottom maybe one more coming up then we still need to come back up to the top flex those two together and get one shot through both and it's just a hair open but we're going to solve that once we push the door into the hole switch guns so we're gonna get our two and a half inch now or actually it's we're gonna use two inch nails but it's a two and a half inch metabo finish nailer and i need to get out a scraper i've got a couple boogers or a couple of chunks in the opening and i just want to make sure it's all cleaned out so kind of scrape that off to the side make sure all the all the chunks are off make sure if you maybe you just ripped out your old door and there's like a shim and a couple nails make sure we're hammering everything in and getting that nice and cleared up all right guys now it's just getting the door into the hole and what i want to do is i want to put my foot underneath the door is held by three nails maybe your door is held by a plastic unit that you have to unscrew maybe there's phillips screws in this case there's three nails so i get my little miniature claw here and i gotta pull these three nails out [Music] but notice my foot's still underneath i'm still i'm still holding the door up if my foot wasn't there the door would just kind of fall out of position but we're really just trying to keep those miters intact right now and this is this is kind of a next crucial step maybe blow anything that's in the way [Music] and now i just want to kind of grab the door i want i don't want to grab it too hard but we're going to lift it we're going to put it in now setting it in the hole we're going to want to make sure it's nice and tight the casing is tight to the drywall but we do not want to push hard right now it's it's on my toe it's not too heavy so we're going to kind of lift it up get my toe out of there and drop it down to the ground and make sure both both jams are on the ground and in this case they are both are touching the ground now that your door's in the hole you need to get the handy level out what we need to do is we need to set the level up to the three hinges of the door three hinges and we need to look at the bubble and the bubble is is just slightly out so we're gonna need to adjust it slightly out so what i'm gonna do is kind of lift the door over a little bit push it over and i need to just pretty much get the door adjusted and check the bubble movement until it's perfect about right there it is dead nuts level so step back for me my next step after i've got my level on my jam's on the ground my bubble is in the lines i need to check my reveal of the top in this case this is the reveal we're trying to match since it's right above the door and it looks like we're getting a little bit bigger on this top right corner just a hair not a lot but we are getting bigger so what i need to do is i need to lift this side which will lift the door up we can't take this jam down further it's on the ground guys so we need to lift this side up in order to get our reveal better so just take my word for it while i'm doing this but i'm going to put my foot underneath i'm going to lift the door up just a little bit maybe just so you guys can understand what's going on let's throw a shim under there so the doors up about 3 16 of an inch on top of the shim now i need to get my level back into the center of the lines and there it is bubbles in the center of the lines okay now let's check our reveal out we got our open reveal over here that we're trying to match and it's nice and tight on this side we can't go down on this side but guess what we can go up to match that reveal so in this case we've had to lift it it's level maybe you didn't have to add a shim to lift it maybe it's already tight up here in the corner and you don't have to lift the door then but in the condition we have in order to get it level and get the reveal correct we've lifted it bubbles in the center of the lines we get our gun out two shots at the top hinge follow down two shots at the middle hinge the level is still tight up against the hinges my foot is still under the door while i'm shooting two more shots at the bottom hinge kind of the top and bottom but we want those security and check that out guys it's kind of the same thing that i did with the previous nailer with the inch and a quarter nails the nails are pretty similar pretty close to but we need that security and strength next to the hinges case hanging the door set the level off to the side for now now it's just going around the whole door and matching reveals so these three locations are secure i'm going to come down here i can see my reveal is a little snug down here at the bottom so let's just tap it open a little bit match this up two shots okay let's head up head up to this corner so we've got two reveals going on here one on the side of the door one on the top let's over head over to this side one on the side of the door really is looking good but the one on the top obviously is tight we lifted the door but guess it hit this we can now lift this side up just a little bit now this side can be flexed just a little bit so let's lift this side up eyeball it you don't need to be perfect let's eyeball that gap to that gap make sure that is the same make sure this is the same as this side you can flex back and forth go up and down kind of tap to the side so whatever you got to do to get those reveals to match up from this corner to that corner do it two nails come across one nail at the top now we need two more over here hold the casing head back over to this side now we need to follow the reveal all the way down the door so we just need to flex this back and forth to match the reveal all the way down the door super simple right flex it eyeball it one nail to secure it where it needs to be another nail secured no nails no nails in this we don't want any nails in this region of the casing or anything for this door to go in for the for the hardware to go on the door keep working our way down two shots at the bottom reveals looking really good one more shot now guys we can open the door it's not going anywhere it's held on by the casing which we have shot to the jam so we can now open the door let's head to the other side all right guys now we're on the other side the other side of the door but i just gotta say we're in this bedroom take a quick span out there you gotta love just that fresh colorado snow a little bit of mountain range in the back man beautiful gorgeous out there all right let's get back to it um what i've done is i've already got some shims in my hand and i pre-cut these shims to three and a half four inches it's just easier for me to wedge them in than it is technically for me to constantly be dealing with a large shim it's easier just to have these pre-cut shims that are all different sizes next step guys is we need to shim the door six locations one at each hinge and then three two follow up on the same side on the other side so let's go through it there's the gap that we need now it's kind of like a little fill the gap game here i don't know if you want to call it tetris or whatever but it's it's trying to fit shims in there and i'm getting pretty good at it to the point where you could push it in there it's tight it's not moving so i kind of just play this little game of okay what shim goes in here oh that one fits in there it's still loose so now i need a tiny shim in the stack and i need to slide that in there but i don't want this jam to flex this way while i'm doing it and i don't want to leave it loose so it flexes this way when i nail it so it's kind of a it's a game now right there it's tight little sticking out i want to leave that because that's where it's tight we can hammer that off all right guys remember you got to fill the hole we're not flexing the jam so here's my shim that i'm putting in there and putting it in and it's snug it's not moving i could barely move it yes but it's snug once i shoot it it's not moving so six locations shimmed we're headed to the next step that is checking checking the door to see how it's hitting and that is hitting against the door stop here's your door stop obviously the door closes the door jam and it closes into the door stop so we need to see it's tied up this it's it's hitting up here now let's go to the bottom and i'm barely holding the door now let's go to the bottom it's open at the bottom okay so we need to make an adjustment so this closes nice and tight down the entire side of the door so especially when it gets cocked in that's where it stays first thing we need to check though is on this side we have we have leveled the door this way by putting it up against the three hinges we just need to do a quick check on this side all framing's a little different a bunch of framing you know can be just out a little bit which changes the conditions but let's check this side this side's actually in the lines it's perfect so in this case we almost we don't want to touch this side we don't want to make any adjustments this side's perfect maybe this side was out a quarter of an inch because you could see that on the bubble of your level it was it was out a level so maybe you would want to adjust this side of the jamb to try to get this back into plumb before you move on to this next step in this case we're plumb we're not going to do any adjustments we're going to let this side be and just focus on this side where the door is closing done with the level all right guys so remember hitting at the top open at the bottom there's many ways to make this jam just flex or tapping the door stop to make it hit so we can suck it over we can push the bottom over we can do a bunch of stuff we don't want to move this side so in this condition guys i'm going to start by pulling the top towards us where it's hitting on the doorstop open on the bottom i'm gonna start by pulling it over and sometimes i just do very light taps on the other side and it does flex pretty easy two shots maybe three shots just to hold it we're gonna save the last shot to go through the door stop and through the shims every shot through the shims okay so we're still hitting at the top if you come down it's getting a lot closer at the bottom so now we just need to flex this side over a little bit and it's as simple as maybe putting putting a hand on to hold it i can probably flex it enough just by pushing it maybe it's just a little tap but we need to flex it towards the door because there was the gap was over here now let's close it so now i've flexed it over just a 16th we're hitting at the top we're hitting at the shim i put one nail in through the shim we're hitting nice so you know what i'm going to do i'm going to put a couple more there to hold it now the bottom is still open a little bit on that last video in five minutes you guys saw me put my toe and i told you i put my toe down there but we have the shim so i put my toe down there the shim's not going to move it's nice and snug and i'm just just going to tap it over a couple shots through the shim i put my pencil line because you can't see the shim sticking out and now the door is hitting a lot better you can also you could hear it there's no rattle this side's almost finished and secured but this side hasn't been touched yet but we didn't want to this side was perfect i need to now shoot this whole side and secure this side fully four shots through the shims four shots and now tap that away gently shims will break easy just tap it back all right jam side inside secured is closing really nice but we still need to look up and down the doorstop because sometimes even in this condition we're talking about a 16th or less maybe it's just worth tapping to get this perfect after you've tapped it over and you've got it perfect let's get two more shots or one shot through the door stop through the shim work our way back up hitting one shot we already had three we just needed one now we're hitting at the top hitting here and we're just a little open in the center take out the handy hammer and it very gentle guys just need to tap it over it doesn't even dent the material a little more and look at that now it's nice and snug all the way up to the top all the way down just don't forget to get the last shots in the top shims and your door is fully secured one step to go and that's the case this back side of the door and it's going to be ready for paint [Music] all right guys we got our casing all we got to do is case this bad boy and then brian and i are going to tie in two pieces of baseboard and this room will be finished so throw the casing up top remember center it between reveals 3 16 3 16 3 16 and when you're holding it there let's get two shots in the center now start working your way down the line maybe one more and then let's get two at the corner work your way down the other way lift it a little all right get the gun back on the tool belt get both casing pieces get out the glue again get the glue on the miters we're going to lean one off to the side we'll come back to that guy set this one down maybe you need to scrape a little drywall tap in a little drywall to get it flush just make sure you're doing it behind the width of your casing if you have to tap anything to get it nice and clean just make sure you do it behind so you don't damage and you don't have to you don't have to do any drywall finish work get that miter up there right in the corner two shots right where that miter lines up i'm gonna wipe that glue away just to verify it was a good shot and just start working your way down guys 3 16. all right switch guns get back to the 16 gauge need a little bit more ammunition all right so now i'm going to want to hold the casing there's just a little fuzz up top so i'm going to want to hold the casing while i shoot it hold it within you know more than two inches away because that's how how long the nail is work your way around pull it back hold it a little bit get that miter looking better hold it while you shoot and work your way back around come back switch over and your door is fully installed just going to do a little sanding of the miters we glued them now we're just going to do a light sand and this door is going to be ready for paint so let's hit it real quick sand it and there you go guys fully installed door shuts beautifully it's hitting the door stop all the way went over that with you guys hope you learned something hopefully this can kind of get you thinking about starting a project in your house or maybe you've got a door that's getting ready to fall out of the hole and you're intimidated you don't know what to do watch this video and at least help come on now watch the video like subscribe hammer that like actually but thanks for watching we'll see you next time peace
Channel: Hunter Carlson
Views: 229,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pre-hung door install, fastest door installation, quick door install, install pre-hung door in 10 minutes, fast door install, diy door install, how to install, how to install a door, door install kit quick and easy, beginner door install, Quick Door Hanger, easy door install, door installation, pre-hung door, interior door install, how to install door fast, fast fit door install, how to hang interior door, door installation instructions, Door install in under 5 minutes, doors
Id: 8H69AfPbSZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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