How To Improve Playback in DaVinci Resolve On ANY Computer!

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hey guys welcome back to the edit place and today we're back in DaVinci Resolve and we're going to be talking about all the different ways that you can improve playback on your machine maybe you're on a lower powered laptop or whatever it may be but you're finding that your timelines your playback settings just aren't cutting it for you and it's super annoying maybe you're dealing with 4k footage or up and yeah so there's a ton of different ways that you can try and help some obvious I'm not so obvious until we're just gonna run through them all and no particular order and hopefully you guys get some good info out of this and can improve your playback don't forget to leave me a comment down below if this helped you in any way and helped others so here I have opened a pretty gnarly trailer that I just cut together and this is all in 6k and so currently in its full playback setting you can see from my framerate a little clock up above that it's not doing terrible again I am doing screen capture so for me that affects performance greatly for you guys is probably looking like five frames per second or something like that yeah so let's see what we can do about this to improve obviously we have a ton of different layers of footage and different audio and sound effects down below so the first and the easiest thing we actually covered in our first video is this little guy up here to turn off all color grades and effects a lot of clips that you add especially heavy color grades noise reduction adding grain or any sort of like open effects type stuff is going to greatly impact your computer so just turning that off is going to definitely improve performance can re see a pretty decently improved playback scenario here still not perfect but once we get to clips like that we're pretty much good so now it's now it's the crazy stuff the fast action and water and all those crazy fast moving clips require a little bit more now your second way is actually under your playback setting so up here at the top under playback you have actually a handful of options in here you can go under proxy mode so if you have it set up to create proxies you can go with half quarter and you can see maybe not on my screen here but I noticed a significant quality loss right here so I went down to quarter speed or not course speed quarter quality and again it's playing back a lot better right here if I want to turn that off and I want to render my timeline out obviously when something's done it's going to take a lot longer then we just import it if you go under here under render clash hit render cash under playback settings and you go to smart you've probably seen this in other programs now there's this red bar above your timeline blue is where is all rendered so I had a couple Clips pre-render here and you can see that it pretty much always starts where your playhead is that's the smart aspect of it when actually thing while we're waiting for this to render out is even outside your editing program make sure that you have all like CPU and GPU heavy programs completely closed because that's greatly going to affect you like Chrome will suck your computer dry of resources especially like RAM and stuff and so simply by closing any and all programs that you can outside of the program in addition to the stuff that we're doing always a bonus and last step outside the program as well is again let's say you're like editing a laptop or and you have it hooked up to a different screen or like me with dual screens here anytime you are running multiple displays it's going to be very taxing again on especially your GPU so if you don't have a ton of those resources in excess you may want to while you're rendering stuff unplug that secondary monitor and you also will notice a huge speed improvement as well ok and as you can see here our blue line is basically all filled up just one clip right to go here but you can notice that as soon as I hit spacebar this thing is playing back perfectly full color grades in full resolution and all that so while it takes a while to do that render as long as you have it set up properly you're good to go now for whatever reason if that's not working for you you don't want to do that another thing you can do is create optimized media kind of like the render cache it does take a while you basically select one clip multiple Clips all your clips especially if something's like a VFX clip that's really heavy you can right-click on it and go to generate optimized media and you'll see this loading bar in here you can't really do anything else while that is happening so just keep that in mind that you can't click or go to another page or anything like that and you can see that it's gonna take about two minutes to do each like literally just these two simple clips hey real quick while editing this video just want to add in a little sidebar explanation why would you want to go with optimized media rather than rendering out the timeline well optimized media is going to create a smaller easier to work with file for that specific clip that you can use anywhere in the project while rendering the timeline is looking at where you are placing the media and assets in each particular part of the timeline and so if you rearrange Clips then it's going to have to re-render that section obviously taking more time so some people may want to generate optimized media in the beginning in that way as you new things around you're not constantly waiting for things to rerender you can just you know start a new project import all your media generate optimized media for everything go do other stuff or however long it takes to do that and then come back and know that you have very simple footage to work with rather than having to wait for it to render back to the video another thing we've talked about in the last video was under file project settings you can actually change your timeline resolution so right now we're using 4k clips and that's fine but while I'm editing I may drop it down to 1080 obviously the source footage is still 6k but I'm gonna put this down to 1080 as well as down here this is also a good spot where you can check where the optimized media what the format is so for example you probably don't want to do pro res 40 to HQ cuz depending on the footage of shooting in that maybe even bigger files so something like the proxy will be really good pro res proxies really good codec but I'm gonna go to 1080 I'm gonna see a kind of jump for a second and now the instead of 4k this is 1080 and as you can see it's playing back like butter again just keep in mind that depending on the aspect ratio of your footage you may see black bars when you change the timeline resolution to fix that just make sure you select all of your clips and go over here to re timing and scaling and the third one down under scaling make sure it is set to fill that way no matter what timeline resolution you change it to it's always going to scale that footage to that timeline now usually what I'll do if I'm editing in the 1080 timeline you go through edit everything and then right before you go to render I go back to project settings and I go and change the timeline resolution back everything's gonna scale up I quickly scrub through make sure there's no clip showing black bars or anything and make sure that everything is good there in the last little section here that can help us out with performance issues it's under DaVinci Resolve preferences and then we're going to go to system and setup user and memory and GPU so this is where it's going to look at your system and say ok what sort of resources can we take away and you see that I have everything maxed out so my system has 64 gigs so I'm allowing resolve to take 48 of that infusion 36 and this is where you and this is part of the reason why you want to close everything else out because if I have resolved taking forty eight gigs of ram and then Chrome's taking like another 15 or 20 then my computer is completely maxed out and that's where like crashes and things like that start to happen under GPU configuration you can also now set manual mode if you have multiple GPUs you can tell it which ones to use so if you have like a really good card and not so good card you can say hey you know definitely use this one primarily and only mine are the exact same so I just set it to auto and then if you're on a Mac I'd highly suggest changing it to metal that's like apples GPU acceleration type techniques and you'll notice some significant playback increases there but you can play around with auto or OpenCL or CUDA but CUDA I believe is only going to be relevant I'm sure the computer innards will correct me if I'm wrong if you have Nvidia graphics cards and I do not so this is kind of useless for me so my guess if you're on a Mac use metal because you don't have a Nvidia card so there you guys have it definitely one of those tips should at least help a lot in your playback performance let me know down in the comments below which one helped you out the most and maybe if people can see oh man all these comments are saying the smart render the one is the way to go then people can easily see that as a resource thanks for stopping by in the Edit place and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: The Edit Place
Views: 4,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To get real time playback DaVinci Resolve, How to improve performance in DaVinci resolve, how to make DaVinci Resolve run faster on mac, make DaVinci Resolve run faster, DaVinci Resolve on PC, DaVinci Resolve on mac, DaVinci Resolve best settings on mac, DaVinci Resolve vs final cut pro, DaVinci Resolve vs premiere pro, how to get DaVinci Resolve free
Id: mj0i4hdHje8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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