Top 5 Settings You Need To Change In DaVinci Resolve!

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hey guys and welcome to the first video on the edit place if you're coming here from my main channel Michael Tobin initial focus welcome or if you're just discovering this video also welcome this channel is all about editing and different tips tricks tutorials full length at its live streams and I got a ton of stuff planned but the biggest thing to know here is that I am completely program agnostic I will end up creating playlists for each of the big softwares out there we got DaVinci Resolve which is my personal main big editor and we got Final Cut got Adobe Premiere and even a little bit of avid as I'm learning that I want to make sure that I'm always staying up-to-date on software and being able to give you guys the best experience and hopefully knowledgebase and things like that as well as if we may dive into some more fun topics like can you edit on an iPad but for now we're gonna get started with the 5 things that you should do when getting started with DaVinci Resolve so these essentially are what I think is the top five things that you should turn on change or at least know about when getting started with DaVinci Resolve opening a new project and all that good stuff so let's jump right into it now I normally work on a two screen setup which I will create a video on my personal layouts of DaVinci Resolve but for the sake of the screen capture I can really only show one so I've consolidated it into the basic setup in which or the default layout that it comes with and the first feature we're going to talk about is live save if you're coming from Final Cut then you know the joys of knowing that after every single keystroke every single change or edit it automatically saves your progress from your pro users we know the struggles of that I think rather stupidly DaVinci Resolve has a live save feature but it is turned off by default so you're stuck with the-- i believe it's every 10 or 15 minutes at auto-saves which is always super annoying so all you have to do is go up to DaVinci Resolve at the top if you're on a Mac or preferences wherever you are on a PC and then and you may start out on system but just go to user project save and load second one right there and then you have live save make sure that is checked as well as I would recommend turning on project backups if that is off by default and you can change all the different parameters right here this basically allows you to have a separate project file to where if like one gets corrupt or the whole database goes astray you have different project files that you can kind of go back to for different versions so if you know your latest version kind of gets corrupt because you've been transferring it around on different hard drives or something you can go back to a previous version and try to get that one going the second one is timeline resolution and this one kind of corresponds to another video that I'm going to do talking about how to edit no matter what your computer specs are in DaVinci Resolve if I go into file and then project settings in under master settings you will see timeline resolution this will greatly change how your computer plays back the footage for example I show everything pretty much on my black magic pocket 6k have worked with red aka footage re footage those are very heavy files to deal with and on you know my trash can Mac Pro is pretty powerful but when I get into multiple layers color grades effects things like that it definitely wants to slow down so a lot of the time I actually even though I'm shooting at much higher resolutions I'll actually change my timeline resolution to 1920 by 1080 and now it's going to playback incredibly smooth and now so much right now because I'm doing a screen capture and you know how that goes and we can see that it's playing back in real time because if we look in the top left above the player we can see 24 on a green dot where if I try to trip it up for a second you can see that has to work there yeah and then before I export because I don't want to export in 1080 I like exporting in 4k all I have to do is go back to project settings again the time line resolution change it to whatever aspect ratio I want our resolution and then the only thing to be aware of is that you may get black bars depending on what size your footage is which is why I always recommend selecting all the clips going over to the inspector over here going to re-time and scaling scaling and go to fill if you do this especially in the beginning before you really start editing or at the end it doesn't really matter now if I change my resolution it's always going to scale this image to my timeline resolution which is all I need so next up number three is power bins now we'll talk more about bins but essentially what they are is they're the place where you can create folders and store a bunch of new assets media whatever you want on the left hand side here that's where you store everything but if you go under view and then show power bins make sure that's checked it is off by default again then you'll get this new section kind of blow it right here where power bins show up in every single project so what's great about that is I've started to create some fusion basically graphics here that I can drop in just with like my name and stuff from my other channel I have title sequences that I can load up as well and basically I don't have to constantly be importing those into new projects and always you know finding where the clips are and putting them in to the project I can put them in my power bin once and they're forever in there and you can simply add anything into the power bin just like you would a regular bin so I can create new bin here and say a logo or something whatever and let's say this shot was a logo then you can just load it in there boom now this clip is forever in there so when I open up new projects that clip will be there next up we have timeline views there's a bunch of customizing options right here in the bottom left near the player you're seeing Timeline view options you have a bunch of different things I'd recommend playing around with turning on and off seeing what you like you have waveforms you have different ways to view the actual footage bigger or smaller all the waveforms you can choose how big those are but the biggest thing I want to point out here is the stacked timelines if you're used to especially in like premier where you can have multiple projects and timelines kind of opened at the same time turning this on you're going to now see this bar right here you may not have knows it's small but if I turn back off you see that it's gone turn that back on now I can see we have different timelines so I can create a new one create different stacks and now it's incredibly easy to go back and forth between the timelines the way you'd have to do it before is wherever you're saving them you'd have to go and find them in your bins wherever the timelines are so stacks timelines is definitely something that took me a while to find randomly but it's good thing to have alright so the last point that we're talking about here is something incredibly simple right in front of your face but also can make a huge impact on your computer's performance for playback now everyone knows as soon as you add a color grade to a project especially with things like noise reduction or grain or any sort of extra effects your computer's performance is greatly going to be impacted and so now if I try to play back it's still hovering around real-time it's not terrible but it's still a little bit jittery and so one of the easiest things that you can do is actually turn off all color grade and open via effects stuff so right here above the to the top right of the player you'll see this little RGB symbol here where it's currently turned on if I simply click that it's going to turn off the color grade on the entire project and anything like noise reduction or aperture diffraction anything like that it's going to be really heavy and so the capture may not be real-time but for me it's real-time as you can see by the playback and then all I do is turn it back on whenever I want to look at a scene and watch it or anything like that and so after that you may be thinking well can't you like render out the timeline isn't there any op Asians like that absolutely and we're going to have a whole video that's I believe going to be tomorrow's video so definitely come back and see all the tips and tricks about how to make DaVinci Resolve run faster on your computer pretty much no matter what you have and if you like this video and got anything out of it I definitely would appreciate if you hit that subscribe button and give this video a like so that way we can keep this growing so you guys smile welcome to the edit please
Channel: The Edit Place
Views: 40,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videoediting, DaVinci resolve, Top 5 best features of DaVinci resolve, top 5 features you need to know in Davinci resolve, top 5 hidden features of DaVinci resolve, how to switch to DaVinci resolve, DaVinci Resolve vs final cut pro, DaVinci Resolve vs premiere pro, DaVinci Resolve vs Avid, how to start in DaVinci resolve, Blackmagic pocket 6k, braw footage, pocket 6k sample footage, Blackmagic pocket 4k sample footage
Id: SiDpsK-ZMrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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