Davinci Resolve - GPU Memory Full - solved

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hello everybody and welcome to this video so in this video we will check the course and the remedy for the davinci resolve error message gpu out of memory right after the intro so today's metal song of the day is a mega death with a classic called tornado of souls and feel free to recommend me some songs in the comment section and i also got the clickable table of content in the description section so if you want to step ahead etc if i'm talking too much feel free to do so so um to my background i've got a degree in computer engineering and this error message gpu out of memory or memory is full it's very annoying it's popping up mostly when exporting or trying to export files and i was always asking myself because these memory full error messages if you ever have used a computer programming language like c or c plus plus where you can do all this pointer work with memory it sounds very familiar and i want to make sure that there's a difference between symptoms and the cause so to give you an example if you got a bacteria based infection and you've got a very clogged nose with slime etc and you're using a nasal spray to free your nose uh that's a symptom so the cause is bacteria where you would need some antibiotics against so i just want to make sure that there are differences because um i was testing davinci resolve the six with 6k footage the sample footage like this dancing girl and i uh had the symptoms of the gpu memory full error message when switching on the render cache or when applying denoise or the some contrast high contrast filters and it was even so intense that sometimes i couldn't even load or start the project and immediately uh the the message was popping up and then i had an old project uh with which was 4k only and it was right after i bought the 6k pro camera and um i did some slow motion and the clip was only two minutes long just one minute 45 and uh i did this slow motion estimate and the motion estimation of the slower with is called speed warp it's very uh intense concerning the cpu usage or gpu usage and i couldn't export it i couldn't even export it when exporting 4k to hd which was very annoying because i bought this camera to to earn money with actually not just as a toy and these were all symptoms these were not the causes and that's was when i decided to do uh to contact be uh blackmagic support actually so i uh sent them a message and they sent answered me asking me to send them some log files that i create or had to create right after the message popped up and also my system setup so i'm using a windows 10 system with an i5 intel processor and the gpu is a pretty old 1060 nvidia and the funny thing was the answer i got was pretty boring because they just told me oh looks like a driver issue please reinstall the driver and to give you some historical background of my system so the computer is about two and a half years old i was using it for i am using it for a photo retouching most of the time and i started using it for davinci resolve about nine months ago and in that time i installed plenty of updates of the nvidia driver and i just this january we learned that there are two versions so there's a game ready version which is not as stable but they want to make sure that when a game update is coming out that the drive the driver is really working well with the new game version like there's a new fortnite version with some uh special effects something so they change the driver uh for the gpu so that um the game is working flawlessly and then there's the studio version the studio version is like for people like us um working with video and coding so we want a stable system we are earning or making our living from that um and that's changed to the studio driver in january but the reinstallation didn't work because you really had to also remove the old driver completely which was the thing blackmagic support should suggest it so there is a software called ddu uh link is in the description which i use with these settings i'm just showing you and you have to start windows in safe mode you have to detach all internet so if it's wireless switch off your wireless lan which is i think standard in safe mode if you are on la on cable just unplug the cable then delete the nvidia driver completely reboot and then afterwards install the new driver which you have to download before you do the removal and make sure that you get the correct nvidia driver because there are some notebook versions out there also so i'm not sure if you can install them um but just make sure that you get the correct ones and then when you're uninstalling um the drivers also make sure you get your pre do your precautions like doing a backup of your files etc etc so no warranties from my side that it's working out without any issues but it should because these the gdu software is also cleaning your registry so it's removing the driver completely so and after i installed it um i got back to this one minute 45 seconds clip with the speed warp motion estimation and i started exporting it and these were very very very tough 40 minutes for me so but it worked no issue no gpu memory full message nothing so it worked out so it was a very very boring standard driver issue where you had to apply the very boring old-fashioned reinstall and reboot method every computer engineer knows on this earth okay guys so um i hope this will also work out for you and please make sure that in the future if you got issues like this make sure that you find the difference between the issue oh sorry not the issue the symptoms and the cause and that you make sure that you find the cause and if you got the paid version i'm really thankful to the blackmagic support that you work this out and maybe my video also gets some load off them because i think i'm not the only one one with this issue in the world okay so um that's it guys for this time so if you liked please subscribe to the channel and uh give me a like thumbs up and always remember to listen to more heavy metal see you [Music] bye
Channel: ego-shooters - photography - videography
Views: 19,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve Studio, GPU Memory Full, how to use davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve 18.5, davinci resolve tutorials, blackmagic davinci resolve
Id: kxlIZpNR1ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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